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Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Links - 1st January 2025 (1 - General Wokeness [including Bluesky])

Bill 🇦🇺 on X - "People aren't leaving X because their freedom of speech is limited. They're leaving because ours isn't It looks as though they've found a perfect home at BS. In my view, they're welcome to that echo chamber and I have no intention of burdening them with my opinions there"

Sam Barber on X - "A reminder that folks who are leaving Twitter are doing so not because they were not permitted to express their opinion, but because you *are* permitted to express yours."

Meme - LibsofBluesky: "Bluesky is drowning under the weight of the leftists reporting everything. 3000 reports per hour!"

Meme - Rob Reiner @robreiner.bsky.social: "Thank you all for the positive and warm welcome.
It has been a difficult past week. I will not let him bring me down.
I have decided to move here for a less hateful experience." - 7 days ago
"This platform is vile, racist and evil, It did not take long for MAGA scum to come spread their lies.
I have made the decision to take the next few days to check into a facility for peace and relaxation. No phones, social media no trolls, just calmness to heal my pain." - 9-10 hours ago

Experts Predict Every Liberal Will Soon Be On Own Individual Social Media Platform To Prevent Encountering Wrong Opinions | Babylon Bee

Meme - Courtney @crystalandqueue: "Lefties getting banned from their new social media site for claiming the election was rigged is my favorite karmic twist I’ve witnessed in four years.  Welcome to the club."
Vicki S @Blondie6312: "Are you on Bluesky yet?"
Michelle Baker @Michell33650674: "Nobody seems to be seeing my posts stating that Bluesky PERMANENTLY BANNED ME for stating that the election was rigged."

Meme - Coddled affluent professional @feelsdesperate: "The ultimate way of owning the libs is herding them into a tiny space where they inflect maximum damage upon each other and don’t have any mechanism to balance things out."
Bluesky Safety @safety.bsky.app: "In the past 24 hours, we have received more than 42,000 reports (an all-time high for one day). We're receiving about 3,000 reports/hour. To put that into context, in all of 2023, we received 360k reports. We're triaging this large queue so the most harmful content such as CSAM is removed quickly."

Meme - "Lavader
>Leftists finally have enough of Elon's Twitter
>Mass Exodus is announced to a Twitter clone called Bluesky
>Platform and Admins have a heavy Left-Wing bias
>Big figures like Stephen King also leave for Bluesky, as well as many journalists
>App explodes in downloads and popularity, calling it the Twitter killer
>Entire thing turns into a massive Left-wing echo chamber
>Instantly devolves into infighting
>Bluesky team received 42k reports in a single day, 3k every hour
>Admins and moderation completely overwhelmed
>Everyone was reporting each other speech crime
>Sudden influx of Pedophiles openly bragging about being MAP
>lllegal artworks of children flood the app
>Moderation announced it will focus on those posts first and foremost
Amazing... Absolutely Amazing."
Proof that right wingers are obsessed with pedophilia and that they're projecting

Meme - *Bluesky post*
Alex Bloodfire @alexbloodfire.bsky.so...: "Intolerance"
"The founder of #PridelnSurrey, Stephen Ireland, has been arrested on 37 charges linked to the rape, kidnap and sexual abuse of children under the age of 13."
Reporting on anything bad done by a "minority" is bigotry

Thread by @bendreyfuss on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "I just spent a zillion hours arguing with trans leftists who were calling me a monster and eventually they were like “there is housing discrimination because some women won’t have roommates who aren’t female at birth” and that is the one that finally got me to tap out. No shit.  Look, I don’t know what to tell ya, sugar tits, that doesn’t sound like a civil rights violation. They also don’t want me as a roommate. I don’t think this is a Trans Problem. I think this is a Leftist Problem that is similar across lots of issues, but more pronounced in tithe trans debate because there are so few trans people.  A lot of online leftists live on fucking mars. I find Bluesky incredibly depressing because it is just filled with so many people that I think are The Exact Problem Democrats Have To Solve. All I wanted to do was go say hi to some people who I used to tweet with all the time who had left and moved there and after a day of this I’m like “I’m a fascist now” haha
Why I Am Leaving BlueSky After Two Days: I Don’t Want To Become A Republican But I’m Going To Be Backlashed Into It If I Stay
By Ben Dreyfuss"

Meme - Edward Allen: "If Bluesky had banned Jesse at the first sign that he was here to harass and abuse trans kids, he would not have had to endure the community wrath. Bluesky has a death threat problem, it's true, it's that we have to use death threats to get rid of Jesse."
"See, the whole Jesse Singal situation on Bluesky runs like this: a guy takes a baseball bat to a trans woman's head on the sidewalk outside the bar, then comes inside. The other patrons ask the bartender to call the police, but the bartender just shrugs and says, "Well, he didn't hit anybody in here." Is it really surprising that people started taking things into their own hands, doing to him what he's done to so many other people?"
Usual left wing logic. Speech they hate is violence but violence they support is speech

Colin Wright on X - "ME: "BleuSky is the most pro-violence social media platform in the world, beating out Gab and 4Chan."
BleuSky User: "It is absolutely not worse than Gab and 4Chan lmfao"
Other BleuSky Users: "you're next," "🥳," "Great job team," This is so awesome," That's badass," "good,"..."

Meme - "Bluesky is the most pro-volence social media platform in the world, beating out Gab and 4Chan"
"Average Justification Score for the Murder of the UHC CEO Among Users of Different Platforms"
"you're next"
"Bluesky W"
"Thats badass"
"I'm doing my part."
"l already love it here, you don't need to keep selling"
"Great Job team, keep up the good work!"
"And this is a bad thing because? Please do the rest of your job so called Dr"
"This is so awesome"
"Thats badass"
"Hell yeah"
"*pro justice. incel retard"

Meme - "Tell me the truth for once!"
"Not all "victim stories" are true. People lie on the internet. Especially when being a victim gets more reacts and attention on their posts. #BelieveEvidence"

Meme - Klaus Arminius @Klaus_Arminius: "These antiwhites truly hate us. Our existence triggers them. Make more White children."
@sineater @The_Sineater: "When I see huge homogenous white families like this all I can think about is the damage they are going to do to their communities. This is a family of future fascists and bigots. Christianity is a fucking disease and these are the tumors."
Mitt Romney @MittRomney: ""Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." From my family to yours, Merry Christmas! *lots of white people*"
We're still told that wokeness is not about hating white people and Christians


Thread by @sebjenseb on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Why does academia lean left now? A long 🧵
The first, obvious thing to check is whether this is due to changes in the number of conservatives and liberals over time. It's not. Image The second thing to check is if this is due to right wing views becoming increasingly correlated with low intelligence or "human capital". There are several reasons not to think this is the case... First, the association between IQ and political views is fairly weak to begin with. The time lag is also off -- White left wingers became more intelligent than White right wingers around the mid 00s. This trend in academia started before that. Second, if White left wingers are more educated than right wingers (this has been true for longer), then you would expect some of the advantages in left wing IQ scores to be hollow for g, since education gains are hollow for g.  Human capital/competence also goes far beyond IQ. Conservatives are more extraverted, hardworking, and emotionally stable than liberals. The only non-cognitive trait where leftists have a decisive advantage in openness. Image The openness explanation could explain some of the initial difference (the ratio for D to R professors was 2 to 1 in the 60s), but it doesn't explain the change in the relationship very well, especially when conservatives have become increasingly open-minded people. Image Perhaps it has to do with the environment: universities indoctrinate students with left wing propaganda. This also fails as an explanation. While students in the 60s became more left wing in longitudinal samples, the opposite held for students in later cohorts.   The evidence traditionally has supported the idea that it is peers, not professors, that contribute to the political views of students. Which makes sense -- they are the people who they spend the most time around. Image Perhaps it's self-selection: the kind of people who want to become professors or academics tend to be left wing. Not a satisfactory explanation either. Being right wing did not predict wanting to participate in academia within a large online sample on prolific academia (n = 843) They were, however, much more likely to say that their political views would not fit into academia. Which threads nicely into the next section on the explanation with the most evidence for it: that academia is hostile to right wingers.
There are several lines of evidence for this. First, right wingers are more likely to be represented in harder, more rigorous fields that are less political. This is the opposite of what would be expected if the issue was human capital, by the way. Image The left wing skew of academia is also less strong if data is sourced from anonymous surveys, indicating that right wing academics are more likely to conceal their political views.   Right wingers rarely want professors to be reported for anything, regardless of what they said. Left wingers tend to want professors to be reported for things they disagree with them on. Image It might even get worse. Younger academics are much more pro-discrimination than older ones. Image Leftist academics are also much more likely to support discrimination against populist right wingers when their opinions are concealed"

Beyond Openness to Experience and Conscientiousness: Testing links between lower‐level personality traits and American political orientation - "Across both personality measures, liberal political orientation showed distinct positive associations with the lower-level traits Openness/Aesthetic Sensitivity, Intellect/Intellectual Curiosity, Compassion, and Withdrawal/Depression, as well as distinct negative associations with Orderliness/Organization, Politeness, and Assertiveness."
More evidence that left wingers are rude

Man charged with Seattle mass stabbing is 'fully delusional,' defense attorney says - "A King County judge has ordered a mental health evaluation for the man charged with stabbing multiple people earlier this month in Seattle's Chinatown-International District.  Roland Lee, 37, appeared in court Wednesday morning where he made an outburst declaring, “I stand with Israel united in Christ.”  His defense attorney, Kimberly Exe, said Lee is experiencing delusions and does not understand what he's accused of... A total of 10 people were stabbed in the neighborhood between Nov. 7-8. While Lee is only charged with the five stabbings at 12th and Jackson, police have said he is a suspect in the previous attacks... An arrest report notes the five victims who were stabbed on Nov. 8 were all white, and Lee was heard saying “Black power” during a recorded interview... "There is insufficient evidence at this point to prove Lee selected the victims because of their race." Lee's criminal history includes nine felony convictions for robbery, burglary, theft of a motor vehicle, and possession of stolen property. He also has 30 misdemeanor convictions, according to court records."
He must be white, because left wingers tell us that whenever white people commit violent crimes, it's supposedly due to mental illness and minorities who commit crimes are branded as thugs
Good luck to white people who attack black people while chanting a white power slogan
Of course on r/aznidentity people got upset when it was pointed out that the victims were white and there was no evience they were all homeless

Audubon Naturalist Society Seeking to Distance Itself From, You Guessed It, Audubon - "The Audubon Naturalist Society based out of DC has decided to rebrand itself and drop the name Audubon altogether because of the famed naturalist's slaveholding practice.  Yep, you read that right. The Audubon Naturalist Society is canceling its namesake... It's important to note that Audubon wasn't exactly an outlier in his time. He was a man that lived in the 1800s and believed things that most everyone in the 1800s believed.  He was not a Confederate general, or anything similar either. He is almost exclusively known for drawing birds. That's it. But according to the ANS executive director, it will be impossible to become satisfactorily diverse if they don't change the name.  I wonder if they've considered that the reason they're having trouble achieving diversity isn't that minorities see the name Audubon, research it, and decide to not join because they think it's a pro-slavery group.  Maybe people just know bird watching is an activity reserved for bored, retired, old people... They want to acknowledge their part in an exclusionary past?  Has the program ever been actually exclusionary?  Of course not. At least not in recent history. They just haven't been woke."
First, they came for the Confederate Generals...

Andrew Sullivan: Questions About Youth Gender Transitions - "Take the biggest actual social change, hailed by liberals, of the last couple of decades: marriage equality. We did not spend our time calling out homophobia, attacking the churches, or describing our opponents as “deplorable.” We made our case carefully; we engaged the other side respectfully; we lobbied state legislatures; more and more gay people told their stories; brilliant lawyers fought various cases, beginning with failure until achieving success at the Supreme Court. I can’t tell you how many times I debated religious fundamentalists, while never disparaging them. I produced an anthology of the best arguments on both sides. You do this kind of hard work for a couple of decades, with civility, and you’ll be surprised how many people you can persuade to change their minds. It seems to me that if your argument is better and you make it relentlessly, you’ll win. But if you avoid actual argument and resort to slurs, cancel culture, and ever more polarizing rhetoric, you’ll lose.  Yes, it’s harder with the internet which rewards the opposite of respectful debate. You can feel less of a need to talk to your opponents face-to-face. You can too easily dehumanize the other side. But Obama is right about the complexity of people. Attack people for their “whiteness,” accuse people of sexual crimes without any proof or certainty, disparage all criticism of Israel as anti-Semitic, cast every point against gay marriage as bigotry — and you’ll definitely make waves, and be cheered on by your own tribe. But bringing about change? Sometimes I think this kind of activism — damning them while not talking to them — actually prevents change.  One little example of human complexity: Pat Buchanan was  (and still is) one of the most virulently anti-gay voices in America. I debated him a few times. And I appealed to him to see the humanity of gay people, rather than what he believed was the iniquity of gay sex. I kept communications open. I couldn’t help but like him as a person. He is, in fact, kind. And when I came out as HIV-positive, one of the very few Washingtonians who wrote me a hand-written letter was Buchanan. He said how sorry he was about the news, but he was sure we’d still have many years in which to fight and argue and debate. It really bucked me up at the time.  People are complicated. The key to persuading them is to embrace all of them good and bad, while making your case. We did that in the marriage-equality movement, which is why that big change happened, and just as important, why it has lasted."

Obama on Call-Out Culture: ‘That’s Not Activism’ - The New York Times - "“This idea of purity and you’re never compromised and you’re always politically ‘woke’ and all that stuff,” Mr. Obama said. “You should get over that quickly.”  “The world is messy; there are ambiguities,” he continued. “People who do really good stuff have flaws. People who you are fighting may love their kids, and share certain things with you.” Mr. Obama spoke repeatedly of the role of social media in activism specifically, including the idea of what’s become known as “cancel culture”... “I do get a sense sometimes now among certain young people, and this is accelerated by social media, there is this sense sometimes of: ‘The way of me making change is to be as judgmental as possible about other people,’” he said, “and that’s enough.” “Like, if I tweet or hashtag about how you didn’t do something right or used the wrong verb,” he said, “then I can sit back and feel pretty good about myself, cause, ‘Man, you see how woke I was, I called you out.’”  Then he pretended to sit back and press the remote to turn on a television.  “That’s not activism. That’s not bringing about change,” he said. “If all you’re doing is casting stones, you’re probably not going to get that far. That’s easy to do.”  The audience erupted in applause, which was echoed by conservative pundits like Ann Coulter... Tomi Lahren, a conservative political commentator, said on “Fox & Friends” on Wednesday that Mr. Obama’s comments made him look like “the voice of reason” and that “that’s when you know the Democratic Party has gotten this bad.”  “What’s really nice to hear is Barack Obama standing up for our rights and our values of the First Amendment,” Ms. Lahren said. “Just remember that we used to think Barack Obama was bad.”  Tulsi Gabbard, a Democratic presidential candidate and a congresswoman from Mr. Obama’s home state of Hawaii, seized on his words as a campaign message for her supporters... Others called out the 44th president for being “paternalistic.”  Michael Arceneaux, the author of “I Can’t Date Jesus: Love, Sex, Family, Race, and Other Reasons I’ve Put My Faith in Beyoncé,” said he didn’t “need lessons about ‘being woke’ and ‘cancel culture’” in an op-ed for The Independent.  “I am never quite sure if Obama really thinks this naïvely or if he’s trying to convince certain sects of the population — notably young black folks, whom he just loves to lecture — that it’s better to coddle white people about their prejudices with the hopes of growth rather than speak our minds as we see fit,” he said."
From 2019. Damn white supremacist!

Meme - "Hearing about a violent double-homicide in my area *shocked figure*
Finding out the "Victims" were a straight couple *happy figure*"
Alexis Never Broke Again @Alextrocity: "Change straight couple for white couple"
Alex @DarkSpring793: "*straight white couple"
Heterophobia and anti-white racism are far right myths

Nicole Solas, Sued by the Teachers Union on X - "The University of Rhode Island illegally withholds coursework as "intellectual property" of professors. Coursework at public universities is a PUBLIC record so I filed a complaint. Taxpayers have a right to see the woke course materials they fund at public universities."

Wilfred Reilly on X - "Left-wing lies are not "smaller" or "rarer" than right-wing lies. Some are a bit lower IQ, but the very primary difference is that, since the political left controls 93% of academia and the media, LW bull-shite often simply passes into the zeitgeist and is no longer even processed as dishonest.   Some major examples...
1.) There is a large M/F gap in pay, across similar jobs
2.) The police kill hundreds or thousands of unarmed Black men annually
3.) The rich pay lower tax rates than the poor, and still owe "their fair share"
4.) Predictions about global climate change tend to be accurate, in that empirical claims made by Gore (2000) or the response papers to Lomborg (2010-20) have come to pass
5.) Donald Trump was/is "somehow" a Russian agent or asset
6.) Evidence of Democratic corruption, such as the Hunter Biden laptop, is foreign dis-info. "The Big Guy," with his set rate of pay, was a random non-entity
7.) Inter-racial crime is constant, and majority white-on-POC (as vs 3% of Index crime, 80% B-on-W)
8.) The affirmative action-era, #MeToo era USA is "a white supremacist patriarchy." Blacks are disadvantaged vs whites, and women vs men, in the collegiate and executive-job application process.
9.) Some women have 9" penises (shout to Gad Saad's "The Parasitic Mind")
10.) Biological sex occurs on a spectrum, even for placental mammal predators, and humans can ~change it.
Etc. I really could go on all day."

Marc Rich | Facebook - "How about we normalize not asking for everything to be normalized? Instead, if there's some way that you prefer to live, just do it. You don't need everyone else to play along."

Meme - "Gay People I Respect
- Acts Like A Normal Human Being
- Has A Personality
- Doesn't Force Upon You The Fact That They're Gay
- Literally Is A Normal Person That You Can Be Friends With
Gay Peopie I Do Not Respect
- Sexuality ls The Focal Point Of Their Existence
- Rainbow Flag Everything And Everywhere Including But Not Limited To Profile Picture, Clothing, And Jewelry.
- Complains About Straight People Consistently
-Dresses Like A Clown To Show The World How Gay They Are."

Meme - Tim Skellett @Gurdur: "Huh. A favorite looney, Saira Rao, has deactivated her account @sairasameerarao. A reaction to the exposure of Robin DiAngelo? Saira has a new account, @Race2Dinner , and yet another account, @Race2D_ , both as lunatic as her original account."
Race2Dinner @Race2D_: "Okay lets give white couples stipends.. for euthanasia of the white babies. Less future oppressors/racist/colonizers."
Tim Skellett @Gurdur: "Looney. Worse than before; Saira's decompensating."
Race2Dinner @Race2D_: "Race2Dinner facilitates painfully honest conversations between pig-skinned neanderthals (so-called white ppl) and BIPOC."
On the "Am I Racist?" fallout

Meme - sairasameerarao @Race2Dinner: "I think it's critical that universities that claim to care about equity, actually start by removing financial aid for white students and redistribute all of these resources towards students of color."
Race2Dinner: "Nothing is more dangerous than a pink man/pigskin that hasnt been castrated
Only White Men Rape. The pink skinned barbarian rapes uncontrollably due to non HUE-man dna from the neanderthal. #cancelpigskins #racializepigskins #pinkskin"

Meme - "Please note this is a POC-only space. Pigskins are permitted to listen in, but must have their microphones off. 605 807"
"Theres nothing more pathetic than a white pigskin who despite having more privilege than I could ever dream of, ends up homeless or working a minimum wage job."
Because left wingers beg the question, instead of realising that the many white people who are poor shows that claiming that all white people are privileged and all non-white people are not, they just mock white people for failing despite 'privilege'. I used to know a feminist who had the same sentiments about men

Meme - 1969. Star Trek: "Racism is pointless; we have more in common than differences."
1994. Star Trek The Next Generation: "Seeking mutual understanding leads to peace and prosperity."
This won't stop left wingers pretending that Star Trek was always woke, and that those who criticise modern Star Trek are idiots who never understood it

Meme - "TOS fans"
"Looks pretty dated and a lot of the acting is over the top. The sets look like they were made by 5th graders."
"90's Trek and Enterprise fans"
"The writing and acting is hoaky bordering on cheesy. Too many of the plot lines rely on the Borg. Another Prequel series? Really?"
"We know."
"Discovery and Picard fans"
"It kinda ruins continuity on weekly basis. It's poorly written an acted. How many times do they save the universe? It doesnt have the positive tone of the old shows; seeming disconnected from old Trek."
Soyjak: "NOOOOOOOOO!!! Your racist and sexist! Star Trek has to move forward. It was always woke! ST doesn't need its old fans. It wasn't made for you! Who cares? It's a show for children"

Thread by @wanyeburkett on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "“I am much more empathetic than average” and “I have trouble understanding the motivations of 50% of the country” are not compatible positions
You could write a million words on what progressives mean when they say they’re empathetic. It seems to be something like “I feel really strongly that my policy preferences are best.” Because they readily admit that they aren’t actually that good at understanding the people around them or modeling their motivations."
When left wingers keep claiming being woke is about "empathy", they mean that they feel for "minorities" and keep pushing their supposed interests

Nation's White Liberals Wish Each Other Happy Kwanzaa | Babylon Bee - "White progressives young and old gathered for a time of honoring the celebration of African-American culture, though sources confirmed they were having a tough time finding any actual African-Americans celebrating the holiday, "which is probably Trump's fault," as one white college student put it."

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