Saturday, September 30, 2006
A hilarious survey I and some people were asked to fill out last week:
Greetings! We are from the Department of Communication & New Media, we want to find out the behaviour and perception towards casual sex, knowledge about the prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and HIV/AIDS among students (between 18-25 years old).
All information given is important as we plan to use your feedback to help us design an AIDS prevention campaign on campus. Your responses to this survey will be confidential and will only be used for this study. This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete.
We thank you for your participation. Please return your completed questionnaires before 20 September 2006, 1159pm to:
Temasek Hall: ***
Kent Ridge Hall: ***
Or “StompAlDS” box at KR Lobby
Section 1 (Please CIRCLE your responses
1. How long do you usually spend at an event (e.g. bazaar, roadshow, exhibition) at the forum?
a. Less than 5 minutes
b. 5-20 minutes
c. 21-40 minutes
d. 41-60 minutes
e. More than 60 minutes
2. Will you go to a same event at the forum more than once?
a. Yes
b. No
3. What will attract you most in an event at the forum? (You can choose one or more)
a. Freebies [Ed: Free condoms?]
b. Entertaimnent
c. Celebrities
d. Food
e. Discounts for shopping
f. None at all
4. How do you know about events happening in the Forum? (You can choose one or more)
a. Word of mouth
b. Posters and banners
e. Emails & online publicity
d. Newsletters
e. I happen to pass by the Forum
5. If an awareness and prevention campaign on Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) is organized at NUS, what specific activities do you think will attract you to participate? Rate the following using a scale of ito 5 (l = least likely, 5 =
most likely)
Talks on sex education
A StompAIDS bash held in a popular club, with special appearance by celebrities.
Competition to design a StompAIDS website or banner.
Opportunity to work with Mediacorp celebrities in StompAIDS advertisement and film production.
Carnival with celebrities on STD and AIDS prevention
Carnival with different stalls
Section 2 (Please CIRCLE your responses
6. In your opinion, on a scale of 1-5, how common is sexual intercourse amongst your peers in Singapore’s society today? (1 = least common, 5 = most common)
7. Do you agree that having sexual intercourse is normal for people of your age? (1 = least common and 5 = most common)
8. What is your definition of “sexual intercourse”? (You can choose one or more)
a. It should happen when 2 partners are married.
b. It happens when one feels approved by the person’s partner/peers.
c. It happens when one feels loved by the person’s partner/peers.
d. It is normal.
e. It is a personal choice that no one can force the person into
9. Do you feel it is acceptable to have multiple sexual partners?
Yes No
10. Have you or someone you know ever had casual sex?
Yes No
11. Have you or someone you know engaged in any sexual activity in the past 3 to 6 months?
Yes (go to question 11a) No (go to question 12)
a. If yes, have you or someone you know engaged in unprotected sex?
Yes No
12. Do you think it is safe for couples to have unprotected sex as long as it is only with their long- term partners?
Yes No
13. How important is it for you to find out about your partner’s sexual history
before engaging in sexual activities? (1 = least important, 5 = most important)
14. Are you aware of the increasing rate of sexually transmitted diseases?
Yes No
15. What do you think about the following statements: (True/False/Don’t know)
Pre-ejaculation fluid can spread STDs
Oral sex is a safe alternative to actual intercourse.
Anal sex is a safe alternative to actual intercourse.
Oral sex can cause STD
Anal sex can cause STD
16. Do you know of anyone between 17-25 years old who has contracted sexually transmitted disease?
Yes No
17. Do you know what STD stands for and how they are transmitted?
Yes No
18. Do you have any concerns after having sexual intercourse? [Ed: Someone - "Are we supposed to assume or are we supposed to imagine?"]
a. Yes, go to question 19
b. No, go to question 20
19. What do you think is the most important concern after sexual intercourse? (Choose 1 only)
a. Unwanted pregnancy
b. Religious stigma
d. Disapproval from Parents
e. Disapproval from Friends
f. Other STDs (e.g. gonorrhea and syphilis)
20. What is the first thing that comes to mind when a condom is mentioned? (Choose 1 only)
a. A method of contraception used during sexual intercourse
b. A form of protection used during sexual intercourse.
21. On a scale from 1 to 5 (Strongly disagree=1 and strongly disagree=5), how
much do you agree with the following statements?
Using a condom prevents spreading of sexually transmitted diseases
Using a condom is an effective contraceptive
Using a diaphragm (a “female condom”) prevents spreading of sexually transmitted diseases
Using a diaphragm (a “female condom”) is an effective contraceptive
Using 2 condoms is more effective than using 1
Using 2 condoms over each other with a layer of tiger balm in between is a good method of detecting tears in condoms [Ed: Some of us didn't know about this. What you do is slather Tiger Balm in between the condoms. If the guy feels a burning sensation, the inner condom has torn. If the girl feels a burning sensation, the outer condom has torn. If both feel a burning sensation, I say shorry to you.]
Using a condom makes sex less enjoyable
Having sexual intercourse with young people my age and like myself reduces the chance of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.
Oral or anal sex reduces the chance of contracting sexually transmitted diseases
It is easy to identify anyone who is infected with a sexually transmitted disease
It is acceptable to have sexual intercourse without a condom as long as it is with
a long term partner
22. On a scale of 1 to 5 (Least effect=1, Most effect=5), how much do the following affects your desire to engage in premarital sex?
Mass media
Peer Pressure
Health concerns
Sex Education in schools
23. On a scale of 1 to 5 (least prefer= 1, most preferred,=5) where would you prefer
to purchase condoms:
Convenience stores
Vending machines in public spaces
Dispensers in both male and female toilets
Adult-themed shops
24. What is the best form of protection against AIDS and STDs?
a. Condoms
b. Withdrawal method
c. The pill
d. Abstinence
25. Under which circumstances do you think sexual intercourse is most likely to happen? (CIRCLE 1 only)
a. Under influence of alcohol
b. Mutual sexual attraction
c. In a relationship
d. Outside a relationship
e. Under influence of Drugs
f. Out of curiosity
26. Do you feel embarrassed purchasing condoms?
Yes (go to question 27) No, (go to question 28)
27. Do you think the embarrassment will result in you having unprotected sex?
Yes No
Section 3 (Please CIRCLE your responses)
28. Which faculty do you belong to?
a. Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
b. Faculty of Engineering
c. School of Design and Environment
d. School of Computing
e. Business School
f. School of Medicine
g. Faculty of Science
h. Law School
i. Dentistry
j. Music Conservatory
29. What is your gender?
a. Male
b. Female
30. Are you currently in a romantic relationship?
a. Yes b. No
The friend who passed it to admitted it wasn't very well designed. Someone else described it as "presumptuous".
Greetings! We are from the Department of Communication & New Media, we want to find out the behaviour and perception towards casual sex, knowledge about the prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and HIV/AIDS among students (between 18-25 years old).
All information given is important as we plan to use your feedback to help us design an AIDS prevention campaign on campus. Your responses to this survey will be confidential and will only be used for this study. This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete.
We thank you for your participation. Please return your completed questionnaires before 20 September 2006, 1159pm to:
Temasek Hall: ***
Kent Ridge Hall: ***
Or “StompAlDS” box at KR Lobby
Section 1 (Please CIRCLE your responses
1. How long do you usually spend at an event (e.g. bazaar, roadshow, exhibition) at the forum?
a. Less than 5 minutes
b. 5-20 minutes
c. 21-40 minutes
d. 41-60 minutes
e. More than 60 minutes
2. Will you go to a same event at the forum more than once?
a. Yes
b. No
3. What will attract you most in an event at the forum? (You can choose one or more)
a. Freebies [Ed: Free condoms?]
b. Entertaimnent
c. Celebrities
d. Food
e. Discounts for shopping
f. None at all
4. How do you know about events happening in the Forum? (You can choose one or more)
a. Word of mouth
b. Posters and banners
e. Emails & online publicity
d. Newsletters
e. I happen to pass by the Forum
5. If an awareness and prevention campaign on Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) is organized at NUS, what specific activities do you think will attract you to participate? Rate the following using a scale of ito 5 (l = least likely, 5 =
most likely)
Talks on sex education
A StompAIDS bash held in a popular club, with special appearance by celebrities.
Competition to design a StompAIDS website or banner.
Opportunity to work with Mediacorp celebrities in StompAIDS advertisement and film production.
Carnival with celebrities on STD and AIDS prevention
Carnival with different stalls
Section 2 (Please CIRCLE your responses
6. In your opinion, on a scale of 1-5, how common is sexual intercourse amongst your peers in Singapore’s society today? (1 = least common, 5 = most common)
7. Do you agree that having sexual intercourse is normal for people of your age? (1 = least common and 5 = most common)
8. What is your definition of “sexual intercourse”? (You can choose one or more)
a. It should happen when 2 partners are married.
b. It happens when one feels approved by the person’s partner/peers.
c. It happens when one feels loved by the person’s partner/peers.
d. It is normal.
e. It is a personal choice that no one can force the person into
9. Do you feel it is acceptable to have multiple sexual partners?
Yes No
10. Have you or someone you know ever had casual sex?
Yes No
11. Have you or someone you know engaged in any sexual activity in the past 3 to 6 months?
Yes (go to question 11a) No (go to question 12)
a. If yes, have you or someone you know engaged in unprotected sex?
Yes No
12. Do you think it is safe for couples to have unprotected sex as long as it is only with their long- term partners?
Yes No
13. How important is it for you to find out about your partner’s sexual history
before engaging in sexual activities? (1 = least important, 5 = most important)
14. Are you aware of the increasing rate of sexually transmitted diseases?
Yes No
15. What do you think about the following statements: (True/False/Don’t know)
Pre-ejaculation fluid can spread STDs
Oral sex is a safe alternative to actual intercourse.
Anal sex is a safe alternative to actual intercourse.
Oral sex can cause STD
Anal sex can cause STD
16. Do you know of anyone between 17-25 years old who has contracted sexually transmitted disease?
Yes No
17. Do you know what STD stands for and how they are transmitted?
Yes No
18. Do you have any concerns after having sexual intercourse? [Ed: Someone - "Are we supposed to assume or are we supposed to imagine?"]
a. Yes, go to question 19
b. No, go to question 20
19. What do you think is the most important concern after sexual intercourse? (Choose 1 only)
a. Unwanted pregnancy
b. Religious stigma
d. Disapproval from Parents
e. Disapproval from Friends
f. Other STDs (e.g. gonorrhea and syphilis)
20. What is the first thing that comes to mind when a condom is mentioned? (Choose 1 only)
a. A method of contraception used during sexual intercourse
b. A form of protection used during sexual intercourse.
21. On a scale from 1 to 5 (Strongly disagree=1 and strongly disagree=5), how
much do you agree with the following statements?
Using a condom prevents spreading of sexually transmitted diseases
Using a condom is an effective contraceptive
Using a diaphragm (a “female condom”) prevents spreading of sexually transmitted diseases
Using a diaphragm (a “female condom”) is an effective contraceptive
Using 2 condoms is more effective than using 1
Using 2 condoms over each other with a layer of tiger balm in between is a good method of detecting tears in condoms [Ed: Some of us didn't know about this. What you do is slather Tiger Balm in between the condoms. If the guy feels a burning sensation, the inner condom has torn. If the girl feels a burning sensation, the outer condom has torn. If both feel a burning sensation, I say shorry to you.]
Using a condom makes sex less enjoyable
Having sexual intercourse with young people my age and like myself reduces the chance of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.
Oral or anal sex reduces the chance of contracting sexually transmitted diseases
It is easy to identify anyone who is infected with a sexually transmitted disease
It is acceptable to have sexual intercourse without a condom as long as it is with
a long term partner
22. On a scale of 1 to 5 (Least effect=1, Most effect=5), how much do the following affects your desire to engage in premarital sex?
Mass media
Peer Pressure
Health concerns
Sex Education in schools
23. On a scale of 1 to 5 (least prefer= 1, most preferred,=5) where would you prefer
to purchase condoms:
Convenience stores
Vending machines in public spaces
Dispensers in both male and female toilets
Adult-themed shops
24. What is the best form of protection against AIDS and STDs?
a. Condoms
b. Withdrawal method
c. The pill
d. Abstinence
25. Under which circumstances do you think sexual intercourse is most likely to happen? (CIRCLE 1 only)
a. Under influence of alcohol
b. Mutual sexual attraction
c. In a relationship
d. Outside a relationship
e. Under influence of Drugs
f. Out of curiosity
26. Do you feel embarrassed purchasing condoms?
Yes (go to question 27) No, (go to question 28)
27. Do you think the embarrassment will result in you having unprotected sex?
Yes No
Section 3 (Please CIRCLE your responses)
28. Which faculty do you belong to?
a. Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
b. Faculty of Engineering
c. School of Design and Environment
d. School of Computing
e. Business School
f. School of Medicine
g. Faculty of Science
h. Law School
i. Dentistry
j. Music Conservatory
29. What is your gender?
a. Male
b. Female
30. Are you currently in a romantic relationship?
a. Yes b. No
The friend who passed it to admitted it wasn't very well designed. Someone else described it as "presumptuous".
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