I had this class where the introductory email was sent to 19 students. I only showed up at the second lesson since I was in Crete and there were 8 students, 3 of them new (including me).
I went to the library to zap some readings on the collegeplank (reserved books/readings shelf), and found them nicely photocopied and slotted in plastic folders. It occured to me that people can just sabotage other students by defacing and/or removing the readings in there, and no one will ever know, since the readings don't need to be loaned out. Presumably this is not a problem over here, so there's no need for the RBR system as in NUS (where you can loan one folder/book at a time for 2 hours).
There's a woman who looks to be between 40 and 50 in one of my classes. Ah, lifetime learning!
I was in a Surinamese food shop and I saw not only pork instant noodles, but Kenyan and Singaporean Milo. I recall that some cock went to bring a lot to Chicago, but it turns out it's parallel imported there, so (maybe too many Singaporean students).

The Canta LX (showing here) is what happens when you combine the Cock Car with a Perdoa. Also, I saw a Smart forfour one day - it actually looked alright.
I saw that at the electronic train ticket terminal. there was a (new?) option to buy a "dog" ticket. At first I thought it was a mistranslation ("dagkaart" = day pass), then it hit me.
You know it's spring when ants appear and flying creatures perch on your walls. Luckily either has only happened to me once.
Maybe if I ate a whole box of Tictac spearment sweets (with chlorophyll! I never figured that bit out) I can live off light.
Giving Dutch students free public transport (train and bus) on weekdays is not as much of a waste of money as it might sound. Students are poor and risk loving (young people think they're immortal) and thus they're more likely to cheat on bus and train fares. So the loss to the public transport companies (or the government) is not as much as one would assume.
We er'shy'you'm that the production of food is relatively land intensive (assume)
Production possibility frahn shear (frontier)
The Polish economist Rybczynski was the first to describe the Rybczynski theorem.
Some factors of production are nut completely mobile (not)
Both countries can produce manufactures (manufactured goods)
We've taken out 2 assignments, which is good news for those of you who want to work less. We've also added a new assignment, which is good news for those of you who want to work more.
Is it supposed to be a discussion between the two presentators? (presenters)
[On refuting the teacher's point] I protest a bit, because you had inspired me in another course... I went to look up a newspaper article.
There can never be a totally endo genius process. (endogenous)
[On the 'Revolution' board game] Board games are really popular these days, and this is the way the often German makers of board games portray the Dutch revolt - a bunch of nicely dressed regents (?). It doesn't look like a revolt, but it is.
Archie'pear'lergo (Archipelago)