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Saturday, August 24, 2024

Links - 24th August 2024 (1 - UK Migrant Riots: Two Tier Policing)

Two-Tier Keir showed his true colours years ago - "Sir Keir Starmer is quite right to condemn the violence against police officers during the appalling riots that have played out on our streets over the past week. “Our police deserve our support,” the Prime Minister has said. “Whatever the apparent cause or motivation, we make no distinction. Crime is crime.”  I totally agree. There is, however, one thing that puzzles me.   On June 6, 2020, 14 police officers were injured in London after a Black Lives Matter protest turned violent. One female officer suffered a broken collar bone, broken ribs and a collapsed lung after a protester threw a bicycle at her horse, causing it to bolt. The next day, at another Black Lives Matter protest in London, a further eight officers were injured. One was pictured with blood pouring down his face.  Then, two days after that, Sir Keir Starmer chose to publish a photo of himself, solemnly taking the knee.  Given all the injuries to police in the preceding days, did it not occur to Sir Keir that this gesture might look just a touch crass? If he believes there’s no excuse for violence, “whatever the apparent cause or motivation”, shouldn’t he have avoided this photo op? Or are violent protests after the killing of a man in the US somehow more excusable than after the killing of three girls in Britain? Personally, I think not. But, if anyone is wondering why Elon Musk has started referring to the PM as “Two-Tier Keir”, I suspect that this may have something to do with it. The PM’s new nickname – which has also been used by Reform UK, among others – reflects growing fears of double standards. And not just from the PM, but from police chiefs.  Sir Keir has dismissed claims that we now have a system of “two-tier policing”. So has the head of the Met, Sir Mark Rowley – who, when asked by a reporter whether we’re “going to end two-tier policing”, simply shoved the microphone aside and strode off. becoming harder to deny Michael Deacon Columnist & Assistant Editor 8 August 2024 • 8:11am Michael Deacon Related Topics      Riots, Police, Black Lives Matter , Israel-Hamas War, Racism   3808 Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner 'took the knee' in 2020 following the Black Lives Matter protests Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner 'took the knee' in 2020 following the Black Lives Matter protests  Sir Keir Starmer is quite right to condemn the violence against police officers during the appalling riots that have played out on our streets over the past week. “Our police deserve our support,” the Prime Minister has said. “Whatever the apparent cause or motivation, we make no distinction. Crime is crime.”  I totally agree. There is, however, one thing that puzzles me.   On June 6, 2020, 14 police officers were injured in London after a Black Lives Matter protest turned violent. One female officer suffered a broken collar bone, broken ribs and a collapsed lung after a protester threw a bicycle at her horse, causing it to bolt. The next day, at another Black Lives Matter protest in London, a further eight officers were injured. One was pictured with blood pouring down his face.  Then, two days after that, Sir Keir Starmer chose to publish a photo of himself, solemnly taking the knee.  Given all the injuries to police in the preceding days, did it not occur to Sir Keir that this gesture might look just a touch crass? If he believes there’s no excuse for violence, “whatever the apparent cause or motivation”, shouldn’t he have avoided this photo op? Or are violent protests after the killing of a man in the US somehow more excusable than after the killing of three girls in Britain?  Personally, I think not. But, if anyone is wondering why Elon Musk has started referring to the PM as “Two-Tier Keir”, I suspect that this may have something to do with it. The PM’s new nickname – which has also been used by Reform UK, among others – reflects growing fears of double standards. And not just from the PM, but from police chiefs.  Sir Keir has dismissed claims that we now have a system of “two-tier policing”. So has the head of the Met, Sir Mark Rowley – who, when asked by a reporter whether we’re “going to end two-tier policing”, simply shoved the microphone aside and strode off.   If people do believe the system is “two-tier”, they can hardly be blamed. Look at the Met’s soft-touch handling of the pro-Palestine marches. When marchers chanted for “jihad”, the Met actually excused them, by insisting that the word has “a number of meanings”. Yet, when a lone counter-protester waved a sign that read “Hamas is terrorist” (a statement that reflects UK law), he was arrested (police de-arrested and released him shortly after, claiming he had been held for his own safety).   If that wasn’t “two-tier”, what was it?  Equally troubling were comments this week by an officer from West Midlands Police. Sky News covered a counter-protest in Birmingham by masked men who had initially gathered outside a mosque and local Islamic Centre in the Bordesley Green area. Their reporter asked the officer why there had been such a “low-key police presence” when “an awful lot of people [were] armed with various weapons” (including a man wearing a balaclava and clutching a knife, who followed the Sky News crew after they’d finished broadcasting). The officer’s reply? Apparently, the police had had “conversations” beforehand with “community leaders” in order to “understand the style of policing we needed to deliver”, and “our policing response” had been “commensurate” with that. The officer added that the “communities” were “trying to make sure that [the counter-protest] was policed within themselves as well”.  Sorry, what? Do all “communities” have “community leaders”, who are invited to set out the “style of policing” they wish to receive? Who is my “community leader”? And are all “communities” entitled to “police within themselves”?"

“Two-Tier Keir” - Restoration, with Ayaan Hirsi Ali - "11 young girls aged between 6 and 9-years-old were stabbed multiple times at a Taylor Swift-themed birthday party... There is now rioting across England. The response to this rioting may tell us everything we need to know about the skewed preferences of Europe’s political elite and those of Britain’s in particular, the unabated demonization of the white working class, and the failure of the mass-immigration project to produce a society in which minority groups view themselves and the nation as part of a cohesive whole... violence has now surfaced in pockets across the country in protest against mass immigration. It’s akin, though on a smaller scale, to what we have seen in Ireland and France this year.  It should go without saying that all violent disorder which endangers lives and destroys property is unacceptable... Unfortunately, the British Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer did not say this in his statement on the developments.  The Prime Minister decided instead to single out what he calls “far-right” and made a point of stressing the need to keep Muslims and minority communities safe. In this speech, which focusses not on the spark which ignited this unrest, but rather on “Islamophobia,” and “far-right” thuggery, you can see how the Prime Minister might be gearing up to implement his de facto blasphemy laws... Sir Keir’s rhetoric serves to embolden disaffected Muslim youths by furthering the narrative that Muslims are persecuted in western countries. It is this narrative which Islamists seize upon to radicalize the population and stir young men to violence. The response also serves to demoralize the British population, who have found that their extreme concern over the effects of mass-immigration falls on deaf ears. The play-book is always as follows: an immigrant or child of an immigrant goes on a killing rampage and the government goes after a “far-right” threat...  the self-styled “Muslim Defence League,” a group of loosely organized young Muslim men have been parading around their towns armed with weapons in response to what they perceive as a threat to Muslim communities. They have largely been goaded on by the rhetoric of senior politicians such as Sir Keir.  There has been little interrogation of this in the media, but a proliferation of videos online gives us a glimpse into the scale of the crowds in some of these areas. There has been no press conference held on the threat of “far-right” Muslim gangs – young men walking around their towns with machetes and pipes. In fact, videos have emerged of police in Stoke encouraging Muslim men to discard their knifes at the mosque. In organizing an amnesty for this group, in these terms, the police essentially treat Muslims as a separate community over whom legitimate authority lies in the Mosque, not the state. They might be accused of policing along sectarian lines... This has culminated in a sense, amongst Britons, that there is a two-tiered application of policing. That minority “communities” are treated with kid gloves in comparison to native Britons. The moniker “Two-Tier Keir” has latched itself onto the man who has only been Prime Minister for a month... “shouldn’t you be concerned about attacks on *all* communities?” It is a fair question, one which a large subsection of British society does not think has been answered convincingly. And it is why these sporadic outbursts of violence have continued to erupt. This all comes in the wider context of increasing disorder and criminality on the streets in Britain. Just a few weeks ago, riots erupted in Harehills, an area in Leeds, after four children of a Romani family were taken into care by social services. A double decker bus was set on fire in the middle of the street and property was damaged and burnt throughout the night. Videos emerged of “community leaders” arguing that the Romani community could deal with its affairs internally, threatening further riots if they were not allowed to do so. It was stressed that the local police and social services were unwelcome... a solider in full uniform, was stabbed multiple times in the neck leaving his barracks. 24-year-old Nigerian migrant, Anthony Esan, has been charged with the attempted murder. It was only 11 years ago that Fusilier Lee Rigby was decapitated in the street by two Nigerian migrants. This time, there was barely a mention on the news though there were, of course, the inevitable well wishes to the family from the Prime Minister. But the most tangible reflection on the event seems to be a change in the rules on what soldiers can wear outside of barracks in order to keep them safe from certain members of the public; a twisted irony. There is a sense that in Britain, much like the rest of Europe, events like this have become normalized. It has required the brutal murder of three young girls to bring people onto the streets.  Britain has fewer police per capita than most European countries... they have always relied on the support of the public to maintain order. It is an important principle on which the country was ordered for over a century. And it worked. There are now groups of people with a sense of identity entirely separate from that of the British and who resent the imposition of authority coming from outside their “communities.”  The scale of mass immigration into the country, from places with very different cultures to that of Britain, has radically transformed the country in just twenty years and upended the social contract. It has made this situation inevitable. It will only get worse if the political elites in Britain, including journalists, continue to refuse to have uncomfortable conversations in the public square about the nature and effects of immigration and the violence perpetrated and encouraged by certain groups. The British people have voted in at least the last six elections to put an end to mass immigration, which they view as a drain on public finances and a danger to their way of life. And, as we have seen, over recent years it is. The offences against the British people are perhaps too numerous to list... On top of all this, in deprived towns across the country, from Telford, to Rotherham to Rochdale, thousands of young girls were systematically raped and groomed by Muslim grooming gangs over decades. The police turned a blind eye as this tragedy was unfolding out of fear of being accused of racism and islamophobia.  It does not seem unreasonable that a working-class British person might take one look at the changes which have occurred in his area over the last twenty years and feel betrayed. Nearly all of this change occurred since 2001. Not only did the public not ask for this, they actively voted against this at every election over the last two decades.  Rioting is an abominable thing. Stealing, looting, and the damaging of property have been excused by swathes of liberal commentators over recent years as an essential form of speech; a way to “speak truth to power.” This is never right and punishment for violence ought to be handed down firmly. However, it cannot be the case that the expression of grief and anxiety from one “community” – the British – is condemned more harshly than the violence expressed on the streets of Britain by minority gangs on a regular basis. This is anarcho-tyranny manifest."

Jess Phillips under fire for 'excusing masked thugs' - "A Home Office minister has been accused of excusing the behaviour of masked activists who forced a live Sky News broadcast off air.  Jess Phillips, the safeguarding minister and Labour MP for Birmingham Yardley, was criticised for “justifying” the actions of the men, one of whom who appeared to be carrying a large bat... an independent MP who was elected in the nearby constituency of Birmingham Perry Barr last month defended damage to a pub as “natural reaction” to anti-Muslim hatred.  Social media footage showed a lone man outside the Clumsy Swan pub being punched and kicked by a mob of masked men, some of whom were carrying Palestinian flags.  Asked about the incident, Ayoub Khan – who was elected on a pro-Palestinian ticket – said it was “disappointing” but followed claims that far-Right marchers were set to target Birmingham.  “There were a series of messages – I received hundreds – from residents, concerned residents, claiming that EDL [English Defence League] and far-Right extremists were going to be marching within inner-city areas,” he told Times Radio.  “People will come out in large numbers, and you’re not going to be able to control young men, especially who are upset, angry, when you see some of the scenes play out … All we can do as political leaders, as community leaders, is to urge restraint.  “But unfortunately, this is a natural reaction … And when I say a natural reaction by these young men, it’s a natural reaction for them. But it’s obviously something that we don’t condone in any shape, way or form.  “But you can see why it’s being played out in the way it has. When you see the stoking up of tension, the bigotry, the racism, the Islamophobic attitude, it’s created a lot of tension.” Richard Tice, the deputy leader of Reform UK, claimed the footage was an example of “two-tier policing”, writing on X, formerly Twitter: “All violence, rioting and assault is totally unacceptable.”  But Jess Phillips, the safeguarding minister and Labour MP for Birmingham Yardley, replied: “These people came to this location because it has been spread that racists were coming to attack them. This misinformation was spread entirely to create this content. Don’t spread it, Mr Tice!”... James Cleverly, the shadow home secretary, said: “Home Office ministers should not be making excuses for masked men shouting, abusing and intimidating members of the media.  “Ministers are not commentators or casual observers – they are decision-makers and need to think about the consequences of their words and actions.”  Liz Truss, a former prime minister, said it was “astonishing a Home Office minister is excusing masked thugs”, adding: “She must retract this statement and the Prime Minister must urgently commit to protect the safety and freedom of everyone in our country.”  Mr Tice said: “Jess Phillips trying to justify thuggery, intimidation and threats by violent gangs. Not a great look for a Labour minister.”"

Brendan Robinson on X - "I’m ex Police & I’ve no sympathy for rioters or villainous thugs of any variety, but listening to my old force WMP Chief Constable deny two tier policing exists and then in his message he thanks the local ‘community elders and mosque leaders’ for their ‘guidance’… it’s biased."

Queen Bob on X - "What the hell is the point of MP's, Lords and a King when NOBODY will speak for us???!!!!   I feel like I'm drowning. I feel so overwhelmed and angry and frustrated and confused and  I know many of my followers are too.   My inbox is full of people literally petrified that there's going to be a knock on the door and they're going to go to prison for speaking.   It's absolutely insane that we're being treated like this, and then being told we're not.   Just like the trans row - women, with legitimate concerns about safety and children we're labelled "TERFS" and then people threatened them, vindicated by their new label.   Now, people, NORMAL, GOOD, PEOPLE = Nannas and Grandads, Mums and Dads,  are being labelled as "Fascist/Far Right/ Racist/ Nazi" and thousands of people cheer when those, entirely innocent people, with perfectly reasonable concerns about immigration, are threatened with extreme physical violence and murder.   Where are the people speaking for us? Where are the Torys? Where are the Lords? Where is our King?   We have NOBODY. I simply cannot believe what has happened, and how quickly it has happened."

Khaled Hassan on X - "Over the past 10 months, since October 7th, the British Jewish community warned that we are under attack. We showed the police and government that we were under attack in university campuses, workplaces, streets, and even in our own synagogues.   My synagogue and members of my immediate community received many threats. I am regularly called a "coconut", "house slave", "Uncle Tom", "Israeli agent", "Mossad spy", and often receive death threats.   In a meeting with our local police a few weeks ago, I showed them the below comment from extremist Muslim Majid Freeman where he was calling me a "house negro". I also showed them another comment where another Muslim extremist was calling me a "house slave". THEY TOLD ME NONE OF THIS CONSTITUTES A CRIME.   Today, I saw a video of the director of public prosecutions of England and Wales warning that retweeting something online could be an offence (link in first comment).  Oh, by the way, no one ever wished me a Shabbat Shalom or used a language other than English to communicate with me (unlike the Alsalam alikum the police are using to address Muslims across the country)"

'Anti-fascist' demonstrators have a troubling blind spot | The Spectator - "A flyer calling for the expulsion of an ethnic group from parts of London was widely shared online yesterday. There were also reports of menacing chants being made outside a place of worship. Were the far-right thugs of riotous Britain up to no good again? Actually, this time the bigotry was coming from the other side, from the self-styled anti-fascists of the radical left. Yes, it seems yesterday’s anti-racist gatherings may not have been entirely anti-racist. A group called Finchley Against Fascism shared a virtual leaflet inviting people to gather in Finchley in north London to show their opposition to the bigotry and chaos of recent days. We need to mobilise, it said, in order to ‘Get fascists, racists, Nazis, Zionists and Islamophobes out of Finchley!’  Wait – Zionists? Jews who believe their people have a right to a national homeland? To lump Zionists in with fascists and Nazis is bad enough. To then say Zionists must be driven ‘out of Finchley’ is horrendous. Finchley is one of the most heavily populated Jewish areas of the UK. Many of its Jewish residents are likely to identify as Zionists. Let’s be clear about this: expelling Zionists from Finchley means expelling Jews from Finchley. Not surprisingly, the online flyer caused distress to Jews. Local MP, Sarah Sackman of Labour, herself a Jew, was contacted by ‘concerned residents’. The flyer is ‘clearly anti-Semitic’, many of them said. It is. Saying ‘Zionists out’ in Finchley is as bad as those awful cries of ‘P*kis out’ that we heard during the recent riots. In both cases, bigots were essentially calling for the ethnic cleansing of parts of the country. Some people also reported hearing chants of ‘Free Palestine’ outside the synagogue by Woodside tube station in Finchley. I thought we’d all agreed that political agitation near places of worship is a bad thing? There were Palestine flags on many of the anti-racist gatherings yesterday, too, and spontaneous eruptions of the chant, ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!’.  Was this really necessary? I thought these protests were about riotous bigotry here at home, not conflicts in the Middle East?... Could that chant not have been parked for one measly evening in the name of that ‘unity’ everyone was talking about?  It should concern the organisers of yesterday’s gatherings that some Jews reported feeling uncomfortable at them... Sure, it was a small minority at yesterday’s protests who said – or at least thought – ‘Zionists out’. Yet the fact that anyone said it, the fact there was an ‘edge’ to these demos that niggled at some Jews, speaks to a blind spot on the self-styled anti-racist left. They are fast to spot prejudice and intolerance when its targets are Muslims or black people, but the blinkers seem to come down when it’s Jews being menaced.  Indeed, Britain’s Jews are well within their rights to ask why there weren’t anti-racist gatherings in protest at their persecution following 7 October. Over the past ten months, synagogues in the UK have been daubed in graffiti. They’ve had their windows smashed. One in St John’s Wood in northwest London was targeted by a ‘pro-Palestine’ mob. Just two months ago, a teenage Nazi was jailed for eight years for plotting to blow up a synagogue. This week, yet another ‘surge’ in anti-Semitic hate crime has been reported. Where’s the demo?"
The left wing agenda is all connected

Joel Braunold on X - "All kidding aside this is not an anti racism march when you come to a Jewish area and demand that zionists (whom are the vast majority of the community there) are to leave. It’s racism. It’s disgusting. It’s in plain sight."
Peter Beinart on X - "Agree. Critiquing Zionism is one thing. Demanding that all "Zionists" leave a neighborhood is different. Imagine going into a Hindu neighborhood and demanding that all Modi supporters leave. You've crossed the line from ideological argument into something far more menacing"

Liza Rosen on X - "This is not Gaza‼️This is London‼️ Muslims warn the entire Jewish community in Britain that their turn to be beheaded as a human sacrifice for Allah’ sake is coming soon. As you can see in the video the Muslims chanted in Arabic: "Khaybar Khaybar, ya yahud, Jaish Muhammad, sa yahud (Translation: Jews, remember Khaybar the army of Muhammad is coming to kill you too)." They literally telling Jews that the “army of Islam (ie, Muslims)” is returning in order to kill them for being Non-Muslims, just like they beheaded all the Jews in "Battle of Khaybar". Please check out this entire thread 🧵!"
Damn far right! Extradite Tommy Robinson so he can face the death penalty!

Meme - "Tier 1. Asylum seeker ordered to pay only £2 a month for assaulting an emergency worker. Let off community service as he doesn't speak English. FREE. Mustafa
Tier 2. Steve Mallon JAILED for 26 months for shouting and gesticulating at police. Al Mbaidib. JAILED. Steven Mailen"

Meme - Callum @AkkadSecretary: "He went from being the ruler of Scotland and as Scotish as William Wallace to planning to go home to Pakistan in 3 months.  They have a motherland to flee to, we only have this island."
"Humza Yousaf says he could leave Scotland with his family due to 'Islamophobic'"

Meme - *Scowling black man holding Black Lives Matter flag and Antifa T-shirt with Molotov Cocktail*
*Scowling muslim man holding baseball bat and Palestinian flag*
*Puzzled white blonde man with British flag and "Save Our Children" T-shirt*
*police moving in with assault files and body armour*

You will be refused bail even if you only watched riots from the sidelines, Belfast judge warns - "A judge has warned that anybody present at a riot will be remanded in custody, even if they were only a “curious observer”.  District Judge Francis Rafferty said that someone’s presence at a riot made them involved in the riot as he refused two bail applications."
Isn't it fascism to interfere with the media?
Since you can't even observe a protest the establishment doesn't sanction, can we arrest "peaceful protesters" at protests the left wing approves of if there's any violence?

Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧 on X - "They're planning to drag you off the streets of the UK and imprison you instantly for ecen "looking at riots". As @Keir_Starmer installs these dystopian measures, the legacy media and far left cheer on."

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "Belfast, Ireland, Aug. 9 — Two-tier policing? A @GBNEWS correspondent compared and contrasted how Belfast police @PSNIBelfast were dressed on the anti-mass migration protest side compared to the antifa side."

Douglas Murray on X - ""Allahu Akbar" is a prayer - and also a war cry. There is no comparison between it and (say) Christians shouting "Hallelujah". Besides, if a term has been recently and repeatedly used by your co-religionists as they massacre people of other faiths a decent person might lay off it"
Sohail Ahmed on X - "As much as I may disagree with Douglas at times, he is correct here.  Remember that guy who was waving the jihadist black standard flag, frothing at the mouth, shouting 'Allahu Akbar, Jihad fi sabilillah' (Allah is great, Jihad for the sake of Allah) during the pro-Palestine protests? This *specific* phrase is only ever used in the context of violent jihad, by the way.  He was also shouting something about the 'kuffaar' (infidels), and whilst I don't quite remember what exactly it was that he said, I remember it not being very positive.  Now, the police comms team, evidently advised by someone with ulterior motives, came out with a public statement saying that he was benign and that he wasn't advocating for Jihad.  The police defended him.  They were utterly naive to do so, which is terrifying. Because if those who are tasked with keeping us safe are lost and confused, then what hope do we have against these people?  The only reason there aren't more Islamist terror attacks is because Islamists tend to be utterly incompetent."
Left wingers are obsessed with "dog whistles" and connotations meaning that even innocent things like the OK sign are no longer acceptable. But of course, these rules only apply to "white" people

David Collier on X - "So 'Allahu Akbar' is just the Muslim equivalent of 'hallelujah'? Well if any of you have any recent reports of Christians shouting Hallelujah as they chop off heads, or blow up buses, or blow themselves up next to kids in fancy dress or at a music concert. Can you let me know?"

Amnesty UK break silence after activist applauded Labour councillor's 'cut throats' threat - "Amnesty International has spoken to one of its activists after she was pictured applauding a Labour councillor’s call for right-wing protesters to “have their throats cut”.  Ricky Jones, an elected councillor in Dartford, was caught on camera at an anti-racism protest in Walthamstow delivering an incendiary speech.  Armed with a microphone, he declares: "They are disgusting Nazi fascists.  "And we need to cut all their throats and get rid of them all!”  The woman, wearing an Amnesty tabard, applauds as he stops speaking, along with other members of a large crowd surrounding him. Since the clip emerged, Mr Jones has been suspended by the Labour Party.  An Amnesty International UK spokesperson told Express.co.uk: “Members and supporters of Amnesty UK attended yesterday’s mass anti-racism rally in Walthamstow.  “The activist in the video has made clear to us that they were distracted and hadn’t heard the speaker’s comments when they applauded generally with the crowd.  “The speaker at the event is not affiliated with Amnesty and we strongly oppose violence and any kind of hateful speech.”"
The double standards are so amusing. Of course, if you don't push the left wing agenda and happen to take a picture with someone associated with a cause the left disapproves of, like someone wearing a "Straight Pride" T-shirt, or even exit a RV with the Diagolon flag, that shows you are the Nazi fascist, even if you explicitly reject whatever the left is trying to associate you with

Ian Miles Cheong on X - "How is it legal and permitted for far-left activists like Hope Not Hate CEO Nick Lowles to create hoaxes about how Muslim women are having acid splashed on them by anti-mass immigration protesters?   This vile lie was clearly intended to drive anger and anti-white sentiment in migrant communities towards the protesters. As we clearly saw, this Lowles’ lie inflamed tensions among migrants in Middlesbrough.   Will Keir Starmer and the UK police act? Or do they only intend to arrest white British people who share content that makes the natives upset?"

Shabana Mahmood MP on X - "I joined @Keir_Starmer  today to speak to faith leaders and those impacted by recent disorder.  Amidst the shocking scenes over the past week we’ve also seen the very best of Britain.  To call upon the motto of my great city of Birmingham we only go one way from here: forward."
Theorised on X - ""Faith leaders" We live in a de facto secular country, where freedom of and from religion established under the pillars of Westphalia take primacy. Why, then, do we defer to unaccountable & unelected religious leaders on matters of 'community'. Isn't this a demonstrable failing?"

Meme - Ben Leo @benleo444: "Hope not Hate's Nick Lowles here, who spread misinformation that Muslims had been acid attacked, admitting the '100 riots' from last night was a hoax but it doesn't matter as it pushes their 'migrants welcome' agenda.  Why hasn't Lowles had a knock on the door by cops for his acid lie?"
Nick Lowles: "Yes, the list was a hoax, but just look at the front pages of today's papers. An anti-racist message is being transmitted to millions of homes this morning"
"Hate" is anything that threatens the left wing agenda

Meme - Elon Musk: "Found this pic of the UK justice system"
*Piper Perri surrounded*
*UK policeman (?) surrounded by 4 Muslim men*

Meme - The Guardian @guardian: "England riots: how has 'two-tier policing' myth become widespread?"
Readers added context they thought people might want to know: "The Guardian have been telling people about two-lier policing based on race and sexuality for decades."
Archived version
The Guardian's dismissal of the current claims amount to claiming that the police actually somehow clamped down too hard on the BLM protests (where the "evidence" was to cite an anti-police NGO and somehow slime the "far right"), dismissing the light touch for Pakistani grooming gangs as historical and pretending that the "vast majority" of protests the left approve of (which get the kid gloves) were peaceful, ignoring the fact that the same applies to the current protests and that you're not even allowed to observe them, much less take part in them. It also ignores the policing of social media (which of course don't happen for protests the left approves of)

Meme - aaaaaaaaaa @Boomer_Pride *Balding Soyjak with stubble and ugly black horn rimmed glasses in Trans t-shirt* "Riots are the voice of the unheard unless the riot is over three girls getting stabbed then its the voice of the oppressor."

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