Sunday, October 01, 2006
Comments about me; Conversations - 10th January 2006
"It is impossible to enjoy idling thoroughly unless one has plenty of work to do." - Jerome K. Jerome
Comments about me:
A: Btw, the blogger in question is a teenager named Gabriel who's i) very smart, ii) ii) very anti-authority, iii) kinda misogynistic at times. Be warned.
B: Yup, I've visited that page, and have in the past commented on his entries over at livejournal. Agree with the strange strand of misogyny....
Someone: hey hey! i'm in need of a suggestion! XD! i have to interview someone of import to nus, and i have no idea who to interview.
i was thinknig of interviewing the szechuan stall guy, but ehhhhhhhh, my chinese sucks!
Me: err
szechuan stall guy is of import to NUS? o_0
Someone: i dunnnoooooo. it's all on the slant!
because profs are scary
Me: interview me lah
why is there the stupid import requirement
maybe if chuan restaurant closes down all the PRCs will riot
HWMNBN: There's one girl I can think of who'd suit you, but she's 11
Someone else: I feel like blogging one whole post about why msia sucks more than sg
basically everything that's shtty about singapore, they also have
PLUS they have even more crappy things on top of what we do
we have ISA, no freedom of assembly and all that authoritarian crap
they also have
then plus they have morality police
active racial discrimination perpetrated by their garmen
no freedom of religion
so they suck more
Someone: need some help from you..
don't worry it's not physical.
i'm gonna start going to church.
help monitor any changes
can can can?
and slap me if i'm going over.
Me: wth?!
Someone: hahaha. ask questions and keep project log.
Me: right.
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
[Addendum: Wer mit Ungeheuern kämpft, mag zusehn, dass er nicht dabei zum Ungeheuer wird. Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst, blickt der Abgrund auch in dich hinein.]
Someone: oh yea.
well. help? you're the only one who might be reliable here.
Someone else: yell, she DID reccomend "home fries nazi"
i dont think i've quite recovered from it yet
Me: home fries nazi?
Someone else: a fic
Me: o_0
how’s it like
Someone else: with an astounding lack of plot and characterisation
not to mention an overuse of 'fuck'. overuse kills the impact
Me: yes it does
Someone else: glad you agree
snarry (you do know what a snarry is?). HP loses magic. so does every single DE out there, poor ickle severus included. Sev. open some diner out in the american outback that emlopys convicts. Harry goes to visit, to 'find answers' . After great amounts of verbal swearing, they have sex.
Someone: have u watched the fantastic four?
half the fun seems to be derivced from scenes where jessica alba isn't wearing any clothes
Someone else: the gf's family in malaysia farms palm oil
after i showed her your malaysian products suck post
she says it's v profitable and easier than rubber or chocolate
Me: they farm cacao in malaysia?!
is it low quality?
maybe they fertilise the soil with palm oil
so instead of cocoa butter you get cocoa palm oil haha
my parents chided me for being childish
they claimed only normal technical people make this sort of jokes
I hate my parents reading
and they said outside food has palm oil
yah lah I know
but it’s probably more healthy than the black oil she uses for cooking
Comments about me:
A: Btw, the blogger in question is a teenager named Gabriel who's i) very smart, ii) ii) very anti-authority, iii) kinda misogynistic at times. Be warned.
B: Yup, I've visited that page, and have in the past commented on his entries over at livejournal. Agree with the strange strand of misogyny....
Someone: hey hey! i'm in need of a suggestion! XD! i have to interview someone of import to nus, and i have no idea who to interview.
i was thinknig of interviewing the szechuan stall guy, but ehhhhhhhh, my chinese sucks!
Me: err
szechuan stall guy is of import to NUS? o_0
Someone: i dunnnoooooo. it's all on the slant!
because profs are scary
Me: interview me lah
why is there the stupid import requirement
maybe if chuan restaurant closes down all the PRCs will riot
HWMNBN: There's one girl I can think of who'd suit you, but she's 11
Someone else: I feel like blogging one whole post about why msia sucks more than sg
basically everything that's shtty about singapore, they also have
PLUS they have even more crappy things on top of what we do
we have ISA, no freedom of assembly and all that authoritarian crap
they also have
then plus they have morality police
active racial discrimination perpetrated by their garmen
no freedom of religion
so they suck more
Someone: need some help from you..
don't worry it's not physical.
i'm gonna start going to church.
help monitor any changes
can can can?
and slap me if i'm going over.
Me: wth?!
Someone: hahaha. ask questions and keep project log.
Me: right.
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
[Addendum: Wer mit Ungeheuern kämpft, mag zusehn, dass er nicht dabei zum Ungeheuer wird. Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst, blickt der Abgrund auch in dich hinein.]
Someone: oh yea.
well. help? you're the only one who might be reliable here.
Someone else: yell, she DID reccomend "home fries nazi"
i dont think i've quite recovered from it yet
Me: home fries nazi?
Someone else: a fic
Me: o_0
how’s it like
Someone else: with an astounding lack of plot and characterisation
not to mention an overuse of 'fuck'. overuse kills the impact
Me: yes it does
Someone else: glad you agree
snarry (you do know what a snarry is?). HP loses magic. so does every single DE out there, poor ickle severus included. Sev. open some diner out in the american outback that emlopys convicts. Harry goes to visit, to 'find answers' . After great amounts of verbal swearing, they have sex.
Someone: have u watched the fantastic four?
half the fun seems to be derivced from scenes where jessica alba isn't wearing any clothes
Someone else: the gf's family in malaysia farms palm oil
after i showed her your malaysian products suck post
she says it's v profitable and easier than rubber or chocolate
Me: they farm cacao in malaysia?!
is it low quality?
maybe they fertilise the soil with palm oil
so instead of cocoa butter you get cocoa palm oil haha
my parents chided me for being childish
they claimed only normal technical people make this sort of jokes
I hate my parents reading
and they said outside food has palm oil
yah lah I know
but it’s probably more healthy than the black oil she uses for cooking
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