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Saturday, November 30, 2024

Links - 30th November 2024 (2 - Trans Mania)

Transgender athletes and the sex category: change in competition level - "Most contemporary sports have a sex category with two sub-categories (male and female). The participation of transwomen in the female category has been the subject of heated discussion, from the standpoint of fairness and safety. However, no research has been conducted to determine how the competition level has changed for transgender athletes who have changed their sex sub-category following transition, which brings additional complexity to the issue. This study examines changes in competition level of transgender athletes, comparing pre- and post-transition changes in the sex (male/female) category. This study was an investigation of the content of English-language newspapers published between 1 January 2016 and 31 August 2021 that identified individual transgender athletes. Nexis Uni was used to investigate gender (transwoman or transman), sport, and competition levels. Competition levels were classified as international, national, and regional. Change of sex sub-category was compared statistically with the decrease/increase in competition level. The study examined 2220 articles, which yielded usable data from 68 athletes (52 transwomen, 16 transmen) in 23 sports. The study found that transwomen were more likely to participate in the female category than transmen in the male category; and that, when the sex sub-category was changed, 41% of transwomen improved their competition level, while no transmen improved their competition level."
Weird. I thought hormone levels were all that mattered

Meme - @godblesstoto: "Believe it or not, one of the women in this photo is trans. Do you know which one? No. Because it's literally impossible to tell."
Comment: "yea thats the killer guy from no country for old men movie"

Meme - "Me, a trans elder."
Aragorn: "For trans youth. *runs into battle with trans flag*"
"Is he running to chop their breasts and penises off?"

Trans golfer Nicole Powers discusses decision to stop competing against biological females - "Nicole Powers used to compete against women — but Powers came to the realization that it was unfair.  Powers is a transgender woman who has golfed against biological females.  Powers has also competed in many other sports.  “I had to take a step back and realize that biological realities are real and competitive advantages will always exist despite the number of years or whatever surgeries and hormones you’ve done, and then understood that my place is not in women’s sports,” Powers said in a recent interview with OutKick. Powers said coaches and other competitors have even said, “‘You belong here.’ And even with me saying, ‘No, I don’t,’ they still are continuing to try to force the agenda that, ‘You’re a trans woman; we’re going to keep championing you in women’s sports.'”  “I’m not a woman; I’m a trans woman,” Powers said. “And it’s like this bizarro world where I’m trying to defend my reality against people who are trying to defend something I’m telling them I’m not.”  Powers said during competitions against biological females, Powers wouldn’t give 100% because of the self-deemed unfair advantage... “I don’t know what the governing bodies need to do, but they need to listen to woman athletes. Women, adult human females, they need to listen to those athletes, listen to their pain points and understand that there has to be a change. There has to be a clear line in the sand. And it’s not from a position of discrimination at all,” Powers continued. “It’s just from a position of fairness, from the original reason why we (have) women’s sports and men’s sports.”"
Clearly, internalised transphobia

Alberta performed surgery on eight transgender minors in 2022–23 - "In 2022-23, Alberta Health recorded 223 chest surgeries on people below the age of 18 in the province. Eight of those were treatment for gender dysphoria... Dr. Kate Greenaway, who specializes in transgender health care, said the infrequency of “top” surgeries for gender dysphoria makes Smith’s policies questionable.  “It is a bit of, maybe, showmanship, right? To sort of draw attention to the surgery component, which is really not a major consideration when we’re talking about this pediatric community of gender-affirming care patients,” said Greenaway, medical director of the transgender-specialty Foria Clinic, which has offices in Toronto and Calgary... “That is a major change that we haven’t seen anywhere in this country, and would be really counter to all of the medical evidence and the international and national guidelines we have on how to treat youth,” Greenaway said."
Weird. TRAs pretend this never happens
"If something doesn't happen all the time, it's a waste of time to address it" is a very odd claim. Since more Americans are killed by cows than children in school shootings, that means there's no point talking about school shootings, right?
When "international" just means the USA

Women's rights campaigner forced from lesbian bar 'after trans reveller complained about her presence' - "A leading campaigner for women-only spaces claims she was kicked out of a lesbian bar after a transgender customer complained about her presence.  Jenny Watson, 32, says she was accused of ‘hate crime’ in the traumatic incident, and claims bouncers removed her with such force that she was left with bruised wrists.  Although she had no interactions with anyone but her friends at the She bar in Soho, London, last month, she believes a transgender customer recognised her from social media and urged staff to kick her out.  Ms Watson says staff told her she had ‘committed a hate crime’ without specifying what, adding: ‘I suspect this trans-identifying man went to staff because he recognised me, then they made this decision because of what he said. The ejection was clearly motivated by my beliefs.’  Ms Watson, a town planner, is now considering whether to take legal action, as it is unlawful to discriminate over gender-critical opinions... She plans to launch her own bar and dating app for biologically female lesbians only.  ‘Lesbians are under attack, not by the outside world, but by the LGBTQ+ movement. If a man can dictate who gets to stay in a lesbian bar, then lesbian spaces are no longer safe for lesbians. This has to change.’"

Meme - *Trans women's period cramps*
Fred from Scooby Doo: "Let's see who this really is"
*Taco Bell*

Meme - "Sure I'm a misogynist but I'm not troon levels of misogynist"
I'm at a restaurant right now, supposed to be a date but of fucking course the cis women I was speaking to flaked on me once she learned I was trans, which happens fuck it whatever. But what's driving me fucking bonkers is the table next to me. 3 girls, all early 20's, slim, bubbly, sundresses, talking about nails and boyfriends and sex all just basking in the femininity that I've spent my life and my savings just trying to get a taste of. It's just salt in the wound after being stood up by one of their kind. I fucking hate them so much and they don't even know it, it's not fair, they'll never ever know the struggle women like us have to go through just to feel like that. So now I'm stuck here listening to them laughing and chatting about their perfect lives and throwing back Bombay gin until I can drive home good and trashed."

Meme - "2010
"I'm gay!"
"I don't care."
"Yay! Society accepts me!"
"I'm trans!"
"I don't care"

Leor Sapir on X - "Washington Post editorial board: “But the realities of human biology raise legitimate questions about any notion that trans women should always and everywhere be treated exactly like cisgender women.” The Overton window is opening."

Gays Against Groomers on X - "John Oliver claims that there is no safety threat having male students compete against girls. Payton McNabb suffered severe head injuries after being spiked in the face by a male competitor during a high school volleyball game. She now has 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗹𝘆𝘀𝗶𝘀."
J.K. Rowling on X - "Nothing about this feels good, because John Oliver generously gave his time for my charity Lumos and I liked him very much when I met him, but God knows, if you ever need an example of motivated reasoning and confirmation bias, this video's for you. An undoubtedly intelligent person spouts absolute bullshit to support something he wants to be true, but isn't.  According to the UN, female athletes have lost nearly 900 medals to trans-identified men competing against them in women’s sporting categories. Girls have been ousted from teams to make way for boys. Women have suffered serious injury playing against trans-identified men (see Payton McNabb, mentioned below).  Again and again I've come up against men who argue exactly what Oliver does here, using the very same talking points. With a straight face, the 'believe the science' guys will say 'actually, we don't yet have enough data to say whether men and boys are stronger and faster than women and girls'. The 'be kind' crew can't see what the issue is. 'Why are you bothered, it only affects a tiny minority of females?'   To prove to their progressive credentials - and (coincidentally, I'm sure) indemnify themselves against repercussions from cultural elites in the media, academia and publishing who've showed themselves more than ready to kick people to the kerb for failing to mouth the approved mantras - people with a lot to lose are currently prepared to make idiots of themselves. They'll stare unabashedly into a camera and insist that their audiences' eyeballs are incapable of seeing what's plain as day, and that there's something wrong with the great unwashed for believing that girls are being robbed of opportunities and put at physical risk.   If you want to tell the world you're happy to watch females suffer injury, humiliation and the loss of sporting opportunities to bolster an elitist post-modern ideology embraced by a minute fraction of the world's population, fair enough; you're allowed your opinion. But if you've just told girls they don't deserve fair sport, maybe rethink using all too real and common sexual predation against young women as a punchline for your 'edgy' closing joke."
When the left claim women are losing their rights, the only right they have in mind is unrestricted abortion

Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 on X - "John Oliver maniacally defends boys competing against girls in sport. He says Kamala just did a poor job of explaining that boys have no advantage over girls. Serious question: Is he on drugs?"

Meme - Colin Wright @SwipeWright: "Over at Blu*sky, my posts stating simple facts about biology are being labeled as "intolerance." 🤡"
Colin Wright @drcolinwright.bsky.social: "Intolerance"
"Sex is not a spectrum."
Reality has a known bigoted bias

Meme - Mr. Bigglesworth Memes 𝕏 @Twitermytweet: "Going to be a transgender for Halloween :) *Zippertits (post-op FTM)*"

Meme - "They always draw the characters as prepubescent. It's not a fetish tho. Woodchipper go BRRRR!"
*anime girl with no breasts and childish face and body grabbing genitals*

Julie Hamill on X - "BREAKING: Team Trump announces new law that will require students and their parents to affirm "Jesus is Lord."   If parents refuse, school administration will hold secret meetings with the child, create secret duplicate files and guide the child through Christian baptism without parental consent.   States have authority to remove children from custody if parents still refuse to praise Jesus.
While the above is not true, this is how gender ideology works in California."

J.K. Rowling on X - "Weird we haven't seen a similar influx of trans-identified women into top tier male sport, isn't it? So odd that 900 men's medals and titles haven't gone to athletes born female. What could possibly explain this glaring disparity? Someone get Judith Butler on the phone."
Pippa Pepperpot 💚🍄🦖 on X - "Equally weird that we haven’t seen men who identify as female choosing to compete in sports like gymnastics and figure skating. Again, what could explain this absence? 🤔"

Vast Majority of Americans Want to Outlaw Child Sex Changes - "The majority of those in both major political parties say they oppose allowing minors to attempt to change their gender, the poll found. The 72% of Americans who oppose child gender transitions includes 86% of Republicans and 58% of Democrats...   Rasmussen’s survey comes after an election in which transgenderism was a key issue for many Americans.  Voters said one top reason they didn’t vote for Vice President Kamala Harris was that she was “too focused on cultural issues rather than helping the middle class,” according to polling from Democratic research group Blueprint.  According to Napolitan News Service, 68% of voters surveyed said they think public schools shouldn’t teach lessons on radical gender ideology. Less than 20% said they think lessons about changing genders should be taught in schools.  At Newton Public Schools in Massachusetts, parents can’t opt their kids out of “sexuality” and “gender identity” lessons that begin in kindergarten... If a student wants to change his name, gender, and pronouns, 73% of voters surveyed by Rasmussen said, they believe the student’s parents should be notified. California passed a law over the summer banning schools from requiring teachers to notify parents if their child wants to transition.  If, after being notified, parents don’t support their child’s changing his or her name, pronouns, and gender at school, almost 70% of voters said teachers should respect parents’ wishes.   Throughout the 2024 election season, Republicans slammed Democrats’ support for transgenderism, and several Democrats flip-flopped on or scaled back their stances.  For instance, Rep. Vicente Gonzalez Jr., D-Texas, released an ad saying he “never supported sex changes” after an ad campaign by the National Republican Congressional Committee slammed him for effectively supporting “sex changes for kids.”  In 2021, Gonzalez voted for the Equality Act, which would have allowed children to be taken away from their parents if the parents didn’t support them in identifying as another gender.  Although Harris dodged questions of whether she supports so-called gender-affirming care for kids, President-elect Donald Trump has promised to ban such treatments for children without parental consent."
Damn far right extremists! How dare they oppose basic human rights?!

California Took a Widow's 14-Year-Old Daughter to Transition Her - "A mother in California lost her daughter to the foster care system in 2016 after she wouldn’t support the then-14-year-old girl identifying as a boy.   “I lost my husband, but this was worse than losing my husband, because I had my rights taken away,” the mother told The Daily Signal.  Years later, the daughter regrets attempting to transition, and her mother warns other parents against allowing minors to make irreversible changes to their bodies. The mother of two, whose husband had died years earlier, was accused of emotional abuse for forbidding her teenage daughter from binding her chest and wearing male clothes. Her daughter was taken from the family and placed in a foster home for a few months...   The Daily Signal reviewed Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services documentation in which a social worker, referring to the then-14-year-old with he/him pronouns and a male name, details the daughter’s time in foster care, her accusations of emotional abuse against her mother, and her later renunciation of the claims.  The mother had to hire lawyers to regain custody of her daughter and clear her name of the abuse charges. The charges would have disqualified her from continuing to pursue a career as a Christian counselor.  After a few months in a packed foster home in a dangerous neighborhood, the daughter asked to come home. She admitted to lying about the abuse, saying that she got the idea to accuse her mother of abuse from people online who said that was the ticket to getting away from her family.  “The process of getting her back, it was pretty difficult,” the mother said... She said she felt like Child Protective Services was looking for reasons to tear her family apart.  “It was not about reunification,” she said. “It was more about, what can we do to this family to destroy them?”  After the daughter returned home, she called social workers on her mother a few more times, accusing her mom of abuse for refusing to buy her male clothing. The mother received a California Child Abuse Central Index (CACI) violation for declining to take her daughter to a program at the Los Angeles LGBT Center for LGBTQ+ youths ages 2-25 called Rise...   “I just found it really crazy that they could deem that as emotionally abusive, just trying to discipline your child,” she continued.  At age 17, the daughter admitted to getting a prescription for testosterone from a therapist behind her mom’s back. She took it for a few days, but she told her mom she felt God was telling her to stop.  The mom said she couldn’t have gotten through the difficult time without her faith community. She left California a few years ago, partially because of how her parental rights were disrespected there... California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, signed Assembly Bill 1955, which barred school districts from requiring that parents be informed of their child’s gender identity...   According to the mother, social media played a huge role in her daughter’s decision to identify as a boy."

State AGs Assail Pediatricians Group on Trans Policies for Youths - "Twenty state attorneys general are accusing the nation’s largest association of pediatricians of violating state consumer-protection laws in relation to gender dysphoria care for minors and transgender children.  The AGs’ letter, spearheaded by Idaho Attorney General Raul R. Labrador, was addressed to leaders of the Itasca, Illinois-based American Academy of Pediatrics.  “It is abusive to treat a child with biologically altering drugs that have an unknown physiological trajectory and end point,” Labrador wrote. “It is also inhumane to endorse such experimentation without a confident safety profile, especially if more times than not, it proves to be medically unnecessary.”  Labrador says in the letter Tuesday that an Idaho law, Code § 48-603(17), prohibits “engaging in any act or practice that is otherwise misleading, false, or deceptive to the consumer.” In a 2018 report, the pediatricians’ association claimed that giving puberty blockers to children was “reversible,” and then doubled down on that last year, according to the attorneys generals’ letter.   But the National Health Service of England in April released a document, the “Cass Report,” which was created to help transgender children get safe care, and according to Labrador’s letter, explains possible “irreversible consequences” of puberty blockers for children. Among the consequences listed are irreversible neurocognitive development, problems with bone density and metabolic health, difficulties with normal pubertal experience, and infertility and sterility...   Earlier this year, two investigative reporters, Michael Shellenberger and Mia Hughes, published the WPATH files, which exposed WPATH’s own knowledge of the harmful side effects from “gender-affirming care”"

Puberty Blockers, Cross-Sex Hormones, and Youth Suicide - "The prior research on this subject is not only weak because it contains no credibly causal studies and only a handful of correlational studies, but also because those correlational studies are poorly executed. For example, the 2022 Turban study combines the use of testosterone for natal females and estrogen for natal males and only reports the combined effects of hormones. When Michael Biggs analyzes the same data and disaggregates the hormone by type, he finds that: “Males who took estrogen are more likely to plan suicide, to attempt suicide, and to require hospitalization for a suicide attempt.” This negative effect is masked in Turban’s study by the failure to report the separate effects by type of hormone.  Similarly, the 2022 Turban study finds that 16- and 17-year-olds who received hormones were more than twice as likely to report a “past-year suicide attempt requiring inpatient hospitalization,” but that finding fails to achieve statistical significance by setting the standard for significance higher than is conventional. Only by adopting a standard for statistical significance that is different from the one more commonly used in empirical research does the study avoid concluding that this significant harm from hormone therapy exists.   The two Turban studies do not consistently use the same set of control variables when generating their adjusted-odds ratio, even changing what is controlled when analyzing different outcomes within the same study. The two Turban studies also change the main outcome of interest from lifetime suicidal ideation in the study on puberty blockers to suicidal ideation in the last 12 months in the study on hormones. Researchers should determine which confounding variables to control and which outcome variable to examine in their statistical models based on sound theory and prior empirical research, and then consistently apply those decisions, especially within the same study. Changing which factors are controlled in the statistical analysis of each outcome variable, as well as which outcome on which to focus, opens the door to p-hacking, the process of changing empirical models in an ad hoc fashion to yield desired, though likely spurious, results.  The bottom line is that the most influential recent research on the relationship between adolescent cross-sex interventions and later mental health outcomes, including suicide risk, does not provide convincing evidence. Only a small number of studies make comparisons to a control group—and those studies employ correlational research designs that do not allow causal conclusions, nor have those correlational studies been conducted properly... there are quasi-experiments or natural policy experiments, whereby the reason people, whether adults or minors, can or cannot get the intervention is determined primarily by policies that were adopted for reasons that have nothing to do with the later outcomes of treated individuals. This circumstance approximates a randomized experiment. By chance, some find themselves living under rules that allow them to access treatment, while others find themselves under different rules that do not allow them to do so...   In the past several years, the suicide rate among those ages 12 to 23 has become significantly higher in states that have a provision that allows minors to receive routine health care without parental consent than in states without such a provision. Before 2010, these two groups of states did not differ in their youth suicide rates. Starting in 2010, when puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones became widely available, elevated suicide rates in states where minors can more easily access those medical interventions became observable.  Rather than being protective against suicide, this pattern indicates that easier access by minors to cross-sex medical interventions without parental consent is associated with higher risk of suicide...   It is useful to conduct a “placebo test” to examine whether the elevated rate of suicides among young people in states where it was easier for minors to access cross-sex interventions also existed among slightly older people who could not have been affected by minor access provisions. Using the same exact regression model while replacing the suicide rate among those ages 12 to 23 with the rate for those ages 28 to 39 in the same states as the dependent variable shows no relationship between the ease of accessing cross-sex medical care and suicide rates among those too old to have been affected by these state policies. (See Appendix Table 6.) This placebo test strongly indicates that making it easier for minors to access puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones when those interventions became available is causally related to increased suicide rates, because no similar increase was seen by those slightly older who would have been unaffected."
Evidence that gender affirming care increases suicide risk. Far from being "life saving", trans mania is actively harmful

Beth Bourne on X - "🚨🚨🚨This is incredible news for girls' sports in California.   Stone Ridge Christian High School girls volleyball team will forfeit tomorrow's game against San Francisco Waldorf with male player Henry Hanlon rather than risk their team's safety.   These brave girls are making a huge sacrifice, while the cowards who lead the @CIFState  governing board threaten to sanction Stone Ridge Christian HS for multiple years if they don't play tomorrow."

Thread by @michaeljknowles on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "A bombshell story few are talking about: Joe Biden, his family, and the state of Delaware have brought us Tim “Sarah” McBride, the first trans-identifying man elected to Congress. Like most trans activists, McBride is not content with mutilating his own body and forcing society to pretend he's a woman. He’s in favor of chemically castrating and mutilating kids and appears upset by parents’ wanting to remove LGBT material from classrooms.  McBride even wants boys to be able to compete against girls in sports. When a lawmaker brought up the unfairness faced by @Riley_Gaines_ against Will “Lia” Thomas, Tim evaded the obvious injustice by complaining that the Republican didn’t respect Thomas’s preferred pronouns. When Tim first claimed to be "Sarah," he said that identifying as trans felt “mutually exclusive” to achieving his political career goals. But, his career shows the opposite. Once a mere white guy, Tim suddenly could claim DEI privilege. By identifying as “transgender” and dubbing himself “Sarah” in college, Tim’s political prospects skyrocketed. After declaring himself “Sarah,” this otherwise unremarkable former staffer for Beau Biden was appointed to major activist roles and given a platform to address the US Department of the Interior, Department of Justice, Department of Housing and Urban Development, and more. Tim was backed by then-Vice President Joe Biden along with Hillary Clinton and the entire Democrat Party establishment, becoming the “first trans person” to speak at the Democrat National Convention. Tim was welcomed as “Sarah” into Hollywood’s activist circles, furthering his fame and career prospects as an up-and-coming politician. The celebrity schmoozing included run-ins with LGBT activists such as “Laverne” Cox and Frankie Grande. He also rubbed elbows with sketchier figures, such as Jacob Tobia. While Tim appears to make an effort to present a more palatable version of transgender ideology by dressing up like a young Hillary Clinton, off hours he has palled around with the more typically extreme and lascivious exemplars of transgenderism. There is no such thing as “normal” transgenderism. Men and women are different. Men can’t become women, and vice versa. It’s a false ideology that harms everyone that encounters it—especially those who fall prey to it, and most especially children. McBride is now a congressman. Will Republicans stand firm against this dangerous ideology? Or will they call the man “Sarah” and invite him into the women’s bathroom?"

Meme - Mia Hughes @_CryMiaRiver: "There's no more telling sign of how detached from reality a woman has to be to seek phalloplasty than the top FAQ on the Montreal GrS website.  No, it's not possible to father a child with an appendage made out of your forearm that some absolute criminal has sewn onto your groin."
"1. Can I procreate (father a child) after having phalloplasty?
No, this surgery will not allow you to father a child. The main objective of this surgery is to obtain the most natural as possible male external genitals. To have children, your body needs internal male structures like testes, where sperm is created, and a prostate, which makes secretions of male seminal fluid possible."

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