When you can't live without bananas

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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

"If the human mind was simple enough to understand, we'd be too simple to understand it." - Emerson Pugh


"An engineering guy and an arts gal,

Sitting alone on a bench one day,

Soon they were holding hands,

He looked at her palm,

'If you bend your thumb at right angles to the index finger, and position the other 3 fingers orthogonally, I can tell you the direction of your magnetic field.'

The girl got up and left,

Without a word."

Many NUS students whose presentations I've had the dubious pleasure of attending are horrible. They only know how to read from their slides or notes. We should ship them off to Business or SMU for a semester.

My No 1 Fan: [biz is] beter than engin
better than arts at facts, lose to arts at crapping for the most part

Me: serious ah
biz all crap mah ;)

My No 1 Fan: arts all crap lar =p

it happens in biz too
i shut off when that happens
it doesn't happen all THAT often

but u do get alot of Viets and PRCs who do that =x

angmohs love ad-libbing
tt's why they take up so much time

that's why when it's a timed presentation, always put them last

Me: hahahaha
talk cock all the way

My No 1 Fan: ALL the way

It's silly to have graded assignments contribute to your course grade, at least in modules where answers are non-unique (ie Not lab reports, essays or projects). In this case, everyone just copies each other's work, and your grade is dependent not on whether you understand the stuff, but whether you found the right person to copy from.

In preparation to visit Botak Jones, I unwisely opted to skip breakfast and so was ravenous during my sole lecture of the day. So I ventured down to the bazaar looking for something suitable - heavy enough to hold my hunger at bay, yet light enough not to spoil my appetite. It was under these circumstances, and only these circumstances, that I settled for a cup of sweet corn (since its magic ingredient is liquid Planta). The $2 price tag for a small cup (the tiny white styrofoam cup that coffee comes in - a Ramly Burger would have been better bang for my buck) was bad enough, but I also found a styrofoam chip inside. I should've kicked up a big fuss and asked for my money back.

I was telling people that the only reasons an informed exchange student would choose NUS:
1) Singapore is cheap
2) They want year-long summer
3) They're a Caucasian male ('nuff said)
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