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Sunday, November 12, 2006

"13 food stalls will remain after upgrading at the arts canteen 'The Deck': The current arts canteen holds 17 food stalls and only 13 food stalls are chosen to return after the renovation which is expected to complete (sic) around end July 2007... The food stalls that did not get a new tenure at the new arts canteen: Stall 1 'Fried Goutiao' (sic), Stall 10 'chicken rice and noodle' (sic) (I always thought they were 2 stalls since it has 2 frontages, but then maybe that's because it's at the bend), Stall 11 'Olive Clove' (sic), Stall 15 'Ross Muslim Noodles' (yes!)"
I saw this, a press release (wah) about the closure of the Arts canteen, in the Business canteen but not in the Arts canteen. I didn't see this in my email as well. Not only is Arts a prostitute, it seems its customers are told more than it.

The people going to Vietnam to build toilets a school were holding a fundraiser. The T-shirt read "Give yourself a pat on the back", and there was a palm print on the back of the shirt. I pointed out that wearing it was inviting people to give you a slap on the back, and 2 people gave me thumping slaps. Gah.

Someone put these lights up in Chatterbox, but over time they drooped and one day I almost got decapitated, ducking just before my throat was slit. In the end Colin helped me tape the dangerous line to the ceiling in one critical spot.

AV Viewing Room - Business library. They're lucky "AV" doesn't mean the same thing here as in some Asian countries.

"If he asks..." - "swallow", "Say NO!", "SAY YES!", "cut" (?). Seen at water cooler near Business library. Unfortunately it's been removed, probably by some wet blanket.

I ta-paoed fried rice for lunch but they didn't give me a spoon. So I was reduced to
eating it with my left hand. Gah.

I saw a tin of "Tempura Oil" at the Arts Jap Food stall. Whatever it was and however it differed from normal oil, I hope it wasn't palm.

Pink car parked near Arts canteen. So funky.
[Addendum: Someone: btw, the pink car belongs to the guy who recently got charged for credit card fraud]

The Subway at NUS is very smart. They position their exhaust vent right beside the seating area, so you'll eat and leave quickly or die of heatstroke. Maybe the drinks machine being spoilt (the drinks were warm) and out of ice on the day I took this had something to do with it too!

Because girls have higher voices, it's more obvious and irritating when they talk in lectures. Unfortunate.

Latest "u r wt u wr" sightings:

- A green top reading "Mature audiences only"
- White top: "I need your oralpinion". Last word in brown, first 3 words in blue.
- "I'm not drunk enough to date you"
- "Remember this shirt. 'cause you're gonna take it off later"
- "Tis the season to be naughty"
- "Turn me on. FCUK FM"
- "Naughty girl in nice wrapping"
- Something in French which had the word "celibate" (in French)
- Contribution: "tell your boyfriend i said 'thanks'" (I think this falls more under the 'bitchy to other girls' category than the 'sexually suggestive to guys' category though, but it still could incite sexually suggestive remarks on the part of males so it counts)
- "I slept in your boyfriend's T-shirt last night"
- Someone: "my friend said that one time this lady was wearing a teeshirt that says 'touch me' all over her chest. and my friend's senior went up to her and went like 'may i?". and she gave this damn blur look"
- "Your boyfriend bought me this shirt" (ditto - this was on one of a whole rack of tops with similar sentiments. I didn't bother. I foresee happy hunting in the near future)

Someone tried to submit male T-shirt slogans to me (eg "I scored last night"). This, of course, totally missed the point of "u r wt u wr", since someone making sexually suggestive remarks to the male wearing that shirt is extremely unlikely to be sued for sexual harassment by that male. The intention of "u r wt u wr" is to expose the hypocrisy of the underlying feminist paradigm.

I was complaining that designs and words on female tops are always sneakily placed at bosom level, so both the words/designs and bosom are enhanced, and Frigid Girl said they were placed at eye level. Precisely!

All the same, I saw a guy wearing a shirt which said: "Sex is no substitute for chocolate", which I found intensely puzzling. Women have sensitive physiologies, it's true, but the effect chocolate has on them seems to be even greater than it would be just by looking at the normal sensitivity quotient (ie They are even more sensitive to chocolate than to other things). Hell, even My Favourite Misanthrope and Frigid Girl are affected by the thing. Someone should do a study on how chocolate affects female physiology. And someone else should do a drug poster parody. I want to do one one day on the harmful effects of caffeine, tobacco and alcohol, so I can add chocolate to the mix: "Increases blood pressure", "Causes flushing", "Results in increased blood pressure", "Temporary high, followed by low", "Inexplicable cravings", "Increases risk of heart disease" (if Malaysian chocolate is consumed), "Secondary bacterial infection" (Sore Throat), "Improper behavior in public" (Excessive enjoyment in public usually reserved for the bedroom), "Causes violent skin eruptions" (pimples) etc. Oh dear, it sounds more harmful than marijuana. At least to females.
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