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Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Links - 31st December 2024 (1 - Trans Mania)

add https://quillette.com/2024/11/01/college-volleyballs-spartan-meltdown/ Jonathan Kay on X - "48 hours after @Quillette reported on Batie-Smoose’s explosive Title IX Complaint, @SJSU suspended her—which looks a lot like retaliation vs. a whistleblower. The (male) head coach looks eager to cut Slusser, too. How long b4 progressives realize this is a men’s rights movement?"

Drag: a British history | HistoryExtra - "'Around 1869, 1870 is when you start to have sexual theorists and people who we would call sexologists, but sexual scientists. They start to discuss things like homosexuality but they also pathologize crossdressing and male femininity so again this idea that if you are a man wearing a dress it's not just you know the singular act of wearing a dress, it indicates something about your persona, your mental state, your sexuality etc so this 1869, 1870 moment is when crossdressing first starts to become pathologized… There was a whole, another group of people who enjoyed that. For instance I bring up letters written to a periodical called Society and a periodical called London Life and I think a few others and these sort of publications acted as sort of uh historical message boards, right. People would write to them and respond to each other and so people were writing in with in some cases, with their sexual fantasies about drag. So it was clear that for some people they understood that drag was connected to sexuality and it turned them on. And as I said some people were appalled by that and then there are lots of people who didn't connect drag to sexuality and they just saw it as an entertaining night at the theater and they didn't think about the performance after 5 minutes'"
Weird. TRAs keep telling us that if you enjoyed Mrs Doubtfire and Bugs Bunny dressing up as a girl, you're a hypocrite if you complain about sexualised drag targeted at children

Thank you JK Rowling for exposing the BBC’s rampant hypocrisy - "Jaguar Land Rover, Bud Light and now the BBC: despite a widespread disquiet with culture wars issues, big corporations can’t seem to avoid controversy. The beeb has just announced Barbra Banda as its women’s footballer of the year, perhaps because, or in spite of, Banda’s failure to qualify for the Women’s Africa Cup of Nations in 2022 on gender eligibility grounds. In the same vein as other sporting figures like Algerian boxer Imane Khelif, there is little clear evidence about Banda’s background. Is she a biological woman – and therefore eligible to compete fairly with other women? While originally chosen for her national team in Zambia in 2022, the Zambian FA stopped Banda from taking part in the tournament as she had allegedly “undergone a gender verification test and had not met the criteria for the competition”. The BBC is quick to point out that “details of that decision have never been made fully clear”, but fails to mention that there is no evidence of Banda undergoing a sex screening – a test which many sporting experts say would clear up the matter once and for all. But if Banda’s eligibility is unclear, one thing is for sure – the BBC knows what it is doing with this announcement. Rather defensively, Auntie assures us that Banda was chosen by public vote (who?) and shortlisted by experts (again, who?) rather than being appointed by some BBC directive. It all feels a bit like one of Sadiq Khan’s consultations – the public was asked what it thinks, honest, but you just weren’t home at the time. That most of us hadn’t heard about Banda until now perhaps negates the argument that her footballing career earned her the award rather than her trials with gender eligibility. Previous winners include huge names like Ada Hegerberg, Mary Earps and Asisat Oshoala – who won African Women’s Footballer of the Year six times... The BBC can’t quite seem to make up its mind. One minute it’s telling us that women’s sport needs our national attention, the next it’s naming someone whose sex is at the very least under scrutiny as woman of the year. For some this is too much – JK Rowling has not been a fan of the BBC for some time, and showed it by tweeting: “presumably the BBC decided this was more time efficient than going door to door to spit directly in women’s faces.” Other sportswomen like Sharron Davies and Tracy Edwards have also come out and criticised the BBC for “actively cheering this unfairness on”... I, like many fraudulent fans, felt the pressure to support the Lionesses because of the hype generated around women’s football. Saying you’re not that into women’s sport has become one of the greatest social taboos. If you can’t name five women from the England squad, you must be a misogynist. But if we’re now being told that women don’t really matter, what’s the point? You don’t need to be a football enthusiast to know that this stuff does matter. We’re a nation of hypocrites. Remember the This Girl Can adverts, run by Sporting England and the National Lottery, featuring patronising footage of girls like me who can barely run for the bus, pulling up their bootstraps and giving it a go? As women we’re constantly being told that the world is set against us – that we need special help and support and funding to get on a level playing field both literally and metaphorically with our male peers. And we’re supposed to believe all of that at the same time that the BBC couldn’t pick one clear-cut woman out of all our sporting heroines? Two weeks ago I gave birth to a baby girl. Maybe – even hopefully – she’ll buck my genetic trend and become interested in sports. But until we get our messaging straight, young girls who have hopes of breaking records kicking or swimming or running will see a confused and unfair road ahead of them. It’s not Banda’s fault that sport is unfair, it’s the BBCs."
Damn transphobia caused by colonialism!

School district defends decision to punish parents for wearing pink 'XX' wristbands - "Kyle Fellers and Anthony Foote were banned from school grounds after the September game by officials who viewed the wristbands as intimidation or harassment of a transgender player. They later sued the Bow school district, and while the no-trespass orders have since expired, a judge is deciding whether the plaintiffs should be allowed to wear the wristbands and carry signs at upcoming school events, including basketball games, swim meets and a music concert, while the case proceeds. Both men testified Thursday that they didn’t intend to harass or otherwise target a transgender player on the opposing team, and their attorneys have argued they did nothing more than silently express their support for reserving girls’ sports for those born female. But school officials testified Friday that they had reason to believe the men wouldn’t stop there."
When it comes to the left wing agenda, thoughtcrime is dangerous

Meme - Kathryn Gibes, jackalope...: "I might be struggling with a tight vag, but lemme tell you, that bullshit belief people have that neovaginas seal shut it if you stop dilating? Utter nonsense. I've had a couple times where I was worried that was happening at the farthest depth but it's still all there."
"Seven months later"
Kathryn Gibes, jackalope: "Do revision surgeries to give back some lost depth for neovaginas exist? I tried so hard to do everything right with my healing but I feel like I was sabotaged by a lack of understanding of what was happening and lack of communication from my surgeon/PT"

Meme - Jennifer 🟥🔴🧙‍♀️🦉🐈‍⬛ 🦖 @babybeginner: "Would you like to know the behavior that was deemed unacceptable?    A woman was wearing a shirt with the dictionary definition of a woman on it.  That’s all.    That is deemed so unacceptable that they think the person should be thrown off a plane."
Prof. Stephen Whittle OB... @stephenwhitile: "Hi Fox - sorry @VirginAtlantic gave you such a shitty time. I've reached the conclusion a long time ago that travel is rarely pleasant - but to face open transphobia in a cigar shaped aluminium tube with no where to escape except a 'gender neutral loo' is the pits"

Meme - Jennifer 🟥🔴🧙‍♀️🦉🐈‍⬛ 🦖 @babybeginner: "They think it’s a dog whistle to even mention that women exist.   This is how far they have come.    You cannot have women in their world.  Our existence causes them agony.  Just our existence.  They demand we stop ….being."
Fox Fisher @theFoxFisher: "Discovering this TERF passenger wearing a 'Woman' tshirt just a few seats away caused me to have a panic attack mid-flight. Most trans people and allies are aware this is a transphobic dog whistle (insinuating that this person is a REAL woman, and that trans women aren't women)."
These are the people who go on about 'white fragility'

Meme - Benjamin Ryan @benryanwriter: "Gender-affirming surgeon Blair Peters says if people vote for candidates who would eliminate pediatric access to gender-transition treatment, b/c the doctors who provide such treatment also provide other types of care, bans impact health care “for every single human being.”"
If you regulate euthanasia, that threatens "healthcare" for everyone

I was born black and male, but now I identify a white woman - I know race is not real - "Like many young women, Dr Ronnie Gladden grew up wanting to be like Snow White, fantasised about a Pride & Prejudice lifestyle and wanted to emulate Elle Fanning's fashion.  Ronnie dreamed of lying out in the sun getting a tan and of having blonde hair that grew lighter in the summer.   This wasn't a typical set of ambitions, however, because Ronnie was a black boy growing up in Cincinnati’s west side. Now, middle aged, Ronnie is a tenured professor of English at Cincinnati State Technical and Community College, a public speaker, and actor, and uses this platform to promote what he calls a 'transgracial' identity... Rachel [Dolezal] has praised Dr Ronnie Gladden’s work, saying it 'encourages us to expand our concept of acceptance and inclusion.'   Dr Ronnie, who holds a doctorate in Educational Leadership from Northern Kentucky University, subscribes to the idea that there is no innate or biological difference between races."
Left wing logic: race is socially constructed but you still can't change the one you're assigned to and if you do you're a bigot

Meme - Normal person: "Slicing off a piece of your forearm and stitching it between your legs won't make you a man."
Art Hoe Wojak (Yerba Mate girl): "Umm, you're brainwashed, sweetie."

Meme - Matt?!! @MattIsGay8: ""Autogynephilia??! Men having fetishes?!!?!! Pfft pure pseudoscience, it's far more likely that some males are actually female-sexed souls installed into a het males body and that female soul just happens to get off on the most fetishized male perspective of womanhood imaginable""

Thread by @feelsdesperate on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Libs have made trans the *Defining Civil Rights Issue of Our Time* and almost every elite institution from Ivy League medical schools to the US military to the ACLU to Planned Parenthood to the DNC to a sprawling Pritzker-funded NGO apparatus has pushed this bizarre transhumanist project.  The weirdness and unpleasant of the project, including mutilating thousands of mentally ill adolescent girls to serve as sympathetic frontline foot soldiers, was too much for voters who finally punished Dems in the last election.  Now that the Dems are back on their heals, they’re reverting to their predictable shtick, ‘Haha! Why do you even care? OMG you care so much! Ha ha ha!’  No one is buying it. This is a huge project for them and a huge culture war loss that they’ve staked a tremendous amount of credibility on."

Thread by @unyieldingbicyc on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Boy wore a shirt to school that said "there are only two genders." School censored him. He sued (free speech). Ended up at federal 1st Circuit.  Lawyer for school: This message that there is just two genders is vile, and it says to someone who is nonbinary, You do not exist.
Judge David Barron asked the school's lawyer, What if the shirt said "male is not a gender"?  School lawyer: The administrators would have to think, well, is that attacking a core identity? Probably not. Male is not a gender.
Boy's lawyer argued the school was not inclusive to him when it called his views hateful. Judge Barron again:  "No one was saying HIS gender didn't exist!"
The First Circuit ruled for the censorious school. The boy is seeking Supreme Court review.  The case is LM v. Town of Middleborough.  "Male is not a gender" comes up around 35:00-:10, yes I replayed the tape on that one. storage.courtlistener.com/mp3/2024/02/08…
I'm working on a post about LM and other 1st Circuit trans decisions. These New England judges are blazing a trail of inclusivity through the 1st amendment."

Meme - "r/MtF
When did your periods start?
I know that not all of us will get to experience periods but for those of you who do experience them I was wondering at what point after starting HRT you did start to have them? I'm 7 months in now and I I hope it is something I'll get to experience but I kinda starting to wonder if I'm gonna miss out."

"REGENERATE. 7th level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: A creature
Components: V S M (A prayer wheel and holy water)
Duration: 1 hour
Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid
You touch a creature and stimulate its natural healing ability, The target regains 15 hit points, For the duration of the spel, the target regains 1 hit point at the start of each af its turns (10 hit points each minute), The target's severed body members (fingers, legs, tails, and so on), if any, are restored after 2 minutes. If you have the severed part and hold onto the stump, the spell instantaneously causes the limb to knit to the stump"

Meme - "My first wish is to make the world a safer place for the Trans community by removing those that harm them the most."
Genie: "That's a noble wish. Wait a minute..."

Meme - Non-passing MTF: "Any suggestions on how I can appear more feminine?"
Carl Waters: "Sure, don't rest your nutsack on the sink"

Meme - "Attention Dads, vote like your daughter's dreams depend on it, because they do. *Lia Thomas, Mack Beggs, Gabrielle Ludwig, Hannah Mouncey*"

Chloe Cole ⭐️ on X - "These are the types of “Doctors” that support transitioning kids. Belligerent screaming at @buttonslives and @SwipeWright followed by assaulting the camera man, breaking the camera. In the Tennessee Capitol outside the hearing for the Detrans Bill of Rights which would give insurance coverage to people like myself."
Christina Buttons on X - "She said she had a list of studies that support gender-affirming care. I asked which ones, because I’m familiar with all of them and their many flaws. Apparently she thought I called her a groomer, but I don’t use that word. I was very confused by the whole interaction."
Colin Wright on X - "For the record, nobody called her a "groomer." That was all 100% in her head."

Meme - Emerald-Rose DeLeon 12HS Mars ... @EmRoseDeLeon: "Trans acceptance will not be complete until cis people are okay with the idea of not knowing what genitals their date has until they have sex. It is literally so very not a big deal."
But of course, when it comes to straight sex, sex by deception is rape (at least if the man is the deceptive one)

Andrew Sullivan: Questions About Youth Gender Transitions - "I met a group of women in their early 20s who are not supposed to exist.  They’re women who, in their teens, realized that they were actually men, socially transitioned to the other sex, and then underwent hormone therapy to change their bodies, faces, and voices to become transgender men. After varying amounts of time, however, they all realized they had made a big mistake, stopped testosterone therapy, and “detransitioned” back to being who they were before. They are now embarrassed, they say, but not ashamed. “I don’t identify as anything,” one of them told me. “I just have two X chromosomes in the bag.”   These women are not anti-trans, or religious nuts, or members of the far right. They expressed not a smidgen of transphobia, just a pressing concern that many teenage women, particularly lesbians, struggling with gender dysphoria, have been convinced too quickly that the only solution is to change their sex. They worry that any kind of therapy apart from affirmation of transgender identity is now seen as transphobic, and that teens are able to get hormones far too easily. The widespread consensus today is that detransitioning is so rare even mentioning it borders on transphobic. But in reality, absolutely no one knows how rare detransitions are currently — the small set of research studies detransition skeptics present as evidence that it is very uncommon all come from vastly different contexts, in some cases decades-old, and arguably don’t capture what’s going on in 2019. These women live every day with the consequences of their decision: tenacious facial hair (one has to shave every three days) and body hair, deeper voices, permanently enlarged clitorises. They also suffer from the effects of “binding,” i.e. wearing a breast corset of sorts, to flatten their chests, so they can pass more easily as men. “I have back issues, lower lung capacity, and permanent dents around my shoulders,” one told me. “Every now and again, I have to push a rib back in to breathe,” another recounts. “I have permanent bruising,” another explains. “Serious back issues,” says another, who cannot carry a backpack for long without pain. “We get ‘sir’ed at Dunkin’ Donuts every time,” one joked. How could this have happened? We are regularly told that no child or teen is encouraged to take puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones unless they have shown “consistent, insistent and persistent” identification with the opposite sex. And yet all these women became trans quite suddenly after puberty, found affirmation immediately, and got testosterone easily. One says she told her mom one evening that she was having a sleepover with friends, but instead drove hundreds of miles to a Planned Parenthood through the night in search for help with transitioning. Within a couple of hours, after telling her life story, she says she was diagnosed as trans by a social worker, who was impressed by her tenacity in driving so far, and was started on testosterone therapy before even getting any results from blood work. Another got diagnosed online, and got testosterone in the mail.   By their own accounts, they had been adamantly trans in their teens... the data on transitioning in the past decade is startling. In 2009–2010, there were reportedly 32 girls and 40 boys referred to the center for treatment. Since 2018, there have been 624 boys and 1,740 girls, overwhelmingly in their teens. One explanation is that, as stigma declined, more transgender kids identified themselves as such. But the shift toward girls, compared with boys, suggests that something else may be going on. Why should the female share of transgender patients suddenly shift from 44 percent to 74 percent girls in a decade?  The women I spoke to said the internet, particularly Tumblr, was the key change. “The online effect is where the transgender boom was born”... Detransitioning is rarely mentioned and usually discounted as a myth or equated with transphobia... [Lisa] Littman herself lost her consulting job over the [rapid onset gender dysphoria] paper, after a campaign to get her fired for transphobia...   “Fast-track” transitioning — some kids are brought by their parents to socially transition as early as 2 years old — has also unnerved some gay men and lesbians. The vast majority (studies range from 63 to 94 percent) of gender dysphoric kids turn out to be gay after puberty. So how can you tell which gender-dysphoric kid is gay and just needs to be left alone, and which one is trans and needs urgent treatment? Since the brain doesn’t fully develop until you’re 25, how do we ever truly know who’s really trans and who’s gay before then?  With gays, mercifully, you don’t have to make any early, irreversible decisions. They need no medical intervention. They can simply figure it out for themselves over time. With trans kids, it’s a whole different story. Social transition is one thing. Off-label puberty blockers and irreversible hormones and surgeries are quite another. And this is zero-sum. All the women I spoke with who detransitioned now date women or don’t date at all. Their transition was based entirely on how they felt at the moment, which they now regard as a false signal about their long-term identity. Which prompts the question: How much of the extraordinary surge in transgender girls is related to their discomfort with being a lesbian? What role does homophobia play in enabling transition?... Right now, we are effectively experimenting on minors who cannot give meaningful consent. And that alone should give us pause."
From 2019. As the detransitioned women know, it's transphobic to express even a smidgen of concern about trans mania (or even detransition), so Andrew Sullivan is wrong that they didn't express transphobia
TRAs claim essentially all detransitioners detransition because of transphobia (since they hilariously use a trans survey to claim detransitioning is rare and due to transphobia), so
Why doesn't Andrew Sullivan know that if you think not all trans kids are really trans, it means you want to ban gay marriage and hang gay people?! Not to mention ban miscegenation too

Opinion | The Supreme Court Just Gave Us a Bitter Taste of What’s Coming - The New York Times - "Trans and gender-nonconforming people have existed as long as humans have used gender to organize themselves — think Joan of Arc; think Yentl; think many, many real and fictional people in-between — but in Western culture, it’s only in the last half-century that trans people have asserted ourselves as a group. It was only when we became more visible that the onslaught of new discriminatory laws began... The A.C.L.U.’s appeal to the Supreme Court (after winning a preliminary injunction that was then overturned when Tennessee appealed) argued that the law violated both the equal protection clause of the Constitution, by discriminating against trans minors on the basis of sex, and due process, by overriding the decisions parents make about their children’s medical care... Tennessee also claims that science is on its side, and that is perhaps the most disturbing aspect of this case. Dozens of mainstream medical societies, including the leading associations of pediatricians, filed amici briefs arguing against S.B.1. Apparently trying to find their footing, conservative justices asked about new regulations in the United Kingdom and Sweden. But those regulations were written by medical — not legislative — authorities, and they come nowhere near a total ban... Defying medical consensus is becoming something of a national pastime... Rejection of genuine expertise is both a precondition and a function of autocracy... it won’t stop with trans care. Governments at different levels will be emboldened to meddle in what should be private, family decisions. In and out of government, people who know what they are talking about will be supplanted by people who perform their loyalty most loudly. Quackery will continue its ascent; expert consensus, not only in medicine but in all the disciplines that enable us to know and navigate the world, will be marginalized."
Clearly, left wing experts must be obeyed unquestionably, no matter how many times they've been wrong, or whether other experts (especially in other parts of the world, which are less ideologically captured) object
Modern progressivism is saying that women who don't behave like stereotypical women, for example Joan of Arc, aren't women
Naturally, laws protecting children are framed as discriminating against trans people and the protection of children aspect is not mentioned at all
Since all sex distinctions discriminate on the basis of sex, they violate equal protection and we should allow cis men into women's bathrooms and sports
Given that NHS England doesn't prescribe puberty blockers anymore and TRAs cried bloody murder, while in Sweden they've halted hormones for minors in almost all cases, it's rich to claim that it's "nowhere near a total ban"
Given that TRAs support taking "trans" children away from parents who do not enable them, pretending to be concerned about "private, family decisions" is hilarious

Meme - "Hill: Cutting your dick off is not a valid form of therapy."
"I love that the straight men's entire assumption is that we are here for them, like dude, I transitioned so I could get away from you, why would I ever let you back into my life?"
Kara Anders: "Saying the quiet part out loud, I see."
Weird. We are told that Trans Kids Know Who They Are and that Gender Identity is Innate

Meme - "I transitioned from female to male and now I want to be a trans woman???
Before I transitioned into a man I had a fetish for gay men, bisexual men, femboys and trans women. I would use a strapon during sex pretending it was my penis and that was a man dominating trans women and femboys. I had a massive sissyfication fetish I wanted to make my boyfriends gender transition and make them fem etc If am honest my greatest fantasy was giving birth to boys and making them trans I discovered this when Megan Fox made her sons tras but I was able to get past that by fantasizing that I was a dirty daddy doing it. Of late I have started finding the idea of being a woman hot and being forced to be a woman hot. I started watching Sissy Hypno which I had forced my boyfriends to watch in the past and I keep getting off to how I am not a real man. I want to be a trans woman or a femboy like the guys I have dated. I am quite confused and not sure what to make of this."
"This happened to me to. After becoming a man I started looking at sissy content and I wouls also peg my boyfriends."
Trans kids know who they are!!!

Sam Morgan on X - "Teenage Girl: “I hate my female body”
Psychopath: “You can cure that by triggering an early menopause, cutting off your breasts, and grafting a tube of arm skin to your abdomen.”"

Meme - Jamie Reed Whistleblower @JamieWhistle: "I just spoke to this mom, sharing that I experienced gender distress as a child, that I thought I should have been a boy, but that I grew up to be a lesbian.   Shockingly she said I must actually be a man, and that I have buried my true gender so deeply hiding it as a lesbian."
"I know what's BEST for my daughter!"
Another example of how trans mania is the true conversion therapy

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