When you can't live without bananas

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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

"Eat a live toad the first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day." - Unknown


Philip Jeyaratnam: "It's one of the real problems of Singapore now... the way work eats up people's time to the extent that they have no time for anything else... They lead ultimately very miserable lives which they enliven by spending money. They don't have time, they have only money, so they buy themselves a nice car or whatever, but in the end they don't have the time to enjoy these things - or life"

Someone on the above: interesting how i just read an article in the Law Gazette about how the legal profession is a vicious cycle of people who earn lots but have no time to spend it, and they try to spend more to make up for the lost time, and thus are unable to break out of the cycle

[I agree] wholeheartedly
which is why i left the profession in the first place
it's a very bitter profession where yardsticks of measurements are the size of your house or the make of your car

Me: hehe
let's see how many law students flame me

Someone: they're the ones with the delusions of grandeur
of how "glam" and "cool" it is to be a lawyer
until they're stuck in their office 5 years from now, doing 2am nights 7 days a week
just so they can have 5 platinum credit cards

Me: haha
were you once like that?

Someone: no shit :P
that's really the main reason most of us in-house counsels leave the profession
because we realise that time !=money
we don't want to look back 20 years from now and wonder what we did with our prime
sure our bank accounts may have been much fatter...

in that sense, it's probably better to do Medicine than law
i don't see senior consultants pulling crazy hours
just look at Woffles Wu!

Someone else: i don't know what your sample is, but i do find that many singaporean guys find girls 'cute' or 'attractive' when they aren't actually that good-looking - just skinny and made-up and wearing all the right clothes

maybe this would explain a correlation
or maybe you guys just find dumb cute

ok let's confine our remarks to SG
coz i think this kind of nonsensical statement cannot even be meaningfully argued elsewhere

when i say "right" clothes i mean fashionable - not necessarily nice
i think girls who are not necessarily dumb but who don't have very independent minds are very much more concerned with looking fashionable
having the right kind of "cute" look

i think singapore's notion of female attractiveness is very much more based on 'cute' than on 'pretty' or 'beautiful'
and guys for some reason respond to that even though in many places (like here!! [Ed: The UK] ) the selfsame girls would be seen as boring and whiny

Me: hahahahaha
this is good stuff

Someone else: in that you think it is perusasive or in that you think i am generating tortured rationalisations for my own abject unattractiveness?

Me: hahahahahhaha
that's even better stuff
it's an interesting analysis of what attracts singaporean men

Someone: i cannot deal with emotional females and i know you ppl put up with emotional females cos well, you're horny ;p

Someone else on the above: there really aren't that few un-emotional females around la
it's just the emo ones spoil the market for us

it's just that men gravitate towards the overly emotional types because the girls will cry on their shoulder and make them feel wanted.

non SACSALs[' mentality]
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