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Monday, April 15, 2024

Links - 15th April 2024 (3 - Trans Mania)

Quebec man has two fingers amputated to cure body integrity dysphoria - "a surgeon at his local hospital agreed to an elective amputation in what is being called the first described case of “digits amputation” for body integrity dysphoria, or BID, a rare and complex condition characterized by an intense desire to amputate a perfectly healthy body part, such as an arm or a leg... It’s not the first time amputation has been used as a treatment for BID. In the late 1990s, a surgeon in Scotland amputated one leg above the knee each in two men who’d felt a “desperate” need to be amputees, and who had been turned away by other doctors... Parallels have sometimes been drawn between BID and gender dysphoria. Nadeau’s patient, after doing some research, “related his condition to gender dysphoria,” she said. People with BID often feel their physical body doesn’t align with the image of the body they have in their minds.  While cutting off healthy, functioning body parts for psychological distress raises ethical concerns, BID sufferers sometimes resort to self-mutilation or “black-market” amputations, risking their lives, Nadeau said. In 2008, an Australian man stuck his right leg, a limb he’d “hated” since childhood, in a bucket of dry ice for six hours, damaging the leg so badly doctors had no option but to amputate it below the knee. As Wired reported, the man, Robert Vickers, described experiencing “absolute ecstasy” when he woke up in hospital, missing his leg. “The most naïve, succinct popular explanation is that someone wishing to have an amputation or paralysis must be ‘crazy’ or ‘insane.’ Both are wrong,” German neuropsychologist Erich Kasten wrote in a review of 20 years of research into BID.  BID is likely rooted in an organic dysfunction in the brain, Kasten said, possibly “faulty connections” formed before birth and, as a result, “the corresponding body part is not correctly represented in the mental body image.”... “Recognizing and addressing the unique needs of (BID) patients can lead to a future where they can live with more dignity, respect and optimal well-being,” Nadeau wrote."
The trans-abled cannot be denied "basic healthcare"! If you criticise this, you're trans(-abled)phobic!

Thread by @_CryMiaRiver on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Apotemnophilia. In the 90s, Dr. Robert Smith, a surgeon at Falkirk Royal Infirmary, performed leg amputations on two men. Both men were perfectly healthy but suffering from apotemnophilia, a psychiatric condition involving the desire to have healthy limbs amputated. Sufferers claim not to feel whole with four limbs and obsess over having their unwanted body parts chopped off. Smith argued the surgeries were life-saving, claiming the patients would commit suicide otherwise. Apotemnophiles, like autogynephiles, will insist that there is no erotic element, but it was later discovered that one of the men Smith operated on ran an amputee fetish website.  Upon investigation, the hospital deemed the procedures unethical; Smith was banned from mutilating healthy bodies, and the ethically dubious experiment ended. But let's imagine for a moment an alternate reality. A world in which a powerful apotemnophile lobby group succeeds in convincing society that apotemnophile rights is the next civil rights movement. Their message is simple: Anyone who identifies as an amputee is an amputee. Activists insist that some people are born with innate amputee identities, and they are the most oppressed people in the world. They declare it apotemnophobic to say that humans are bipedal. Anyone who dares express such heresy deserves to have their life and career ruined. Imagine there were a sudden 4000% increase in teens identifying as amputees, but we were all forbidden from being concerned. Instead we were supposed to celebrate it. Most of the kids were gay or lesbian, or autistic. Almost all suffered from multiple psychiatric comorbidities. Parents of kids with supposedly innate amputee identities were expected to rejoice at the thought of their child undergoing the amputation of a healthy limb, and protesters took to the streets to demand that these children become a part of this barbaric medical experiment. Imagine schools teaching children as young as kindergarten that some people have amputee identities, that they get to choose how many limbs they have. Posters promoting body mutilation adorned the walls of many classrooms. Kids shows started featuring amputee characters, so children with innate amputee identities could see themselves represented. Then, as if in lock step, the number of kids identifying as amputees increased. Mention of the possibility of social contagion was viciously suppressed. Imagine celebrities coming out as amputees and posing on the cover of magazines after they've had their perfectly healthy limbs chopped off, and everyone applauding their bravery and lavishing them with attention and adoration. Able-bodied people with innate amputee identities began taking disabled parking spots and using disabled bathrooms for validation. Any actual disabled person who objected was labeled apotemno-exclusionary and deserving of being so vilified they don't dare speak. Imagine children's hospitals making promotional videos with soft music playing while doctors explain the amputation process to kids, promising immediate affirmation of a kid's amputee identity.  Laws were passed making helping a child accept all their limbs conversion therapy. Imagine surgeons advertising their ghoulish amputation services to teens on social media, and posing proudly with their young patients as they show off their new stump, or making quirky videos lamenting only having four leg amputations booked for that week. Imagine if a wave of young people missing limbs started to speak out about the regret they felt about sacrificing their healthy body parts while they were going through a teen mental health crisis, but those people were silenced and accused of being hateful apotemnophobes. That world is obviously mad, but our reality is worse. Because along with healthy body parts, teens today are sacrificing their fertility and sexual function on the altar of gender,before they even understand what that means, making this truly one of humanity's darkest moments"

Quote by Helen Joyce - "“One consequence of opening women's spaces to males is to recast two common male sex crimes as rights. Exhibitionism - non-consensually displaying one's genitals - is so common that many women will tell you that the first time they saw a penis was when a stranger flashed them. Voyeurism - non-consensually viewing someone in a state of undress - is known to be a precursor to contact sex crimes. Entering a changing room constitutes consent to see and be seen by the other occupants while undressed. Women grant that consent on the basis that those occupants will be female; gender self-identification removes that basis while denying that it does so. It therefore turns facilities intended for women into places where males can commit exhibitionism and voyeurism with impunity.” ― Helen Joyce, Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality"

Trans woman showered with four Wisconsin high school girls, violated their privacy, letter to district claims - "A letter sent by a law group on Thursday claimed that the Wisconsin-based Sun Praire Area School District [SPASD] has not "adequately" addressed a violation of students’ privacy rights after a transgender woman walked into a shower with four high school freshmen girls inside of it... The letter alleges that the transgender student "undressed fully and showered completely naked right next to one of the girls."   "He was initially turned towards the wall but eventually turned and fully exposed his male genitalia to the four girls."  The incident was first reported to student services. WILL argues that the SPASD's actions following the first report were not sufficient to resolve the issue. They asserted that "SPASD did not follow its own policy in this instance regarding District Response to Alleged Sexual Harassment.""

Transgender suspect threatened copycat Nashville school shooting, rape Christian girls - "A transgender individual threatened to rape Christian schoolgirls, inject HIV into people wearing crosses, and carry out a copycat of the Nashville Christian Covenant School shooting, according to federal authorities.  Jason Lee Willie – a biological male who identifies as Alexia N. Willie – was charged on Nov. 7 with 14 felony counts of interstate communication of a threat to injure... "We're out here walking into your school, shooting your children, and I'm going to tell you right now, I'm gonna be one of them and the FBI isn't gonna stop me, but I'm gonna kill your children out here," Willie declared, according to the indictment.  "There's a lot of transgenders out here that are tired of being picked on and we're going to go into the schools and we're going to kill their f***ing children out here, and that's the end of it. We're at war," Willie reportedly said... "A person in Tennessee walked into one of your schools and shot up a bunch of your Christian daughters," Willie purportedly said. "That's not the last of them if you don't shut your f***ing mouth."  In August, Willie allegedly used the video platform MeetMe to make more heinous threats under the username Mentally Unstable.  "I catch your daughters in them bathrooms alone, I am gonna f*** them. I mean I am gonna f*** f*** them until they're dead," Willie allegedly proclaimed. "I guarantee I'll be in the bathroom raping your Christian daughters."  Willie allegedly admitted to being an "open pedophile."  The indictment accused Willie of challenging the Republican Party by calling its members "weak," "p***ies," and "f*gg*ts." Willie reportedly said, "You can't do nothing about us. You can cry. Cry. Put me on national television, I don't care. I'm transgender, I'm in the bathroom raping your f*** daughters and I'm openly letting you guys know this. The Republican Party, what are you f*gg*ts going to do about us?"... Willie reportedly disparaged black Americans.  "They're trash, they're Christian trash. They're transphobic, they're homophobic. They're no different than the f***ing white supremacists," Willie allegedly said of black people. "That's exactly who the f*** they are. Listen, Dave Chappelle and all the blacks out here, all the black people out here talking about trannies and s**t, they ain’t no different than the white supremacists either. You all bow to the same cross."  Newsweek reported that Willie made terrifying claims of murdering a preacher in 2018."

Transgender Rikers inmate gets 7 years for raping female prisoner - "A transgender Rikers inmate raped a female prisoner while in the women’s section of the jail and has been sentenced to seven years, officials said Monday.  Ramel Blount, 33, who goes by Diamond Blount, pleaded guilty to attempted rape April 7 in an apparent plea deal."

California high school brawl involving transgender student draws behavioral, safety concerns - "Across social media, videos show a brawl breaking out at Riverside's Martin Luther King High School. What began as two students arguing on campus turned into a brawl involving a student who identifies as transgender.  While fights aren't uncommon on high school campuses across the country, but families and students at MLK tell FOX 11 that the transgender student from the viral fight video has a history of erratic and uncomfortable behavior.   Parents and students tell FOX 11 that the said student has access to the girls' locker rooms and bathrooms.  "He's [in the] girls' locker room, using girls' restrooms," said MLK student Aiden Vermeir said of the transgender student. "He spit on my friends that are girls, females. He shows his genitals in the locker room.""

Transgender ideology is putting male rapists into women’s prisons, with predictable results - "Hamilton County, Ohio, has been investigating the alleged rape of a female inmate by Michael Cole (or now Michelle Cole), who is a man. Cole has a violent felony history dating back to 2012 and was sharing a prison cell with a woman."

Woman accused of molesting teen boys in Florida - "Five years ago, Diana Elizabeth Guevara shared a story with the media: She claimed to be a former Miami-Dade police officer who underwent several gender affirmation surgeries at a new LGBTQ clinic at the University of Miami.  But Guevara has now made headlines for something else. She was arrested earlier this month in Citrus County on allegations she molested teen boys. And on Saturday, Miami-Dade police said, she’d never actually been a police officer with the county."

Parents upset with transgender student using West Jordan elementary bathroom - ""There is no documented evidence of a transgender person in the United States ever causing an issue in the bathroom. We have real issues we need to address. The transgender community is not one of them. Lets focus on improving things for all our youth," said Sue Robbins, with Equality Utah's Transgender Advisory Council."
From 2023. Hilarious gaslighting as usual. The Michelle Martinez/Miguel Martinez sexual assault case was in 2017, 6 years before this TRA lie and the Hannah Tubbs case was in 2014. But the left keep spouting this lie, even when confronted with the evidence
Keywords: Trans sexual assault in bathroom, Transgender sexual assault in bathroom
Addendum: Weird. We keep being told that this never happens, and that drag queens never appeared on "To Catch A Predator"

Meme - Yarden S. *1 star Yelp review*: "I wish I never listened to the medical and psychiatric community when they told me it was possible to change my ex. What a lie, Very dangerous and unethical. Sex reassignment surgery is a hit and miss type of surgery, but they don't tell you that. They never do. And maybe if didn't have autism, maybe if my brain wasn't so defective, I would have caught on before it was too late. I wish there was a cure for autism, but that's unlikely. It's endless suffering on top of even more suffering. I also wish voluntary euthanasia was legal. My death, likely painful, has proven that ethics are not universal and are otherwise non-existent. No one is truly there for me. There's no need to pretend. I have a gaping hole in my genital area with my colon spilling out (disgusting) and a ring of scar tissue blocking most of the entrance. If the colon can't discharge, that leaves it with severe blockage, which then could turn (and likely expected) into blood clots, followed by death. I've already reached the stage of blocka; What hurts me the most is the loneliness and the inability to. find a partner. I can't have a normal sex life. I'm a loser and I probably deserve this deception. This is what I get for messing with nature. Mankind is destructive and I self-destructed. I just wanted friendship and love. I wanted life to be easier. I wanted to be a woman since I was 15. I wish I had the knowledge that I have today. I was a confused kid with no identity. I wish I could have done everything different, but it's too late now. I'm royally screwed Dr. Thomas Satterwhite and Dr. Maurice Garcia, both in California and who are my original surgeons, have basically killed me. With accessory to my death is Dr. Miroslav Djordjevic, Dr. Rajveer Purohit, Dr. Rachel Bluebond-Langner, and Dr. Jess Ting, who all refused to help me despite having letters by 1 psychiatrist and 2 Clinical Social Workers recommending reversal surgery and my detransitioning. My last wish is for the State of California and State of New York to"
Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 on X - "I have just learned that this young autistic man died after suffering major complications with his sex reassignment surgery."

Christina Buttons on X - "Another Yelp review left by Yarden Silveira revealed that he sought assistance from his doctors at @MountSinaiNYC  for detransitioning after experiencing complications from vaginoplasty. According to Yarden, he was suffering from "a blocked colon canal that's spilling out of [his] genital area," and his doctor suggested he "try physical therapy."  Yarden included a screenshot of the email he received from Mount Sinai, which canceled his appointment and stated they would not be able to offer him services.   Two months later he passed away. He was only 23.  My preliminary survey of 94 individuals who detransitioned or desisted (pending publication) revealed that 72% of those seeking medical assistance faced significant challenges, and 78% of those who sought insurance coverage for detransition services had difficulty accessing it.  Currently, there are no billing codes for detransitioning, nor is there anything resembling a standard of care for this growing population. Additionally, some insurance companies explicitly exclude detransition procedures.  Detransitioners deserve better support and recognition. And anyone experiencing gender-related distress deserves better than the "gender affirming" model of care."
Clearly if you oppose rushing all allegedly trans people into transitioning, you practise conversion therapy and want trans people to die

Meme - ""transwomen" are just mansplaining what it is to be a woman."

Primary school teachers ‘hiding social transitioning’ from parents - "Schools are ignoring government guidance and drawing up trans policies that allow children to wear breast binders or use toilets that match their gender identity. Analysis of more than 600 equality and trans policies has found confusion and misrepresentation of laws relating to sex and gender. One school trust advised teachers to assist girls using breast binders while on school trips and to allow students to sleep in bedrooms suiting their gender identity if they were trans... A dossier was compiled by the network Protect and Teach, which is concerned about gender ideology in schools. It analysed the policies of more than 600 mainstream state schools in Devon and Cornwall... 73 per cent of schools in Devon and 62 per cent in Cornwall were incorrectly representing equality laws in their policies. A number of the school policies stated that children “as young as five” can show signs of gender dysphoria and that biological sex “is assigned at birth, depending on the appearance of the infant”. One grammar school defined sex as “a person’s understanding and experience of their own gender identity”... Breast binding is also noted in the policies of another trust which runs 15 academies. It notes that breast binding “can be hot, uncomfortable and restrictive but very important to their psychological and emotional wellbeing”. PE teachers are told to monitor students and “discreetly” offer breaks from exercise in case the binder impairs breathing."
Left wingers used to say that if you could not follow the law and do your job, you should be fired

Maya Forstater accuses trans judge of misrepresenting law - "Maya Forstater, who won a landmark employment law court battle in 2022, said that Victoria McCloud, a judge in the High Court, had “got the law badly wrong” in her social media comments on the ruling. The campaigner, 50, said that McCloud — who is to resign from the bench this month — had claimed on social media that the ruling had said a protected belief was not an “actual protected characteristic”, while “religion or belief” did fall into that category... The campaigner and her group, Sex Matters, have also accused McCloud of breaching social media guidelines for judges with her comments on LinkedIn. "

Rape crisis centre run by trans woman ‘hid sex of its counsellors’ - "Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre, whose chief executive is Mridul Wadhwa, a trans woman and activist, was said to have used “disciplinary processes to enforce its extreme and uncompromising version of gender identity theory”. The case of constructive dismissal centres on Roz Adams, a support worker at the charity, who is claiming she was wrongly accused of “transphobia” and endured a nine-month disciplinary process. Adams now works at Beira’s Place, a centre funded by JK Rowling, offering “sexual violence support service for women — run by women.” When she joined the rape crisis centre, Adams, 52, had welcomed its trans-inclusive policies, believing everyone who has “suffered sexual assault is entitled to support”, according to Naomi Cunningham, her barrister. The dispute began when she consulted colleagues about a rape victim who had asked if her counsellor would be a “man or a woman” because she would feel “uncomfortable talking to a man”. It intensified when a non-binary member of the centre’s staff copied Wadhwa into an email chain and an investigation was launched into Adams’s conduct."

Meme - *Train hitting school bus meme*
Damn "respectability politics"! Queer people need to be subversive!

Wilfred Reilly on X - "There is no such thing as a "demisexual," "femcel," etc.  Ladies: if you don't want to get laid until he puts in some work, this is not a novel "gender identity." It is a description of 60+% of women. If you feel this way, don't get to the point of being abusive...but literally relax and get your flowers.
Unlike some of my posts, I'm not really mocking women OR men here. The point's just obviously and objectively true. Very, very large numbers of women - more than half - don't want to have sex with probably-broke dudes who haven't even shown they LIKE those women.   That's not a "gender.""

Meme - shittymoviedetails: "Follow The Pronoun Cinematic Universe
"HE. HIM. SHE. her. THEY. THEM""
prgnant: "IT"

Naturally I Think on X - "Tomboys are women. Assertive women are women. Butch lesbians are women. Infertile women are women. Women in dresses, board shorts, or overalls are women. Baskin Robins is jealous of how many flavors we come in. There are many ways to be a woman; being male isn't one of them."

Meme - Ari Garcia: "Happy international women's day to Ellen Page."

Meme - Jas Kassandra: "i- i- i was only tryna be nice"
Jas Kassandra: "i use the word pretty for both males and females. ur all pretty"
Felix Potvin: "more than two genders exist, and people are not their genitals, you transphobic walnut"
Dakota Sorensen: "Correction: everyone's pretty except this stupid walnut"

Meme - Nathan Summers: Unsuspecting Toddlers
Mr Sinister: "Drag Queen Story Hour"
Optic blast beams: "CommonSense Legislation"
Cyclops and Madelyne Pryor: "REPUBLICANS" and "Concerned Parents"

Meme - Jonathan Kay @jonkay: "CBC documentary arguing that humans are like clownfish. And it's hosted by a comedian who puts on a lab coat and lectures us about "the science of gender and sexual fluidity." Your tax dollars at work, Canada."
"Fluid: Life Beyond the Binary (2024). PREMIERES ON CBC MARCH 28, 2024"
Sonia Gallego @SoniaRGallego: "It took Mae Martin a staggering 25 seconds here before she mentions clownfish in this Canadian state-sponsored treatise. One for @hoovlet @SwipeWright @zaelefty"

Rebecca on X - "Why do women support the clown show that is gender ideology?"
Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 on X - "Women score higher in agreeableness. They have greater concern for social harmony. Being high in agreeableness makes one much more prone to supporting destructive ideologies which are based on a lie of compassion, as all leftist ideologies are."
Brian Bellia on X - "I doubt that it's anything so benevolent. The shocking support of so many women for Hamas and their silence regarding the brutal crimes of Oct 7 ... And Rotherham. And the sexual slavery of Yazidi women/girls. And the crackdown on women in Iran - all dispel this interpretation."

Meme - "r/MtF
"Just like another smol tran girl who posted on here, I am also tiny sad baby.
a transfem who is a smol sad stupid baby :( I need to be taken care of"
"You're not a baby you're an adult man get a grip"
"What the fuck?"

Libs of TikTok on X - "This is heartbreaking. A trans nonbinary student at University of Louisiana committed s*icide. She claimed to have been s*xually abused.  Did you know that 48.5% of LGBTQ people reported going for mental health treatment compared with 22.5% of non LGBTQ people - UCLA 2009 study  83% of LGBTQ people reported being abused/traumatized in some way as a child as opposed to 64% of non LGBTQ people? - Vanderbilt 2022 study  This isn’t a coincidence. Radical LGBTQ activists prey on already vulnerable kids. Whether that’s kids who were abused or kids suffering mental health issues. These kids are then sold the lie that their problems can be solved and they can find true happiness if they join their community. They then go down a path of d*ugs and m*til*tion which end up leading to even more confusion and s*icide ideation.  One of the d*ugs that Nex Benedict OD’d on was fluoxetine (Prozac) which is routinely given to adolescents identifying as trans. Prozac is an SSRI known to increase s*icide impulses.  The media completely covered up this information on Nex.  Was this student also on hormone d*gs or SSRI’s? Did that contribute to her s*icide impulse? Did she have mental health issues that were ignored in the name of “affirming” her gender? Did she receive proper mental health treatment for her alleged s*xual abuse?  We need to have a national conversation about the mental health crisis in our country, what hormone d*ugs are doing to adolescents, and the effects of SSRI’s on our youth."
Clearly, Chaya Raichik hates trans people because she wants to solve their mental health problems

Meme - Daria: "Not a dog, but I have a parrot who keeps deadnaming me no matter how much I correct him. I started transitioning in August of 2020. Last April, I had my name legally changed and have been legally known as Daria ever since."

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