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Monday, January 03, 2005

"There are three social classes in America: upper middle class, middle class, and lower middle class." - Judith Martin


Not A Girl
You're not a girl. You may look like a girl, sound like a girl and behave like a girl, but you're not one. Too bad. Shoo. Go do another quiz.

What kind of girl are you? (with pix!)
brought to you by Quizilla

More quizzes I've taken


My sister finds the following song annoying:

Power Rangers Dino Thunder - Theme

Power Rangers Roar!

There's a Light in the Distance
See them Coming Closer
With the Force of Ages
Centuries Gone By

Protectors of the Right
Defenders Sworn to Fight

Dino Rangers Roar!
Power Rangers Score!
Save us from these evil forces, win.
(Power Rangers Dino Thunder!)

Victory is Ours Forever More
Protectors of the Right
Defenders Sworn to Fight
(Power Rangers Dino Thunder!)

Dino Rangers Roar!
(Power Rangers Dino Thunder!)
Power Rangers Score!
(Power Rangers Dino Thunder!)
Save us from these evil forces, win.
(Power Rangers Dino Thunder!)

Dino Rangers Win!
(Power Rangers Dino Thunder!)
Power From Within!
(Power Rangers Dino Thunder!)
Victory is Ours Forever More
(Power Rangers Dino Thunder!)


'We have to protect people'

"What should we do with US classics like Cat on a Hot Tin Roof or The Color Purple? "Dig a hole," Gerald Allen recommends, "and dump them in it." Don't laugh. Gerald Allen's book-burying opinions are not a joke... Last week, Bush's base introduced a bill that would ban the use of state funds to purchase any books or other materials that "promote homosexuality". Allen does not want taxpayers' money to support "positive depictions of homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle"


Allen claims he is acting to "encourage and protect our culture". Does "our culture" include Shakespeare? I ask Allen if he would insist that copies of Shakespeare's sonnets be removed from all public libraries. I point out to him that Romeo and Juliet was originally performed by an all-male cast, and that in Shakespeare's lifetime actors and audiences at the public theatres were all accused of being "sodomites". When Romeo wished he "was a glove upon that hand", the cheek that he fantasised about kissing was a male cheek.


Forty years ago, the American defenders of "our culture" and "traditional values" were opposing racial integration. Now, no politician would dare attack Cornelius Carter for being black. But it's perfectly acceptable to discriminate against people for what they do in bed."

What's new?

A hundred years ago they were opposing gender equality. A hundred and sixty odd years ago they were opposing the emancipation of the slaves. And three hundred years ago they were slaughtering American Indians.


The Fallacy of hypothetical possibilities

The Catholic Encyclopedia argues that as long as they come up with possibilities, their opponents have no right to deny the two gospels can’t be harmonized.

The reader will observe that we suggest only possible answers to the difficulty; as long as such possibilities can be pointed out, our opponents have no right to deny that the genealogies which are found in the First and Third Gospel can be harmonized.

With all the dead ends I’ve catalogued, the best apologists can come up with is that as long as there are other possibilities, the Bible remains the infallible word of God. This is the secret to how religionists manage to hold on to their faith in inerrancy. It is not the fault of the evidence, because there is an abundance of it. It is their determination to ignore the evidence. Through conjecture and belief in miracles, anything is possible within the realm of human imagination.

If we exercise our imagination, it is possible Hitler and Elvis are alive. Teacher, the reason why I don’t have my homework is because it is possible my dog ate it. If I jump off a cliff, it is possible a wind will carry me safely to ground. It is possible that I was sent by Satan. It is possible that the Bible was written by aliens from outer space. The best example of denial I’ve seen is the Flat Earth Society.

(Jesus' Genealogy, from USBIBLE.COM: In defense of reality)


How effective are abstinence pledges? - "Studies show that abstinence campaigns do delay sexual activity, with pledgers first having sex an average of 18 months later than those who have made no such promise. But when they fall off the wagon - and many do - about a third do not use contraception. And those who have pledged to remain virgins until marriage have similar rates of sexually transmitted diseases as non-pledgers, according to a six-year study of the sex lives of 12,000 young Americans. "It's difficult to simultaneously prepare for sex and say you're not going to have sex," said Peter Bearman, of Columbia University, in presenting his findings earlier this year. "The message is really simple: 'Just say no' may work in the short term but doesn't work in the long term.""

Cretinism or Evilution?: Biblical Astronomy - "The latest advance in "creation science! A view advocated by some modern day creationists. The earth lies at the center of the universe. The sun revolves around the earth. All the remaining planets revolve around the sun, while the stars and distant galaxies; revolve around the sun on a daily basis."

Whale Evolution/Cetacean Evolution (Atavistic Hind Limbs on Modern Whales)
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