When you can't live without bananas

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Tuesday, November 20, 2001

Ooo, apparently people have been reading this blog. I was asked to bring the paper that I took home last week back, because they need it. Thus are the perils of writing on the web. Maybe that's where all the hits are coming from - RJ teachers monitoring my site to see if I write anything bad!

The Indian invigilator, the one who goes on stage [and reminds me and other people of Ms Santha, though not in the temperament], is really quite grumpy. I wonder how those who are in the Hall all the time stand it. She got upset when she let us go to the toilet in between Economics 1 and 2, and we made some noise. Isn't it supposed to be a break? Maybe she's sullen because she had something planned this holiday. Oh well.

Xiaoshi - "She's a woman". That didn't really make sense. Anyway apparently the invigilators come from SAJC. Ooo. One of them has dyed hair. Tut tut.

Hrm, I want to come back in 9 years time, then we'll see XXX T-Shirts on the student leadership. And the cheer will go up to "Thirty!"

And I found a J1 councillor who looks like a Horse! Horse'd be proud. "I think so too" - Deqi

For probably one of the few times in RJC, Foreign Blood tied her hair today. In all the RGS yearbook pictures, she looks really weird with tied up hair, probably because she was forced to then.

Reactions to my haircut - most people were amused or intrigued. Ah well.

I don't understand these stupid male games. The one where you try to slap the other's hands. You both put palm to palm and then take turns to slap the other's hands or to feint, and the loser (withdrawing on a feint) gets his hands slapped. Or something. Zhongyong and Daniel were playing it in a vain attempt to prepare for Maths S (Not that those a table away were doing better. They were playing the Primary School card game which has cards with Cartoon Mines, Miners, Generals, Marshals and Corporals on them, in vibrant colour). Then again, I don't understand these stupid female games too.

And I saw a blue tinsel handphone cover, on Puppy's handphone. And I thought I'd seen it all.

Today is the last day I wear this particular set of Uniform. 3 days more of examinations, and 3 more uniforms. I doubt any present J0s or J1s will want to buy them, since they're so thin (I blame the faulty washing machine which rinses clothes 4 (?) times) and anyway I wonder who is the same size. And they're changing uniforms next year anyway.
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