Meme - "Friend: "What's the most unrealistic part about Asian in Shang-Chi?"
Ying Li to Shang-Chi: "I'm so proud of you""
Meme - Forest Bump @Lord_Christie: "13 year old me: "i dont need alcohol and drugs to enjoy my friends"
me now: "I don't need friends to enjoy my alcohol and drugs""
Meme - *Avengers Endgame poster*
*Almost everyone looking at blonde on bus, except Thor*
*Almost everyone looking away from blonde on bus, except Thor*
This is either Lizette Scheich or t.ygs
Meme - Ken Cheng: I want to connect with you, emotionally :): "A woman applied to a sales job at my company. She had "BIG NATURALS" listed in her skills on her CV. I hired her on the spot. Why? Because of her big naturals? No, because she had amazing qualifications and 15 years of experience. You automatically assumed she didn't and I only hired her for her big naturals. That's very sexist of you. Women with big naturals can be intelligent too. And does she have big naturals? I don't know, I've not noticed. I don't see breast size. What she does have is huge brains and amazing sales figures. Those are the only big naturals I care about. Women 👏 are 👏 so 👏 much 👏 more 👏 than 👏 their 👏 big 👏 naturals. That's something only years of therapy has taught me."
Meme - "You won Picard, we are returing Commander Riker. His consciousness has poisoned the collective"
"Your new pet giving you some trouble your majesty"
"The drones have not stopped copulating since we assimilated him. He is seriously gross and morally bankrupt"
Meme - "Me to my wife 30 seconds after telling her I only want to cuddle
How'd that get in there?"
Meme - *Small pink car in accident with big black car with the former undamaged*
*Pink anime girl punching black man*
Meme - Green New Deal: "Fact Check"
"If you are not a scientist, and you disagree with scientists about science, it's actually not disagreement. You're just wrong.
Green New Deal: bred menace @averincm: "the problem with solar is we can't monopolize the sun and make it scarcer than it is."
MIT Technology Review @techrevi...: "The problem is that solar panels generate lots of electricity in the middle of sunny days, frequently more than what's required, driving down prices-sometimes even into negative territory."
Meme - El Counil: "a beautiful and happy family"
Meme - *Optical Illusion AI photo of Mia Khalifa giving blowjob*
Meme - "Critical Spectator's post: "It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt
Louis Lam: "Agree, and to remind yourself that you are a spectator, not a man in the arena. You have no skin in the game. #truth hurts."
Meme - Buy, Sell Or Trade anything in Minne...: Jason ***: "So here's the deal. We have a couple of squatters that won't leave. The *** PD says they must be evicted. Since the city supports squatting, I propose a different solution. Let's just open it up to everyone. Free rent for anyone who needs a place, temporarily. Eventually the city will come to its senses and remove y'all without an eviction, especially if it get overcrowded. So if you need a place to crash here's your new flop house until it's shut down. Let me know if you like my solution.
$1/ Month. 4 beds - 1 bath - House"
Meme - "Who doesn't enjoy destroying a ring here or there?"
"Shinae, 25
Disability support worker
Lives in Cairns
Are you're into second breakfast, enjoy destroying rings, and going on adventures? Then I'll take you there and back again. If your staff is bigger than galdalf's, then gimli a piece of that"
Meme - isuggestforcefem: "Earth is normally portrayed as a Mother, feminine. Mars, the God of War, is typically masculine. Therefore, in this 90 page essay, I submit to you that terraforming Mars is just planetary force feminization."
Meme - "Almost done paying off my tacos:
Paid $2.75. 3 Remaining $8.26
Payment schedule
Wed, Feb 22 1 of 4. Paid $2.75
Next payment: Thu, Mar 09 $2.75
Thu, Apr 06. Final payment $2.76"
Meme - "When your girl is giving you a handjob under the table *Mentally disabled child with open mouth and woman with hand going below*"
Meme - "When your girl is giving you a hand-job but you tell her to stop cos you can do it better
Aragorn: 'You cannot wield it. It knows no other master.'"
Meme - "ONE OF THESE HAS TO GO *Fried Chicken Pieces*
Meme - JohnMoses @JohnMoses: "I miss you dad, I think about you everyday. Looking back getting a stripper to come to your bedside in your final days was probably a mistake, but I was just trying to make you laugh, maybe make your dick move one last time. #RIPdad"
Meme - i/o @eyeslasho: "British doctor: "I would kill every Jew if I could." Same doctor, next day: "Hey, remember that thing I said about killing all the Jews? It turns out this made my employer upset, so...""
Said Masih Noori @Doctor_N_masih: "I am a Muslim. Daily, I treat Jews, and I have taken a hypocritical oath that outlines my responsibilities in the Buckingham crew. However, I must admit that if I I had the power, I would vanish every Jew."
Said Masih Noori @Doctor_N_masih: "I want to clarify that my apology is genuine and not motivated by fear of my position. Every organization, including and, @NHSuk, and @gmcuk, knows me and my commitment to providing compassionate care, I sincerely felt the impact of my words and recognized the need to apologize. My intention has always been to promote understanding and respect, and I will continue to strive for that in my work. Thank you for your understanding."
He forgot to say that he really wanted to kill "Zionists"
Meme - "Veterans for Veter...
Addison Lewis: "I "liberated" this chicken from a market in Iraq. Her name was PVT Popeye. She perched on the Gun Turret of my Truck. She had 97 Combat missions. She indicated movement on my left or right side before I knew anything was happening. She was the best assistant gunner I have ever had.""
Meme - Ryan James Girdusky @RyanGirdusky: "The average Democrat consultant working on trying to win the male voters"
"My wife is bisexual and nonbinary, and my daughter is transgender. My queer family helped me better understand myself and my masculinity. Essay by Noah Berlatsky"
Swann Marcus on X - "The most successful CIA op of all time was the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan We wanted to prevent fascism or a Commie takeover so we financed the creation of a center-right party that's ruled the country for 80 years, even after the locals found out the CIA was involved. Japanese people found out that the CIA financed the creation of their dominant post-war ruling party and the entire organization was run by CIA assets for decades and nobody cared lol"
Tulsi Gabbard Finally Realizes She’s Far Too Attractive To Be A Democrat | Babylon Bee
The critical window of shadow libraries - Anna’s Blog - "Why do we care so much about papers and books? Let’s set aside our fundamental belief in preservation in general — we might write another post about that. So why papers and books specifically? The answer is simple: information density. Per megabyte of storage, written text stores the most information out of all media... There are many organizations that have similar missions, and similar priorities. Indeed, there are libraries, archives, labs, museums, and other institutions tasked with preservation of this kind. Many of those are well-funded, by governments, individuals, or corporations. But they have one massive blind spot: the legal system. Herein lies the unique role of shadow libraries, and the reason Anna’s Archive exists. We can do things that other institutions are not allowed to do. Now, it’s not (often) that we can archive materials that are illegal to preserve elsewhere. No, it’s legal in many places to build an archive with any books, papers, magazines, and so on. But what legal archives often lack is redundancy and longevity. There exist books of which only one copy exists in some physical library somewhere. There exist metadata records guarded by a single corporation. There exist newspapers only preserved on microfilm in a single archive. Libraries can get funding cuts, corporations can go bankrupt, archives can be bombed and burned to the ground. This is not hypothetical — this happens all the time. The thing we can uniquely do at Anna’s Archive is store many copies of works, at scale. We can collect papers, books, magazines, and more, and distribute them in bulk. We currently do this through torrents, but the exact technologies don’t matter and will change over time. The important part is getting many copies distributed across the world."
Jaimie Arona Krems on X - "Why do people 🤬♨️VENT♨️🤬 to friends? Venting DOES NOT decrease anger (what Freud said). It's competition for affection: Venting can make the friends we vent to (listeners) like us better than--and support us over--the friends we vent about (targets)"
Alexander on X - "Interesting result here: Sensory processing sensitivity (things like “I am easily overwhelmed by sirens nearby” and “I find myself needing to withdraw into a dark room to find relief from stimulation”) was associated with vulnerable narcissism and neuroticism. Why? Potentially individuals higher in narcissism are more self-focused"
Meme - The Middle-earth Mixer @WM...: ""Sir, you have had 34 margaritas and you are on the floor of a Chilis. The police are outside." *Elrond and Frodo at Rivendell after the ringwraith attack*"
Meme - "BTS from Oppenheimer"
BTSbaby102 @btsasty: "Please stop using "BTS" to gain likes on your photo. Please stop using our BTS name."
Meme - "Every time I leave the hotel I always leave this to mess with the housekeepers *likeness of man wrapped up in bedsheets*"
Meme - "Teenagers today have no idea how hard it was not to jerk off to these ladies from the 80s *Cindy Crawford, Kelly LeBrock, Kim Cattrall, The Golden Girls*"
brittle bones 🇵🇸 on X - "Had a date yesterday. Couldn’t find the cafe and walked around the same intersection for 7ish minutes. Found it, went in, introduced myself and apologized for being late and she said “it’s okay, I saw you walking around lost and just wanted to see how long it would take you.”"
Meme - "WARNINGI IF YOU SEE STAIRS DO NOT ASCEND. THIS BUILDING HAS NO FOURTH FLOOR. The voices calling you up DO NOT belong to your loved ones"
Meme - "Her: "How was your first day as a 911 operator?"
Him: "Some idiot woman called and tried to order a pizza. I I tried telling her she called 911 and not a pizza restaurant but she wouldn't stop crying.""
Meme - "Why fonts matter
Pumpkin: "Trick or Treat" / "Fuck or Treat""
Meme - "Angry Dad Draught House
Alyssa Geibel: "1/5 stars. We went on Sunday, the building was closed in the afternoon. There was a fire upstairs. We were not there during the fire. I do not know when the fire happened."
Response from the owner: "Alyssa, in the event of our loss you gave us star review. Thank you for kicking us while we are down. I will share your review the 50 employees who are going to have to struggle driving the upcoming weeks or months this may take to get the business open again. We just suffered a catastrophic loss. Thank you Stephen"
THEN: Dogs get table scraps, cats hunt mice, they all sleep in the barn. We lose a few each year to the coyotes but... thats nature."
Meme - *Lowcostcosplay*
*Shang-Chi and the Ten Rings*
Meme - "When your masseuse really gets to the root of your shoulder pain *Alexa Grace with Prince Yahshua in "White girl in the wrong neighborhood!" (Bangbros)*"
Meme - "Her: (whispers) I want you to make me scream with your fingers
Me: *pokes her in the eyes super hard*"
Meme - *Hand with three fingers* "You’re probably really good at bowling"
Meme - "When you let your dad take the photo of you and your best friend after your graduation ceremony. *Busty girl in centre of frame, graduate with face and body cut off*"
Meme - David Thomas Moore @dtmooreeditor: "I am literally begging you to move the Netflix logo on this image"
NewOnNetflixUK -fan- @NewOnNetflixUK: "Word Party (2020) Seasons [U] [New Episodes] Meet Bailey, Franny, Kip and Lulu. They're adorable baby animals, and they want you to join the party and help them learn!...
Jim Henson's
Meme - "Mr Bean's Family
Expectation *3 Mr Bean lookalikes*
Reality *Daughter looks like mother and daughter has wild hair*"
Hobo Hot Springs destroyed and mayor says nearby resort to blame - BC - "Residents of the community of Harrison, B.C., are angry with the destruction of a grassroots hot spring. The locals had dubbed it Hobo Hot Springs, a spot not far from the Harrison Resort, where natural hot water percolated up from the ground. Volunteers had built it up with rocks and logs and while the quality and temperature of the water fluctuated, many people enjoyed the chance for a free soak in the wilderness. However, the pools have now been filled in with rocks and dirt, rendering them unusable."
Canadian French has been added to Google Translate - "The change came the same week as Google Translate added Inuktut, which a spokesperson said is the first Indigenous language spoken in Canada to be added. Google intends to add 110 other languages to the platform this year, the spokesperson said. Those languages include Cantonese, a Chinese language with more than 80 million speakers, and Manx, an endangered language spoken on the Isle of Man. Google says it aims to eventually provide translation for 1,000 languages."
Meme - Dorothy from Wizard of Oz: "BUT, IF IT WAS JUST A DReAM... why is there fur in my mouth, rust on my clit, & straw in my ass?"
Meme - "The perfect orgasm" *man covered in white foam*
From 1979's Alien - The Perfect Organism
Meme - "Not even Netflix will take you, and they'll take fuckin anyone"
"Sony asked Netflix if they wanted to buy 'HAROLD & THE PURPLE CRAYON' from them but Netflix didn't want i..."
Meme - "4TH ANNUAL BLOW JOB CONTEST. Next week is our annual blow job contest and we are requesting that you DO NOT ATTEND this year as we would like a female to win."
Meme - "I faked every orgasm"
"I saw every meme you sent me at least a month before you showed it to me"
Meme - ">Get Rickroll'd for the first time in over a decade
>Realise Rickrolling is 15 years old
>Search for my old meme playlist
>No new vids since 2011
>Rewatch ancient-ass memes
>No bass boosts or deep frying
>Remember how funny and creative internet memes used to be
>"Influencers' virtually didn't exist - Few people trying to sell you something, everyone was there just to have fun
>Sad wild web is long dead
>We used to be an internet, a real internet"
Thread by @cremieuxrecueil on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "I suspect "The Sort" can greatly increase your exposure to time-wasting incompetence🧵
The obvious example of how The Sort exposes you to incompetence is that nowadays, competent people don't go into the public sector all that often. This is a mixed bag: while the government is a poor use of human capital, it needs some to avoid holding back the rest of society. There are also a lot of fairly menial service sector jobs that you'll run into all the time, and these are less obviously, but no less problematized by The Sort.
Why? Because in the past, socioeconomic status was less cognitively stratified. You can still see this today in many developing economies, where intelligence is slowly becoming more related to socioeconomic status as markets develop and opportunity expands. The improvements to The Sort mean that fewer and fewer smart people are born into and remain in bad conditions. But that also means that fewer and fewer smart people spend a long time in menial service sector jobs. Accordingly, the quality of the work in those jobs is worse than if the job had more intelligent people working it. Why? The first reason is that smarter people just do jobs better: They make fewer mistakes, operate more efficiently, often even have higher moral standards, etc. The second reason is that, because smart people do jobs better, they teach less smart people how to do the job better, either directly or by example. When you have more and less intelligent people play games, combining them brings up the less able.In effect, many jobs are becoming more and more of left tail-exclusive jobs, with the effect being that they're done worse and worse, making your life harder and wasting more of your time when you run into them.
But it doesn't have to be this way! Ever been to a Buc-ee's? They're Texas' amazing gas station/car wash combo stores, and they're known
(A) Being pleasant, and
(B) Very publicly paying their employees well.
If you've been to a Buc-ee's you might have noticed that they offer discounted gas if you wash your car. Their car washes are very long and the wait times are minimal compared to other offerings. They have minimal human involvement. Because Buc-ee's embraces productivity-improving tools and builds, and pushes their employees to be efficient, they can afford to pay them well and to pass on lots of savings to customers, and they also pass on saved time over other car washes. Productivity enhancements that eliminate the involvement of human labor have the opportunity to cut out increasingly-inefficient human components of jobs. If the carwash is nearly fully automated, the wages can be respectable and slow' human involvement can be minimized. And where will the people currently working those jobs go? Take manufacturing employment. When industrial robots are installed, employment goes down in that area, but up more in non-manufacturing jobs. The disemployed move jobs. Wages tend to go up. They tend to move to better jobs, or at least jobs that are less dangerous, less monotonous, and which are better compensated. And crucially, that left tail? It might move closer to the rest of the cognitive pack, meaning its members can skill up. Automation might be even more of an engine of progress and life improvement than people generally assume, and it might make all of our lives better off by fixing some of the downsides of The Sort. Thanks, robots!"