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Thursday, April 13, 2006

NUS is more funky than I thought.

I saw multiple english translations of the Book of the Dead in the Utrecht library, and multiple Coffin Texts also. I searched LINC on a whim and hey presto:

Ritual of the mystery of the judgement of the soul : from an ancient Egyptian papyrus / Translated and edited by M. W. Blackden.

Books of the dead : manuals for living and dying / Stanislav Grof.

The papyrus of Ani : a reproduction in facsimile / Edited, with hieroglyphic transcript, translation and introduction, by E. A. Wallis Budge.

The Tibetan book of the dead ; or, The after-death experiences on the Bardo plane, according to Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup's English rendering . Compiled and edited by W. Y. Evans-Wentz.

Death and the college student . A collection of brief essays on death and suicide by Harvard youth . Edited by Edwin S. Shneidman. Foreword by Dana L. Farnsworth.

Eight decisive books of antiquity.

Unfortunately most of them are on the Closed Stacks.
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