Monday, September 25, 2006
"Most people are bothered by those passages of Scripture they do not understand, but the passages that bother me are those I do understand." - Mark Twain
[On a lame Arts girl & Engineering guy joke] This is another example of human behavior.
[On an engineering guy using fake palmistry skill to woo a girl] I'm surprised that you all don't know how to read palms. We all knew how to read palms.
Medical doctors are woefully inadequate in their mathematics. You can run circles around them.
Would *** answer the question please?... [*** answers*] Yes, I suppose talking at the back does you good.
And - ghosts... I have some experience, not personal. Thre was a Catholic priest... He was able to remove evil spirits from people by the power of the cross... My father-in-law who was a warden of the church, he wouldn't lie to me... One of these evil spirits which we got rid of, part of one infected him. He poisoned his wife over 5 years... Scotland Yard had to be called in... This guy was initially a mechanical engineer before becoming a priest... He used a tape recorder. When he played it back, all the dogs would start howling at certain times.
Politicians contain a lot of hot air. But still, erm - I never said that.
You have too much time. Enough to fill in all your answers, freak out and chance them.
Risky premium (risk)
[On a formula] Always use integral (integers)
*Peers at answers from lecturer* This is a little bit different from the answers I am giving (given)
Pl will go darb (up)
once off (one)
[On a problem set] Our presentation will be very short, chop chop finish - then we can ask all the Romer questions to *Tutor's name*. (ask *Tutor's name* about the Romer questions)
[On corruption in Papua New Guinea] There's this Malaysian firm called 'Rimbunan Hijau'. Any Malaysians here? I'm Malaysian so I'm talking bad about my country (sliming)
[On a sound clip screwing up a presentation] Because we imported this clip from PNG, so a bit of technical problems. (we have some)
Mr Wool'foe'whytz said... aids to any country will be tied to corruption (Wolfowitz, aid)
the informer sector in PNG (informal)
enforce'sear'berl property rights (enforceable)
the wis'minister system (Westminster)
core'lih'shern (coalition)
im'plea'm'air'nt policies (implement)
There's one instrence (instance)
voice ring'ging [Ed: Pronounced with a hard g] (ringing)
The scope of roe'ting in the highlands (rorting)
[On Unicorns and Existence] Try doing it. Not graded. Think of it as a way of distracting yourself form the meaningless of life. [Student: By doing something equally meaningless?]
[On unsupported implicit premises] Because they gave us *** right. So it's good enough for them to be in power for their lifetime.
Most arguments that you encounter in newspapers. The Straits Times. ***, ***, *** - the most messy arguments come from them.
[On bad arguments and unsupported implicit premises] If you want to have more fun - I can't do it, it infuriates me - read ***'s speeches, even better.
[Student: China has a president?] ... China is ruled by a King. He lives in the Forbidden City. You know what? It's the Tang Dynasty now. [Me: The Tang Dynasty wasn't in Beijing.] Whatever. [Me: You see, {if} you want to suan people, you must get your facts right. Otherwise people will suan you back] I was being sar'car'stic. Sar'car'sm doesn't need to be true. (sarcastic, sarcasm)
[Lecturer: Who invented the log tables?] Sir Logarithm.
Noah told the animals: 'Go forth and multiply'... Noah saw that there were 2 adders left... 'We're adders, we can't multiply'. That's how Noah got these log tables from God, so the adders could multiply... These are not stories given in the Bible. You [have] got to interpret things indifferent ways. You [have] got to make ends meet (???)
[On learning Latin] My teacher was a priest. He had a pencil. A very sharp pencil... Suddenly he will jab you. You're standing right beside him. You have no warning... [So] you remember your declensions... He'll smile at you and jab you... You go home, your father scolds you because your shirt is damaged.
YC versa (vice)
I have to do this. *Puts hairclip on her fringe* I have a hairclip too! [Me: Look, I'll use the pink furry scrunchie I picked up from the LT floor, then you can buy one too] [Student 2: Are you sure it's not Gerri's?]
I lost my phone. Can I have your number?... Did I have your number in the first place? Nevermind, just give it to me.
[On the project] Can we set up a mutual fund? Then we [will] get A+... Everyone in the class [will] subscribe to it. Then nobody knows what the fuck is going on. Call it the 'Gabriel and ***' mutual fund.
excel shett (written)
You stick to the theory, you lose money. 'I hope you have learned that theory is useless. Reality is not confined to textbooks.'
[On settling down after the break] Have you seen this one? *brandishes cane*... Some people use this to silence the class.
Now I'm going to show what you wanted to see. [Student, sotto voce: Porno] *Flashes more boring notes*
[Me on Science students taking Logic: I don't want to waste my UEs {doing something I already know}, I have some academic pride] Some? You're in the wrong school. [Me: Where should I go?] I don't know. Out of this country.
[On a lame Arts girl & Engineering guy joke] This is another example of human behavior.
[On an engineering guy using fake palmistry skill to woo a girl] I'm surprised that you all don't know how to read palms. We all knew how to read palms.
Medical doctors are woefully inadequate in their mathematics. You can run circles around them.
Would *** answer the question please?... [*** answers*] Yes, I suppose talking at the back does you good.
And - ghosts... I have some experience, not personal. Thre was a Catholic priest... He was able to remove evil spirits from people by the power of the cross... My father-in-law who was a warden of the church, he wouldn't lie to me... One of these evil spirits which we got rid of, part of one infected him. He poisoned his wife over 5 years... Scotland Yard had to be called in... This guy was initially a mechanical engineer before becoming a priest... He used a tape recorder. When he played it back, all the dogs would start howling at certain times.
Politicians contain a lot of hot air. But still, erm - I never said that.
You have too much time. Enough to fill in all your answers, freak out and chance them.
Risky premium (risk)
[On a formula] Always use integral (integers)
*Peers at answers from lecturer* This is a little bit different from the answers I am giving (given)
Pl will go darb (up)
once off (one)
[On a problem set] Our presentation will be very short, chop chop finish - then we can ask all the Romer questions to *Tutor's name*. (ask *Tutor's name* about the Romer questions)
[On corruption in Papua New Guinea] There's this Malaysian firm called 'Rimbunan Hijau'. Any Malaysians here? I'm Malaysian so I'm talking bad about my country (sliming)
[On a sound clip screwing up a presentation] Because we imported this clip from PNG, so a bit of technical problems. (we have some)
Mr Wool'foe'whytz said... aids to any country will be tied to corruption (Wolfowitz, aid)
the informer sector in PNG (informal)
enforce'sear'berl property rights (enforceable)
the wis'minister system (Westminster)
core'lih'shern (coalition)
im'plea'm'air'nt policies (implement)
There's one instrence (instance)
voice ring'ging [Ed: Pronounced with a hard g] (ringing)
The scope of roe'ting in the highlands (rorting)
[On Unicorns and Existence] Try doing it. Not graded. Think of it as a way of distracting yourself form the meaningless of life. [Student: By doing something equally meaningless?]
[On unsupported implicit premises] Because they gave us *** right. So it's good enough for them to be in power for their lifetime.
Most arguments that you encounter in newspapers. The Straits Times. ***, ***, *** - the most messy arguments come from them.
[On bad arguments and unsupported implicit premises] If you want to have more fun - I can't do it, it infuriates me - read ***'s speeches, even better.
[Student: China has a president?] ... China is ruled by a King. He lives in the Forbidden City. You know what? It's the Tang Dynasty now. [Me: The Tang Dynasty wasn't in Beijing.] Whatever. [Me: You see, {if} you want to suan people, you must get your facts right. Otherwise people will suan you back] I was being sar'car'stic. Sar'car'sm doesn't need to be true. (sarcastic, sarcasm)
[Lecturer: Who invented the log tables?] Sir Logarithm.
Noah told the animals: 'Go forth and multiply'... Noah saw that there were 2 adders left... 'We're adders, we can't multiply'. That's how Noah got these log tables from God, so the adders could multiply... These are not stories given in the Bible. You [have] got to interpret things indifferent ways. You [have] got to make ends meet (???)
[On learning Latin] My teacher was a priest. He had a pencil. A very sharp pencil... Suddenly he will jab you. You're standing right beside him. You have no warning... [So] you remember your declensions... He'll smile at you and jab you... You go home, your father scolds you because your shirt is damaged.
YC versa (vice)
I have to do this. *Puts hairclip on her fringe* I have a hairclip too! [Me: Look, I'll use the pink furry scrunchie I picked up from the LT floor, then you can buy one too] [Student 2: Are you sure it's not Gerri's?]
I lost my phone. Can I have your number?... Did I have your number in the first place? Nevermind, just give it to me.
[On the project] Can we set up a mutual fund? Then we [will] get A+... Everyone in the class [will] subscribe to it. Then nobody knows what the fuck is going on. Call it the 'Gabriel and ***' mutual fund.
excel shett (written)
You stick to the theory, you lose money. 'I hope you have learned that theory is useless. Reality is not confined to textbooks.'
[On settling down after the break] Have you seen this one? *brandishes cane*... Some people use this to silence the class.
Now I'm going to show what you wanted to see. [Student, sotto voce: Porno] *Flashes more boring notes*
[Me on Science students taking Logic: I don't want to waste my UEs {doing something I already know}, I have some academic pride] Some? You're in the wrong school. [Me: Where should I go?] I don't know. Out of this country.
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