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Saturday, January 04, 2025

Links - 4th January 2025 (2 - Women)

Meme - "Nohody is actually saying "Your body my choice"
"This one random guy on twitter I cherrypicked said it. That means every man everywhere is saying it as well."
"Amber Heard lied about abuse, does that mean every woman everywhere is lying as well?"

Meme - "F*minists when they realize nobody was saying the phrase "Your body, my choice" until they started making up stories about people saying it:
Did I make it real? Is this all my fault?"

Gia Macool on X - "A fairly attractive man might sleep with a 6/10 woman. She then falsely assumes a man of his status would marry her. That’s why 6/10 women seek 9/10 men. They’ve slept with them but fail to realize their chances of marriage are nearly zero."

Meme - "JFC. There's a group in Australia called Mums Who Wine. It's sold as a way for mums to support each other through enjoying a glass, talking about their issues and having a laugh. What it descends into is boozing, trauma dumping, crying, vomiting and chaos. And that doesn't even mention the raging judgement of each other and bitching about other mums. Sorry, forgot to mention the hookups. Mums hooking up with mums and cheating on their spouses. How do I know? Because, unfortunately in a former career I had to serve at these events."
"The moms hook up with each other?"

French woman perspective : r/thepassportbros - "I am a French woman living in the US more than 10 years. I honestly have no idea how I ended up in this subreddit, but I too have some opinions to share as I dated many American and European men and befriended even more American and European women.
-American men are decent partners/husbands in general, as the culture still values monogamy and loyalty, men providing for women and family. They also make significantly more money than most of European men. Most have great hygiene and they are pretty decent in bed. They usually do very well dating European women. However, Americans are still perceived as materialistic, shallow and uneducated by most of the above average Western European women, so you may have to break this stereotype with some potential matches.
-American women are indeed materialistic and shallow. Most are significantly more religious or traditional than an average Western European woman, desiring a traditional and expensive wedding, a big house, diamonds etc in return of being a wife. I think the odds are in favor of rich men in America, regardless of the looks and any other skills. Unfortunately the material expectations of women are well above most normal men can provide and I don’t understand how this is normalized.
-An average European women with average looks/education/job etc likely will not care about having all the wedding/house/car etc American women desire, but she’d likely want a fully secure, emotionally available, communicative and intelligent man. So if any you American men are after these women, it’s best to improve yourself in these areas. Seek therapy to work on your insecurities, improve your communication skills, improve your emotional intelligence best you can, learn about other cultures, try to have flexible religious and political beliefs, try to learn how to think outside the box best you can, try to avoid living a material centric life. These skills are not as valued in America but still important in Europe. Dating/sleeping with multiple people for months until having a talk with one to be exclusive is still not normalized in a lot of parts of Europe, so be careful about this. Most of my French female friends date one person at a time and expect the same.
-Lastly, I personally never had luck with American men. I am considered universally attractive, so attracting them was not an issue. But most were flakey with poor communication skills and subpar emotional intelligence. Some tried to impress with money in the tackiest ways, some were already seeing 5 other girls (likely to cover up some insecurity), a lot of them had no conflict resolution skills. Most were very good looking and well off though, but those are not the areas of improvement as I said above. I was ghosted numerous times, blamed for being too direct like it’s a problem, blamed for bringing up “issues” when I was just trying to communicate. Having uncomfortable conversations is much more difficult with American men, I still don’t know why. European men are lot less avoidant in discussing problems and much better at directly stating what they really want - maybe because European women are harder to offend and specifically French (and a lot of Scandinavian and German) culture values directness. I ended up marrying a European man. Wanted to write this post after reading comments under another post where a European guy was stood up right before the date by an American woman."

I(27F) screamed at my husband (28M) over his hobbies, and now he's changed and i don't know how to fix this. : r/relationship_advice - "Hey everyone, I need some advice about a situation with my husband. I’m 27F, he’s 28M, and we’ve been married for 4 years. He has a room where he keeps all his hobbies—sim racing, aviation setups, soccer analysis tools, LEGO sets, music production equipment… basically, it’s his sanctuary. He’s super analytical and loves writing down and dissecting things, from sports to politics. He's slightly on the spectrum and very introverted, so he doesn’t have close friends. I’m really the only person he shares everything with.  He’s always inviting me into his space to be part of his interests. I love him and appreciate that he wants to include me, but sometimes I just need some time for myself. Recently, I snapped. I yelled at him, saying some hurtful things that I didn’t mean, like how his interests bore me, that he needs to get a social life, and even questioned why I married him. I regret every word, but my anger got the best of me, and I couldn't control it in that moment.  Since then, he’s completely changed. He stopped spending time in his room, moved to sleeping on the couch, and barely talks to me. He even ignored our usual tradition of watching our home nation’s soccer team play, something he’d never skip before. Instead, he was working on his laptop, breaking our “no work at home” rule. When I asked him about it, he said he didn't care about the game and mentioned that maybe he should be more like his father, who’s a workaholic and whom my husband idolizes. He even added, “I don’t blame him for divorcing at that age now.”  I’ve apologized multiple times, but he just says, “It’s okay, maybe you’re right,” and shuts down any attempts I make to talk about his interests. I’m terrified he’s considering divorce. I know I messed up, but I don’t know how to rebuild trust and help him feel valued and loved again. I don’t want to lose him, but I’m unsure how to approach this and make amends. Any advice?
TL;DR: I criticized my husband’s hobbies, and now he’s pulling away. I’ve apologized, but I’m worried he might be considering divorce—how do I make things right?"

Where do single men in 30s hang out? : r/AskMenAdvice - "No one cares about how "successful" you are. Stop leading with that."
"It boggles my mind how so many woman think we care about this. I’m curious where they are getting this idea from because it is absolutely irrelevant."
"They get it from each other and themselves, because it is something THEY value in a partner."
"Same reason some men think dick pics are a good idea"
"This! Everytime I hear that, I keep thinking it's going to be someone difficult. Someone starting with that loses modesty points right away. I will pass!"
Where do single men in 30s hang out? : r/AskMenAdvice - "That was my first thought. I couldn't care less.  If anything it puts me on guard because the more "successful" a woman is, then typically the harder she will be to please.  Which is probably part of why these women have struggled to find a partner, but I digress."

Where do single men in 30s hang out? : r/AskMenAdvice - "Women spent the last 20 years telling men they were creepy and women didn't need them. Congrats, you won, we'll be at home playing video games. The juice aint worth the squeeze anymore."

Meme - "men be fine as hell then BOOM rainbow light up keyboard and two monitors"
"Women fine as hell then BOOM 3 other men's kids"

Meme - Masculineio @masculineio: "Men with high IQs possess a remarkable ability to dissect and understand logical patterns. However, women, being more emotionally driven, often operate outside the bounds of pure logic. For highly analytical men, the harder they try to apply their reasoned frameworks to understand women, the more elusive and perplexing the dynamics become."

Meme - Amouranth: "Me or the Bugatti?"
Peyton @PeytonRandolp18: "It's pretty much a guarantee that the Bugatti has had fewer guys in it."

Meme - "AITAH for telling my wife that frankly, a sex worker would be cheaper and less stressful than her at this point?
My wife (Megan) and I are both 31. We have been together for six years. We got married eight months ago.  Since we got married, Megan has all but completely stopped contributing to our household in any meaningful way. She doesn’t cook, and when she does, I think she intentionally sabotages the food so I won’t ask her to do it again. She doesn’t really clean either, as she believes that as a college-educated woman, being a SAHW is beneath her.  I would generally be fine with this, but Megan doesn’t work either. Again, she's highly-educated, but her degree is in low demand. My uncle and I run a plumbing company together, and so while I only have a high school diploma, I make very good money and have what I feel is a respectable job. I’ve long felt that Megan looks down on the work that I do, but that's kind of beside the point.  If Megan pitched in and at least made an effort around the house, I would be fine with her not working, but the problem is she doesn’t. At all. Any time I gently suggest she do something, she comes up with an excuse not to do it. I’ve had arguments with her about this because I would come home to a messy house and empty fridge, only find Megan sitting on the sofa on her phone.  Personally speaking, our bedroom has all but given off its final death rattle as well, where intimacy is basically non-existent. This is partially due to Megan’s insecurities about her physique, which to be brutally honest, is about what you would expect of a person who sits around doing nothing all day.  Two days ago, Megan pushed things a little too far. We were having an argument about her neglecting to do one single task (swapping my clothes from the washing machine to the dryer), and she shouted at me, “If you want a bang maid like your boomer uncle's wife, why don’t you just divorce me already?” I didn’t know what a bang maid was, and I assumed it was a sex worker. So I responded, “Honestly, at this point, a sex worker would be cheaper and less stressful than dealing with you.”  Megan absolutely lost it on me, and for the past two days she has completely refused to even have a discussion. I have not apologized, but I wonder if I owe her one for my words."

Meme - "Sarah. 30
Just a single mom of 3 trying to make her way through the world. I live a simple life. My kids will always come first. I like to have fun but I'm also a homebody. If you want kids of your own please just save yourself the time I am not the one."

Meme - ">Be me
> never done laundry in my life. Moved directly from my parents house into a house with my girlfriend
> Mom has always complained about how tough it is to do laundry while my Dad is at work
> Gf complains about how much laundry she has to do with us and our two kids
> Eventually divorce, and I'm living by myselfd
> dreading-laundry.wav
> throw clothes in the machine
> come back two hours later and take them out
What is their problem?"

Meme - "Cassaundra, 40
Single Mom
Looking for a Stepdad for my kids:
Must have a 6 figured salary
Must have a car that can fit all my kids comfortably or willing to buy an SUV
six pack mandatory
Single Dad will not be quali-fled
Willing to marry me in less tha a month, I will need a 30K diamond ring before the wedding.
Must be 6 foot taller
Must have a 4 to 6 bedroom available for my two kids
Must pay all the rent or mortgages
Must adopt all my kids *dog* 2
Must know how to cut grass"

Meme - "Ashley, 31
Let's eat good, f*** everyday and travel the world together
Please dont be boring. Ask me questions, make me laugh, show me that you're genuinely interested to get to know me. need someone who will be obsessed with me because I'm clingy af
I have 2 daughters who are 8 and 10"

Meme - "I(27F) screamed at my husband (28M) over his hobbies, and now he's changed and i don't know how to fix this.
Hey everyone, I need some advice about a situation with my husband. I’m 27F, he’s 28M, and we’ve been married for 4 years. He has a room where he keeps all his hobbies—sim racing, aviation setups, soccer analysis tools, LEGO sets, music production equipment… basically, it’s his sanctuary. He’s super analytical and loves writing down and dissecting things, from sports to politics. He's slightly on the spectrum and very introverted, so he doesn’t have close friends. I’m really the only person he shares everything with.  He’s always inviting me into his space to be part of his interests. I love him and appreciate that he wants to include me, but sometimes I just need some time for myself. Recently, I snapped. I yelled at him, saying some hurtful things that I didn’t mean, like how his interests bore me, that he needs to get a social life, and even questioned why I married him. I regret every word, but my anger got the best of me, and I couldn't control it in that moment.  Since then, he’s completely changed. He stopped spending time in his room, moved to sleeping on the couch, and barely talks to me. He even ignored our usual tradition of watching our home nation’s soccer team play, something he’d never skip before. Instead, he was working on his laptop, breaking our “no work at home” rule. When I asked him about it, he said he didn't care about the game and mentioned that maybe he should be more like his father, who’s a workaholic and whom my husband idolizes. He even added, “I don’t blame him for divorcing at that age now.”  I’ve apologized multiple times, but he just says, “It’s okay, maybe you’re right,” and shuts down any attempts I make to talk about his interests. I’m terrified he’s considering divorce. I know I messed up, but I don’t know how to rebuild trust and help him feel valued and loved again. I don’t want to lose him, but I’m unsure how to approach this and make amends. Any advice?
TL;DR: I criticized my husband’s hobbies, and now he’s pulling away. I’ve apologized, but I’m worried he might be considering divorce—how do I make things right?"

Meme - "So what am I I actually supposed to do then"
Echo @TheEch...: "Women don't want to be suddenly approached by random men on the street. A woman existing doesn't give you right of access to her. Cry about it all you like, it won't make her more comfortable."
Echo @TheEcho13: "You know when you see a girl and think 'damn, she's really beautiful, I bet she gets approached by men all day'? Men don't approach her, they're all intimidated and thinking the same thing. Go shoot your shot."
When a lady says no, she means...

Meme - "She got a nerve to tell me "My eye's are up here." *top/dress exposing cleavage*"

Danny Masterson's Ex Looking for 'Another Rich Man' to Fund Lifestyle: Report

The dating market is filled with so many single moms around my age. : r/AskMenAdvice - "32M here, and I can't help but feel old seeing that most people my age who are single are moms. Nothing against single moms at all—I even tried dating one when I was 28, a 33F, thinking that was my only option at the time. But honestly, it turned into a complete disaster. The relationship was incredibly messy—so many awkward dynamics with her kid and the father. I felt like I had 100% of the responsibility but zero authority. Anytime I tried to step in or say something, I was labeled the bad guy or accused of not loving her child.  The kid also served as a constant reminder of her ex-husband, and she often compared me to him, claiming he was better—even though, by her own accounts, he was worse. It was incredibly frustrating. Also you can see the disrespect in the kid behavior. Looking back, I’m glad I walked away because, in hindsight, she just wanted someone to act as a father figure for her child and help her out, and then have another kid with her. that relationship left me pretty traumatized, it still haunts me time to time, fuckk i hate ruminating over that relationship.  I’ve realized that the single mom route just isn’t for me—it didn’t work out, and I don’t think I could go through that again.  But man, getting back into dating is rough. It feels like single moms are everywhere, and it just makes me feel even older. Yikes. Just needed to vent."

Meme - "I'll show you my bank account as soon as you remove your makeup."
"Sofia Sofia Franklyn, a content creator from New York, said: I've asked the last three dudes I've dated for their bank account info on the first date. She explained that she 'only wants to date a wealthy guy that has money' and wants to know if she's 'wasting her time'."

My fuckbuddy asked me what I’d rate her /10. She insisted that I was honest. AITAH for doing exactly what she asked? : r/AITAH - "My fuckbuddy and I were hanging out and starting talking about ratings and how people are generally rated. She then asked me what I would rate her. She insisted that I was honest, no sugar coating BS. Since she asked, I shrugged and looked at her a bit before giving my honest answer, which was an objective 3/10. I made it clear that it wasn’t my rating per se but what most people would probably rate her as she’s pretty obese (300 lbs at like 5’6) with bad acne. I told her that it isn’t that she’s ugly, but objective standards are a thing. I also told her that she’d easily be a 7-8 if she lost weight and cleared her skin up because she has a nice figure and facial features.  So yeah that didn’t end well. She told me I really killed her self esteem especially since she told me just beforehand that she’d rate me an 8/10 (I’m definitely more of a 6 but I appreciated the kindness). I told her that it wasn’t my intention to destroy her self esteem and that I was just doing what she asked. Does she really think she’d be rated any higher by the world (at least the western world) as she is currently? I mean obviously she’s still attractive to people- I’m able to fuck her just fine lol. And I’m not even her only fuckbuddy. She’s been with over 30 men! She should know that objective ratings don’t mean you’re undesirable. But she was devastated and made me go home.  Am I an asshole for this?"

Meme - Woman: "I'm gonna see Taylor Swift, wanna go?"
Man: "No thanks, I'm not into that music."
Woman: "You hate powerful, successful women!"
Man: "What"

Lesbian girl who likes men: What sexuality am I? - "Recently, I’ve started having casual hookups with men. And while I’m not actually any more attracted to male bodies than I have ever been, the sex is mind-blowingly better! Even during quickies where I don’t manage to orgasm, I feel more pleasure and come away satisfied. This leaves me in an incredibly confused place in my life. Having sex with men feels incredible, but their bodies aren’t attractive to me, and I have to force myself to put my hands or mouth on a male partner anywhere other than directly on their dick. Meanwhile, women are incredibly attractive to me, and I love playing with their bodies and pleasuring them. It just honestly feels as though half my nerve endings are turned off when I’m in bed with a woman. Every touch just feels duller and less interesting.  Women rarely make me come, but easily 80 percent of the guys I sleep with do."

Meme - "I gaslight my husband when we fight
This isn't anything crazy; just something funny that I want to tell people about but can't risk getting caught. My husband (30m) and I (30f) have been together for 8 years. For the past couple of years I make him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich everyday to take to work. I use Welch's grape concord jelly- this is important for later. Everyday he tells me that I make the best sandwiches and I just say make it with love." However, when we're fighting he always says he can taste the difference in his PBnJ, and I say "because I made it with hate." But the truth is, he can taste the hate in his sandwich because when we fight, I use organic, sugar free grape jam. It's in the back of the fridge and he's never seen it, so it's what I use to convince him that he can't make me mad or my anger makes food taste different."

Meme - "Val - 2002 Toyota Avalon"
"Will u take 2 cash"
"What about 23 I'm a single mom help me out"
"Is it my kid?"
"Lmao I got it thanks though"

All >Meme - "Marrissa, 25
Just looking for some fun or a husband, whichever comes first. I do have two boys, and almost never have a babysitter so you might have to come kick it in the trailer hood. Serious inquiries only please"

Meme - "Women be fike "ew he collects Lego what a nerd" then date a dude who does coke"

Meme - "Miroslava, 43. looking for a husband. I will make you a millionaire (required condition: before you meet me, you must be a billionaire)
A little about myself: I don't like to cook, clean, iron and do laundry, I sleep until lunch, I swear masterfully, I drink, I smoke, and if necessary I I fight with a frying pan. In case of divorce, I will take all the jointly acquired property for myself. Well, are there any brave ones?!"

Meme - "why are you as a man saying you tired. Men used to die in war & now they tired"
"Why are you as a woman guestioning me ? women used to get slapped for talking too much"
"Lia has notifiations silenced"

Meme - "A girl approaches you and says, "pretend we're friends. I'm being followed." What would you do?"
"# I'd tell them
>you are not entitled to male protection
It's that simple"
Damn entitled men and male entitlement!

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