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Monday, August 19, 2024

Links - 19th August 2024 (2 - Being Black in the US)

Poor sleep hurts Black health, Minnesota researchers say - "“The theory is that racial minorities experience a stress that is unique and chronic and additive to the general stressors that all people experience,” said Johnson, who was one of the first researchers to work on sleep disparities. “We all experience stress, but there are added stressors for certain groups. For certain populations, racism fits into that category.”  People who experience racism and ruminate about it at night may have problems falling asleep, according to a study Johnson led published in the journal Sleep. And people who anticipate racism may experience interference with their sleep-wake cycle, she said, since their body may be in a heightened state of arousal, with higher blood pressure and variability of heart rate... In many Somali homes in the Twin Cities, smoke detectors with low batteries beep around the clock. Many believe the devices beep when they’re working properly, Abdifatah said, or that it’s the landlord’s responsibility to “fix” them. Such misinformation could be corrected with a community-wide effort.   Widome pointed out that sleep is often viewed as “garbage” or “throwaway” time."
Damn structural racism!
Looks like one problem is telling black people that they live in a racist society. So grievance mongering has very real harms for the "marginalised" people it pretends to help

Mom given $10,800 taxpayer-funded cash spent most of it on luxury trip to Miami - "A mom of three given nearly $11,000 in a taxpayer-funded program for impoverished families has admitted blowing most of it on a luxurious five-day trip to Miami — even getting a $180 glow-up to not look like a “working” mom while there. Canethia Miller, 27, was one of 132 mothers in Washington, DC accepted last year into the “Strong Families, Strong Future” pilot program designed to help those living around the poverty line... She chose to take a no-strings-attached $10,800 lump sum, rather than $900 monthly payments — and immediately spent more than $6,000 on the trip for her, her three sons and their father.  “I wanted to blow it. I wanted to have fun”... “[My kids] got to experience something I would never have been able to do if I didn’t have that money.”  For the trips, Miller bought 15 new outfits for her children — one for each child for each day of the vacation — proudly telling the DC paper: “Every outfit they wore was new.”  She also spent $180 getting her hair and nails done makeover, excitedly recalling how good she looked for the trip.  “I didn’t have to look like a working, stressed mom,” she said of the pricy glow-up.  Then in Miami, Miller spent much of her new cash on steak dinners, new gadgets and toys for the children and a boat tour past some of the city’s most expensive mansions.  She justified her spending by saying she hoped to inspire her children and teach them that if they work hard enough, they may one day be able to afford one of the mansions... She had claimed that she needed the money because her financial situation worsened after she had her third son in the summer of 2022.  Miller paused her education to receive a degree in social work to focus on the growing family and was living in a subsidized two-bedroom apartment at the time.  She was also receiving funds from the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families fund, which helped her cover her $120-a-month rent. But still, Miller said she was struggling to make her food stamps last.  “Groceries last us the first three weeks of the month, then it’s trying to figure out the last week of my benefits,” she explained.   “It lasts, but it cuts close.”  Now, she said she has opened a savings account in which she hopes to keep $50 — and insisted the government-funded program taught her how to save money for the future. She is set to begin a new remote job that pays $30 an hour — an opportunity she credits with the confidence she gained in the program.  “A lot of communities in my area don’t know the financial gain of credit [or] saving for your kids; that’s why we’re broke. That’s why we don’t have nothing to pass down or no house to give down,” Miller explained."
Obviously the problem is they didn't give her enough money, and no one should judge poor people for spending money how they want, because rich people waste money too so poor people deserve to enjoy themselves

Meme - Aragorn: "Long have I desired to look upon the kangz of old"

Meme - Isengrimm3 @isengrimms: "Every single book by a black author:
"A courageous tour-de-force in taking a stand and repeatedly reminding others that yes, you are Black (He is Black)" - The Economist
"He is Black - and he will let you know it. It's about time that somebody had the bravery to say it again and again and again and again (He is Black)" - HuffPost
"Inspiring ... One of the many many insistent accounts of being black you'll read this year (He is Black)" - The Guardian
"His Blackness shines through on every page (He is Black). You will be left in no doubt he is Black"  - The New York Times
The New York Times Bestseller"

Meme - The Eye of Heru: "Just a reminder
When you have no culture and you're embarrassed by your own history
*White guy showing bust of Nefertiti*
The only thing left to do is steal someone else's and claim it as your own."
Coming from the We Wuz Kangz crowd, this is super ironic

Meme - Black woman looking at classical marble sculpture with different facial features: "My ancestor"

Meme - *Control Panel*
"Dindu nuffin"
"Resist arrest"
*Holding gun*
*BLM fist*

When Did the Word Negro Become Socially Unacceptable? - "Senator Harry Reid got in trouble for referring to President Obama as a "light skinned" African American with "no Negro dialect." What's the big dea with using the work Negro? Last time I checked there was a United Negro College Fund run by blacks."
"It started its decline in 1966 and was totally uncouth by the mid-1980s. The turning point came when Stokely Carmichael coined the phrase black power at a 1966 rally in Mississippi. Until then, Negro was how most black Americans described themselves. But in Carmichael's speeches and in his landmark 1967 book, Black Power: The Politics of Liberation in America, he persuasively argued that the term implied black inferiority. Among black activists, Negro soon became shorthand for a member of the establishment. Prominent black publications like Ebony switched from Negro to black at the end of the decade, and the masses soon followed. According to a 1968 Newsweek poll, more than two-thirds of black Americans still preferred Negro, but black had become the majority preference by 1974. Both the Associated Press and the New York Times abandoned Negro in the 1970s, and by the mid-1980s, even the most hidebound institutions, like the U.S. Supreme Court, had largely stopped using Negro. Had Sen. Reid chosen to defend his word choice, he could have cited some formidable authorities. Colored was the preferred term for black Americans until W.E.B. Du Bois, following the lead of Booker T. Washington, advocated for a switch to Negro in the 1920s. (Du Bois also used black in his writings, but it wasn't his term of choice.) Despite claims that Negro was a white-coined word intended to marginalize black people, Du Bois argued that the term was "etymologically and phonetically" preferable to colored or "various hyphenated circumlocutions." Most importantly, the new terminology -- chosen by black leaders themselves-symbolized a rising tide of black intellectual, artistic, and political assertiveness...   In 1988, after the black power movement had itself faded, many leaders decided another semantic change was required. Jesse Jackson led the push toward African-American. But, so far, the change does not seem to have the same momentum that Negro and black once did. In recent polls, most black interviewees express no preference between black and African-American, and most publications don't recommend the use of one over the other. It can be challenging for institutions and older people, who have seen racial terms come and go during their lifetimes, to adapt. The NAACP, founded in 1909, declined to change its name during the DuBois revolution but did stop using colored in all other contexts. Negro History Week, begun in 1926, changed to Black History Month in 1976. The United Negro College Fund is now trying to emphasize its initials rather than its full name. The last time the Supreme Court used the word Negro outside quotation marks or citations to other scholarship was in 1985. The writer was Justice Thurgood Marshall, the first black Supreme Court justice, who came of age during the time of DuBois. Despite public outcry, the U.S. Census still includes the word Negro, because many older people still use it."
Clearly W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington were racist white supremacists

What It Means To Live A “Soft Life” — And How To Embrace It - "The concept is said to have originated in the Nigerian influencer community (its meaning centered around a life of less stress and comfort) back in 2021 before going mainstream. According to an October 2022 article by Jennimai Nguyen for Mashable, the more Westernized idea became a call “for Black women to let go of the astronomical expectation that they do it all. Rather than live a life of stress trying to be a career mogul, a style icon, and someone who’s emotionally available to friends and family 24/7, Black women called for those who have been working way too hard to take a softer approach.” Like so many social media trends, the idea has since grown and expanded (beyond the Black community), causing a movement of people taking to social media and capturing their efforts for a quieter, more tranquil existence. It’s also been met with some criticism for its “consumerist identity.” In a May 2023 article for Africa Is A Country, writer Désọ́lá says, “What seems to be overlooked in popular discourse about soft life is that the version of soft life so heavily marketed and championed online requires a significant amount of work to initiate and sustain. According to media representations of it, a soft life is fundamentally a costly life, it requires deep pockets and undue labor.”"
Clearly, black people earn less and have higher debt because of structural racism

End Wokeness on X - "Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) suggests exempting blacks from taxes. She then says maybe it's not the best idea because many blacks don't pay any taxes anyway… so maybe give free checks."
The path to South Africa with more dependents than taxpayers!

Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 on X - "Democrat Congresswoman @JacksonLeeTX18  thinks the moon is made out of gas.  Everyone knows it’s made out of cheese, which can make you gassy if you eat it. The moon itself is not gas.  “A full moon is a complete rounded circle which is made up mostly of gases.   “And that’s why the question is why or how could we as humans live on the moon? Are the gases such that we could do that?  “The sun is a mighty powerful heat that is almost impossible to go near the sun. The moon is more manageable.”"
Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 on X - "Sheila Jackson Lee graduated from Yale."

US Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Said Moon Is Planet and Made Up of 'Gases'? | Snopes.com - "Rating: Correct Attribution"
Good ole Snopes, running cover

Meme - "Blacks today suffer more from high crime rates, single parent households, and a mindset which blames racism for all their problems. But sure, let's pretend slavery is what modern Blacks suffer from."
Brian the Proud Black Democrat: "1. It's not your money, it's the government's. The government is not a white person, it is only operated by a majority of them.
2. Whether you like it or not, white ppl still benefit from slavery and Black ppl still suffer from it. Moving on..."
The Rabbit Hole: "Reparations: The idea that Blacks who never experienced slavery deserve money from Whites who never practiced slavery."

Meme - Wayne DuPree @WayneDupreeShow: "Before sagging pants, thigh split mini dresses, halter tops,  body and face tattoos, and all day pajamas, our people dressed proudly and boldly. Today’s culture has forgotten what it meant to take pride in its appearance and we need to get that back!"

Poor sleep hurts Black health, Minnesota researchers say (aka "Black and brown Minnesotans get worse sleep than white people. Researchers at the University of Minnesota say it’s hurting their health.") - "People who experience racism and ruminate about it at night may have problems falling asleep, according to a study Johnson led published in the journal Sleep. And people who anticipate racism may experience interference with their sleep-wake cycle, she said, since their body may be in a heightened state of arousal, with higher blood pressure and variability of heart rate...   The longer a foreign-born person lives in the U.S., the worse their sleep becomes, Johnson said. She suspects this phenomenon could stem from the built-up stress of language barriers, for example, or worsening dietary habits... In many Somali homes in the Twin Cities, smoke detectors with low batteries beep around the clock. Many believe the devices beep when they’re working properly, Abdifatah said, or that it’s the landlord’s responsibility to “fix” them. Such misinformation could be corrected with a community-wide effort.   Widome pointed out that sleep is often viewed as “garbage” or “throwaway” time."
Clearly we must keep telling them that they are victims of racism, so they can get even worse sleep

End Wokeness on X - "Holy shlit. CNN contributor says that the black community feels connected to O.J. Simpson because he kiIIed white people:"

Meme - "If they don't do this for OJ's procession to the funeral home that's a missed opportunity *slow speed car chase*"

Wesley Yang on X - "The racist cop who led the OJ investigation was documented as a racist in an interesting way -- he had filed a disability claim saying that repeated witnessing of the violent horrors he had seen in the black community had made him too racist to be an impartial law enforcer"

✨J.T.✨ on X - "You think a black man in the 90s is getting off on killing a yt woman if they had even a shred of real evidence ???? Let’s not be obtuse."
Wilfred Reilly on X - "One of my favorite modern phenomena is young wokes talking about the urban 1990s as though they took place in 1939 Selma."

Meme - Coddled affluent professional @feelsdesperate: "She says we will continue to be divided as a country if we don't discuss race, but all we've done for the past decade is discuss race from a Leftist perspective and it's been nothing but divisive."
"Would you say relations between White and Black people are very good, somewhat good, somewhat bad or very bad? % Very/Somewhat good
White adults 2001 - 62%
Black adults 2001 - 70%
White adults 2013 - 72%
Black adults 2013 - 66%
White adults 2021 - 43%
Black adults 2021 - 33%"

Meme - Drew Holden @DrewHolden360: "Would you like to guess which of these two men killed someone?"
The New York Times: "Don Imus, the foulmouthed, confrontational radio host who entertained and offended listeners for nearly half a century, has died. He was 79."
The New York Times: "In his fame and infamy, O.J. Simpson was an example of what celebrity could make of a person and a symbol of what the media could make of a country, our chief TV critic writes."

Meme - Jesse Jackson Jr.: "Y’all don’t remember! I remember when they loved this negro. And then ….. they didn’t. https://youtu.be/RM7lw0Ovzq0?feature=shared"
*OJ Simpson in Hertz ad*

Marc Lamont Hill on X - "O.J. Simpson was an abusive liar who abandoned his community long before he killed two people in cold blood. His acquittal for murder was the correct and necessary result of a racist criminal legal system. But he’s still a monster, not a martyr."
The epitome of acquittal for political reasons

Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ on X - "It didn’t start with OJ. In 1972, a Bay Area jury acquitted Angela Davis for explicitly racial and political reasons. From my book:"
"When the judge welcomed the jury back into the courtroom, the clerk read the verdict for each of the three charges. “We, the jury in the above-entitled cause, find the defendant, Angela Y. Davis, not guilty of kidnapping . . . not guilty of murder . . . not guilty of conspiracy.” The courthouse erupted in cheers. One juror flashed the Black Power salute to the audience outside the courtroom and told reporters: “I did it because I wanted to show I felt an identity with the oppressed people in the crowd. All through the trial, they thought we were just a white, middle-class jury. I wanted to express my sympathy with their struggle.” Later that evening, a majority of the jurors attended a rock-and-roll festival in celebration of Davis’s acquittal. Four men were dead and one of the hostages had been paralyzed from the waist down, but revolutionary justice had been served. Angela Davis had put American society on trial—and won."

Edward C. Yong ن on X - "so i’m an admin on reddit subs for very niche topics (skincare, family dynamics etc) concerning east asians. rule 1 is that only those of east asian descent may post/comment. every few days we have to ban some american black guy who then complains that the policy is racist. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️"

MCHunter on X - "Black Americans should not be blaming their problems today on slavery. Should they move on from grievances over slavery in another 150 years from now? How about in 300?"
As long as the gravy train keeps flowing, there's nothing to stop the grievance mongering

Meme - "Just got hit wit sum powerful troof
We wuz furniture
Maya Angelique @moneyymaya: "Ever since I learned yt people were making "leather" furniture using the skin of black people and stuffing furniture with our hair instead of cotton........my perspective and life are forever changed.""

Meme - *solar eclipse* mulathemodel: "Only black peoples can watch it because of the melanin in our eyes"

i/o on X - "In 2011, native-born black Muslims in the US had a favorable view of al-Qaeda that was nearly 3 times greater than that of Muslims in Turkey, more than 5 times greater than that of Muslims in Lebanon, and nearly 4 times greater than that of Muslim immigrants in America."

End Wokeness on X - "NEW: Asheville's 25-member Reparations Commission released its demands:
1. A massive business center exclusively dedicated to black businesses.
2. Money to fix up black neighborhoods.
3. Free checks and no work requirement."

Typical African on X - "The early 'black' POPULATION OF CHINA  RESEARCH conclusions in 2013 by a Chinese and American institute, indicates that the earliest population of China were actually Black-skinned. 'The first emperor of China was indeed black complexioned' as the research further indicated.   The 'pyramids found in Japan were discovered to have been built by stones not local to Japan.' Japanese locals said records showed that the pyramids 'were built by small black peoples.'  The Chinese "book of change" (i ching) was discovered to have been authored by these early 'men of colour' in China. #Africa"
Edward C. Yong ن on X - "this is why i’ll take the white nationalist nutters over the afrocentrist nutters. the former don’t try to claim asian culture and heritage as theirs."

Meme - "NateTalksToYou
1. The Chinese invented guns
2. That's a picture from a fictional movie."
Black British Woman @british_woman: "Whites are the most cowardly & weak race. Whilst all other races were fighting using arm to arm combat or close contact spears. Whites created guns to kill people from a distance."
A lot of black people can't tell the difference between fiction and reality. We Wuz Kangz is delusional enough, but a lot of them think Wakanda is real too

Wilfred Reilly on X - ""Playing down" is a real American, and very particularly Black, problem. Tupac was actually a ballerina. He went to the Baltimore School of the Performing Arts (BSPA), got into Juilliard."
BDMII on X - "Rep. Jasmine Crockett comes from a very nice background attending private school until law school and she's on Capital Hill cosplaying the stereotypical black woman and black people who are a fan of hers have no problem with this. Hilarious."

A majority of Black Americans believe US institutions are conspiring against them, a Pew poll finds - "more than 8 in 10 Black Americans surveyed agreed with the statement that “Black people are more likely to be incarcerated because prisons want to make money on the backs of Black people.” And more than 6 in 10 Black adults surveyed agreed that institutions such as the criminal justice system, the country's economic system and policing are designed to hold Black people back... Black Americans were also likely to believe racial conspiracy theories about politics. Three-quarters of those surveyed said they agreed that “Black public officials being singled out to be discredited more than white officials” happens in politics today. In medicine, the survey found that 55% of those surveyed said they agreed with the statement that “medical researchers experiment on Black people without their knowledge or consent.”"
When it's the exact opposite of the truth...
Left-approved conspiracy theories are good

Meme - "When your culture and history is limited to rap music, urban streetwear and broken english and before that it was thousands of years of cannibalism and tribal dancing around a bonfire, so to back up claims of your superiority you falsely claim that the Ancient Egyptians were actually black, effectively stealing their history and culture and therefore maintaining the stereotype that your people are theives.
Picardía / Thumbs Up Emoji Man: "we wuz kangz" *thumbs up*"

Meme - Wei Wu @WuWei113: "America rap music most funny. Male musician. "I'm pervert. I like slut. I like buttt". Female musician. "I'm slut. Look my buttt" This the only message in west music."

i/o on X - "Wikipedia: “The origin of the [black criminal] stereotype is the fact that, even though only an underwhelming minority of African Americans have ever committed any kind of crime, as a demographic they are proportionally over-represented in the numbers of those that do commit crime.”
An underwhelming minority?
Percentage of black males who have been convicted of a felony: 33%
Share of black males who will murder someone during their lifetime: 1 in 22."
Of course, "context" matters: if 0.2% of white males are incels (the very highest possible percentage based on the largest estimate of the number of incels and assuming they are all white men living in the US), this is shockingly big and a huge danger to society and they must be arrested to keep women and people safe.

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