Screwed Up Girl was saying that the exchange students in Oregon are more friendly than the locals, since the latter have known each other for a long time (since before college) and are cliquish. This is probably why the PRCs here seem so friendly, especially given the language barrier.
Sign at the information/security desk at the Arts library: "Your host will be back shortly". I love these translational artifacts.
There's a module here called "Shop till you drop". Wah.
One of my modules is run by 4 TAs. Maybe that's why they need to call them "Drs" here, so it looks more respectable.
Photocopying here is damn expensive, at €0,05 a page (even on school grounds). This is more than 3 times as expensive as in NUS (S$0.03 per page). I bet this is to stop people from zapping books instead of buying them, since books are less than 3 times as expensive here. Perversely also, the photocopying machines near the collegeplank (reserve shelf), at least in the Arts library, do not have automatic feeders (I have a feeling this is to stop book zapping syndicates).
Since printing is only €0,03 per page, I should find modules with many students and do some scanning, with the final price per page lying between €0,03 and €0,05 depending on our relative bargaining power. To stop resale of the electronic versions I could only sell printed copies. But then, I'd rather just stay home and sleep than incur such high labour costs, so.
Me: us students are poor
Someone: exactly. why are textbook prices so high? :P
Me: because of the greedy authors =D
so the market solution comes in - piracy!
Someone: actually no, the money for some reason (esp for textbooks, anecdotally from teachers) dont go to them
Me: wth
it's like the RIAA!
I bought a bottle of vile juice and drank it to boost my vitamin intake. I feel unclean. In my defence, I must add that it was 90% from concentrate and 10% fresh orange juice, and it had vruchtvlees (pulp) in it.

Penne tossed with balsamic vinegar (with onions, carrots, ham pieces, courgette)
I already had white vinegar, but I craved the unique richness and sweetness that only Balsamic vinegar could provide (at more than 5 times the price, no less). This was a bit bitter, probably due to the skin of the courgette bits.
Strawberries go much better with Vla than with cream. And bak kwa goes surprisingly well with melon (I had a picture, but it's been lost for eternity due to Jiekai's cockitude).
No one was willing to borrow money to Bolivia in those days (lend)
I don't have time to finish Chapter 4, as you might have guessed by now, but I will blame this on a previous chapter.
[On Robert Lucas] He came up with the theory of perfect knowledge... He [the economic agent] never makes mistakes... He won the Nobel Prize in 1995. The only mistake he made was regarding mrs Lucas... [He thought that] nobody under the age of 60 gets the Nobel Prize, so... 'If I get the Nobel Prize before I'm 60, you get the money'. He got the Nobel Prize when he was 59... It was on CNN. It wasn't very good for his theory... He got it [the important part] wrong.
[On ways to improve Central Bank credibility] Making central banks independent. [Dressing] Them in suits, looking serious.
Could you show us how to do it? [Student: I don't know how to do it.] Aww, come on. [Student: It's embarrassing, but I don't know how to do it.]
product icks (x)
Rybczynski clear? Samuelson theorem clear? Then let's have coffee [a break].