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Sunday, November 24, 2024

Links - 24th November 2024 (1 - Trans Mania)


Trans Activist Taiwanese Politician Threatens To Release Addresses, Identification Numbers Of Women Who Oppose Gender Ideology - "a prominent transgender politician took to social media to harass and threaten women critical of gender ideology, and to target organizations advocating for the protection of women’s single-sex spaces.  Abbygail ET Wu 吳伊婷, also known as Wu Yiting, threatened multiple female activists via social media for opposing gender ideology. Using both Facebook and Instagram threads, Wu, who is a representative of Taiwan’s Green Party, threatened to release information, including the identification number, phone number, and address of a private citizen associated with the organization No Self ID Taiwan (NSIDT)... Wu has a history of relying on the tactic of “doxxing” and exposing personal information online to intimidate opponents of gender ideology."

wanye on X - "My wife is listening to The Free Press series on J. K. Rowling and she was telling me about how the initial reaction from so many people was, “don’t you care about your legacy?” This is such a funny question, if sadly common, that immediately betrays an impoverished theory of other minds. JK Rowling isn’t walking through the world thinking that her opponents are correct and unfortunately, for reason she doesn’t understand, she’s forced to take the wrong position.  She thinks she’s right, silly.   She thinks she’s correct. She thinks she has the better worldview. She thinks you are mistaken. She thinks her position, in other words, will ultimately be vindicated by the full unfolding of time, which is to say that her position is the one that is better for her legacy.  “Don’t you care about your legacy?”  Anytime you see this question you know you’re dealing with somebody who lacks even the most basic empathetic faculties, a person who is completely incapable of modeling other minds.
I get these kinds of responses from progressives a lot. Progressives, don’t forget, are the more empathetic of our two orientations. They’re the ones who really understand how other people feel. And yet it happens to me all the time that they seem not to realize that I judge my own actions according to my morals, not theirs, that all strangers judge themselves according to their own morals. You really get the impression that they think you’ve adopted their worldview — because duh, obviously, there’s only one worldview — and you are somehow having an out of body experience in which you act according to a different worldview. And further that you on some level know that this is what’s happening and probably feel bad about it.  I was listening to NOFX’s Punk in Drublic while I was painting the other night and I couldn’t stop thinking about the line where he says, “how do they sleep at night?”  Everybody sleeps fine! The first step to becoming a mature thinker about the beliefs of other people is understanding that most of them sleep fine. They think they’re right! Everybody thinks they’re right! They’re not walking around with your worldview that they just somehow keep feeling to live up to. They have a different worldview.   I know I’m just repeating myself now, but this is elementary. You have to accept this before you can think seriously about anything else."
Left wingers really believe they are infallible and have no empathy (ironic, given how they claim they are about "empathy" - anyway we know from elsewhere that they don't understand right wingers). This is also why they call anyone who disagrees with them either a troll or evil - they genuinely do not know how people could sincerely disagree with left wing ideology

CityNews Vancouver on X - "A convict who became Canada’s youngest designated dangerous offender after sexually assaulting a three-month-old baby is seeking escorted leave from prison to attend cultural ceremonies in Vancouver."
Baked Perfect on X - "What was the traditional punishment for drowning and raping babies on unceeded land?"
Jonathan Kay on X - "I thought it was odd that this psychopath was a woman. Until I got to this part. It’s not a woman"

Vivian on X - "Also, I love how Republicans refer to The New York Times as “far left” and “communist” but then you check the NYT and they’re like “Opinion: Trans People All Deserve to Die”"
TRA delusion - if you disagree with any item on the TRAs' list of demands, you think Trans People All Deserve to Die

J.K. Rowling on X - "It will never stop being extraordinary to me that men who think of themselves as good guys stampeded to support males invading women’s reserved spaces and sports, then threw hissy fits when women didn’t eulogise them as progressive superheroes."
phil illy on X - "Men support pro-transgender policy less than women, and yet feminists still try to blame it on men. In reality this is a fight between feminists who prioritize gender and feminists who prioritize sex. It's a within-feminism issue."
"Across the board, women are more likely than men to support greater rights for transgender people."

Mia Hughes on X - "Stunning misinformation from the Alberta Medical Association.  To suggest that it is possible to block an adolescent's development for "a few years" and that there be no significant side effects is simply untrue. We know these drugs are powerful and affect bone density and cognitive development.   What's more, the AMA fails to mention the most important and harmful side effect: that the drugs block the cognitive and sexual development that would have enabled the young person to overcome their feelings of dysphoria naturally.   Before puberty suppression, gender distress resolved in upwards of 80% of kids; after puberty suppression was introduced, that rate plummeted to 2% - because puberty was the natural cure.   As well, misinformed parents cannot make informed decisions on behalf of their children. If parents aren't informed that the science underpinning puberty suppression is exceptionally weak, nor that the drugs lock in what would otherwise almost certainly be a transient identity, then they are not giving informed consent.   And if they're blackmailed into consenting with the line "would you rather a live son or a dead daughter," they're giving consent under duress.   The irony of the last line is almost too much to bear. Yes, we do need to stick to evidence-based approaches when dealing with medical matters, @Albertadoctors . So stop recommending a life-altering treatment protocol with an appallingly shoddy evidence base for healthy, confused kids."
Trebor on X - "@Albertadoctors Where is this study that shows "Hormone blockers have no effect on fertility.". It is a fact, right? Should be able to show and produce a study that directly confirms this. Any study that includes more than 18 subjects, maybe a few hundred."

Thread by @benryanwriter on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Because Harvard Law School clinical instructor Alejandra Caraballo @Esqueer_ can't defend the falsehoods she utters when I fact check them, she instead resorts to ad hominem attacks. Her go-to smears of me are that I am creepy, obsessive and a pervert. These are not the claims of a serious person. The reason I fact check Harvard Law School clinical instructor and activist Alejandra Caraballo is because she has a wide platform and the falsehoods she tells about pediatric gender medicine have an impact. She was centrally responsible for spreading the false claim that the Cass Review discarded all non-randomized controlled trials. Hilary Cass later denounced the misinformation that she and Mallory Moore spread and said it was harming children. Reporters are by their nature dogged. Harvard Law School clinical instructor and activist Alejandra Caraballo @esqueer_ is a public figure in the area I cover for my work. Her public statements are fair game for fact checking, and I will continue to correct her false claims.  Here Harvard Law School clinical instructor and activist Alejandra Caraballo @Esqueer_ complains that I use an alt account to screenshot her tweets in a tweet thread in which she had used her alt account to screenshot my tweets. She makes reference to the fact checking of the false claims that Erin Reed and Ari Drennen made in the spring.  And she repeats the false claim that the reason why I fact check the falsehoods she utters is because I have a sexual fixation on her. I can assure you this is false.  I presume that one of the reasons Alejandra Caraballo @Esqueer_ tries every trick in her book to scare me off, as she has unsuccessfully for two years, is because she now knows that she cannot make false claims about pediatric gender medicine on X without my correcting her. In April, Alejandra Caraballo, Erin Reed and Ari Drennen all announced one day that I was "obsessive" and "creepy" and counted the number of times I mentioned Caraballo on X. It was a lot. Because the Cass Review came out April 9, and I soon made a pledge to myself to fact check every single false claim Caraballo @Esqueer_ made about the review. There was a flood of material. To hear Caraballo tell it, I am the one in this equation with something to answer for."

Meme - "Why are the women in this game so fucking ugl-"
"Dev team: Sophie Sophie Lilith Sophie Lilith Lilith"

i/o on X - "The percentage of conservatives who support same-sex marriage is in decline and I suspect the reason for this is that many of them felt an implicit social contract with liberals had been violated  "We'll support this gay marriage thing," they agreed, "now please leave us alone with the weird sex stuff."  But no sooner had SCOTUS ruled when overnight the Great Human Rights Issue of Our Time became requiring people to believe that humans could change sexes and if you said you didn't believe this you could lose your job and if you said you didn't want to participate in the pronoun charade you could lose your job and if you didn't want a boy on your girls swimming team you were told you would get kicked off the team or sent to reeducation and then your gym kicked you out when you objected to an old dude (claiming to be a woman) started undressing next to your 15 year-old daughter in the women's changing room and I could go on and on.  So some conservatives decided they weren't going to play anymore, weren't going to feel bad about not supporting something they hadn't felt all that great about to begin with."
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again

Stats For Gender on X - "NEW STUDY: In 2023, 268,436 US patients receiving "gender-affirming healthcare" had nearly 10 million insurance claims - on average 87% more than other patients."
Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 on X - "268,000 U.S. patients used insurance last year to pay for their sex-change drugs and surgeries. This does not include those who paid privately, or those missed in insurance claims because of different codes being used."
Trans mania is good business. There is a theory that it's being pushed by drug companies

Benjamin Ryan on X - "Kinnon MacKinnon, a trans man who researches detransitioning at York University, on why he decided to speak about his work to Azeen Ghorayshi @NYTimes:
“I landed on my own resolve that it is important for journalists covering trans issues and the debates about gender care to be well-informed about emerging research. There is so much misinformation circulating about detransition/retransition and identity fluidity and I wanted to set the record straight.
“And this has been pretty much my consistent stance for the last couple of years.
“As a researcher who holds publicly-funded research funds to produce knowledge about gender-affirming healthcare, gender-diversity, and detransition, shying away from sharing this information with society feels wrong.  At the end of the day, I think LGBTQ+, trans, nonbinary, and detransitioning people (e.g. my communities) have a right to access information about these experiences that we are very clearly seeing emerge in our communities and on social media.”
Among the responses MacKinnon got to his interview on his research with @nytimes  about his research on detransitioning:   “I also received a note from a US-based clinician in a Blue state who recently had a youth detransition. This clinician said they had trouble finding a therapist who would work with the young person because all the therapists they contacted apparently ‘don’t believe in detransitioning.’
“Sadly, from my own research, this did not surprise me.”"
Damn transphobic myth of detransitioners!

Warren Smith on X - "The 2nd half of my conversation with a Harris voter... He tells me women have no right to expect privacy in changing rooms."
Weird. Left wingers keep insisting that rights are not like cake - more for one doesn't mean less for others

Brianna Wu on X - "It is very frustrating that armies of biological women are transitioning and then changing their minds, risking all transgender health care. This is a totally new phenomenon. Male to female transsexuals do not transition and regret it at anywhere near the same rates. Never have. Part of it, I think, is everyone knows society hates women. So, being diminished and our lives being harder is baked in for us.   I think they transition thinking it will solve all their problems and it doesn’t."
Jazi Zilber on X - "possibly information asymmetry. women aren't aware how disgusting male lives are in ways. see the fascinating book "self made man". a woman who dressed as a man for a year+ to see how men live. agree was shocked at the rudeness brutality etc"

Maia Poet🦎 on X - "How did we get from: “Some kids have two daddies & that’s ok” to: “If your boy wears a dress, he’s really a girl & if you don’t castrate him- he’ll commit su!c!de” IN LESS THAN ONE DECADE?"
Natasha Chart 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 🇺🇦 on X - "Because Democrats adopted critical theory, or progressive stack, social heuristics. Nearest, angriest, most oppressed person has the floor & is correct. Then they were forced to agree that gender identity was the most oppressed category, so this outcome was almost guaranteed."
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again

Maia Poet🦎 on X - "I reject being lumped into a community which has objectively nothing to do with me. Same-sex attraction doesn’t require overstepping boundaries, violating sex-based rights, permanently medicalizing children & telling kids who are likely to grow up to be gay, that there’s something wrong with them"
The reality of lived experience is hate when it threatens the left wing agenda. Lesbian ex-trans people like her aren't supposed to exist, and if they do they are supposed to unconditionally support transitioning children

Candice Jackson on X - "No it isn’t unkind to correctly sex you; it was rude of you to demand otherwise. No it isn’t unfairly discriminatory to exclude males from women’s sports, prisons & spaces; it was viciously discriminatory of you to demand otherwise. No it isn’t genocidal to refuse to fund or facilitate iatrogenic medical harm as “health care”; it was self-centered & entitled of you to demand otherwise."

very moisturized on X - "When I was a kid, I wanted to wear glasses so bad because my older sister wore glasses that I exaggerated having eye problems so I could get glasses - it’s insane to think this isn’t happening with gender transitions especially when kids enjoy feeling special."
Wilfred Reilly on X - "The biggest predictor of being a "trans kid" - per Littmann (2018) and others - is having a friend who decides they are one."
Left wing logic: socialisation is super powerful and indoctrinates everyone, but it cannot do anything to sexual orientation and sexual identity

Thread by @MegEBrock on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - " 🧵The Biden-Harris Administration ‘War On Families’  The Biden-Harris embrace of transgender ideology puts parents who don’t affirm their child’s gender confusion at risk of being labeled ‘abusive.’  Across the country ‘non-affirming’ parents are losing custody of their kids. In December, @katesrichardson reported on a document I discovered on a federal government website.  A federally funded “home visiting” program advised service providers to watch for signs of abuse against “gender-diverse children” like not letting a young child cross-dress.   The document was guidance for the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program which is intended to combat abuse and neglect while promoting “positive parenting” and school readiness among “pregnant people and families.” The guidance offered to government workers who visit homes categorizes steering a child away from “gender expression” that does not correspond with his or her biological sex as abuse. Under the title “Recognizing and Reporting Abuse or Neglect” the now removed document ssays “abuse” may be  “more subtle (e.g., denying a child the right to play, dress, and act as they would like; or neglecting a child because the caretaker perceives them as “different.” “It is important for home visitors to recognize and address the abuse and neglect that may result, either directly or indirectly, from rejection of a child’s gender expression.”  You can view the entire document here:
Wanting to better understand how the Biden-Harris administration was embedding transgender ideology into the child welfare system, the @DailyCaller News Foundation launched an 10+ month investigation.  @katesrichardson and I were shocked by what we found. Our investigation showed the Biden-Harris administration paved the way for local child welfare systems to remove gender-confused kids from their parents, furthering the idea that not “affirming” a child’s gender confusion was neglectful and abusive.
In 2016, the Obama administration awarded a 10 million dollar grant to group of activist social workers who then developed a series of social services interventions that trained staff and families to affirm the gender confusion of children. Under the grant, a group from Ohio pioneered a program that strong-arms parents into affirming whatever confused beliefs children express about their gender. Parents who decline risk losing a voice in their child’s life. We discovered a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) webinar from last fall where an activist stated “Transphobia is child abuse” and cast a vision for completely transforming child protective systems nationwide.   The activists argued that “non-affirmation” must be treated as abuse.  “If they were denying them food or denying them access to school or denying other things, there would be headlines.”  “There would be prosecution.” We showed how these interventions and ideas being embraced by the Biden-Harris caused a Christian family in Maryland to lose their 16-year-old autistic son when they refused to affirm his gender confusion.
Under the research grant, An Ohio child welfare agency that was directly working with the Biden- Harris administration created a “confidential spreadsheet” tracking the sexual orientation and transgender identity of children as young as 5. The database tracked the sexual orientation, transgender identity and pronouns of children that interacted with the child welfare system in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Nearly half the children in the database were listed as living outside of the foster care system in their “own home.” The Biden-Harris push for transgenderism extended to the juvenile justice system.  In 2023, the Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a $1 million grant to integrate gender ideology into juvenile justice and child welfare systems nationwide.  This transformation of the child welfare system has happened quietly, not through the power of law but through the power of bureaucracy.  The appointees of the next presidential administration will likely determine if the trans agenda is further elevated or forced to retreat. In researching these stories, I gained a deeper appreciation for how the transgender agenda threatens to overrule religious freedom, parental rights, and makes vulnerable children more vulnerable.  Read our investigation here:"

EXCLUSIVE: Kids Are Being Taken From ‘Non-Affirming’ Parents. Here’s One Family’s Fight To Get Their Son Back - "John was out shopping for his youngest son’s birthday in July 2021 when he received a panicked call from his wife. A state child welfare worker and police officers were at their home, trying to take away their autistic son. The social worker claimed the Christian family’s refusal to affirm his apparently newfound sexual orientation was child abuse.  John raced home in time to record a video of the harrowing encounter.  “I’m going to take the child with me,” Edwina Nimley, a casework specialist for the Maryland Department of Human Services, can be heard saying in a video of the incident...   Though the boy refused to go with her, Nimley tried again. “You’re afraid of me? You have nothing to be afraid of. The police is here but you have to go. This is the law,” Nimley said in the recording. “I need to talk to you separately from your parents. I need to take him to a safe place, separate from your parents.”  John’s son, who was 16 at the time, remained with his parents that July day, but John’s battle for custody of his son was far from over. At the time of the social worker’s visit, John Doe II and Jane Doe — who asked to remain anonymous to protect their privacy  — lived with their children in Prince George’s County, Maryland, where the local child welfare department had adopted a radical transgender affirmation program that views Christian parents who don’t “affirm” their child’s transgender or homosexual identity as unsafe and harmful.  John told the Daily Caller News Foundation that he and his wife were accused of abuse surrounding their son’s apparent LGBT identity, an allegation that shocked the family who had never seen evidence of their son expressing an alternative sexual orientation. In fact, about a month after Nimley’s police-escorted visit, John said he and his wife received a letter saying the child welfare case was closed.  But less than six months later, John and Jane would lose custody of their son after refusing to affirm him as a transgender girl during a stay at Children’s National Hospital.  “It sounds like a movie. It really does,” John told the DCNF.   African-American, devout Christian and military veteran parents John and Jane have had their family life turned upside down and find themselves pitted against state officials dead set on removing kids from so-called “non-affirming” parents and a legal system seemingly aimed at punishing Christian families.  The DCNF used interviews, legal documents and public records requests to piece together how an “affirming” child welfare system worked against John and Jane’s religious freedoms and parental rights, while inflicting emotional and psychological trauma from having their eldest son taken from them...   John told the DCNF they were asked to stop reading certain passages of the Bible that affirm traditional sexual values and gender.  “We are Bible believers and you are telling me I can’t talk about Adam and Eve? Abraham and Sarah? The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit? Essentially I can’t read my Bible,” John Doe II told the DCNF."
Weird. We kept being told that no one would take children from parents

One supporting block at the bottom: "ASKING: "WHAT IS A WOMAN?""

Meme - "Women of Warhammer Show Us Their Finest Work *Trans woman*"

Meme - Lily @ Gamescom 20 @Ikol_Twe: *big thumb guy* Normal person: "I don't want to sleep with you"
*Trans people give big thumbs up*
Normal person: "how big is it"
Doggo @Le_Canine: "I DON'T LIKE THE GAYS."
POOKING @PUNCHNAZIS: "HAH, THAT MEANS YOU'RE SECRETLY GAY! DUMB NAZI!" *Pooking looks down from home and hugs his Adolf Hitler body pillow*
Autoerotic gynephilia requires affirmation, after all

Wesley Yang on X - "I was perfectly happy not knowing what an Autogynephile was or crime rates by race. I would have been perfectly content in the absence of society-wide gaslighting campaigns not to have to learn about these things. I’m like a lot of people."
Ozmodiar on X - "Yes exactly. This is the answer to all of the "why are you so obsessed with xyz" comments. I didn't care about it until you forced me to, in order to make any sense of what was happening."

Thread by @therestofus5 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Remember when the Biden administration invited Dylan Mulvaney to the White House because he was on "day 190 of being a girl", and women began posting tiktoks about how insulting it was and how they had never been invited despite being actual women and having to work actual jobs? Remember when the Biden administration appointed a man as "first female admiral", and employed another man who liked to steal women's clothing and then tried to convince everyone that they weren't just creepy white men, they were actually an "oppressed minority" Remember when the Biden administration invited a man to a White House roundtable event for lesbians even though many women had spoken out about being harassed and mistreated by him, and tried to convince everyone that he wasn't a creepy straight dude but in fact a lesbian woman? Remember when the Biden administration invited a man to the White House to promote the medicalization of gender non-conforming kids while detransitioners were sharing stories about being convinced to transition by older men online? Often men who were not medicalized themselves. Remember when the Biden administration invited a man with breast implants to the White House and he decided to go topless despite the fact that there were families there? In this case the White House banned him, and his response was to say this "proved he was a woman" So while they're out there blaming Latinos, black men, white women, Gen Z, the working class, the uneducated and anyone else they can think of, it's a good time to remember that their support for these woman-hating creeps was UNCONDITIONAL and ABSOLUTE."

Thread by @chrisjollyhale on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "A Latino prison guard who voted for Clinton and Biden told MSNBC’s Chris Jansing he voted for Trump yesterday because “Democrats make me feel bad about who I am.” I'm not sure what he means, but it reminded me of this:  "The cliché is voters judge politicians based on their likability. The deeper question isn’t how much voters like a politician, but whether they believe a politician likes them." — @EzraKlein. I don't think the majority of my party "hates Trump voters," but in the interest of winning elections, too many do. On my way to Kamala Harris’s concession speech, I came across this young man directing traffic. He kindly allowed me to take his photo. It’s a fitting snapshot of this election. *Black man with MAGA hat*"

Meme - Wesley Yang @wesyang: "The etiology of autogynephilia has been exhaustively documented in the clinical literature and increasingly exposed by those who have had to live with it. Treating it like a civil rights cause or that suffering from it makes a man a woman is a macabre absurdity."
Ask A Transwidow @AskATranswidow: "#WhatPeakedMe  My husband trying to be me, destroying our family.  Well, at least it was not in vain, he is now a Women's Golfer of the Year many times in a row. Taking a 💩 on your family improves your golf game, bc it is cheating to play as a woman. @Psychgirl211"

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