When you can't live without bananas

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Sunday, May 14, 2006

"Skiing consists of wearing $3,000 worth of clothes and equipment and driving 200 miles in the snow in order to stand around at a bar and drink." - P. J. O'Rourke


I love Ctrl + Alt + Del:

Mac guy: Nobody even bothers trying to make viruses for the Mac. I think they figure Mac users are suffering enough already.

PC guy: Wow, you can't even get negative attention. That's sort of depressing.

Mac guy: Yeah, I cry myself to sleep a lot...

Mac. Nobody gives a shit.


The Way of The Master Episode 7 The Beauty of a Broken Spirit - Atheism

"This is Non-Copyright livingwaters.com bryanturner.org Evangelist Ray Comfort Kirk Cameron posted by Evangelist Bryan ... all » Turner Evangelism101

7. The Beauty of a Broken Spirit - Atheism: Never again do you need to be intimidated by an atheist. Learn how to prove God's existence and effectively witness to these so-called "intellectuals""

"If the can is made, there must be a maker... To believe the soda can was made by chance is to move into an intellectual-free zone... It's to have brain liposuction... Behold the Atheist's nightmare. Now if you study a well-made banana, you'll find on the far side three ridges. On the close side, two ridges. If you get your hand ready to grip a banana, you'll find on the far side there're three grooves, on the close side two grooves. A banana and the hand are perfectly made one for the other. You'll find the maker of the banana, Almighty God has made it with a non-slip surface."

Ah, this FUD and bucket of lies would be funny if it wasn't so sad.


Belgianfries.com - How it all started is still a mistery. - "Of course, in good food tradition, the French claim to be the inventors of our beloved fries: they originated in Paris on the Pont Neuf (fries are still called like that in the chique French restaurants) somewhere in the middle of the 19th century. As with most "French" inventions, they forgot to note the name of the inventor and they are still searching for proof. As we will see later, even the word "French Fries" has nothing to do with the French. Anyway, we modest Belgians, don't mind the French claim, because we know that fries are Gods gift to our people."

Catholic Church meets reality TV - "God has finally come to US reality television - and against all guesses the oddball match has delighted the Roman Catholic Church."

Flt 93 LANDED In Cleveland Morning Of 911 - I wonder what the Conspiracy Theorists said about Munich in 1972.

Bird Ecology Study Group, Nature Society (Singapore): Homosexuality in birds - I knew about homosexuality and homosexual necrophilia in birds, but homosexual bestiality is a new one. Doubtless birds must have a decadent society, since we know errant sexual (or indeed any) behavior is exclusively social, having no genetic component at all. Either that or it's a sign of how Fallen Creation is.

Debate far from over for Mexico's drug bill - "San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders called the idea "appallingly stupid," and warned that it would turn border cities like Tijuana into Mexican versions of Amsterdam, where drug "tourism" rose after marijuana was decriminalized."
Amsterdam is probably safer than San Diego.

Mother held over laxative cookies - "A woman has been charged in the United States after allegedly helping her daughter make biscuits for a teacher that were spiked with laxatives."

Family mourns devout Christian who died after fasting for 23 days - "A devout Christian has died during a fast after telling her family she wanted to emulate Christ's 40 days and nights in the wilderness."
She must've had some pretty spectacular God-granted visions hallucinations before dying.

Why ice-cream vans face total meltdown - "Health lobbyists have decided that ice-creams are too much of a danger to children’s health.... By the 1980s the business had become so lucrative that gangs fought over the right to sell to certain streets. In 1984 a row between Glasgow-based gangs led to the murder of six members of the Doyle family, who had run the Marchetti ice-cream company."

i-speak: Singapore: Inside and Out - "Singapore operates like: a cold and calm automaton of self-interest. We don't care about whether or not the Kurds and the Shi'ites are being helped by regime change -- we don't want to implicate ourselves too badly by, God forbid, actually committing troops or doing something more than 'one plane in the air and one ship in the sea'... There is no interest in common humanity here, there is only a cool-headed weightage of pros and cons... This mentality of self-interest -- which, let's call a spade a spade, is really selfishness... our selfishness in our foreign policy is an outward reflection of an inward ugliness, which is to be coldly calculative of our interests and to be perfectly willing to sacrifice human welfare in the process, if we deem it a fitting sacrifice"
The PSC microchip: "Of course all nations only act in their self interest! Show me one that doesn't!"

Online auction site eBay rules that New Zealand not for sale - "New Zealand is not for sale, despite somebody in neighboring Australia trying to offload the nation of 4 million to the highest online bidder."

Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble - Director's Cut - "Does government control produce a utopian society or an opressed people? This fast-paced, music video style documentary explores this through the chewing gum ban in Singapore."
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