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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Links - 20th August 2024 (1 - Trans Mania)

Thread by @babybeginner on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "So you know that dictionary company that is blocking anyone who says a woman is an adult female human?  Welllll…..this is how they now define female.  “Having a gender identify that is the opposite of male.”  Can they get any more ridiculous?
They have walked themselves into the most ridiculous corner. A female cat has a gender identity now? A female fish thinks about its stereotype identity? A female human is nothing more than a social construct? The more they try to own us all the more they look like petulant children with an unworkable language.  Every accusation is an admission. Remember that. Remember also that their claims that gender is not the same as human biology is just more word salad.  Democrats have a real problem on their hands. They have backed this nonsense and now they want votes. Votes from people who have had it with ALL of this. This toothpaste cannot get back in the tube.  They changed the definition of woman to mean adult female person but then changed the definition of female so THAT word means nothing.  Do not trust any dictionary that plays games like this."
If you don't trust the Neutral Dictionary, you are ignorant

Sall Grover on X - "I’ve been blocked by the dictionary for saying a woman is an adult human female. The dictionary."

Thread by @babybeginner on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Dictionary wars have just ramped up. Merriam Webster is throwing a fit that women came over to tell them that the word woman means adult female human.  Now they put out this smarmy message.  Democrats really don’t know how poorly this is all playing.
For those not caught up yet. This is where it started. They asked this question: "What's the word/grammar hill you are absolutely dying on?"
Hundreds of women and men came over to say something to this effect.  It just shows how much it means to people to have a word that means the adult female human. We should have a word for that, right? It’s a big category. Instead, this dictionary company started hiding the replies. Then they got so many they just started blocking members of the public. Then they deleted the entire thread and posted that snarky video instead."

Thread by @babybeginner on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Let’s examine how much of a joke Merriam Webster has become. Remember when a respectable dictionary wouldn’t dream of using a circular definition?  Well let’s look at these definitions. Female. “Having a gender identity the opposite of male.” So what is male? Why it’s having a gender identity that is the opposite of female, silly.  So the word male means having a gender identity which is the opposite of female which is the opposite of male which is the opposite of female ….  But wait. There is more.
A gender identity is a person’s internal sense of being male (which is the opposite of female which is the oppose of male which is the opposite of female…), female (which is the opposite of male which is the opposite of female…), or some combination or neither. Now they haven’t defined what neither male or female is defined as, and I think we can all thank our lucky stars for that. Because we are already on one never ending feedback loop and one is quite enough. A girl is defined as a person whose gender identity is female. (Which remember means a gender identity that is not male.) But they did change the definition of woman back to an adult female person so they can pretend that they aren’t pushing the gender nonsense. (Except they snuck it in with the definition of female now.) Sex and gender are different. Except when they aren’t. Because one means the other but neither means anything?  This is what gender ideology does to you. It makes you look utterly ridiculous.  But wait. There is one more. Under the definition of s*x they explain it means males and females. They further explain that there is a clear delineation between sex and gender.  Which they seem to have forgotten when they defined the terms male and female.
Imagine making yourself look like THIS bad.  The thing is. I don’t think they know how to think any more. They don’t know why a circular definition is bad. They don’t know they have contradicted themselves. Nor do they know what a female or male is. This ideology warps the ability to think. They must take such ridiculous stances that they paint themselves into a corner of garbled nonsense. Because none of it makes any sense. When you look closely, these gender ideology words mean nothing. Literally."
Weird. Does this mean there're only two gender identities?
Strange. I thought sex and gender were different and only ignorant people didn't know that

Thread by @wokal_distance on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Of all the stories I've heard of people hitting their "woke breaking point" @elonmusk's may be the most heartbreaking.  He was tricked into going along with trans ideology, and in doing so lost his son to woke ideology.  You can feel his pain as he speaks. I can't imagine what it is like for @elonmusk....the pain must be unbearable. I can't put myself in his shoes.  But I do want to give him some encouragement, to let him know that his purchasing of X and his social activism has been effective. So, here goes.... @elonmusk,  your purchase of @x gave a platform to @ChoooCole @onedonebun @thepeacepoet99 @LauraBeckerReal and other detransitioners to sound the alarm and to warn others about the horrors of the woke mind virus, and what childhood transition really does to a person... I would also like to say to @elonmusk that hope is not always lost.  There is an entire community of detransitionsers (you can spot them because they put the 🦎 emoji in their names and bio's) who were sucked into the trans cult and were able to find their way out... They have spread their message, ideas, content, and their stories on @X. They have been able to warn parents, advocate for laws, do activism, and warn about the dangers of childhood transition... The purchase of this platform has helped us spread the word, and served as a place where those of us who want to fight the Woke Mind Virus can get together.  It has no doubt helped many parents to get the information they need to protect their kids from the woke mind virus... And this means that you @elonmusk have helped many parents protect many kids from the horrible damage that comes from getting sucked into the Trans cult.  And I hope that encourages you.  I, speaking only for myself, am very grateful."

Collin Rugg on X - "JUST IN: Elon Musk says his son is "dead" thanks to the woke mind virus after he was put on puberty blockers, says he vowed to "destroy the woke mind virus after that."  🔥🔥  "I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys... This was before I had really any understanding of what was going on."  "There was a lot of confusion and you know, I was told, oh he might commit su*cide..."  "My son Xavier is dead, k*lled by the woke mind virus."  "I vowed to destroy the woke mind virus after that... and we are making some progress.""

Peachy Keenan on X - "Xavier Musk was transitioned at Crossroads, a famously super progressive private school in LA, and where most of the Hollywood elites, actors and agents, send their kids. Jack Black is an alum.  This is where Seraphina Affleck (now a transman named "Fin") and J.Lo's nonbinary daughter go.   Long before it was trendy, Crossroads was forcing kindergarteners to choose their own pronouns and announce them in class when they spoke. This place is super f*cked up. Epstein Island for the low low price of 70K/yr."

ripx4nutmeg on X - "The BBC has in the last three days published two features about how the cost of living crisis has affected six ordinary people. All six people are cross-dressing men"

Meme - Aoife Bee @Aoife_Bee_: "my cousin is getting married in months and i've decided im going, it's gonna be my debut as trans infront of my entire extended family so we've gotta plan rly hard to show up n make a statement"
Fonty @Fontybits1: "I hope no-one upstages you on your special day."
Meme - "Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace."
Clearly, there is neo link between trans identity and narcissism and that's a transphobic lie

I Love Wolf-Whistles and Catcalls – Am I a Bad Feminist? - "Last summer I went to Ibiza, where I was catcalled, sexually objectified and treated like a piece of meat by men the entire week. And it was absolutely awesome. It got to the point where I couldn't even be bothered to follow any of it up. Every time some hot guy got fresh with me, I just thought, 'Okay, I could fuck you, but there might be some even hotter stud serving it up later.' I guess it’s like when I used to live by the sea and never got round to going swimming. It was just always there, you know? You forget to get wet."
Totally not a fetish. But it does make some good points
"the letters in “TRANSGENDERISM” can be rearranged to spell “MR. GENT-IN-A-DRESS.”"

Meme - Transman Scott Newgent @NotScottNewgent: "This is the most swollen my hand has ever been. I'm trying to finish my memoir by 8-17, and it's killing me.  This is transgender, gender-affirming health care; this is truth.   This hurts too F@$&ING bad! http://ScottNewgent.com"

REDUXX on X - "GERMANY: Trans activists shut down a lesbian pride march in Berlin on Friday after the lesbians involved were "exposed" for not being sexually attracted to males who "identify as women." The activists destroyed some of the women's signage and issued threats towards them."

Meme - NPC: "Women make $0.75 for every $1 a man makes because of the wage gap!"
Normal person: "What is a women?"
NPC: "Any one who identifies as one!"
Normal person: "So stop identifying as a woman and you'll get paid more..."
NPC: *processing*
NPC: *upset*

Meme - "Most people are satisfied with life after transition. More than 9 in 10 respondents were at least a little more satisfied with their life after transitioning.
Source: 2022 U.S. Transgender Survey Early Insights Report
*classic World War II bomber survivorship bias diagram*"
Not to mention sampling bias

Meme - "This just in: Progs admit that their average male could get beat up by Ellen page."
em @cloudyseance: "elliot page could beat all of us up and im thrilled about it"

Meme - "r/MtF
How can you cope with not being able to get pregnant?
Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing well. I ama trans girl of 5 years and have been on hormone therapy for almost 3 years. In all transparency, estrogen has made me feel very horny lately and my body is currently screaming at me to make babies. As the title suggests, not having a uterus and not having the capacity to procreate is something that pains me a lot. I am currently waiting on approval for srs, but I already know that even after getting the surgery (hopefully), my inability to get pregnant is always something that I'm gonna be sad about, so I wanted to ask you guys about any tips on coping with this kind of pain, since I am very unsure on what to do about it. Thanks in advance, and sorry for yet another nsfw post."
Totally not a fetish


Meme - McKaylaRose @McKaylaRoseRed: "The common Christian argument about gay marriage was that it would open the Pandora's box and they would force their lifestyle unto others. 9 years later, after it was legalization, with rainbow flags everywhere, drag shows for all and the transing of kids, the Christians were proven right."

Meme - Soyjak: "Sex and gender are two different things. Gender is a made up construct"
Normal person: "when people have sex reassignment surgeries to present as a different sex, you call it 'gender affirming care'. How does changing your body to look male or female affirm your gender if it's just a made up construct?"

Meme - DramaAlert: ""He's deluded and disturbed and its 100% a fetish." KRIS TYSON'S ALLEGED SISTER SPEAKS OUT!"
STW @stwest3: "Im his sibling. He, and yes I use the correct pronoun, told me that he got fully aroused when he secretly stole my female clothes and put them on. He's deluded and disturbed and it's 100% a fetish. He's narcissistic and professionals have told him he needs a full psych eval"

Mooskina on X - "I was sexually assaulted by Ava Tyson and here is my story: For Context Ava and I are both adults and met each other as adults Ava followed me on Twitter in November of 2022 after seeing my transition timelines on Twitter when I had under 500 followers.🧵"

Toxichoodboys on X - "When i was young i was expecting flying cars in 2023 … Not 72 genders."

Dad wins full custody of son, 4, after child's mother allegedly tried to raise him non-binary - "A California father said he’s been granted full custody of his 4-year-old son following a protracted legal battle with the boy’s mother — who allegedly forced the child to wear dresses and glitter because she wanted to raise him as non-binary.  Harrison Tinsley told “The Daily Signal Podcast” that he prevailed in the years-long court battle to win full physical custody of Sawyer, which the dad likened to “watching a miracle.”...   Tinsley alleged that Sawyer’s mother — who he said identifies as a lesbian and non-binary herself — tried to push her gender ideology onto the child from the time he was a baby. This included a cruel campaign of gaslighting like referring to Sawyer with they/them pronouns over his protestations, and forcing him to wear girls’ diapers, dresses and makeup, the dad claimed.   On a GiveSendGo page raising funds for his legal fight, Tinsley told of his initial joy at learning his then-girlfriend was pregnant in 2019.  “Unfortunately that excitement turned to pain when his mother, who suffers from serious underlying mental health problems, abruptly ended our relationship and prevented me from seeing Sawyer,” he wrote.  After fighting an uphill battle in California’s progressive court system for a year, he was finally able to meet his son for the first time when Sawyer was 15 months old.  But Sawyer’s mother’s gender obsession only grew, and the boy remained subject to all manner of manipulative tactics, the dad alleged...   After learning Sawyer’s mother had been arrested for felony child endangerment, Tinsley filed for full custody in San Francisco Superior Court last year, claiming that she had “slandered and defamed” him for years. The details of that arrest and incident are unclear.  The dad said he presented the court with mountains of evidence — including eight hours of police bodycam footage and over 800 pages of supporting documents — but the court sided with Sawyer’s mother, he said. Tinsley appealed the decision last December, and claims that Child Protective Services in San Francisco became involved following an alleged “incident,” about which he declined to further elaborate.  CPS investigated and recommended Tinsley be granted full custody of the boy, and that the mother be subject to regular drug and alcohol testing, he claimed... “His mom tried to paint me as some right-wing hillbilly from Mississippi or something even though I had nothing to do with the investigation,” he told the outlet.  “And that shouldn’t matter anyway, of course, but in reality I’m just some California dude with long hair and skinny jeans, so that’s ridiculous to make that up about me.”"
Weird. I thought this never happened

Facebook - "Actress, Megan Fox has 3 young sons who are all transgender or nonbinary. Charlize Theron adopted a son who is also transgender. Do you think this is coincidence or were these children influenced? #DLQ"

Meme - Licensed Memes: The Banterbury Tales: "> stage name
> used for literal larping and kayfabe
> "it's literally the same as the thing we promote"
What did they mean by this?"
The Other 98%: "Weird... They referred to him by his chosen name, and not his birth name. I wonder if there are other instances where such practices could be applicable."

Meme - *Wolverine Remember Meme*
*Elliot Page stroking photo of Ellen Page*

Meme - emo hag @glitterwitchx: "after years spent finding the perfect artist, scheduling session after session, and spending thousands of dollars my Harry Potter sleeve is finally completely blacked out. fuck @jk_rowling and every transphobe and TERF an the planet."
Gene Parmesan @dsonoiki: "wait so in your youth you made a permanent change to your body that you grew to regret???"
emo hag @glitterwitchx: "yes it's amazing how right my dad was about this whole thing"
Lol. No wonder she deleted her account

Meme - "You see, my preferred pronouns are "she/her!""
"Wonderful. My preferred verb is "leave!""

Benjamin Ryan on X - "Erica Anderson holds a unique position in the transgender care field. She is herself a trans woman and was a once leader in the ranks of WPATH, the leading trans medical-activist group. But she has become one of the organization’s most prominent critics for its approach to kids."
Damn internalised transphobia!

'Damning' Info About Trans Activist Group WPATH Causes Stir - "a federal court began unsealing an abundance of subpoenaed internal communications among top members of the group, known as Wpath.  The documents concern Wpath’s recent revision of the chapters in its trans-medical-care guidelines concerning pediatrics, or medical care for children and teens. At stake is the credibility of these widely observed protocols for treating gender-related distress in minors with puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and sex-trait modification surgeries.  The unsealed documents indicate Wpath leadership caved to political pressure from outside groups and quietly crafted its pediatric guidelines with the intent of influencing public policy. Wpath leadership also balked at the potential publication of research findings the organization had commissioned that its leadership believed might negatively impact access to gender-transition treatment.   Wpath’s once-secret maneuverings, now laid bare, have only just begun to backfire... Erica Anderson, a psychologist, transgender woman, and former head of Wpath’s American branch, characterized the recent disclosures as “damaging” to the organization. “The backroom discussions cement the picture of ideological and political capture,” she told the Sun of how she saw her former colleagues as woefully compromised. She said their exposed communications “hardly” portrayed them as “scientists using evidence to develop best practices.” Many Wpath leaders, she added, “clearly have lost their way.”  “I’m already hearing from litigants in many matters who will use this damning information in malpractice and other cases,” Dr. Anderson said, which is keeping with what several attorneys told the Sun.  “It will be a field day.”...   Dr. Cantor’s scathing report disclosed that beginning in the spring of 2022, Admiral Rachel Levine, the assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services, pressured Wpath to remove age restrictions on pediatric gender-transition treatment. Dr. Levine, a pediatrician and psychiatrist, particularly emphasized surgeries. At least part of Dr. Levine’s motivation was explicitly political. According to an internal Wpath email, Dr. Levine’s chief of staff, Sarah Boetang, told Wpath that keeping the age restrictions in the treatment guidelines “will result in devastating legislation for trans care.”... The same age limits from the draft of Wpath’s guidelines were in the final document when it was published on September 15, 2022. Then the organization stunned — and baffled — stakeholders by dropping all age restrictions in a revision issued later the same day.  So what happened? In the wake of Dr. Levine’s pressure campaign, the American Academy of Pediatrics had threatened to withhold support for Wpath’s new treatment guidelines, and even come out against them, if the organization didn’t remove the recommended age minimums for surgery. Following a September 10, 2022, call with AAP leadership, Wpath agreed to this demand. The week prior, a policy advocate at the Trevor Project, an LGBTQ-youth suicide-prevention nonprofit, had also urged Wpath to strike the age minimums. Among the Trevor Project’s board members is Dr. Marci Bowers, a transgender woman who is Wpath’s current president and a gender-affirming surgeon who stated in a deposition in the Alabama case that her recent annual surgical income exceeded $1 million.   According to Dr. Cantor’s report, Wpath leaders devised a cover story rationalizing why they had made the sudden change in the guidelines without engaging in their standard scientific process of seeking internal consensus... William F. Jung, a Trump appointee, pointed to Dr. Levine’s pressure campaign and asserted that “at times the HHS position about ‘gender affirming care’ seems to be political.”  According to unsealed internal communications, Wpath also wielded a heavy hand after it in 2018 commissioned from evidence-based medicine experts at Johns Hopkins University a series of systematic literature reviews—the gold standard of scientific evidence—regarding various facets of trans medical care. After some of the Hopkins teams’ findings raised concerns among Wpath leadership that they might “negatively affect the provision of transgender health care,” Wpath compromised the independence of the Hopkins researchers. This included asserting the final say-so on the publication of any systematic reviews. To date, just two reviews have been published. Meanwhile, one Wpath leader acknowledged to colleagues that “we are painfully aware of the gaps in the literature and the kinds of research that are needed to support our recommendations.” Yet in the wake of a British report, called the Cass Review and published in April, finding that the justification for pediatric gender medicine is based on “remarkably weak evidence,” Wpath in public vehemently refuted such a characterization of the evidence base.   The Cantor report further found that Wpath leaders crafted the language of its medical guidelines for the express purpose of influencing insurance coverage, policy and litigation – which according to Dr. Cantor, in at least some points came “even at the expense of scientific accuracy.” He also found that Wpath coordinated on the draft with the ACLU, which is behind many of the suits against state bans of such treatment...   Psychologist Erica Anderson, who positioned herself as WPATH’s Cassandra some years ago, having sought to warn her colleagues that they were steering the organization in a perilous direction, reflected over what it has meant to have, as she sees it, been proved right.  “Many who know of my historic efforts to stem the tide of ideology have proclaimed that I should feel vindicated, but I cannot be consoled,” Dr. Anderson said.   “I am heartsick.”"
If you don't Trust The Science, you're an Ignorant Bigot

Thread by @benryanwriter on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "NEW STUDY: Trans identification has surged in young adults, driven by natal females; increase is greater in whites. From 2014-2022, trans identification:
▶️Nearly quintupled in 18-24 year olds
▶️Quadrupled in 25-34 y/os
▶️Stayed flat or declined in those age 35+
▶️By 2022, 2.78% of 18-24 year-old adults identified as trans, up from 0.59% in 2014.
▶️The increase was driven by those identifying as trans men or gender non-conforming; identification as a trans woman did not change significantly among young adults and declined significantly among all adults.
▶️The increase in identifying as trans was larger among White individuals than among Black or Hispanic individuals.
The study is based on nationally representative data. In a new essay posted on the Yale Law website, researchers in the pediatric gender medicine space such as @Jack_Turban lambasted the Cass Review for saying that trans identification has "increased exponentially." But this new study finds what looks like exponential growth when trans identification is broken down by birth year... The findings in the new study are likely to be fairly accurate, since they are based on nationally representative data and an enormous data set...
This study raises questions:
▶️Why has trans identification surged in young adults but not in middle-aged or older adults?
▶️Why has trans identification surged in natal females but not in natal males?
▶️Why has trans identification risen more in whites?"
Increases in Self-identifying as Transgender Among US Adults, 2014–2022

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