When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, August 06, 2005

Lyrics for a song my little bird wrote for the FCINUS (Freethinkers' Community In NUS) (the melody is not done yet):

Our Thoughts are Free

1.We've ventured on a long journey
Uncharted yet by most
To forge a brand new destiny
Without deities or ghosts

2.We'll stay the course right to the end
And light the path of truth
No need for intangible beings
To tell us what to do

So let's move into the future
Because our thoughts are free
So let's celebrate together
Because our thoughts are free

1.No more shall we tremble with cold
Amongst the lies of old
We'll grasp the future with our hands
To end the age of cant

2.Unbounded by blind fantasy
Yet filled with hopes and dreams
With every move we'll strive forward
Until truth stands supreme

So let's move into the future
Because our thoughts are free
So let's celebrate together
Because our thoughts are free

Cute :) Though I vehemently opposed making this, or indeed anything our official anthem, just because.

[Addendum: An MP3 of this song is now available!]
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