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Sunday, January 05, 2025

Links - 5th January 2025 (Haitian Migrants in the US)

Meme *White man hunting deer*
*Alleged Haitian with geese*

~~datahazard~~ on X - "Haitians are allowed to commit 1 misdemeanor crime in the USA and still qualify for TPS parole."
Biden Admin Authorizes Mass Overtime To Process Haitian Migrants Before Inauguration Day, Agent Says - "DHS spokeswoman Katherine Belcher told The Daily Wire that “Noncitizens who have been convicted of any felony or two or more misdemeanors committed in the United States are not eligible for TPS. Noncitizens who have participated in the persecution of another individual or engaged in or incited terrorist activity are not eligible for TPS.”"
Daniel Frohlich on X - "Wild. Before I became a US citizen, when I was still on a visa (I had many - B1, J1, F1, H1), I was always 💩 scared to not get into any trouble lest I jeopardize my chances of getting the revered greencard. I was worried that even just a speeding ticket would do it."

Meme - ☘️𝕃𝕦𝕔𝕜𝕪 Ƒʉͫcͧкͭιͪηͣ 𝕄𝕔𝔾𝕖𝕖‎ @LuckyMcGee:"Friendly reminder to show some kindness today. As an example, I'm sending some MREs to the Haitian Immigrants in Springfield. #BeKindAlways *shrinkwrapped cat*"

Andy Ngo 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "Two black Portland women have been federally indicted for allegedly enslaving three Haitians at a care home they owned and operated.  The mother and daughter suspects were charged with conspiring with one another to commit forced labor, committing forced labor and benefitting from forced labor.  Portland, Ore., a progressive city racked by white guilt politics, has not had much response over the news. There have been no riots over black slavery operating in the city. The local media and politicians previously amplified and created a panic over hate crime hoaxes blamed on phantom white supremacists. https://nypost.com/2019/03/30/inside-the-suspicious-rise-of-gay-hate-crimes-in-portland/  Marie Gertrude Jean Valmont, the mother who was indicted, sued a Portland nonprofit for $250k in 2021 for alleged racial discrimination after she was fired."

Thread by @njhochman on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "This how every single argument for mass immigration goes.
Step 1: "Oh, you have concerns about [X group] coming into your country? Well, here's one person from that group who's good. What do you think of that, huh? Do you hate this person, too??"
[when presented with evidence that said person isn't representative of said group writ large]  Step 2: Actually, all those bad things you just mentioned are America's fault. And anyways, it's good for them to come here. I don't have to explain why. It just is.
[no, I think that would probably be bad for us]  Step 3: Honestly, who even is "us"? Who is "we"? Does America even exist? Do you know what America is? Because other people think America's something else. So how can you be so sure that America is anything at all?
Step 3.5: Actually, America is a real thing. But that real thing is just values—values that just so happen to require us to accept unlimited amounts of people from every single place in the world. And if you disagree, you actually hate America.
Step 4: Statue of Liberty quote. Obligatory. Pro-tip: At this point, you start really layering the moral condescension on thick. You can't believe that anybody would be so stupid as to not want infinite Haitians. It's insulting. It's outrageous. Frankly, it's un-American. Does your interlocutor know anything about America?
Step 5: Google "quotes about why immigration is awesome."  Try to find one from somebody that you think the guy you're arguing with might like and/or respect. Boom. Owned.
Step 6: Alright, you know what? None of that worked. Change of plans. Pivot to just googling pictures of the guy you're arguing with and posting them in his mentions.
Step 7: Double down. Then bizarrely claim at the end that you're not saying the thing that everyone knows you're obviously saying. (At this point you're not even talking about immigration anymore, which is good, because you know you lost that argument).
Anyways, none of this is actually an abstract thought experiment—as much as the other side wants it to be. Real people. Real consequences.  @America_2100 is going to Charleroi, PA next week to report on what’s happening on the ground. Follow our account to keep up with the story."

Benny Johnson on X - "ABC News: ‘There is no evidence of migrants eating pets’
YouTuber: ‘Here’s 30 minutes of firsthand accounts of residents in Springfield Ohio where many who live there say the pets are disappearing’
ABC News: ‘Let’s talk about climate change…’"

Park MacDougald on X - "Dumping a group of foreigners on a place equivalent to 1/3rd of the local population is the sort of thing that Herodotus would describe a tyrant doing to punish a city for rebelling or siding with his enemy in war"
WesForest1803🌲 on X - "If you read in a history book about a random county whose government put 20,000 foreigners into one of its struggling towns without their consent, made them pay for their food/lodging/medical care, and told dissenters they were bad people for disagreeing, and then the next paragraph was about the people revolting and deposing those in power, you wouldn't even yawn."

Jeremy Kauffman 🦔 on X - "Haitians are children to most Americans. This is what I've learned over the last 48 hours.  Haitians aren't to blame for having children when they have to eat mud. Haitians aren't to blame when they murder and rape each other. Haitians aren't to blame when they have murderous revolutions every 10 years.  Children can't be expected to learn to farm. Children can't be expected to not physically fight each other. Children can't be expected to invent anything, discover anything, or build anything.  Children lack agency. Children need to be taken care of. Children deserve love and support, even when they act out or violate rules.   People think Haitians are literal children."

Meme - Jeremy Kauffman: "Almost all of my posts documenting Haiti are now illegal to access in the EU. Including ones as tame as the one on the left. "
The post is quoted above

Coddled affluent professional on X - "Springfield, Ohio is a good tableau. Here you have a small town that was left behind by globalization and poisoned by opioids. Instead of helping these people our government and NGOs imports and privileges replacements for the ‘bad’ and ‘lazy’ people already there. Don’t believe that’s what the narrative has been?  Here’s the NY Times saying Springfield residents are lazy drug addicts who aren’t up for the job.  I guess they’re disposable and need to be replaced then? 🤷‍♂️"

pagliacci the hated 🌝 on X - "Look at him. Look how giddy he is about displacing American workers.   Terminally online wannabe-communists ignore shit like this while on their ahistorical social justice crusades.  In reality, labor movements have always been exceptionally racist and protectionist for a reason.  Capitalism adores open borders. It loves migration. It requires globalization. All of it enables corporations to have access to an infinite pool of cheap, subservient labor.  American fruit pickers want better working conditions? Flood the fields with Mexicans who know better than to ask.  American call center workers want higher wages? Shut the center down and move it to India.  American factory workers want safety equiptment? Jack the price of the product up to lead consumers to believe domestic labor is impossibly expensive before outsourcing the production line to China.  In Canada, the "communist party" was advocating for the right of temporary foreign workers to stay in the country and do entry-level food service jobs that should be going to Canadian youth. This serves literally no function other than to suppress local wages.  A joke!  All of these little activist’s interests align with big money. Curious!"

Meme - Douglass Mackey @DougMackeyCase: "This is why businesses love Haitian workers.  An American citizen gets paid $16.50 per hour. No food stamps. No Social Security. No cash assistance. No rent assistance. No free car. No free car insurance.  A Haitian gets paid $9 per hour and they get everything else paid for. After considering all the federal benefits, it’s likely to hat the Haitian is making double, or perhaps much more than that, of what an American worker would make.  Probably upwards of $30 per hour, and the employer only has to pay $9 of that. No wonder they make such willing workers…"
"Dewine is somewhat right, we can't get people in the door where I work for 16.75/hr. so we outsource to a temp service who uses Haitians. The Haitians get everything the government is handing out plus a salary while due to inflation, citizens can't survive on our starting pay."
There's a left wing meme mocking those who simultaneously think that immigrants are on welfare and stealing jobs, but this shows how those two ideas are compatible

Thread by @vagrantwires on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Thread 🧵: The most important aspect of the Haitian scandal is how it reveals the whole "they work/help the economy" stuff to be an absurd farce and a lie. The reason Haitians "work" is because they get mountains of free stuff paid for by the taxpayers in exchange.
A company can employ Haitians at the absolute minimum wage because the Haitians get free healthcare, free food, free housing, and even cash stipends which they refer to as "magic money cards": because the cash never runs dry. This is all subsidized by taxpayers. So most companies, "small" and "local" businesses included, would rather pay slave wages to foreigners who are more than happy to show up to work because they know in exchange for doing so they will receive mountains of rewards from NGOs, charities, and the government. Meanwhile the American citizens are turned into wealth extraction machines. They pay all the taxes, don't get these same benefits, and are still forced to work for cheap wages. They can barely make ends meet. Inflation is killing them at the pump, at the grocery store and everywhere else in their lives because they have no reprieve from its effects and no political recourse to stop it. But the foreigner gets shielded from this. They don't care about their wage or the cost of food, or rent prices, because it is all paid for by other people.
So the American becomes unduly burdened by stress and fatigue, run down, abused, demoralized. Living check to check. They become indebted to large financial organizations. They are always trying to bridge the gap for their families, but can't quite seem to get ahead of it. Americans are forced to rent expensive homes from slumlords who also rake in millions in government subsidies for jacking up the prices of those same homes to dole out to foreigners at a discount. The slumlords, like the foreigners, are also made whole by OUR tax dollars. Similarly, corporations can all raise the prices of their goods in this rising tide of parasitism. Who cares if Americans can't afford food when you know a horde of foreigners are going to come to your store with endless money to spend on whatever they want? 5$ bread? Why not!
All of this rightly frustrates the American, which fuels liberal resentment against him. In this suppressed state of constant abuse, the American is prone to acting out, susceptible to materialist distractions, procrastination, and other toxic forms of consumer stress relief. This behavior in turn is encouraged from all major seats of societal power: government, culture, entertainment, media, financial sectors, etc. "You're so stressed, buy something to take the edge off. Don't start a family or buy a home, it will always be out of reach anyway!"
The American becomes spiritually demoralized, a shell of himself, because he has lost his hope. We are told to "love our neighbor" when a foreigner comes to leech off our fellow countrymen, but we are told to ignore our own American neighbors when we see them in distress. Endless support materializes for the foreigner, who is fetishized and placed on a pedestal. But the American is rebuked, criticized, and held responsible for all sin in the history of mankind. He is ostracized. He has become the "other", downtrodden in his own homeland. The process of life support that the foreigner receives from pathologically tolerant liberals - both of the Democrat and GOP variety - doesn't kick in for the American. When he complains, or says he has had enough, or that he needs help, he is not given a free house.
He is not given a job. He is not given a "magic money card". No, instead those same charity mongers do the opposite. He is rebuked, called racist, insulted and spat upon by those who despise his existence. He is tortured even more for the mere crime of noticing his condition. Meanwhile the Regime and its loyalists are thrilled at the prospect of replacing and punishing all of those "right wingers" whom they so viciously resent. That leftist hatred comes from a place of vitriolic judgement and disgust for the normal. This dark sentiment runs deep.
Their pathological tolerance is only ever applied to foreigners, not because they like them, but because they see foreigners as a weapon with which to punish their enemies. They're happy to bankrupt the country because it hurts us. The politics of spite drive their behavior. Theis spite is fluffed up with modernist morality and given a pseudo-Christian skinsuit to guilt the masses into accepting it as gospel. It makes no sense upon careful inspection, but they only need basic camouflage to get it past a population in such constant distress."

Thread by @Will_Tanner_1 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - [On the meme "Schrodinger's Immigrant: Lazy collecting welfare, But also stealing all the jobs."] "This meme is going around in an attempt to attack the right over its immigration stance, framing the narratives about mass migration as absurd  In fact, the claims are true, and the existence of one enables the other, quite disastrously for Americans  I'll explain in the 🧵👇
The recent reports from groups like @America_2100 about what is going on in Springfield, Ohio showed this to be true  20,000 Haitians didn't just randomly show up in Springfield (nor do migrants generally just show up anywhere)  Rather, they were attracted there by job postings NGOs showed only to Haitians, brought into the town by NGOs, supported in their lifestyles by NGOs, and then told to work for the low wages (relative to American wages) provided by those jobs, supported in doing so by gobs of NGO money Examples of that same general story happening across the country abound: what generally is the case is that the government is using tax dollars to heap cash on NGOs, which then use it to enrich themselves and subsidize the invaders  The Springfield Haitians NGO got hundreds of millions; now apply that across thousands of 501c3s using donor and taxpayer dollars to subsidize the migrants, legal and illegal, as the same story is true of pretty much every town in America and the NGOs operating in it to flood it with migrants It's really hard to overstate how expansive these groups are, or the massive amounts of funding they have
Another involved in the Haitian invasion, the Haitian Bridge Alliance, as @Oilfield_Rando pointed out, has gotten millions of dollars of funding in recent years, a great deal of it from George Soros, and used it to help resettle Haitians in America  It's website provides, "The Haitian Bridge Alliance is a 501c(3) non-profit organization that advocates for fair and humane immigration policies and connects migrants with humanitarian, legal, and social services — with a particular focus on Black migrants, the Haitian community, women, LGBTQIA+ individuals, and survivors of torture."
The NGO aspect of the mass migration invasion is important because it's how those migrants, legal and illegal, can afford to work all day for minimum wage, as @DougMackeyCase recently pointed out  When they're paid a few dollars an hour for their work (whatever the real number is, Mackey is just giving an approximation), they're being supported by the equivalent of dozens of dollars and hour in NGO and government (Ah, but I repeat myself) subsidies that make the true cost of having them here extremely expensive, even ignoring the social cost of having them in America  So instead of paying $20 an hour to an American, or even the full $30 it really costs to employ the Haitian, businesses just pay $9 an hour...hence why they "love Haitians" as that one scumbag business owner from Springfield said about the invaders. They "love" the invaders because the invaders are supported in their incomes from the feds, unlike American taxpayers who get no comparable assistance of note from the government, and so can work for "cheap" compared to Americans
So yes, the problem, much as those on the left deride us for pointing it out, is both that the migrants are welfare mooches and are taking the jobs.  They can take the jobs because the welfare subsidies, both directly from the government and through NGOs, let them work for far less than American workers, who get no assistance from their government of the sort it provides to the invaders it is replacing them with, and the weak-chinned Republican "community leaders" clap like seals because the Haitians go to church and are "here to work"
If the funding was yanked, both from Soros/fed NGOs like the Haitian Bridge Alliance and from government welfare programs for migrants, the invader job problem would melt away in most industries, as the cost of migrant labor would return to being close to the cost of American labor.  But right now, the migrants are subsidized to a great degree by the NGOs and government, so they work for a comparatively low amount"

Oilfield Rando on X - "“My community was in bad shape, lots of social problems. So rather than fix any of those problems, we just brought in 20,000 Haitian welfare cases and hoped maybe 40 or 50 would be good workers. Sure, the community has even more problems now, but I have 30 good workers!”"

Meme - [On Aiden Clark[ Crying man with "Cuck" hat: "I wish my son had been killed by a white man. Bet you didn't expect me to say that, huh? But I wish my son had been killed by a white man. An old white man. An old cis heteronormative Caucasian male. I really wish a black guy wasn't being blamed for the thing he literally did to my son. I wish he had been white instead. If he had just been white, no one would be racist anymore. I can't sleep at night, not because my son is dead, but because his killer wasn't the race he should have been. I just WISH my son's killer had belonged to an identity I would be slightly more comfortable with people criticizing. Please stop being racist to my son's killer. He should have been a white man - 60 years old, to be exact. Caucasoid, perhaps of German heritage. Blond hair, blue eyes. That's who I wish had killed"

Stephen Miller on X - "4 years ago, there were zero federal programs to illegally transport Haitian migrants to the US.  Harris launched multiple programs, including flights, to mass import Haitian illegals—with no public consent. 500K and counting.  No public officials has offered ANY public explanation for why these programs were launched or what benefit they are supposed to bring to Americans.  But if you believe we should return to the policy of just a few short years ago — illegals are deported, not imported — the media and Democrat elites calls you racist.  The same elites who melted down and deported a few dozen illegals from their ultra-rich coastal Hamlet in Martha’s Vineyard.  The leftist media hates you. The Democrat party hates you. And the only way to make your voice heard is to vote, vote, vote."

Meme - Mack @kenzietuff: "White people drinking raw milk: stupid, dumb, uneducated 💅
Black people eating dirt: beautiful, universal sign of poverty, diversity✨"
giggly @xgigglypuff: "Ok I'm saying it. Cancel me. Purchasing and drinking raw milk is genuinely stupid. There are no scientifically- proven health benefits. You are paying more money for something that puts you at higher risk for dangerous bacteria. I do not respect your opinion."
giggly @xgigglypuff: "In Appalachia, our cultural foods have evolved in the way that they have because our ancestors were poor and starving. Poor, white southerners ate foods that were cheap and calorically-dense. This is why we now eat biscuits and gravy, grits, and local vegetables cooked in...
Many of your ancestors in Europe underwent famine and died of starvation. You did nothing to deserve being born in a time period where that is..."
Jeremy Kauffman: "Haitians eat dirt cookies called bonbon te. Women buy sacks of dirt, often on credit, and mix them with a bit of fat and salt."

Meme - Jeremy Kauffman 🦔 @jeremykauffman: "Leftists will murder you over facts they dislike."
*looking through gun scope*
*image of hanging OP*
DOLFY: "I feel that racists like this should be beaten to death with hammers. Such a dangerous weaponization"
Tukach Shakur: "I want you dead and I'm not even kidding."
Time to detain the "far right" for violence and inciting violence!

Eva Vlaardingerbroek on X - "Seeing reports about Haitians stealing and eating people’s pet cats in Ohio. As per usual, we here in Europe are ahead of you guys when it comes to the shit that happens when you let the third world in. Here’s a migrant roasting up a cat in the streets of Italy back in 2020."

Dustin Grage on X - "Now we have the Springfield City Manager acknowledging on video that they’ve heard of complaints of domestic animals being eaten back in March. We also have a call report showing this. Why would they lie about there not being complaints? Unbelievable."

Meme - Patrick Casey @restoreorderusa: "You know the situation’s bad when even the local *Reform* rabbi’s sounding like a paleocon"
JTA | Jewish news @JTAnews: "The only rabbi in Springfield, Ohio, says local Haitian migrants lack ‘Western civilized values’"
So much for all Jews conspiring to destroy the West

Stephen Miller on X - "Kamala used every available government resource to airlift and evacuate 500 thousand Haitian illegals to the United States. But she couldn’t lift a finger to rescue drowning Americans in Asheville."
The motive is obvious

Meme - i/o @eyeslasho: "This sort of outlook is rooted in a foundational idea that explains so much of the bad thinking and policies on the left: The notion that people and groups are interchangeable and that all groups have the same ability and potential to achieve and contribute."
Aleph @woke8yearold: "Liberals insisting that there is no difference between sending 20k unskilled Haitians to a random town in Ohio and recruiting the world's best scientists is what is killing support for immigration in the west. They won't pivot because open borders is literally their religion"

Bolen on X - "Remember that stupid song "don't try this in a small town"? They literally sent 20,000 Haitians to that small town and they're getting away with it."

Meme - *Drake Hotline Bling*
"Cats &dogs being eaten" "FACT CHECKERS: *no*"
"men can breast feed" "FACT CHECKERS: *yes*"

Meme - captive dreamer: "More locals weighing in on the Haitian invasion of Springfield, Ohio:"
"I live near Springfield, most of my family lives in the city. Just wanted to say all the shit you're seeing isn't an exaggeration at all, the number of car accidents and hostile confrontations with locals is insane. My aunt walked into a women's restroom at the grocery store last month and was screamed at by two grown naked men taking a sink shower. Friend of a friend got his car hit by one (no license or insurance of course) and the little shit jumped out and started threatening him and demanding money. They are hostile invaders"

Shred News on X - "🚨 BREAKING: Reports Emerge of Alleged Haitian Vigilante Army Forming in Springfield, Ohio  📌 #SpringfieldOhio #VigilanteArmy #CivilUnrest #BreakingNews
• Alleged Vigilante Group: Reports are circulating that a group of Haitians in Springfield, Ohio, have allegedly formed a vigilante-style army. While the full extent of the group’s activities remains unclear, these claims are raising concerns among residents and officials alike.
• Civil War Fears: Some are worried that this development could signal growing unrest and potentially lead to larger conflicts, especially in a climate of heightened tensions across the country. Many fear this could be a dangerous precedent that spirals into civil conflict.
• Uncertain Future: While the situation is still developing, questions arise about what this could mean for community safety and whether we’re seeing the early stages of something much bigger.
Stay tuned for updates as the story unfolds."

Meme - Isabella Maria DeLuca @isabellamdeluca: "Haitians in Springfield, Ohio have allegedly made a vigilante style army. If these were white Trump supporters the FBI would already be investigating."

Count Luke Twombly von Jolly on X - "The whole “Haitians are eating pets” reminds me of the Muslim grooming gang scandal in England. No journalist or politician admitted it because it sounds comically racist and nativist. So they just ignored the locals and lied for political purposes. Sound familiar?"

Ohio AG knocks 'media' over Springfield animal hunting claims - "Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost on Wednesday accused the "media" of ignoring evidence surrounding claims Springfield, Ohio residents are having their pets abducted and eaten."

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