When you can't live without bananas

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Thursday, August 04, 2005

Seen on the Gamefaqs Rome: Total War forums:

"You're fighting the SPANISH and you can't win? My God, they make the French look skilled. Not only did they lose to Carthage, they lost to Rome. Then they lost to Vandals. Then they lost to Visigoths. Then they lost to the Muslims. Then they lost to the Spanish. I mean, really. Then their navy got pwned by England.

Come on, they're like France Jr."


Miss NUS redeems herself through a critical analysis of feminist discourse with me

Me: and even if they're forced to do it out of poverty... if there's no better alternative then their lives are better right

Miss NUS: i watched this documentary about these cambodian girls what
most of them claim to be tricked into it at first. or forced
but they return to it at least once after being 'rescued'
the money is too good in comparison

Tym: "I agree with you that men are just as much victims of the media these days as women, in terms of self-image. But the stereotypical male self-image tends to claim power, whereas that for a female tends to be disenfranchising.

I also figure that of all the evils in this world, there are many other bigger evils to fight than pornography."


Relief for Growing-Out-Your-Hair Pains - "As you patiently wait on your hair, experiment with new looks to take you through transition time with style. Start by investing in an arsenal of hair accessories -- barrettes, elastics, bobby pins, headbands, scarves, hats, and the like -- and experiment with some new daily looks."
Ah, screw it lah.

Optimus keyboard - "Every key of the Optimus keyboard is a stand-alone display showing exactly what it is controlling at this very moment. Optimus is good for any layouts—Cyrillic, Ancient Greek, Georgian, Arabic—and so on to infinity: notes, numerals, special symbols, HTML codes, mathematical functions."
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