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Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Links - 26th November 2024 (2 - Trans Mania)

Joe Biden: the first trans-activist president - "The trans issue has grabbed the US electorate by the genitals. In the pre-election period, Republicans have reportedly spent more than $65million on television ads highlighting the madness of the Democratic Party’s push for ‘trans inclusion’. And who can blame them? Sane Americans would surely struggle to vote for a party that has championed dangerous puberty-blocking drugs for children, invited trans flashers to the White House and housed male rapists in women’s prisons. And what all-American sports fan wants to see men run, cycle or swim off with trophies meant for women?   Under the Biden-Harris administration, so-called trans rights have been sanctified, becoming a holy mission for the mainstream left. Last year, Biden claimed on Transgender Day of Visibility that ‘transgender Americans shape our nation’s soul’. In the same speech, Biden claimed there is an ‘epidemic of violence against transgender women and girls’, although all the evidence would suggest it is actual women and girls who are being put most at risk from his trans-rights crusade, as sex-based rights are corroded and women’s spaces are thrown open to any man who claims to be a woman.  As Biden now prepares to shuffle off the global political stage, it’s worth looking at the damage he has done while waving the insipid baby blue, white and blush-pink tricolour trans flag. The president’s position was clear from the outset. On his first day in office, he blithely signed away women’s rights when he nodded through an executive order, entitled ‘Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation’. By treating discrimination on the basis of ‘gender identity’ as equivalent to sex discrimination, the order effectively removed the sex-based rights of the nearly 900,000 women who work in the federal government, and more who rely on statutory services. A year later, his administration proposed similar changes to Title IX. Title IX was established to defend women’s rights in education. But the updated version instead obliterates single-sex bathrooms, sports and locker rooms in federally funded schools.   The ramifications for women at the sharp end of Biden’s trans-inclusive policies have been obscene. As Reduxx magazine has consistently reported, the most dangerous and predatory male prisoners are now routinely locked up with women inmates who are then penalised if they complain.  Elizabeth Chesak, president of feminist organisation Women’s Declaration International USA, says Biden’s trans-inclusive policies are wildly unpopular, and that many federal district courts have blocked them from being enacted. ‘According to polling conducted last year on behalf of WDI USA, most Americans – including Democrats – agree that a woman is an adult human female’, she tells me... Some of Biden’s initiatives have bordered on the comical. When he hosted an LGBTQIA+ Pride event at the White House, one of the attendees, a model and influencer known as Rose Montoya, flashed his moobs and danced provocatively. It took Biden three days to say Montoya was no longer welcome. He also took time out of his busy presidential schedule to speak with simpering trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney, a gay man who behaves like a grotesque parody of an attention-seeking teenage girl. When he interviewed Biden, Mulvaney was celebrating his ‘221st day of girlhood’. He later went on to crash the Bud Light brand after he was unveiled as one of its new ambassadors.  Many of Biden’s actions that have been heralded as great steps for ‘trans rights’ have been downright chilling. His appointment of trans activist Rachel Levine first as assistant secretary for health, and then as an admiral and head of the US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, has allowed the dangerous fiction of the ‘transgender child’ to be embedded into medical protocols across the US. Levine has repeatedly made the false claim that there is ‘no argument among medical professionals’ surrounding the care of children who identify as transgender and that ‘gender-affirming care for transgender youth is essential and can be life-saving’. In the years since Levine’s appointment, detransitioners have begun to file lawsuits against the medical professionals who removed their breasts, sex organs and prescribed them hormones. The damage to these young people will be felt long after Levine and Biden have left office.  In essence, the Democratic Party has sacrificed women’s rights and children’s safety at the altar of gender ideology, providing Republicans with an open goal.  Joe Biden was America’s first trans activist commander-in-chief. Here’s hoping he’ll be the last."
Clearly, there is no left wing party in the US, because open borders, racial quotas and sterilising kids are right wing positions (the commies genuinely believe this)

Wesley Yang on X - "There are still people who deny that minors are having gender surgeries done to them, five years after they televised the castration of a 17-year old boy on a popular reality show to great fanfare"
On Jazz Jennings

Germany's transgender rights law takes effect – DW – 11/01/2024
Andrew Hammel on X - "German journalism 101:
1. Decide who is the "underdog" in a complex controversy.
2. Google 3-4 activists who support the underdog.
3. Include extensive quotes from them in the article.
4. Ignore all contrary arguments.

phil illy on X - "I think it's wrong that a subset of autogynephilic transsexuals worked together to suppress knowledge about autogynephilia. It robs the broader autogynephilic population of a fair shot at making sense of their gender feelings. I wish I knew earlier."

Meme - Keep Prisons Single Sex USA @NoXY_USA: "We are truly in upside down world when preserving single sex spaces and sports is considered "predatory.""
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC: "Like I said. This ticket is predatory and people deserve better."
Olayemi Olurin @msolurin: "Green Party VP Butch Ware: "I don't think that biological males should play in female sports""

Richard Hanania on X - "Former staffers and interns of congressman Seth Moulton are circulating a letter chiding him for being anti-trans in women’s sports and calling pronouns weird. It makes perfect sense now. Why do Democrat politicians never stand up to wokes? All the pressure comes from below."

Zoë Dominguez on X - "Lot of the replies are pissing me off. Queerness is inherently political bc it exists in opposition to cishet social norms and power structures. Reducing queerness to sexuality exclusively ignores so many of the beautiful and radical parts of being queer!"
James Lindsay, anti-Communist on X - "I am once again telling you: Queer is not an identity. It is a defiant political stance. You cannot be Queer. You can only act Queer. Therefore it isn't possible to discriminate against "Queer identities" because they aren't identities but beliefs and practices."
This ties in to the Queer Theory explainer

Genspect on X - ""Gender nonconformity in childhood only became a psychiatric disorder because, in the 1950s, men seeking the impossibility of a sex change began showing up in clinics recounting stories of childhood femininity, prompting researchers to study feminine boys.  Many of the stories these men told were likely fabricated, just as a way to get the hormones and surgeries that they so desperately desired. But by the time psychiatrists realized that it was too late, gender nonconformity in children had been pathologized and psychiatry had opened the door to one of the most harmful concepts of all time: the transgender child.  It cannot be said often enough or strongly enough that there is no such thing as a transgender child." - @_CryMiaRiver"
Mia Hughes on X - "Researchers in the 1950s turned their attention to feminine boys because a bunch of autogynephilic men made up stories of childhood femininity as a way to get hormones and surgeries.   However, in their hunt for "transsexual children," all the researchers found were future homosexuals.   But the concept of the trans child was already in place, and the stage was set for a new form of conversion therapy, one that would ironically be celebrated by well-meaning liberals and championed by groups that once fought for gay rights."

Jennifer Block on X - "Whatever you feel about gender identity and medical treatment, there's a pattern of thwarted evidence collection and publication. The MD suing @BostonChildrens was collecting data on gender patients at the US's longest running clinic when she was fired."
Benjamin Ryan on X - "There is no indication that after @BostonChildrens  fired Amy Tishelman in 2021, they handed off her efforts to study the long-term outcomes of former pediatric-gender-clinic patients to another researcher. On the contrary, the funding for a clinic research director dried up and the position dissolved. This means that for the past three years, the top and oldest pediatric gender clinic in the nation has no one running their research endeavors."

Boston Children's Hospital's Treatment of Trans Kids Is 'Reckless' | The New York Sun - "The world-renowned Boston Children’s Hospital is being denounced by leading psychologists for drastically reducing the time it allocates for mental-health professionals to determine whether children identifying as transgender should receive gender-transition treatment. Shocked and dismayed by the hospital’s policy, these experts in pediatric-gender medicine have called the shortened assessment period woefully inadequate — considering the complexity of gender-related distress in minors and the fact that these medications are life-altering and, in the case of testosterone and estrogen, cause irreversible effects.  During the second half of the 2010s, leaders at the pediatric gender clinic at Boston Children’s first cut in half, and ultimately slashed by eightfold, the time they typically scheduled for in-house psychologists to assess gender-distressed children before determining whether they should be referred to endocrinologists to begin a treatment path that includes puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.   By about 2018, the gender clinic’s assessment policy was to provide these minor-age patients only a one-hour appointment with a psychologist, plus one hour with that provider and their family. This is according to three staff psychologists and the clinic’s director.   “It’s shocking,” Laura Edwards-Leeper, a former Boston Children’s psychologist who helped found its gender clinic, told the Sun of the dramatic reduction in time allotted for such assessments. This reported sea change in clinic policy came to light thanks to a lawsuit brought by a fired psychologist that is now being heard in Suffolk County Superior Court in Boston. Amy Tishelman, 68, has accused Boston Children’s Hospital of age- and gender-based discrimination and of retaliation. The hospital terminated her in 2021, alleging she violated a patient-privacy law; she had filed her initial discrimination suit against the institution the year prior.   Dr. Tishelman, who is widely recognized as a leader in pediatric gender medicine, on Thursday testified that when she began working for Boston Children’s gender clinic in 2013, administrators allotted her 20 hours, and sometimes longer, to assess whether a child should be referred for gender treatments; this included her time to write the report on the patient.   A few years into her tenure at the gender clinic, the hospital had cut that period to 10 hours, she said. Then, by early 2018, it had slashed the time again... “There’s a lot of things to think about in the long- and short-run. It’s not like taking an aspirin. It’s a big deal.”...   By stripping Dr. Tishelman of her right to see patients in the gender clinic in 2019, she and her attorney alleged in court, Boston Children’s compromised her vital research into the care of transgender children. By firing her outright two years later, she said, the hospital terminated, among other research, her effort to establish a comprehensive database of all the patients the gender clinic had ever seen and to follow up with those who had reached adulthood.   “We were the first clinic to see transgender kids in the United States, and we don’t know whatever happened to them and how they’re doing,” Dr. Tishelman testified about the hundreds of former patients who have aged out of the clinic’s care.   “It’s damning that an institution like that, which has all those esteemed affiliations with major universities, would put the kibosh on an area of research that’s so desperately needed and would have informed their administrative decisions had they allowed it,” Erica Anderson, a psychologist and former head of the U.S. division of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, or WPATH, told the Sun. Boston Children’s is most prominently affiliated with Harvard Medical School.  Dr. Anderson, who is transgender, said that the assessment-related testimony from multiple Boston Children’s employees in Dr. Tishelman’s trial — who gave no indication that the drastically shortened assessment time is anything but a long-standing clinic policy — suggested a “fall from grace” for the prestigious hospital. The institution, she said, has “capitulated to the medicalization of children in a way that is reckless.”...   The gender clinic housed at Boston Children’s, called the Gender Multispecialty Service, or GeMS, is a pioneer and considered to be among the pre-eminent clinics of its kind in the United States. Consequently, the news that GeMS will approve children for gender-transition treatment at a pace multiple leading gender-medicine psychologists told the Sun was alarmingly hasty will likely deal a blow not only to the hospital’s reputation, but to this controversial and besieged medical field as a whole...   The expositions that have emerged at Dr. Tishelman’s trial consequently shed crucial light onto the practices of a medical field that has become increasingly insular and secretive as it has faced mounting political and public scrutiny, lawsuits and, for Boston Children’s in particular, even threats of violence... U.S. gender-medicine practitioners have become known worldwide for their particularly eager abandonment of the Dutch model’s guardrails. In their place, clinics such as Boston Children’s have adopted a philosophy known as gender-affirming care...  The nonprofit Do No Harm recently conservatively estimated that at least 14,000 U.S. minors received gender-transition medications, surgeries, or both between 2019 and 2023... “a lot of parents share that some of their children seem to know seemingly from the womb as if they come out kind of knowing who they are,” meaning transgender. “There’s no scientific research that would support the assertion that kids know whether they’re transgender as soon as they come out of the womb, right?” Mr. Hannon asked Dr. McGregor.  “I don’t know how we would do that scientific research, so no,” she replied...   Some American mental-health providers, for example, advertise that they will write a letter recommending a gender-dysphoric child for puberty blockers after only a single visit...   Anna Hutchison, a psychologist who worked for GIDS between 2013 and 2017, reflected on the prospect of being asked to assess a child and their family in only two appointments, as became the practice at GeMS in 2018. “What can you realistically achieve in that time?” Dr. Hutchinson said... Reuters published an investigation of pediatric gender clinics in which it reported: “Seven of the clinics said that if they don’t see any red flags and the child and parents are in agreement, they are comfortable prescribing puberty blockers or hormones based on the first visit, depending on the age of the child.”"
Weird. TRAs keep claiming it's super hard to get "treatment" so claims that children can get hormones quickly are right wing misinformation. But it turns out in Boston you can get referred for hormones after 2 hours, and there're clinics which will push you through the pipeline after only one visit
Left wingers are terrified of research that might threaten the left wing agenda (this also explains that meme about how reasons women have abortions are "none of your business"). The cope is going to be that we already "know" that gender affirming care is literally life saving, so it is irresponsible and sadistic to continue to conduct studies to prove what "we" "know" "works"

225 Hospitals Provide Transgender Procedures to Children - "More than 200 hospitals and health care facilities provide irreversible transgender procedures to children, debunking left-wing claims that the treatments aren’t being done on minors... Nearly 14,000 American children underwent sex-change interventions of some type between 2019 and 2023, according to Do No Harm’s analysis of thousands of insurance claims at hospitals and pediatric facilities in the United States.  “It’s a common lie in the trans industry in America that these procedures are very highly reversible, that there’s no long-term effects,” Serio told The Daily Signal. “We know that’s simply not the case, especially for children who are taking the hormones for a longer period of time. Some of them can have a sterilizing effect on children, especially when taken for a lengthy period of time.”  Almost 6,000 children have undergone transgender surgeries, while 8,579 have been given hormones and puberty blockers."

Thread by @Rstorechildhood on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "In 2015, the story of five year old ‘trans kid’🏳️‍⚧️ Jacob Lemay went viral 🧵  This thread is an analysis of the Lemay’s first public interview.  This ‘trans kid’ story shows that instead of diagnosing girls with autism, adults transition them...
Jacob, born Mia, was one of three girls born to the Lemay family.  By the age of 5, her parents had already decided to allow their daughter to transition & to live as a boy.  Their story went viral after Jacob’s mom Mimi, published an open letter to her child. In this clip, the Lemay parents reflect on the signs of ‘transgender identity’ in their toddler Mia.  Mia was a child who changed her clothes constantly, sometimes 12 times a day- until she was gifted a ‘doggy sweater’ which she refused to take off for 6 months. The Lemay family retrospectively interpreted their toddler’s obsession of changing her clothes constantly, as their daughter’s attempt to “dispel a sense of discomfort with her image”.  These ‘clues’ were later used as proof of the child’s ‘innate’ trans identity. In this clip, the girl’s parents discussed that their tomboy daughter didn’t ’quite fit in with the girls or with the boys’.  Her mother Mimi discusses how her child withdrew socially & wouldn’t ’look people in the face’ when they talked to her. When these parents describe their daughter’s compulsive need to change her clothes, her obsession with one specific sweater & her inability to engage in eye contact- as signs of discomfort with her female identity,  I can’t help but to notice these as possible signs of autism. Mia’s mom Mimi describes how her daughter’s obsessive rituals around clothing were followed by an ‘insistent, consistent & persistent’ request to be treated as a boy.  Mimi says that these are traits of a possibly transgender child.  In reality, these are traits of autism. The mother of the now “trans child” describes being distressed by the potential implications of her daughter’s obsession with being a boy.  Gender nonconformity & narrow hyper-fixations are traits of autism. These traits are falsely attributed to an inner ‘male identity’. In the cases of many “trans children” there is often a nonconforming child & a well-meaning, neurotic parent who becomes distressed by their child’s differences.  Then- there’s a catalyst- a major life event which causes a parent to actively pursue their child’s transition.
Before she transitioned her daughter, Mia’s mother Mimi discusses a how a narrowly avoided collision caused her to make up her mind about transitioning her daughter.  Then she buys a Prince Charming costume for her daughter, who gets praised by others for being ‘handsome’. In this clip, the parents discussed their daughter’s joy at being complimented for how handsome she looked in the Prince Charming costume.  The parents arrive at the conclusion that being perceived as a boy is what made their daughter happy. In reality, kids thrive on praise. In this clip, the parents discuss showing their tomboy daughter a video of a “trans kid” named Ryland.  Mia’s parents asked her if she too would like to become a boy.  Mia didn’t organically come to see herself as a boy- this idea was planted into her mind by adults. Mia’s mother Mimi, reports that her daughter thrived after transitioning; she began to engage in eye contact & developed friendships.  The mom concludes that ‘being Jacob’ really suited her daughter.  One wonders why the girl had to ‘live as a boy’ to do what made her happy.
The story of “trans kid” Jacob Lemay begs the following question:  Why were adults so quick to ascribe a transgender identity to a tomboy with a preponderance of autistic traits, instead of getting her evaluated & treated for her developmental delays? Adults ascribe transgender identities to non-conforming children, because they aren’t provided the correct frameworks to help them understand their child.  Instead of seeing autistic traits in their daughter, the Lemay’s saw a boy ‘trapped’ in their daughter’s body. There is much to be learned from the story of Jacob Lemay & her family:  We have learned that in this current cultural moment, instead of screening girls for autism- we transition them.  We have learned that sex non-conformity in kids still causes distress for their parents.
In our next thread, we will look into how Jacob herself has rationalized her transition ‘into a boy’.  This thread however is aimed at highlighting the perspectives of the parents.  Parents who feel incapable of understanding their kids are told to seek advice from ‘experts’ Behind every trans activist parent is a well-meaning parent who was lied to by the “experts”.  This little girl was transitioned because the “experts” saw a her intense obsession with becoming a boy as a sign that she *is* a boy- rather than seeing it as a trait of autism. At Restore Childhood, we understand that political agendas have captured the ‘experts’ of institutions which are supposed to protect our kids.  We’ve developed a free toolkit so that parents can become their own experts.  You can find it on our website, linked in our bio."

Meme - Patricia Guillot: "This young boy has been permanently chemically castrated and was used by National Geographic as their poster child for transgenderism. He is now 17 and has decided that he doesn’t want to be a girl anymore and states the transgender activists ruined his life. Disturbing. Dr Phil recently did a show about this and others in the same boat. Join @davidavocadowolfe 🥑"
"GIRLS REVOLUTION. "The best thing about being a girl is, now I don't have to pretend to be a boy' January 2017"

Has star ‘trans kid’ Avery Jackson detransitioned? - "In 2017, a transgender child from Missouri appeared on the national scene. Avery Jackson seemed proof that some kids just know they’re the opposite sex.  It was an iconic cover of National Geographic. It’s a strange story? Less a transgender one, apparently, than a story of continuing change. The religious details interested me. “I’m a conservative Southern Baptist Republican from Alabama,” as Debi, Avery’s mother, would say.  They were conservative Christians and had to buck their religion in order to save the life of their transgender daughter. That was the story... As I look over what they’ve posted online, I’m puzzled to not see a church and a pastor. I can’t seem to find so much as mention of a family church, past or present. Debi talks about consulting experts. In 2017, she told People:      “We knew we had to trust the process, and trust the doctors and therapists that changing clothes, hair and pronouns never caused anyone permanent damage,” she says.  For Southern Baptists, a pastor would be the first authority. With pink hair and “a fascination with wearing jewelry” and “wanting her fingernails and toenails painted,” as Debi said, it was a very unusual Southern Baptist story.  This is just not how daughters, transgender or otherwise, are displayed... As of 2020, Debi wasn’t even Evangelical.  At the same time, Avery appears to have stopped being a transgender activist. Debi explains it happening owing to the Donald Trump presidency.  That’s the suggestion of a 2020 Pop Sugar profile, where Avery seems not to want to be interviewed, and the most recent photos don’t seem so ‘feminine’ anymore... The story is that Avery became less trans because of Donald Trump... In fourteen years of young life, Avery had gone from “he/him” to “she/her” to “they/them.”  Starting out Southern Baptist, Avery became not Baptist—or Southern? A GoFundMe was set up to help the Jacksons move. They’re said to be at war with their local community. Debi, as always, is in some seige mentality.  The appeal for money comes with a photo of Avery as a child in female styling. Avery is called “trans” but no pronouns are used"

Meme - Sad woman: "the science showing that puberty blockers didn't improve the mental health of trans kids"
Hand covering her mouth: "'woke" scientists"

Meme - Andy Ngo 🏳️‍🌈 @MrAndyNgo: "A Lexington, Ky. social media influencer has gone viral on X for presenting herself as a moderate, married Christian woman who is voting for Kamala.  But her online activism is about Democrat politics and trans ideology, particularly through her trans nonbinary partner who has been emulating her dress and style.  They involve their young children in their trans social media influencing as well."

Meme - Andy Ngo 🏳️‍🌈 @MrAndyNgo: "Deceptive left-wing influencer @aprilajoyr  blocked me before I could write a Community Note on her misleading Kamala Harris endorsement post where she presents herself as a moderate Christian mother and wife.   She's married to an anti-Trump trans nonbinary activist and is using her viral post to sell merchandise and her book. She creates content featuring her family, where they promote trans and gender ideology."

Thread by @MeganFoxWriter on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "My daughter was given an assignment to write a paper on inequality. She chose men in women's sports. Her professor has informed her she can't use that topic. She may write about the inequality that trans women face in sports but not the inequality women face because of "trans women" in sports. Make that make sense.
Wow, this seems to have touched a nerve. A few things:
1. It's college sociology and it's a required class
2. My daughter isn't interested in blowing up her relationship with her professor in the beginning of the year if she doesn't have to
3. I will not give anyone the name of the school or the professor because the last thing we need here are accusations of "harassment" which is exactly what will happen if I do that. We all know many on the left can't handle free expression and my daughter doesn't need a target on her back because of who her mom is.
4. Thank you for all the offers to help. My daughter is taking some of you up on that and I'll keep you updated about how it goes.
College shouldn't be like this but it is. And hopefully, we can get some effort in the next four years to encourage intellectual freedom. Here's the study her professor said she COULD use. Note how the topic is not about inequality but about "cisgendered" attitudes towards trans ideology. Forget women who are being pushed out of their sports. You're a bigot!
This was the study she wanted to use...
UPDATE! The prof agreed to let her use one of the studies sourced by many of you so she is allowed to do her topic. I will let you know how it goes."

Being a Good Winner Doesn't Include Cancel Mobs - "Those of us on the right know why professors rely so heavily on “peer-reviewed and published” studies. The real studies on important topics can’t get peer-reviewed or published if they don’t toe the leftist line. If you need an example, check out the New York Times article that just dropped, showing that the researcher purposefully hid a study on hormone blockers in children because the outcome wasn’t good for the political narrative.  A fair and unbiased professor would have helped my daughter find an acceptable study that involved the same topic that she wanted to use instead of steering her to the opposite and contrary view. Luckily, when I posted the viral tweet, many people provided excellent studies that did meet the professor’s requirements, and one was accepted.  But the assignment itself enforces a worldview on students that they are living in a fundamentally flawed and bad country full of inherently evil and racist, sexist, and otherwise "ist" countrymen (or countrypeople for the feminists out there). This assignment has deeply embedded leftist tropes that are NOT part of a conservative worldview.  This, by design, cuts off an entire way of thinking that does not include these racial and sex-based baited concepts. It erases the conservative-minded student from existence. It excludes half (more than half now) of the country's point of view. It is wrong, and it needs to stop. Our educators should teach from a classical model that is open to all theories and points of view and does not set Marxist dialectic boundaries as the basis of their assignments... America is not as divided as it seems. The election should have shown us that we are winning. We are bringing a huge group of people to our side, but we are not doing it by behaving like the left. We are doing it by pointing out the failures of the left and offering new ways forward.   The professor is just a person who has been scared and terrified by the media about MAGA monsters. I refuse to justify that belief by turning her life into a nightmare with the push of a button. I could do it, but that would be wrong. And if you can’t see that, then do some soul searching and learn to seek peace when peace is possible.   If you want to win hearts and minds, you can’t do it with the nuclear option. That doesn’t mean I would never expose this professor, but she certainly doesn’t deserve that now when negotiations are possible.   If you want unity, you must fight to Make Americans Friends Again, and that starts with making every effort to be a friend and offer kindness instead of a slap in the face. Sometimes that kindness is rejected and all offers of peace fail. Wait for that moment before declaring war.   American education must change, but so must our attitudes toward the people who are simply victims of the system we must tear down."

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