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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Links - 21st August 2024 (1 - General Wokeness [including denouncing non-left wing/moderate family])

Oli London on X - "Delta airlines employees have meltdown over only being able to wear American flag pins instead of Palestinian pins. “They also implemented a new policy punishing all the flight attendants saying now we can only wear pins with the U.S. flag only.”"
Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 on X - "Dear @Delta employees, Your uniform is not a means for you to express your identity, or your political views. It is your uniform. Wear your American flag pin and stop crying."
Clearly, it is a hate crime and genocide to refuse to let employees push political opinions at work

EXCLUSIVE: U.N. Elects Iran to Commission on Women's Rights - "UN Watch is calling on U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield and EU states to condemn the UN’s election of Iran to a 4-year term on its Commission on the Status of Women, the “principal global intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women.”... Though the ballot was secret, UN Watch has determined that at least four of the 15 EU and Western Group democracies on ECOSOC—which include Australia, Austria, Finland, France, Latvia, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States—voted for Iran...   In 2017, after a similar secret ballot for the same UN women’s rights commission, a UN Watch campaign led to Belgium’s admission that it voted to elect Saudi Arabia, and to the revelation that the the Belgian government made sure to tell the Saudis that they voted for them.   “This is surreal,” tweeted Iranian women’s rights activist Masih Alinejad. “A regime that treats women as second class citizens, jails them for not wearing the compulsory hijab, bans them from singing, bars them from stadiums and doesn’t let them travel abroad without the permission of their husbands gets elected to the UN’s top women’s rights body.”  Kylie Moore-Gilbert, the Australian academic held hostage in Iran for 804 days, expressed astonishment at the election of her oppressor. “Iran’s persecution of women is gross and systematic, both in law and in practice. The UN’s own secretary-general has reported on Iran’s ‘persistent discrimination against women and girls,'” said Neuer.  “Iran’s fundamentalist mullahs force women to cover their hair, with many arrested and attacked daily under the misogynistic hijab law. They require a woman to receive permission from her father to get married. The legal age for a girl to marry in Iran is 13—with even younger girls allowed to marry with paternal and judicial consent.”  “Ayatollah Khamenei’s regime imprisons courageous women’s rights activists, such as Nasrin Sotudeh, Mojgan Keshavarz, Yasaman Aryani, and Monireh Arabshahi, for the crime of peacefully demanding their human dignity.”  “Why, then, did the UN name one of the world’s worst oppressors of women as a world judge and guardian of gender equality and the empowerment of women?” asks Neuer."
From 2021

Into the Memory Hole on X - "The funny thing about Twitter hiding likes?  Now I have "moderates/ normies" following and liking posts about the JQ and heavy posts about race. Say what you want about optics but people who are afraid to openly say you are right will listen so long as you swing a big stick and don't miss. I even have Greg the Krogers cashier scratching off his "coexist" sticker and carving  sonnenrads into bathroom stalls."

Whitney Alese on X - "Just so we are clear: CRT Woke and now DEI are just replacements for the N Word."
NJRepublican1968 on X - "And your point is? All those terms or acronyms were not invented by the right so we didnt coin them but now we are also responsible for how you interpret them if by chance we use them? Got it. Makes sense. I’m sold!"
TroubleShooter on X - "you got that correct. CRT is just racism with clever marketing DEI is also just racism with a good PR campeign if you promote crt or dei you are a racist. this is not a surprise since democrats supported slavery, jim crow, and the KKK."
Weird how CRT and DEI were not just invented by and championed by the left, but used to apply to situations when there're no black people around. "Conservatives" must be really confused people

Meme - Jake Gotta @jake_gotta: Authoritarian Left: "Everything is violence except for actual violence, which is fine"
christoph @Halalcoholism: "Finally, someone wrote a thread about the invisibilized violences of walkable cities. This is so important"

Meme - Tattooed purple haired woman with septum ring and other piercings: "Judging people for their race and sexuality is WRONG! Why can't you CIS white men understand that?"

Science fiction has always been woke
The writer thinks diversity is the same as wokeness, or that exploring political themes is the same as wokeness
"The argument that sci fi was always woke falls flat on the fact that liberals back then could understand conservative worldviews plus they wouldn't be considered very liberal today. Hence traditional trek writing was very nuanced even if left leaning. They took effort to write realistic characters for the other side.  Now woke sci-fi writers are utterly incapable of understanding those on the opposite side of the political spectrum outside of cardboard caricatures designed to be easily mocked and disproven to advance the woke gospel."
"There were complex characters across the political spectrum, esp in classics eg Dune and so on. Yes there's political stuff as well, but its not hamfisted "PROG GOOD OTHRZ BADZ""
"the jedi mind trick here is to attempt to pass off politicised sci-fi as political sci-fi."
"It's like going too an anthropological lecture on religion and belief systems and finding out it it actually an evangelical outreach event, then when you call them out for being disingenuous they say discussion of religion is part of anthropology."

James Kirkpatrick on X - "Any standard, no matter how objective, will lead to nons being disproportionately unable to pass it. Therefore, if you really believe all groups are equal, and you really believe diversity has value, it follows you must abolish all standards. Otherwise you must deny equality."
Bo Winegard on X - "The root of progressivism is equalitarianism. If you think all groups are equal, then outcomes disparities are evidence not of natural differences, but of racism and bias. Meritocracy crumbles because people are afraid to speak honestly about group differences."

Eric Abbenante on X - "Bakari Sellers claims that systemic racism has never been worse for black men. Ben Shapiro: "If I were to say to you as a Jew, that the experience of Jews in the US today is worse than the experience of Jews in Europe in 1939, I would not be stating accurately. It's also not true to say that the experience of black people in 2024 is worse than black men in 1954. That's just crazy." Sellers: "That's intellectually dishonest."
Bakari Sellers says that systemic racism can explain differences in mortality in black pregnant women. Ben Shapiro retorts by saying black women have higher rates of pregnant obesity. Ben Shapiro: "There are many confounds when it comes to these particular issues, unless you remove the statistical confounds, you end up with trying to blame vague shadowy figures like implicit bias, which are innately insanely difficult if not impossible to measure." Bakari Sellers: "I don't know what he said."
Ben Shapiro explained to Bakari Sellers that life can be more accurately explained without blaming the vague concept of racism. DEI hire's response: "I don't know what he said." Because his whole life is viewed through the prism of racism."

British Empire must be presented like Nazi Germany, curriculum guidelines insist - "The British Empire should be taught to school pupils like Nazi Germany, curriculum guidelines state.  Guidance created by school support organisation The Key and offered to teachers across the country provides tips on how to make the history curriculum “anti-racist”.  Teachers are advised to present the British Empire to secondary pupils like Nazi Germany, as a power that “committed atrocities”.  Pupils should also not be taught about the balance of “good and bad” aspects of Empire, the guidance states... To increase diversity on curricula, teachers are advised to celebrate “Caribbean, African and Indian soldiers who fought for Britain in both World Wars”. These conflicts were fought when Britain was still a colonial power.  This guidance is available to school leaders who are signed up to The Key, which claims to be “the leading provider of support for schools and trusts” and “trusted by over half of all schools in England”.  The guidance, first made available to schools in 2022, has been presented as an example of best practice to school staff by councils including West Sussex and East Renfrewshire.  It also offers additional advice on making history curricula anti-racist, advising teachers to avoid “‘white saviour narratives’”, which may include a “focus on white abolitionists such as William Wilberforce”. It suggests including black abolitionists. To address how black people are “overwhelmingly presented as victims of history”, the guidance advises teachers to tell pupils about “contributions and achievements” of figures like Crimean War nurse Mary Seacole, and the Oba of Benin.  The Oba ruled the Kingdom of Benin, which generated wealth through the sale of African slaves... The guidance has caused concern among historians, including Prof Robert Tombs, the Cambridge academic and author, who branded the document “blatant propaganda”.  He said: “To assert that the British Empire benefited only the British and only did damage to the colonised is absurd.  “Nothing is said about economic development; nothing about how the Empire suppressed slavery; nothing about peacekeeping and the ending of chronic violence.  “It is a glaring self-contradiction that the document compares the Empire to Nazi Germany and yet wishes to celebrate the many colonial soldiers who voluntarily fought for the Empire.  “It is astonishing that schools are urged to celebrate the ‘contribution and achievements’ of the Oba of Benin, a slave trader on a vast scale. This can only be bad faith or ignorance.  “Almost inevitably, the document accuses Churchill of racism – a baseless accusation. This whole document at best aims at myth-making, at worst aims at creating unfounded resentment and division.” Dr Alka Sehgal-Cuthbert, author and director of the campaign group Don’t Divide Us, which has pushed for political impartiality in education, said: “The idea that Britain was a global power akin to the Nazis is a particularly radical socio-cultural belief held by a minority of people for whom the British nation in particular can only be a source of moral sin and political depredation.”"

Konstantin Kisin on X - "People think I am exaggerating when I say that our children are being taught to hate their own society and being lied to about history. I am not."
Melissa Chen on X - "Moral inversion: The people who defeated the Nazis are now to be painted as the Nazis"
Oikophobia strikes again
Let's say it again. Studying history will sometimes delight you. Studying history will sometimes please you. Studying history Will sometimes make you proud.  If studying history always makes you feel ashamed and upset, you probably aren't studying history

Meme - "daily gondor
Problematic Gondor: the White City with the White Tree is friends with the White Wizard... aren't you tired of this?
Farin Jewelmountain
Mordor is the only country on the right side of history or why Sauron should stop playing nice if he wants to win
WALLS WON'T STOP PROGRESS: experts agree victory of Dark Lord Sauron is both 'inevitable and desirable'"

David Aaronovitch on X - "It's pretty obvious that Elon Musk exercises immense power and uses it with complete irresponsibility. He is accountable to no one, it seems. We need to think seriously about how we as a country respond"
wanye on X - "The reason progressives win and conservatives lose is that all these people think about is power — how to get it, who has too much of it, who is too influential, whose platform should be constrained, who is being allowed to say and do what. Power power power power power. They wake up thinking about power and they go to bed thinking about power."

Wilfred Reilly on X - ""Attractiveness predicts conservatism among women, and happiness predicts conservatism among both genders." We make 'spiteful mutants' jokes online, but there's a deep truth that underlies them - people mentally and physically unsuited for success in a given society are the most likely to want to destroy it."
very moisturized on X - "It bears repeating over and over again that the entire leftist project is one borne of resentment towards people they perceive to bear natural gifts. Weak people are obsessed with power, and the entire project of leftists, feminists, any disadvantaged group seeking to subvert the hierarchy is that they have no personal agency and their only way to gain control is through collectivizing. Politics is the only means with which they can seize power because as individuals they are absolute losers - “spiteful mutants”."

Thread by @YasMohammedxx on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "In our talk,@Ayaan spoke about how ISIS caused so many Muslims to denounce Islam. Knowing sex slaves were taken by the prophet and his companions centuries ago is very different from witnessing it today. It’s easier to accept theoretically, but very difficult to accept in reality.  It’s similar to the response I had after 9/11. Of course I knew about jihad and killing infidels and spreading Islam and all the things the Imam yells every Friday khutbah. But it wasn’t real until I watched ppl jumping to their deaths. Having two daughters, it’s too much for my brain to even begin to comprehend. This child and thousands like her were sold and raped. This is acceptable in Islam. Allah sanctions it in the Quran. The prophet and his companions practiced it. There’s no denying the evil inhumanity. Here’s an Imam explaining to his daughter what sex slaves are and why consent is irrelevant"
Gad Saad on X - "Does this imam understand or misunderstand Islam?"

Cori Bush Becomes Second Squad Member to Lose 2024 Primary - "Cori Bush of Missouri, perhaps the most combative member of the U.S. House’s “Squad” of outspokenly progressive Democrats, narrowly lost her seat in an August 6 primary to St. Louis prosecutor Wesley Bell"

Thread by @SwannMarcus89 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Cori Bush may have been a total moron who legitimately is the dumbest human to ever be in congress, but in her defense, she's also a corrupt hypocrite who is under investigation for spending an insane amount of campaign money on private security  Wait where was I going with this?
Fun fact: In 2021, every member of congress who spent more on security than Bush was a Senator, not a House member, and she spent 3 times as much on private security as the second most spent by any other member of the House  And one of the security guards she paid is her husband Also, if you look at the Senators who spent more on security than Bush, there are obvious reasons for most of them to spend so much  Ossoff and Warnock both spent a ton on security because of how insane Georgia got when Trump was publicly threatening every politician in the state "

the contextualized hot dam historian on X - "but the category of white old men who have collectively been brainwashed by decades of fox news is massive and it clearly produced massively uncomfortable/bad relationships with their kids."
memetic_sisyphus on X - "It’s a stunning lack of awareness. Your dad might vote GOP, he might watch Fox News, he may even be disappointed you disagree with him. But he wants you over for thanksgiving, he wants you to get married and have kids so he can play with his grandchildren.   You didn’t lose your dad to fox, you became obsessed with electoral politics in such an unhealthy way that being in the same room with someone you disagree with is too much to handle, even if that someone raised you with love."
Clearly it's conservatives who are intolerant, and you need to cut your family off if they disagree with you politically, because they are "toxic". There is totally no relationship with cults trying to cut off cult members from family and friends to better brainwash them

memetic_sisyphus on X - "There are a ton of comments talking about how a conservative disowned their LGBT child. I’m sure this happens, and I’m sure it’s an incredibly painful experience. That being said LGBT people are less than 5% of the population (being very generous including bis and queer when they don’t actually act on it). They are also disproportionately in liberal areas (totally biological am I right!). So when they bring up a conservative disowning a child they’re talking about a fraction of conservatives dealing with a fraction of one of the smallest minority groups in the country. These cases are used to argue against the 99.999% of cases where a liberal freaks out at their dad because he has Fox News on in the background.   Rainbow flags draped over every public building have really overblown the public’s perception of the gay community’s size. When polled Americans though gay lesbian and trans made up an outright majority! I’m sure this effect is stronger if you actually belong to one of these identity groups."
Mantis Toboggan on X - "I would also like to look more closely at what “disowned” means. If Reddit and twitter libs have taught me anything, it is that not providing immediate, full throated celebration for every single aspect of their lives is basically the same thing as kicking them out of the house"
🇺🇲Big Rooster🇺🇸 on X - "They "disowned" the parents, but claim the parents "disowned" them."

Meme - memetic_sisyphus @memeticsisyphus: "In my experience the liberals view their positions as the default belief. They’re not even viewed as political. Some off handed comment about immigration or blm or whatever gets thrown out like they’re saying it’s sunny out. I think honestly they don’t view it as political, they just view it as part of the world everyone agrees on. And in their world, both irl and online everyone does, no one questions it.   Then they go to a family function, they say some off handed comment that is hyper partisan and are confused when their conservative dad or uncle says “you’re retarded.” All of a sudden they’re in a heated debate about politics and they’re not even sure how or why.   Study after study shows liberals don’t understand how or what conservatives think. They don’t take the time to actually talk about these issues and get blindsided when they set a political land mine off which could be avoided by even a passing familiarity with how half the country views politics."
"No, it's almost always the exact opposite. The relative who's been radicalized by right wing media is constantly trying to inject their angry politics into every family gathering and conversation, while their family tries to steer them to other topics and begs them to be normal."
Peatish @CantonaCorona: "100%. I can't even tell you the number of times I've been in a mutual friend gathering, and someone who knows 10% of the room will add "gawd, white people, gross" etc. The issue is they are also the person lacking social skills to see the room gets uncomfortable"
Paul @WomanDefiner: ""Study after study shows liberals don't understand how or what conservatives think" I would take that on step further. They don't even know why the believe what they believe. They can't even do basic defense arguments for their beliefs."

Meme - Memetic sisyphus @memeticsisyphus: "Lots of very cult like responses. Many saying things like, you hate me for being a good person."
Dr. Stephanie M. Baudelaire, MD, P...: "what these people in their eternal lack of empathy fail to understand is voting to kill someone is Proof Positive that you Hate them
but you already know your GOP Dad Hates you
because he treats you with Hate
for being queer
or being kind
or being fair
it's only ever Hate"

Anything that threatens the left wing agenda is "hate" and anything that pushes it is "kindness". If you tell an alcoholic that alcohol is bad for him, clearly you hate him

wanye on X - "An experience every (even moderate) conservative has had many times is that someone in their life will repeat liberal talking points over and over and over and over again without reference to their audience and then when you’ve finally had enough and offer the slightest rejoinder they freak out and accuse you of being political"
This is why left wingers claim that the left wing position is just being a decent human being and "empathy" - pushing the left wing agenda is the default, and if you disagree you are being political, a bad person and a bigot

Meme - lan Miles Cheong @stillgray: "Kotaku has a new editor-in-chief and he hates white people. Entertainment journalism is so broken."
austin williams @austinxwill: "Working with white people definitely a top five emotionally draining experience."
"White people really are the rudest mfs on the planet."
"I'm in an office full of white people today. Pray for me."

Joe Burgo on X - "Actual sentence from a chapter I'm reading on the neuroscience of gender: "... it is necessary to approach these studies understanding that the research was conducted under the contexts emerging from normative cisheteropatriarchal white European colonialist gender norms.""
James Lindsay, anti-Communist on X - "This is their BS Marxist excuse for dismissing anything that disagrees with their desired conclusions. The wordiness and big, made-up words are just mystification techniques for the intellectual swindle that's going on. It's like three-card monte but with big words."

Thread by @wanyeburkett on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "People rightly ask why I focus my ire on progressives and rarely conservatives and, while there is an idiosyncratic personal history there (I almost solely criticized conservatives for my first 25 years), the real answer is just that conservatives are currently irrelevant.  Conservatives don’t make policy in my area, they don’t set the agenda, they don’t control the message, and there are almost none at any of the companies I would like to work for. Conservatives here can barely even say what they think at a dinner party. It is basically inconceivable that I would ever face personal consequences for saying something “too progressive.” Conservatives are irrelevant. There is no point to criticizing people who are irrelevant.  I grew up in a rural conservative county in a state with Republican leadership and, wouldn’t you know it, I criticized conservatives basically the entire time I lived there. In that milieu progressives were irrelevant. I took the “Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins criticizing religion” thing to its limit. I know every single one of those arguments and I’ve made them 1000 times. It’s just not interesting to me anymore, nor is it relevant to anything currently happening in my life. Because progressives are almost definitionally on the vanguard, they self identify as weak and oppressed, but just as a plain accounting, they are in power everywhere in my life that it matters."

Coddled affluent professional on X - "The degree to which progressives have become interested in the sexual behavior and awareness of children and adolescents is very weird. They’ll hand wave and claim they have authority and expertise but they’re never quite able to articulate what it is they’re actually doing."

John Rain on X - ""Conservatives consistently showed more empathy toward people on the left than people on the left showed toward conservatives." That's the result of a new study from 2023. The Right loses because it's too nice to a Left that hates it."
Empathic Conservatives and Moralizing Liberals: Political Intergroup Empathy Varies by Political Ideology and Is Explained by Moral Judgment - "Empathy has the potential to bridge political divides. Here, we examine barriers to cross-party empathy and explore when and why these differ for liberals and conservatives. In four studies, U.S. and U.K. participants (total N = 4,737) read hypothetical scenarios and extended less empathy to suffering political opponents than allies or neutral targets. These effects were strongly shown by liberals but were weaker among conservatives, such that conservatives consistently showed more empathy to liberals than liberals showed to conservatives. This asymmetry was partly explained by liberals’ harsher moral judgments of outgroup members (Studies 1–4) and the fact that liberals saw conservatives as more harmful than conservatives saw liberals (Studies 3 and 4). The asymmetry persisted across changes in the U.S. government and was not explained by perceptions of political power (Studies 3 and 4). Implications and future directions are discussed."
Liberals see conservatives as evil. This provides empirical support for someone's (I forget who) observation that if you disagree with the right, you are seen as wrong, but if you disagree with the left, you are seen as evil
Weird. We keep being told that being woke and left wing is about "empathy"

Brianna Wu on X - "If you want to save the progressive movement:
✅ Jettison the toxic identity oppression hierarchy and refocus on mutual respect
✅ Reject the communist freaks and antisemites. They are a cancer and are killing us
✅ Focus on working class people
✅ Stop hating America"

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