When you can't live without bananas

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Monday, July 22, 2002

Word of the day: "motet"

Well, someone else once wrote that blogging is great compensation for a flawed personal life. The people on the winterflame community, btw, however remarkable their individual writing talent, are perfect examples of the sort of blog aesthetic/writing style which (I thought) this collective-lobe-effort was supposed to be an antithesis to. We seem to be failing in that regard, particularly with the mugrims going on of late. *I'm* supposed to have sole monopoly over depressed-serotonin-reuptake behaviour in this brain stem!. Snap out of it! *I'm* supposed to be the angsty bitch!

Next thing you know we'll have pastel colours, obscurely-titled links, and faux-gravitas titlature for each journal entry.

And as a belated defense, I only wrote my (sic) "monster" post to make up for three months' absence, a sudden and unlikely-to-be-repeated period of time during work when I had nothing to do, and I might add that only in the most saccharine of worlds is "taking plenty of blue slips" considered "bad boy" stuff.

Unless those blue slips were LSD blotters.

Don't worry about the absence of a life. We have this blog, broadband access, and the fellow members of our beleaguered collective hive mind. *the ultimate damning indictment*

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