When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, October 19, 2002

What was supposed to be posted on Wednesday:


Restored Post

Bryan, the HCJC driver, is called 'Hwa Chong' by all. Trying to turn the attention to me, he tried calling me "Raffles" and "RJ", but I refused to respond :) Anyhow, if there's a "Hwa Chong" and a "Raffles", there's also a pHD... Poly Halfwar Dropout :D

Our CO was giving us another of his long talks, and he shamed a group of officers who were talking at the back by asking them to come to the front. Tut tut :)

I was berated, again, for my lack of tact and loose tongue. Ah well.

I left my packet (opened) of Chicken in a Biskit on the floor of the treatment room Tuesday night when I was on duty, and it was crawling with ants by the next morning. GAH.

After dithering overly long, I finally read through my material on the application question. It appears hideously difficult. Blah.

I think one of the New Face contestants looks like a horse, at least in the poster of the 20 of them where half are tugging at their necklines :) So we now have 3 ex-/present-RJ horses. Whee.

"You speak of me as you would a venus flytrap" - Well, perhaps I've been too suspicious of your motives ;) (Doesn't this beat nebulous references to 'you'?)

kr asks if I'll ever get started on an uber boliao project worthy of even me - a schoolgirl calender. Haha.

One very irritating thing about 93.3 FM is its compulsive, morbid repeating of its jingle. What makes it even more irritating is that they've recorded at least 5 variations on the jingle, from one of a man crooning the jingle slowly and sultrily to Chang Huimei / Zhang Huimei / A*Mei (whatever) belting it out, to an acapella version with harmony. All of them make me even more pissed off than Muzak or elevator music, but I think the worst version is one where some girl sings it in an "Act Cute" voice, and then giggles at the end. !@#$%^&*()

The stigma on Weapons of Mass Destruction seems to be rather unjustified. Nuclear, Chemical and Biological weapons are merely newer, more efficient ways of delivering death and destruction - dead's dead, whether you are felled by a bullet, the stroke of a sword to your head or the depredations of flesh eating bacteria. Of course, they *are* easier to use against civilians (and slave soldiers who are civilians), but firing squads and razing cities to the ground do the job too. All the conventions remind me of the Catholic Chruch's attempt, in the Middle Ages, to ban the use of the crossbow, on the grounds that it was too efficient a killing device, albeit with less success than at present.

I am amused. Wednesday's Straits Times has an editorial on Literature, which started with a crushing rebuttal of the oft-repeated, improbable and far fetched allegations that Literature humanises and civilises people - the people who ran Auschwitz et al were very cultured and listened to Beethoven and read Goethe - hardly unwashed brutes. I heartily agree - studying a subject may enrich one intelelctually, but it does not necessarily contribute to emotional, intellectual, personal and/or spiritual development. I do not dislike pieces of literature per se - reading is fun and enriching - but it's the study of it - the analysing to the last inkdrop of every comma, the pondering of the significance of every ink blot caused by a malfunctioning fountain pen, the colour of the spots of coughed up phlegm and the celebration of tracts which, for all you know, could have been written when the author was roaring drunk.

I was pondering the miry issue of honesty in my web journal. Now, as we all know, very few are totally, completely honest with even themselves, and as the object of communication moves further from them, the level of ingenuousness plummets. Well, it's obvious that some things are left unsaid here, and a few remain unacknowledged even to myself, due to preferences and meta-preferences. Eg Many matters of the nature of what made "yinkae" so infamous, notorious and popular.


Don't you think kat is ugly? When I first saw her I was like, omg, it's walking A03... I don't get how she made New Face! I mean, hell, any of your seven should make it ahead of her. (sms)

[On the New Paper New Face Competition] i think it's such an opportunistic platform for comely singaporean females of my generation to air their intellect and garner nationwide respect for my sex. [Name witheld without request]

I listen to the bitchy voice of Jamie Yeo, but I forgive her, because she's beautiful.
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