Day 2 - Paris (1/4) - The Pantheon
supplemented with some of Jiekai's pictures in lieu of mine, which have been lost for eternity due to his cockitude
Midway through Notre Dame, my camera's batteries suddenly ran out. This would have been no problem if I had brought my spare batteries, but I hadn't. As you can tell, cockitude is infectious. And so I left Jiekai in Notre Dame while I returned to the Youth Hostel, and met him later at the Pantheon.

Foucault's Pendulum - wide view (stitch)

Foucault's Pendulum, in 1851, showed that the earth revolves around the sun. Nothing a good fundie couldn't argue around, though - once you come up with things like "demonic imitation", you know such piffling things as logic and reality cannot stand in the face of your stupidity

Foucault's Pendulum. I had a better version but it has been lost for eternity due to Jiekai's cockitude
*The Baptism of Clovis*
This picture has been lost for eternity due to Jiekai's cockitude

St Genevieve

La Convention Nationale
*Model of the Pantheon*
This picture has been lost for eternity due to Jiekai's cockitude

Joan of Arc

Foucault's Pendulum close-up. I had a much better version but it has been lost for eternity due to Jiekai's cockitude
*Atilla the Hun enters Paris*
This picture has been lost for eternity due to Jiekai's cockitude

View from the dome of the Pantheon
After entering the crypt of the Pantheon and taking one picture of the tomb of Rousseau, I found that my spare batteries had run out of power. How could this be, I asked? After all, I had charged them to capacity... 2 months ago, before leaving Singapore. I'd forgotten that rechargeables leak power when not in use for protracted periods of time. Cockitude is indeed contagious. In the end I bought 4 lithium batteries for €11.90 or so. Of course, this was a big waste of money since the pictures I took using those batteries have been lost for eternity due to Jiekai's cockitude.
*Voltaire's Tomb*
This picture has been lost for eternity due to Jiekai's cockitude

Rousseau's tomb

Tombs of Victor Hugo, Dumas and Zola
Although the Pantheon was redesignated a secular temple, there were still plaster mountings all over the crypt with chi, ro, alpha and omega letters. Hah!

Tomb of Bougainville. According to Jiekai he helped the French lose Canada, and yet he's honoured with burial in the Pantheon. I love the French.

Pierre Curie's tomb (originally with yellow lighting). I hope it wasn't still radioactive, or we're all going to die.