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Saturday, April 20, 2024

Links - 20th April 2024 (1 - Palestine/Middle East Peace)

What would building an 'army of Palestine’ look like? - "A feature in The Washington Post this week warned that the Palestinian Authority’s security forces are not yet big enough or powerful enough for the Palestinian state that the Biden Administration is now advocating. The PA forces are “underfunded and widely unpopular [and] ill-equipped to take on the massive responsibilities that their Western backers are envisioning.” So what will the Palestine statehood crowd prescribe as the solution? Give them more funds and more weapons, of course. Build them into a full-fledged army, disguised as a “security force.” The excuse will be that the PA needs the money and guns to fight terrorism. Everyone seems to have forgotten that the PA was supposed to have been fighting terrorism since it was created back in the 1990s by the Oslo Accords – but it never has done the job. The first Oslo Agreement, in 1993, stipulated that the Palestinian Arabs would have “a strong police force” (Article VII). It didn’t say anything about the formation of an army. But the Palestinian Authority quickly exploited the opportunity. The original 12,000-man “security force” ballooned to 60,000 – and the international community didn’t say a word. Then came Oslo II, in 1995, which spelled out more specifically that the PA security forces are obligated to “apprehend, investigate, and prosecute perpetrators and all other persons directly or indirectly involved in acts of terrorism, violence and incitement” (Annex I, Article II, 3-c).  Not only has the PA never undertaken any serious effort to apprehend terrorists or inciters, but many members of its security forces have been directly involved in deadly terrorist activities. As recently as February 29 of this year, a junior officer in the PA security forces murdered two Israeli civilians – one of them a teenager – near the town of Eli. Again, international silence. In fact, it’s worse than silence. Despite the involvement of PA security force members in terrorism, America’s CIA continues to provide training for their de facto army. EVER WONDER which countries have the largest per-capita security forces? It’s no mystery – the World Atlas lists them. Not surprisingly, the largest ones are those with the tiniest populations, thus making the size of their security forces (law enforcement) disproportionately large, such as the Vatican, Pitcairn Islands, and Monaco. But guess who’s also up near the top of the list, even though it has a population of several million? The Palestinian Authority. The PA has the sixth-largest security force per capita in the world, with a whopping 1,250 police officers per 100,000 people... “by late 1998, the PA security services… had in almost every regard violated the letter of the agreements reached with Israel,” turning the PA-governed areas into “one of the most heavily policed territories in the world. “A proliferation of weapons was occurring, both in quantity and quality, well beyond that stipulated in Oslo II,” according to the Washington Institute report. “By one estimate, there were at least 40,000 more weapons than allowed in the agreement, including RPGs, mortars, mines, grenade launchers, and sniper rifles; also being developed was a small-scale indigenous manufacturing capacity for hand grenades and other ammunition.” And that was many years ago. One can only imagine what the PA has stockpiled in its arsenal by now."

Palestinian leader condemns IDF operation, justifies Nazi Holocaust - "Fatah Official Yasser Aby Sido appeared on Egypt’s Sada Al-Balad TV on February 23, where he claimed that the Holocaust was a necessary action because the “Jews planned to control Germany"... “They planned to take over Germany. They started to bring down Germany in terms of the economy and moral values. Hitler reacted by making the Jews go on the streets and lick the sidewalks. They know this very well. Kristallnacht [the night of broken glass] is well known in Jewish history, but so is the Night of the Long Knives, when Jews were ordered to put Stars of Davids on their breasts, and they were called ‘filthy Jews.’  “Let me say this loud and clear - the Jews distorted many verses in the Torah in order to make them more agreeable for them. I do not want to cite examples because some might consider me an antisemite, although it is us Arabs who are Semites - not them.”   The Fatah official failed to mention that Nazi forces had attempted to genocide Jews across the entire European continent and offered a revised account of the Holocaust which promotes the idea that Hitler had attempted to relocate Jewish populations."
Nothing to see here. This is just "anti-Zionism"

3 Palestinians Arrested In Italy On Terrorist Plot Suspicion - "Italian police arrested three Palestinians suspected in plotting terrorist attacks, including a suicide attack, against civilian and military targets "on a foreign soil."  The suspects are believed to be a part of 'Rapid response group - Tulkarem Brigades' of al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, designated a terrorist organization by the European Union."
Damn Zionists! Resistance is not optional!

Imtiaz Mahmood on X - "It’s been widely accepted that most Nazis who fled Germany after World War Two fled to South America, mainly to Argentina and Paraguay, and even Venezuela. But what many don’t realize, and it’s a verifiable fact, is that many of the worst Nazis who were senior members of the SS and Eichmann henchmen fled to and lived in the Middle East, bringing the Nazi ideologies and their hatred of Jews to the region where they ingrained their hatred into local society.   Alois Brunner is one such famous one. He fled to Damascus in Syria and became an adviser to the Assad regime. Another I’ve mentioned before was Johannes von Leers, a close aide to Goebbels, who initially fled to Brazil before moving to Egypt. In Egypt, he changed his name to Omar Amin, converted to Islam, and became Minister of Education where he created the curriculum for all schools teaching kids about the evil Jews and Zionists and indoctrinating generations of hatred during the Sadat era.   In fact, thousands of Nazis relocated to the Middle East, mostly in Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and even the British Mandate of Palestine where they worked with the local Arabs to kill the Jews in the region. Many Nazis were advisors to the Arab countries who waged war against fledgling Israel in 1948.   So when you hear Israelis calling Hamas and other terrorists in the region Nazis, it’s because they actually are. The Nazis who fled to the Middle East were welcomed as the Arabs had already established strong relations during the Hitler regime and they shared the common goal of exterminating all the Jews.   One last interesting little titbit… dozens of senior Nazis who fled Germany had their names changed by various governments sympathetic to them, and ended up joining a new organization shortly after the war. That organization was… the United Nations.   Interesting how things begin to fall into place when you actually understand and research history.  ~ Cheryl E 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 @CherylWroteIt"
The left love Nazis and Nazi ideas when it helps their agenda

Hillel Fuld on X - " Let’s clear this up once and for all.
1- Criticize the Israeli government? All good. No problem. Not antisemitism.
- Deny Israel’s right to exist? Not all good. Big problem. Pure antisemitism.
2- Care about innocent Palestinians? All good. No problem. Not antisemitism.
- Claiming Israel is indiscriminately and even intentionally killing innocent civilians? Not all good. Big problem. Pure antisemitism.
3- Calling for an end to violence? All good. No problem. Not antisemitism.
- Asking Israel to unilaterally cease fire while Hamas continues to fire rockets and commit terrorism against Israelis? Not all good. Big problem. Pure antisemitism.
4- Wishing for the self determination of the Palestinians after their educational system is reformed and stops spreading Jew hatred? All good. No problem. Not antisemitism.
- Chanting about the erasure of Israel from the map (that’s what ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ means. No Israel.)? Not all good. Big problem. Pure antisemitism.
5- Investigating the events of October 7th? All good. No problem. Not antisemitism.
- Denying Hamas’ October 7th crimes and sexual violence against innocent Jews? Not all good. Big problem. Pure antisemitism.
6- Protesting against Israeli policy? All good. No problem. Not antisemitism.
- Attacking Jews or Jewish institutions including synagogues? Not all good. Big problem. Pure antisemitism.
The line between legitimate criticism and full blown Jew hatred is a fine one, but a good litmus test is to ask yourself “Is what I am demanding from the Jewish state something I demand from other nations/countries or is this opinion of mine only applicable to the Jews?” Antisemitism is a very real and a very painful thing for Jews worldwide. All of the above forms of antisemitism might seem harmless to you, but I assure you, every one of those things leads directly to verbal and physical violence against Jews. Words matter and when you use your words to spread hate, hate spreads. Let’s not confuse valid constructive criticism with the hatred of Jews. Kapeesh? Oh; and more thing. Don’t kid yourself that antisemites are all low life criminals. As always, they also sit at the highest levels in society and mask their Jew hatred with sophistication. They did it in Germany and they’re doing it today. Today, some of the smartest and most successful people out there have proudly removed their masks and revealed their true face, a face of a person who thinks calling for genocide of the Jewish people is totally ok. It’s not ok. Never was and never will be."

99 Percent of "Palestine Refugees" Are Fake - "denying UNRWA money does not get to the heart of the problem, which lies not in its sponsored activities but in its perpetuating and expanding population of "Palestine refugees" in three unique, even bizarre ways: allowing this status to be transferred without limit from generation to generation; maintaining the status after refugees have acquired a nationality (such as the Jordanian); and assigning the status to residents of the West Bank and Gaza, who live in the putative Palestinian homeland. These tricks allowed UNRWA artificially to expand the refugee population from 600,000 in 1949 to 5.3 million now; an accurate count of real refugees now alive numbers around 20,000... the "Palestine refugee" status. Denying this to all but those who meet the U.S. government's normal definition of a refugee (in this case, being at least 69 years old, stateless, and living outside the West Bank or Gaza), diminishes the irredentist dagger at Israel's throat by over 99 percent. It also puts the "Palestine refugee" status into play, permits millions of Palestinians to live more healthily, addresses the dank heart of Arab anti-Zionism, and helps resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict."
From 2018

Anti-Jew Text in Trilogy - "The Trilogy spends a lot of time on the Jews. In Mecca, their mention is generally favorable. However, in Medina, Jews became the enemy of Islam because they denied that Mohammed was the last and final prophet in the Jewish line of prophets. In the data on the Jews in the Trilogy, notice that these texts have more Jew hatred than Mein Kampf."
Jihad - "There are four ways that jihad is practiced. Jihad can be by the sword, with writing, with speech and with money.  A common defense of jihad is that it has two forms. There is the greater jihad which is the inner struggle overcoming bad habits. Then there is the lesser jihad of war. Bukhari’s Hadith has about 1400 hadiths about jihad. Only 2% of those 1400 are about jihad as a religious effort. So 98% of the jihad hadiths are about jihad as war."
Trilogy Text Devoted to Jihad - "Political Islam states that the whole world must submit to Islam; Kafirs are the enemy because they do not follow the words of Allah and the perfect pattern of Mohammed.  Violence and terror are made sacred by the Koran. Peace comes only with submission. Political Islam and its accompanying struggle to dominate the Kafir, or jihad, is universal and eternal.  This data includes jihad of the sword, pen, tongue and money."
Amount of Text Devoted to the Kafir - "Much of the Islamic doctrinal texts relates to the Kafir. The majority (64%) of the Koran refers to them, and nearly all of the Sira (81%) is about Mohammed’s struggle with the Kafir. 37% of the Hadith of Bukhari concerns them. Overall, the Trilogy devotes 51% of its content to the Kafir."

Netanyahu and Israel did not prop up Hamas - "Israel is not the one that strengthened Hamas. Even before and during the Oslo process, Israeli governments acted against the terrorist group, among other things, by expelling its leadership and eliminating its senior officials. During the Second Intifada, Israel’s policy of assassinations against the Hamas leaders was intensified, and as a result, the leader of Hamas, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, and other senior officials such as Abdel Aziz al-Rantisi, Ibrahim al-Makadmeh and Salah Shehade were killed. In practice, until the current war, it was Netanyahu who, as prime minister, led Israel to three of the four military confrontations with Hamas since the latter took control of the Gaza Strip in June 2007 – conflicts that caused great damage to Hamas’s military capability and led to its weakening. When searching for the cause of the strengthening of Hamas and the weakening of the Palestinian Authority, the finger of blame must be pointed at two central players in the Middle East region. The first is the PA itself. Despite the claim that Netanyahu did everything he could to weaken the authority and its leader by avoiding conducting a peace process with them to resolve the conflict, it is the refusal of PA leaders Yasser Arafat and later Mahmoud Abbas that prevented an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement. In addition to Arafat’s refusal to accept the Israeli proposal during the Ehud Barak government at the Camp David conference and even the Clinton outline in 2000, Abbas himself refused a more generous proposal from Ehud Olmert in 2008, which guaranteed a Palestinian state on 100% of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip with east Jerusalem as its capital... Despite the massive investment by the US and the West in the PA’s security forces, they were found to lack any capabilities in the face of Hamas’s military wing, which took control of the Gaza Strip with ease in June 2007. Another factor that should be mentioned in helping to strengthen Hamas is the many countries in the Arab world. It is not just countries that consciously acted to strengthen Hamas and weaken the Palestinian Authority, such as Qatar, Turkey, and Iran, the latter having embraced the terrorist group since its establishment and considering it part of the “Axis of Resistance” under its leadership (except for a short period when there was a crisis between them due to Hamas’s lack of support for the Assad regime during the Syrian civil war). Countries that share interests with Israel in regional issues, such as the Iranian nuclear threat, including Egypt, have also had a complex relationship with Hamas that has granted it international recognition as sovereign over the Gaza Strip, which deepened the internal Palestinian division and weakened the Palestinian Authority."
Using terrorism supporters' logic that even a small bit of support/benign neglect means that Israel founded and is responsible for Hamas, Arabs are responsible for the establishment of the state of Israel, since in their telling of history (which ignores all the pogroms), Arabs welcomed and lived peacefully with Jews in the early 20th century

Portuguese festival: 'Zionism has no place on a dancefloor' - "Portuguese festival Waking Life said that Zionism shouldn't be allowed on dancefloors and compared it to racism, homophobia, and sexism"
The left shoves politics into everything

Meme - "Opinion of Jews in Islamic countries from a 2010 Pew survey.
Opinions of Jews
Egypt 95%
Jordan 97%
Lebanon 98%
Palest. ter. 97%
Turkey 73%
Israel 11%
Israel Jew 6%
Indonesia 74%
Pakistan 78%
Nigeria 44%
Nigeria Muslim 60%"
They didn't get the memo that they were anti-Zionist, not anti-Semitic. Of course, the cope is that Israel is responsible for anti-Semitism, but good luck blaming Islamic countries for Islamophobia

Meme - Left winger with Communist badge, Black Power fist, Pride flag and Trans flag: "but i have been tweeting "i stand with Palestine""

Brianna Wu on X - "I’m despondent about education helping at all.   I posted a bluntly factual list of times that Palestinians have rejected their own state yesterday. It’s simply true, you can’t argue with it because it’s just reality.   And watching the disinformation, alternative history and what aboutism is shocking. It doesn’t matter what fact you present, an internal logic is prepared to dismiss it.   I’ve just never experienced anything at the scale"

Gad Saad on X - "Now that ISIS has apparently taken credit for the Moscow terror attack, let's remember:
1) To redouble our efforts to combat Islamophobia;
2) To recognize that ISIS has absolutely nothing to do with Islam; its leader who held a PhD in Islamic Studies completely misunderstood the Noble Faith;
3) To reaffirm that the true culprit is Zionism."
This was satire, but terrorism supporters do indeed believe this

Richard Hanania on X - "The secret to the success of the Muslim world is its high human capital."
Meme - @HadiNasrallah Hadi Nasrallah: "We know who was really behind the Moscow attacks. ISIS is just the tool."
Meme - Sadat Afreen @s_afreen7: "The CIA or Mossad?? #Moscow #Russia Multiple armed men opened fire"
Meme - Saif Ali Bhatti @Saif_AliBhatti: "News Alert: Why would ISIS attack #Russia when Russia is the only global power that helps Minor nations around the world? Obvious bullshit, especially since ISIS is Everyone knows it's not ISIS but mosad. #Moscow #crocs_attack #CIA #RussiaisATerroistState"
Meme - Abu Hafsah @AbuHafsah1: "Who thinks Mossad is behind the attack in Moscow? Hmmm mixed responses. Seems like more and more people aren't buying the usual narrative. Anyway since it's Ramadan, help me feed 1000 families in disaster stricken areas across the world. 100% donation policy."
Ironic. The usual narrative by Muslims is that it's the Mossad behind ISIS, so

Meme - ""She was h-holding a." *sobbing*
Therapist: "It's ok, your in a safe place. Take a deep breath and try to describe what happened."
"She was holding a cup of Starbucks coffee!""
"Reverse Canary Mission: Kim Jisoo. Shared a Instagram story holding a Starbucks coffee cup in December 2023 amidst the conflict."

Al Berko's answer to How are Palestinian children treated in Israel and Palestine? - Quora - "I was hiking in the Judean mountains overseeing the Dead Sea: And passed an IDF military base... I came closer and meet a bunch of Bedouin kids... my fellow explained that they watch TikTok on their smartphone (!).
- “In the middle of the desert?” - I exclaimed
- “Yes, thanks to the nearby IDF camp.”
- “Oh, I see, you really enjoy the “occupation”
- “Enjoy? Two months ago they saved my little sister’s life: she had acute appendicitis, and my father had a choice to take her to Jericho to the Palestinian Authority, or to the IDF camp. He chose the IDF. The soldiers rushed her to the Hadassah hospital in Jerusalem and her life was saved!”."

Swann Marcus on X - "It's so fucking funny how progressives purity test everyone except on the issue of Palestine where you can be a viciously homophobic anti-abortion zealot who thinks women don't belong in the workplace and they'll be like "well nobody's perfect""


Meme - scar @scarlettrabe: "Palestine is every single issue in one issue. It's feminism. It's reproductive justice. It's social justice. It's climate crisis. It's stop cop cities. etc etc etc etc it's not just one issue, it's ALL THE ISSUES IN ONE AND BIDEN ADMIN IS FAILING"
Swann Marcus on X - "We've reached a new level of intersectionality-brain where people are now arguing Palestine and police training facilities in Atlanta are somehow connected... I knew someone was going to bring up this dumbass leftist obsession. Some US police commissioners spend like 2 weeks on an Israeli vacation once every 5 years and you guys think this means "Cop City" and Israel have a deep connection. What a pathetic joke."

Kamel Amin Thaabet on X- "The Palestinians have faced a fundamental choice for nearly a century:  to strategically accept independent Jewish nationhood on land between the Jordan and Mediterranean, or to reject it.    The day they accept it -strategically and not tactically as with Oslo- there will be peace.  Actual peace, not a "Hudybiya" peace.  And conditions for Palestinians will improve greatly, including the achievement of many positive national aspirations.  If they reject it, there are two possibilities:
-The status quo of Palestinian suffering and societal malaise, while pining for the "imminent" destruction of Israel.
-The actual destruction of Israel, whether by force of arms or otherwise.
Israel's enemies *do* reject independent Jewish nationhood.  And since 1948, they have sought the latter possibility.  Only to get the former again and again.  Continued demonization of Israel feeds the persistent fantasy that the latter is achievable.  As does the ever-kindled rage borne of humiliation and defeat.  The destruction of Israel is not possible.   Notwithstanding geopolitical trends, even American foreign policy impotence and domestic malaise.  Even in the face of an ascendant Iran.  I do not even address here whether it is right or wrong.  It is not possible!  It is not a spider web, but a web of iron.  And it will so remain.  To bet otherwise is to perpetuate one of the gravest series of strategic errors of the last century.  The cost of this error is generations of broken dreams, misdirected efforts, and rivers of blood.    Again and again, the bet is concentrated on a single black tile.  And yet the entire roulette wheel runs red.
Look at Israel in 1948, and look at Israel today.  Look at what was achieved.  Look at the condition of the Arabs of Gaza from 1948 to today.    And look at the condition of the Arabs of Haifa from 1948 today.  For "friends" of the Palestinians to encourage not a strategic pivot, but a strategic doubling down, and a stoking of hatreds, is not the act of a friend.    It is to consign Palestinians to suffering without end.
PS - criticism of Israel is of course acceptable, and welcome when deserved. As with any other state. But when uncoupled from recognition of the Palestinian strategic blunder I have described, in its more strident manifestations it harms Palestinians no less than Israelis."
When you hate the Jews so much you rather die than accept Israel

Palestinians Raise Nazi Flag With Swastika Near Hebron, Soldiers Shoot It Down
Palestinians fly swastika kite with petrol bomb across Gaza border into Israel - "April 20 was Nazi leader Adolf Hitler’s birthday."
Of course, the terrorism supporters still claim that Israel are the Nazis

David Eby sorry after social media error on Holocaust Remembrance Day - "Andrew Reeve, press secretary for B.C. United Opposition Leader Kevin Falcon, shared a screenshot of the initial post from Eby’s account, which said: “We stand with the Muslim community throughout Canada on this sorrowful day of remembrance.”"

Palestinians Lack Faith in Biden, Two-State Solution - "In the months and weeks leading up to the Oct. 7 attack, about one in four Palestinians (24%) living in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem said they supported a two-state solution to the conflict, with an independent Palestinian state existing alongside Israel. Support for a two-state solution among Palestinians has more than halved since 2012, when nearly six in 10 (59%) endorsed the idea."
From 2023, pre-attack. Clear proof the "Zionists" reject a two state solution and are monsters because they don't want to live in peace

Dr. Einat Wilf on X - "“Palestinians are adults”. Of all the ideas I have discussed over the years, in books, essays, talks, meetings, I found that this one idea represents the mental barrier that few are able to cross. Left or right, American, European, Israeli - somehow, the idea that Palestinians are adults, that they can speak for themselves, that they know what they are fighting for, that they have clearly articulated goals that they are singularly pursuing with tenacity, seems to be a step too far.  Whether I call it Westplaining, or simply appeal to American and European policy makers to just listen to Palestinians and give them the respect of taking them at their words - that is, treat Palestinians like adults - again and again I come across what appears an impenetrable barrier.
As I present all the evidence on one side - that Palestinians, in words and deeds, have made it clear that their century long battle is against the very existence of the Jewish state in any borders - and as I share my journey to finding hardly a single Palestinian voice on the other side calling to live in peace side by side the Jewish state (so no “Right of Return”) - I still find my interlocutors struggling to make excuses: “But they must live in fear” (Yes? So why do no Palestinians in New York or LA and only one in London speak up? Why did Palestinians have no fear in criticizing Arafat and Abu-Mazen for daring to negotiate with Israel, but there was zero criticism when they walked away from clear and concrete opportunities for statehood?). Sometime my interlocutors - serious, seasoned policy makers - will just make it into an article of faith “I don’t believe you, these Palestinians must exist” - and leave it at that, even as I challenge them to find these Palestinians (and not the 3 1/2 I already know by name).
Recently, when I asked a recent senior European official to just simply listen to what Palestinians say about UNRWA - that to them it’s not an aid organization, but a political one, the “guarantor of the Right of Return” - she responded with the shockingly neo-colonial “They don’t get to decide” (to which I could not but quietly respond, “but they very much do…”).   Somehow, it never crosses the minds of American, European, sometimes Israeli officials, to treat Palestinians as adults and simply tell them, “until you demonstrate to us that Hamas doesn’t represent you, in word and deed, we will assume that it does”, or “until you make it clear in word and deed, that you want to live next to the Jewish state of Israel, rather than instead of it, we will assume it remains your goal”. When I suggest adopting this attitude and place the burden of proof on Palestinians, given that they are very much capable to meeting it, if they ever so wanted, those officials find the so shocking, as if I had just asked them to defy the laws of nature, that I cannot but begin to suspect that there is a deep, perhaps dark, psychology at work.
 What is it? What makes it so impossible for Westerners, including many Israelis, to simply treat Palestinians as adults, take them at their word, stop making excuses for them, place the burden of proof on them, and make demands of them with a real expectation that they shall be met?   We are never going to forge any other positive future if Palestinians will not be treated as adults."
When you show that you're unable to accept reality like adults, people treat you like children

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