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Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Links - 27th November 2024 (2 - Trump)

Meme - "Project 2025. Employment Opportunities
Student Loan Collector (unarmed). $75-80,000 annually
Student Loan Collector (unarmed). $90-95,000 annually
Weekend Deportation Coordinator. $40,000 annually
Menstrual Cycle Tracker. $25/hr (part time, work from home)
Gay Marriage Annulment Officer. $2,000 weekly (contracted position)"

Meme - Andy Ngo đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆ @MrAndyNgo: "Why was this omitted from your data gathering, @misstessowen ? The victim had teeth broken in an act of political violence for wearing a “Trump 2024” hat."
"VILLAGE OF BATH POLICE DEPARTMENT... Robert Yott, age 60, of Bath, initiated a confrontation with a stranger inside Tops, after becoming aggressive over the fact that the stranger was wearing a Trump 2024 hat. Mr. Yott punched the victim in the mouth and head several times, causing the victim's teeth to be broken and mouth bloody. Mr. Yott was not known to the victim and this appears to be a random act of violence. Mr. Yott was arrested and charged with one count of Assault in the Second Degree, a Class D Felony, and Criminal Mischief in the Fourth Degree, a Class A Misdemeanor. Mr. Yott was processed and transported to Steuben County Jail where he is currently awaiting CAP arraignment."
Tess Owen @misstessowen: ".@WIRED is tracking incidents of harassment, intimidation, sabotage and violence related to the election. We logged 13 confirmed incidents from just the last 10 days. Read about them here:"

Meme - David Lammy @DavidLammy: "Re: Daily Mail story today. Yes, if Trump comes to the UK I will be out protesting on the streets. He is a racist KKK and Nazi sympathiser." - 2017
David Lammy @DavidLammy: "Congratulations to @realDonaldTrump on your victory. The UK has no greater friend than the US, with the special relationship being cherished on both sides of the Atlantic for more than 80 years. We look forward to working with you and @JDVance in the years ahead." - 2024

Meme - 2017: "IT TURNS OUT THAT THE MEAN TWEETS..." *Putin, Ayatollah Khamenei, Kim Jong Un looking at phones worriedly while Trump tweets with American flags flying in background*
2024: "KEPT THE WORLD SAFE" *Putin, Ayatollah Khamenei, Kim Jong Un laugh as bombing goes on in background, with Biden in wheelchair and Harris looking worried*

Meme - Carl @HistoryBoomer: "Once again, it’s about white supremacy for NHJ. Never mind that Trump’s share of white voters went down while his share of Latino and Asian voters went up! The sooner people ignore her the better the Democratic Party will do."
Ida Bae Wells @nhannahjones: "We must not delude ourselves in this moment. Multiracial democracy in the United States is less than 60 years old. It has always been contested, often violently so. It has always been fragile. Since this nation's inception large swaths of white Americans including white women have claimed a belief in democracy while actually enforcing a white ethnocracy. In the face of shifting demographics where white Americans will lose their numeric majority, we see a growing embrace of autocracy to keep the "legitimate" rulers of this country in power. History teaches us that we are in a perilous moment."

Meme - Richard Spencer: "Why I'm voting for Kamala Harris."
Max Abrahms @MaxAbrahms: "Richard Spencer, speaker at the August 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, opposes Trump for being too pro-Jew. Dems haven’t stopped talking about Charlottesville every day since 2017 even though the main guy is pro Kamala because Trump is too pro-Jew."


Meme - Rooster @Roostersbak: "This was the guy they put in charge of nuclear waste. I don’t wanna hear anything about Pete Hegseth *Sam Brinton*"

Meme - ""Courage" to delete your Twitter account"
"Your account is deactivated. Sorry to see you go. #GoodBye"
Jamie Lee Curtis: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to know the difference."

Meme - Pia Guerra @PiaGuerra: "Remember in the Handmaid's Tale when women had their rights taken away in an afternoon, and all the men in their lives, coworkers, friends, partners just stood around and shrugged. That's you, America. You'll never stand up for us."
Zero HP Lovecraft: "Time's up, foid. Report to the Mar-A-Lago breeding pens by 7am on Nov 8th with proof of fertility. Failure to comply will result in immediate deportation to Haiti."

Democrats should learn this one lesson | Opinion - "the question isn’t whether Harris listened to voters’ economic concerns. She did. The question is why voters didn’t hear her. The question isn’t whether she “moved too far to the left” on transgender issues, etc. She didn’t. The question is why voters believed otherwise. The answer is the rightwing media apparatus. It is huge. It is everywhere. It is dominant. And the Democrats have no counter to it... Voters who knew the facts voted for Harris. Voters who believed lies voted for Trump. That is the new fault line in American politics... There are some liberals and Democrats, and some anti-Trump conservatives, who believe the post-pandemic economic issues explain the backlash against incumbent parties around the world. They have voiced hope in the persuasive power of reality. They believe that the Democratic Party will rise again once Trump tanks the economy. I don’t know why the Democrats should believe that. Why would they put their fates in the hands of voters who are not only fearful, ignorant and superstitious but deliberately so. Are we supposed to believe they can determine on their own what’s best for them economically? Or can we trust them to believe whatever Donald Trump tells them to believe? Point is, we should learn the right lesson from 2024. The Democrats can no longer afford to outsource their communication strategy to the Washington press corps. They must compete head-on with the rightwing media apparatus or risk leaving more votes on the table. They must recognize that an informed republic is the future of the party. And they must build an infrastructure toward that end."
The usual delusion, given that the mainstream media is overwhelmingly left-wing. Looks like they're going to carry on losing. Calling the majority of the electorate ignorant and to tell them that they need to listen to left wing elites is a great way to win

Democrats split after Biden shook hands with Trump — the man he spent years calling a threat to democracy - "Biden’s “welcome” — despite his years of warnings about Trump’s antidemocratic threats and autocratic agenda — follows Vice President Kamala Harris’s concession and congratulations to an opponent she agreed is dangerous, unfit for office, and a fascist."

Geoff Russ: Trump campaign delivered Obama-era hope Dems failed to recapture - "The Obama era’s affluent Democratic coalition is truly unique, and we may never see its likeness again. Cardi B , crafter of the debauched hit “WAP,” rubbed shoulders with neoconservatives like Dick Cheney, who had abandoned the GOP to endorse Harris . Democratic activists declared that even the 83-year-old architect of the Iraq War was “ Brat ” like Megan Thee Stallion, who tried to bum donations for Harris by twerking at campaign rallies. This presidential campaign was the swan song of the era begun by Barack Obama, a man who has singularly defined the Democratic Party for 16 years. “Yes we can.” Everyone who is old enough to remember 2008 knows the famous phrase that carried Obama into the White House... Young people, workers, and celebrities were united in their support of America’s first Black president. Even white-collar Americans, once the backbone of the Republican Party, were curious, and millions permanently bought into the hype. True to his word, Obama signed a stimulus package in 2009, then the Affordable Care Act in 2010, and pulled American troops out of Iraq in 2011. Once he did that and won re-election in 2012, his presidency became defined by enforcing liberal social attitudes and locking them into government and society, delighting wealthy liberals like Bill Gates and Harvey Weinstein ... It was not what one Financial Times commentator expected when he confidently wrote before the election that Harris would win because of the old adage, “It’s still the economy, stupid.”... On a good day, watching The View is akin to the vilest methods of torture devised by humankind, and their post-election coverage was worse. When confronted with the fact that some of Texas’s most heavily Hispanic districts voted for Trump in landslides, co-host Sunny Hostin blamed it on misogyny. The consequences of mass illegal immigration through the backyards of people in Texas, regardless of their background, were deemed unworthy of consideration. For Hostin and others like her, Trump voters are bigoted zoo animals who could not possibly possess a rational reason for how they voted. This perfectly encapsulates the terminal stage of the Obama era. Rich people and celebrities, the kind Obama can move among with ease, whose houses are paid for and who can afford to dine out for every meal, are seemingly incapable of grasping why most voters were not convinced that Harris was presidential material. Beyond the Biden-Harris administration’s inability to bring down the cost of living and the apparent unwillingness to take the border crisis seriously, Harris was simply a terrible candidate. She was plastic-like and transparently stage-managed. There was none of Obama’s smoothness or scholarly depth. When the teleprompters malfunctioned , Harris was incapable of finishing a speech, in whatever regional accent she chose to put on that day. On the eve of the election, Harris apparently called a voter while being filmed for primetime, only to flash her screen and reveal the camera app was on, leading to accusations she had staged it... anti-Trump pundits insisted it was 2008 all over again and Kamala was Obama 2.0. will.i.am even produced a sequel to his Obama anthem “Yes We Can” for the Harris campaign. As American voters weighed their wallets while deciding whom to vote for, the Harris campaign brought out pop artists whose songs consist of bragging about sex, status, and expensive cars. Trump brought out the aging Lee Greenwood to serenade his Republican National Convention. With titles and covers like “God Bless the USA,” “God Bless America,” and “America the Beautiful,” Greenwood’s catalog defines corny patriotism, but it exudes a hopeful love of country that reminded people of happier times."

Cruise ship company offers travellers the opportunity to ‘skip’ the Trump presidency - "One cruise line has launched a ‘Skip Forward’ package — a four-year residential voyage that sails far, far away from America. The trip will take ticketholders to all seven continents, with visits to over 425 ports across 140 countries... The four-year package costs $159,999 (£125,000) per person for a double room, while a single-occupancy cabin is $255,999 (£200,000). However, if a four-year cruise is too much to commit to, the company also offers a range of packages, including the one-year ‘Escape from Reality’ starting at $49,999 (£40,000). Other options include the ‘Mid-Term Selection’ which lasts two years and is priced from $93,999 (£73,000), and the three-year ‘Everywhere but Home’ cruise which is available from $129,999 (£102,000)."

Meme - Dark Hegelâ„ąïž @Dialectiks: "Native Americans being the most based demographic by 10 whole percentage points was not on my 2024 Bingo card" *White support for Trump: 55%. American Indian support for Trump: 64%*
Listen to indigenous people and indigenous voices - when it pushes the left wing agenda

Meme - End Wokeness @EndWokeness: "The very 1st page of DNC platform was an apology to "tribal nations" for the USA. Trump won 64% of the Native vote."
"Democratic National Convention Land Acknowledgement. The Democratic National Committee wishes to acknowledge that we gather together to state our values on lands that have been stewarded through many centuries by the ancestors and descendants of Tribal Nations who have been here since time immemorial. We honor the communities native to this continent, and recognize that our country was built on Indigenous homelands. We pay our respects to the millions of Indigenous people throughout history who have protected our lands, waters, and animals. While we meet in Chicago, we also recognize and honor the traditional homelands of the Anishinaabe, also known as the Council of the Three Fires: the Ojibwe, Odawa, and Potawatomi Nations. We acknowledge the many other tribes who consider this area their traditional homeland, including the Myaamia, Ho-Chunk, Menominee, Sac and Fox, Peoria, Kaskaskia, Wea, Kickapoo, and Mascouten. Democrats continue to support tribes as they advocate for the United States to uphold treaty and trust responsibilities. We applaud that in 2024, under the Biden-Harris Administration, the Prairie Band of Potawatomi Nation became the first federally recognized Tribal Nation in Illinois in 175 years, when the U.S. Department of the Interior placed 130 acres of the Shab-eh-nay reservation in nearby DeKalb County into trust."

Charlie Kirk on X - "Some amazing truth bombs dropped by NYC Mayor Eric Adams, informing the ladies of The View that ordinary people simply don't care about the elite left's shrieking about Hitler and the "end of democracy." “They are not talking about Hitler. They're talking about housing ... They're not asking me, 'Eric, tell me about fascism.' They’re talking about finance.” The left has spent a decade crying wolf about Trump, and now the public isn't falling for their lies anymore."
No wonder the left want to remove him

Bonchie on X - "After his wife got indicted for being a foreign agent, Max Boot has returned to lecture us on what is dangerous for the US government. You can’t make this stuff up."
Opinion | Why Trump’s Hegseth nomination is a danger to the U.S. military - The Washington Post

Meme - Michelle Baker @Michell33650674: "When someone says they won't accept the results of the 2024 election, that means they know they're going to LOSE. If they theugnt they were going to WIN, would they refuse to accept THOSE results? MAGATS, your "Dear Leader" knows the end is near."
Michelle Baker @Michell33650674: "FRAUD. That's what's happening. MARK MY WORDS."
It's only election fraud when the left loses, and it's only dangerous to deny elections when the left win

Andy Ngo đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆ on X - "In a press conference today, Oregon governor and far-left riot supporter @TinaKotek gave her reaction to the November election. She says she will work on stockpiling abortion pills (Mifepristone) and that she will do all she can to protect illegal foreign nationals in the state. In 2020, Kotek condemned Portland Police for trying to stop Antifa rioters from burning down property. She said that lives mattered more than a building. One of her top staffers @knarayan_ , a then-legislative director, was also arrested at a violent Antifa riot."

The real reason AOC purged her pronouns - "RIP AOC’s pronouns. Yes, just like that, the kween of the bourgeois left, the doyenne of macchiato Marxism, has binned ‘she / her’ from her bio on X. Now people will just have to figure out for themselves that this person who was born a girl and who is widely celebrated as the youngest woman ever elected to Congress and who speaks frequently about her ‘self-worth as a woman’ is a she, not a he. Good luck, everyone... It turns out AOC’s renunciation of the religious habit of declaring one’s pronouns was not so neatly linked to Trump’s victory. Internet sleuths have found she may have dumped ‘she / her’ as far back as May. That would make her pronoun apostasy even more striking. It suggests she recognised that as the election was hotting up, as she was hitting the streets of the Bronx and Queens in her 14th congressional district, it wouldn’t do to come off as one of those turbo-smug coastal luvvies who thinks they’re the dog’s bollocks because they take the knee, say ‘Love is Love’ and dutifully issue that most joyless of utterances: ‘My pronouns are
’ No, if she wanted to win the votes of working-class African Americans and Latinos, AOC knew there was only one thing for it: she’d have to act normal... Indeed, in parts of her district, voters chose her as their congresswoman and Trump as their president. She won 68.9 per cent of the vote in the Bronx, while Trump’s support there leapt by 11 points. AOC knew: woke doesn’t count for shit in working-class America where many see the rabble-rousing real-estate guy as preferable to weird Dems who think the hulking teenage boy who says he’s a girl should be allowed to play in girls’ sports. This is why AOC’s pronoun purging matters: it’s an unspoken admission that there are two Americas. There’s the America of performative virtue, inhabited by the credentialled classes, where certain rituals have become de rigueur, chief among them the declaration of one’s pronouns. Pronoun posting serves no practical purpose. Everyone knows AOC is ‘she’, just as they know Joe Biden is ‘he’ – yes, even this 81-year-old male staple of the establishment has felt compelled to state his pronouns in the fashion of the post-class high-minded millennials who have lately conquered his party. No, the purpose of stating pronouns isn’t to provide information but to profess loyalty. Loyalty to the credo of the post-reason elites that govern our societies. It is a code of the inner sanctum, proof to your fellow travellers in the universe of staged virtue that you, too, genuflect to the religion of genderfluidity; that you, too, are good. It’s worth reminding ourselves that AOC underwent a kind of forced conversion to the pronoun religion. In 2022, the heady days of the pronoun psychosis, she was reprimanded by her followers on Instagram for not having her pronouns in her bio. Her pronouns used to be there but they ‘fell off’, she cried, a tad unconvincingly. She made a video expressing remorse for her moral oversight. She swiftly added her pronouns to save herself from the fiery pit of cancellation. Now, two years later, she seems to have left the cult she was badgered to join – what fate awaits the apostate?... To the conceited elites of the Democratic Party, the 21st-century campus and the media establishment, the trans religion entailed little more than declaring one’s pronouns and waving dumb flags. But to others it meant mutilation. It meant drugging. It meant the thwarting of their puberty. It meant the mangling of their bodies. Untold numbers of confused youths, many of them gay, many of them autistic, were sacrificed on the altar of this post-truth derangement promoted by AOC and others for so long. It is easy for you, congresswoman, to purge your pronouns in an effort to distance yourself from the social delirium you and your class of ideologues helped to stir up. It’s impossible for the others to recover their breasts or the youth they lost to experimental medication or just a sense of contentment. If the elites really are quietly exiting the pews of the trans religion, especially now that Trump’s returned, it is essential the rest of us loudly remind them of the social carnage they left in their wake."

Richard Hanania on X - "RFK being forced to eat the Big Mac is the most reassuring thing I’ve seen from the transition yet."

The boys in our liberal school are different now that Trump has won - "we believe that this is happening across the country. Young, well-off white boys from liberal families are being tempted by conservatism simply to protect an archaic idea of masculinity that guarantees them inherent power."
Nate Silver on X - "This is literally the opposite of what happened! Shift vs. 2020 among:
Non-white non-college men: Trump +21 (!)
White non-college men: Trump +9
Non-white college men: Trump +9
White college men: Harris +2 (!)"
Left wingers just hate white straight cis men

Thread by @benaverbook on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "10 days after Trump's historic landslide: Peter Thiel sat down with @bariweiss for his first post-election interview. The Silicon Valley legend revealed what really happened behind the scenes. And why 2024 wasn't just an election - it was a revolution:đŸ§”
"This wasn't just another election. The machine threw everything at Trump:"
‱ Criminal charges
‱ Ballot challenges
‱ 3x more spending
"And it finally broke."
The signs were there, but most missed them:
‱ Polls showing a blowout
‱ Silicon Valley leaders switching sides
‱ A preference cascade building
‱ The Democratic machine losing grip
But the real story was deeper:
"This wasn't just about Kamala vs Trump."
"This was about the total collapse of liberalism."
Thiel explains that by 2024, the left had lost something crucial: The ability to think as individuals.
His metaphor for what happened: "The left became like Imperial Stormtroopers—identical, programmed, no individual thought."
"We became the ragtag Rebel Alliance - diverse, messy, but real."
The biggest shift? Silicon Valley finally broke ranks. "Behind closed doors, every major founder and CEO knew the woke experiment had failed."
"But they needed someone to go first."
Enter @elonmusk: "What Elon did was incredibly dangerous, incredibly courageous."
"He gave cover to everyone else."
The preference cascade that followed changed everything. But Thiel warns: The real challenges are just beginning.
‱ Blue state bankruptcies loom
‱ Student debt crisis exploding
‱ Border chaos intensifying
‱ Foreign threats multiplying
"The problems are harder than 8 years ago."
His most chilling warning? "The world is sleepwalking to Armageddon."
Trump is better equipped to handle it than Harris. "But is he good enough to stop it? I hope so. Not 100% sure."
The most profound shift? "The 20th century is finally over."
The old institutions - universities, media, banks - aren't just failing. They're beyond repair. The next 4 years won't be easy:
‱ No more bailouts for failed blue states
‱ Real border enforcement needed
‱ Tough trade rebalancing coming
‱ Major institutional reforms required
"Trump doesn't need to do anything heroic. Just stop the bleeding."
His message for 2024-2028: "You can't go back. You can't uninvent the internet."
"We have to find a way through."
The old system is dying. The only question is what replaces it."

Andy Ngo đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆ on X - "According to federal law enforcement sources who spoke with former FBI agent @KyleSeraphin, Jenna Howell, the FBI employee who posted an image expressing disappointment that Trump wasn't killed, was given two weeks of paid time off and was reinstated."

Alex Soros: “Too many Democrats are fighting each other over campaign tactics, because it is easier than accepting that Trump was underestimated as a candidate. He was a super candidate with increasing appeal to a broader electorate-likely beyond the reach of both Democrats and Republicans.”
Elon: “The public also believes in his platform and rejected the far left ideology of the current Democratic Party. If the Democrats become more centrist and shift towards the values and beliefs of the people, they will do better in the future.”"

APPALLING: New Trump Appointee Has Zero Experience Being A Useless Government Bureaucrat | Babylon Bee - "Governor Kristi Noem as Homeland Security Secretary along with Tom Homan as Border Czar have also caused significant controversy because politicians fear they may actually address concerns at the southern border to prevent illegal immigration. "Trump needs to pick people with experience in being faceless cogs in the federal machine who won't change anything," said MSNBC anchor Joe Scarborough. "These people are talking about doing their jobs and that scares me." "The government has a long history of useless bureaucrats. It's an American tradition," said James Carville. "I mean, Pete Hegseth as Defense Secretary? He's going to strengthen our military and take care of our veterans. It's simply unconscionable!" According to past members of presidential cabinets, it's not easy doing nothing. Only time will tell if the appointees can settle into their new jobs and become as useless as everyone else in Washington."

Trump Picks Steven Cheung as White House Communications Director : r/aznidentity - "Big Chinese dude. He used to be a football player. Also Comp Sci grad. This gets more interesting by the day.
Edited: And if you look at the YouTube comments there are lots of racist comments coming from sore loser Democrats."

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