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Saturday, March 16, 2024

Links - 16th March 2024 (1 - Women)

Meme - "Him: why don't you like me nutting on yo face no more?
Her: *Lisa Simpson with red eye*"

Meme - "Anonymous: My wife's credit score dropped significantly from 711 to 540 because she co-signed for a car for her brother, which eventually got repossessed. When she asked me for advice before making this decision, I strongly advised against it but she went ahead anyway. Fast forward two years later and my wife needed a new car after the motor of her current one gave out. She wanted to purchase a brand new 2024 Camry, however due to her low credit score she was only approved for an older model a 2021 Toyota Camry to be exact. She was pissed because I wouldn't co sign for her. Even though I have a 812 credit score and we've co signed for each other in the past I was showing her that she has to be held accountable for her poor decision. This led us both into another argument about our differences regarding how much risk is acceptable when helping family members financially by cosigning large purchases like cars. I told her that she was gonna have to settle with her 2021 because she didn't take my advice initially. Was I wrong? Would you have given into helping her out? She told me that I was a selfish son of a witch. All comments are welcomed. Thoughts???"

Meme - "Men create unrealistic beauty standards for women"
"It ain't us. We'll fuck anything that walks"

Meme - "The new GTA has a female lead? I thought the whole point of the game was being able to drive?"

Meme - "I'm not a squirter, but I tell guys I am so they'll work harder."

Meme - ">be me
>have a female coworker
>not attracted to her at all
>find out we live in the same building
>It's dark out, so I offer to walk home with her. She accepts
>we go home after work a couple times, she did 90% of the talking and it was nice
>again, still not interested in her
>out of the blue, another coworker tells me that she's lesbian and taken
>find out that said coworker told him to tell me
>we never walk home again together
I'm not mad at her, I'm just confused how she equated walking home together with romantic interest. I thought I was just being kind"
Luckily, she didn't accuse him of sexual harassment

Meme - "A woman apparently drew up this list of rewards to encourage her husband to do household chores for her:
The sad legacy of Skinner and Pavlov
Sexual Rewards
Wash Dishes = Hand Job + Put Away
Look After kids for a whole day (includes feeding, doing nappies + putting to bed) = blow Job
Hoover House = Touch Fanny
Fold + Put away washing = kisses
Cook dinner + clean kitchen = anything you want
2 or more jobs in one day = SEX!"

Meme - "Im a female mechanic and i love scamming women and do it all the time because they think they can trust me since i'm one of them. Silly silly."a>

Meme - "I'm a lesbian, but my uterus keeps babbling about guys during ovulation.
"OMG look at those muscles!"
"Uterus, we're gay!"
"But don't we want to be impregnated?"
"Ok I'll give you rape fantasies where they get you pregnant! :D"
"fuck no why do I like that idea? god damn it Uterus!"
"DITTO. Stupid uterus, overriding Gay Brain. It figured out somewhere along the line that my wife can't get me Pregnant, and that I can't get her pregnant. Stupid penis dreams.."
Weird. I thought gay people know their sexuality from when they are kids

OG Roland Rat ✌️🕊☮️ on X - "Liberal democracy is when your culture is so bankrupt that the closest thing available to a spiritual experience is a Taylor Swift song."
The need for religion must be satisfied

Meme - NPC: "Super Bowl LVIII was the most watched TV broadcast since 1969"
Normal person: "Perhaps the level of outrage over Taylor Swift was exaggerated then for political purposes?"
NPC: *upset*

Meme - "My Timeline
*Tiny slice* People angry about Taylor Swift at a football game.
*Small slice* People mildly annoyed about Taylor Swift at a football game.
*Huge slice* People angry about people being angry about Taylor Swift at a football game."

Of course, it was always the men's fault, not hers

Makeup usage in women as a tactic to attract mates and compete with rivals - "Age and intrasexual competition predicted positively money spent on makeup. Age, intrasexual competition and mate value predicted frequency of makeup usage. Women who wear makeup more frequently also spend more money on and time applying it... makeup usage may have a dual evolutionary utility, serving as a behavioral tactic of both intersexual attraction –including alteration of age perception– and intrasexual competition."
Weird. We keep being told that women put on makeup for themselves

Meme - "Triple Threat 21
less than a mile away
About Me: Looking to be spoiled and looking for platonic male company for all THREE of us ladies. Take us out for dinner and drinks. We guarantee you laughs and good times as friends. Must have car and stable income

Meme - "zendaya??? girl?
Fingers giving sis flashbacks
*Tom Holland imitating web shooting in front of Zendaya*"

Meme - "Oh you're going to join Verizon? Are you suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure?" *AT&T Lily with huge cleavage*

Meme - "Women: "Men need to stop comparing and treating us like objects"
Also Women:
Katherine Gazda @Katherinegazda: "One night with me or a PS5?" *in skimpy clothing, with legs wide open and against wall*"

Meme - "This man holds the world record for putting the most women on all fours." *Mr Clean*

Artist Alicia Framis to Wed AI Hologram Trained on Her Past Lovers - "In an era where the boundaries between the digital and the physical blur, Alicia Framis—a pioneering Spanish-Dutch artist—is set to take a bold step into the future of human-robot relationships. This summer, within the contemporary walls of the Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, Framis will marry AILex, an AI hologram. This event is more than a ceremony; it symbolizes the dawning of a 'new generation of love,' where the heart does not discriminate between silicon and flesh."

Meme - "When she's unemployed but always on vacations and staying at expensive hotels: *woman with closed eyes and 3 corn dogs in mouth*"

Professor Michael Flood on X - "Instead of saying, “Women slept their way to the top,” We say, “Men withhold promotions until they receive sexual favours.”"
Amazing logic. As usual, women have no agency. So there's nothing wrong with offering a bribe, since you're just trying to get something you deserve but is being wrongly withheld from you. So punishing people who offer bribes is unjust.


Meme - Girl: "im having a bad day :("
Guy thinking: "when will this bitch have a good day"
Guy typing: "whats wrong"

Meme - "Men f**k anything that moves"
"Men impose unrealistic beauty standards on women"
Woman: *heavy breathing*

Woman who ‘brought nothing but grief’ to brief marriage with millionaire gets $5k in divorce - "At the age of 58, a Singaporean widower who had more than $10 million in assets met a 40-year-old woman through a dating agency in Taiwan.  He convinced her to move to Singapore and marry him here, but the marriage was short-lived.  Six months into the marriage, the woman returned to Taiwan and spent 10 months there. She flew back to Singapore after the man sent her $19,300.  After living with him for less than two months, she went back to Taiwan. He never saw her again.  The man succeeded in getting a divorce in Singapore.  In dividing the matrimonial assets, High Court judge Choo Han Teck said: “Given that she brought nothing but grief to the marriage, and added nothing to it during its brief span, there is nothing that can be awarded to her.”... As for maintenance, Justice Choo said it was fair to award the woman a lump sum of $5,000 as a “clean break”, given such a brief marriage.  “There is no evidence of what the defendant had done in her sojourn in Singapore, except that she was given $400 to $800 a month as allowance, in addition to the $19,300 that the plaintiff gave to cajole her to return to Singapore,” he said.  Justice Choo also commented on a lament the man had made in his affidavit.  The man, who has two adult children, said he had “longed for a supportive and peaceful relationship in (his) sunset years after being widowed, and this short-lived marriage has caused (him) much grief”...   The man worked as a manager and earned more than $66,000 a month. She has a degree in costume design, but did not have a known job. She did not work when she was in Singapore.  “She seemed bored, not at all keen to do any housework, and told the plaintiff so in a recorded text message,” said the judge.  On May 28, 2020, she left for Taiwan after promising that she would return to Singapore in a couple of months. She did not.   “According to the plaintiff, he wanted very much for her to return, but she wanted very much for him to buy her an expensive house in Taiwan,” said the judge...   “The plaintiff’s elation lasted three weeks. The defendant proved to be difficult to live with, persisting in finding fault with the plaintiff, and making numerous demands for money without success,” said the judge...   In his judgment, Justice Choo set out the many instances where the woman ignored the court’s directions on matters such as the filing of documents, and did not turn up for scheduled hearings"

Meme - Adam: "I want a perfect soulmate"
God: "That will cost you an arm and a leg."
Adam: "What can I get for a rib?"
God: "..."

Meme - Woman: "Babe you think my friend Sarah is hot?"
Man thinking: "That's a tricky question!"
Man: "She's not my type babe!"
Woman: "Sorry Sarah! We won't have a threesome!!!"

'My ex fed our vegan daughter McDonald's chicken nuggets behind my back - I'm livid' - "one dad who recently caved and took his daughter to get some chicken nuggets has left his ex-wife seething over his food choices - because their daughter is supposed to be following a vegan diet.  The young girl's mum said she became vegan herself after moving in with her ex because he also followed a plant-based diet, and when their daughter was born eight years ago, they also raised her as vegan and continued to do so after their split. However, the mum was left baffled when her daughter began having a "full-blown meltdown" after driving past a McDonald's - as she stated she wanted chicken nuggets like she has when she's with her dad...   The mum also insisted she's perfectly happy for her daughter to choose to ditch her vegan diet, but just would have liked to have been "made aware" beforehand."

Meme - "Alyssa Tinder Goth Girl
i thought you said you liked me
You told me you stabbed your last boyfriend
awww is someone scared

Meme - "r/AstralProjection
My boyfriend has astral sex with someone every night and denies it
Negative AP Experience
We have two children together. It'd be a year (with some court related complications) but I think I should. I've approached it in an honest, straightforward, and kind way. But last night I got real proof. He denies it completely and calls me crazy. But I have videos of him talking in his "sleep" that are sexually inclined. Opinions?"

Meme - "Get a man who keeps you wet. *man walking in rain with umbrella, with woman without umbrella*"

Meme - "I'm going to tell my kids this was drag queen story hour *Michelle Obama reading Llama Llama Red Pajama*"

White Woman (Phie Udora) Explains Why She’s Got 11 Kids with 8 Different Black Men - "Other trolls ask her if she is having kids for business purposes; that is, using her dozen baby daddies to get financial support. As expected, racial undertones are also in the mix. They ask her why she chooses only Black men.  The news doesn’t end there either, for Phi has made it clear that she is not done having kids. She still wants more. In one of her TikTok videos, she has said she wants to get to 30. That is, she still needs 19 kids.  But what does she say about her decision to have many kids with different men? In another video in august ( it has now garnered 3.2 million views), she explained that she wants many different baby daddies so that her kids would never be ‘fatherless.’"

Princess vs. Countess: a topless duel over flowers - "In August of 1892, a duel took place in Liechtenstein. The two adversaries took the field armed with rapiers to take satisfaction in blood over an unpardonable outrage: a dispute over a flower arrangement. The precise nature of the disagreement has been lost in the mists of time. All we know is that Princess Pauline Metternich, granddaughter of Napoleonic-era Austrian statesman Prince Klemens Wenzel von Metternich, and Countess Anastasia Kilmannsegg, wife of the Statthalter of Lower Austria, had conflicting visions of how the flowers should be arranged at the Viennese International Exhibition of Music and Theater of 1892... Presiding over the encounter was Baroness Lubinska, a Polish noblewoman who had been sent for from Warsaw to oversee the violence. The Baroness was a medical doctor, a rarity for women at that time, and rarer than that, she practiced Listerite principles. This was an important asset for someone who might have to field-dress rapier wounds. The Baroness had seen first-hand how easily infection could set in with even superficial cuts in battle because dirty clothes would be stabbed into the wound and make it fester, so she told the male footmen and coachman to turn around and ordered the dueling parties to strip to the waist.  This was not to be a duel to the death. The aim was first blood only...   The encounter caused a sensation. It became known as the Emancipated Duel and scenes of topless women swordfighting became very popular on stage, screen and in naughty postcards.
EDIT: Darnit, too many smart people read this blog. It seems there is no hard evidence for this duel ever having taken place. The contemporary accounts were basically gossip"

Meme - "Me *man with weapon*
Fat single mothers with black kids *black panther*"

Splitting bills 'not the way to go': TikTok user highlights differences between dating Singaporean and Indonesian men - "Singaporean guys are "more practical", whereas Indonesians put in more effort in the dating phase of a relationship.  So says Indonesian-Chinese TikTok user Cassie... Bolstering her case of Indonesians being "more providing", Cassie shares how the practice of splitting bills while on a date is "not the way to go" in Indonesia.  "Whereas here [in Singapore], it is quite normal," she states."

Meme - "The FBI wants to steal my penis, can I hide it inside you?"

Meme - Woman in hijab: "Feeling proud be muslim"
*Woman in bikini*

Meme - ">go on date with guy from bumble
>he's cute and handsome
>2nd meetup, at my place
>we're on my bed talking
>I tell him that before we have sex, I need to ask if he does any of the following: listen to joe rogan, own any amount of cryptocurrency, considers himself a gym rat'
>he says yes to all three
>I tell him he has no empathy and I don't know if I can fuck him
>he just stares at me then says 'you don't have a personality,, and leaves
>get mad and call him a douchebag
>he already left my apartment
>text him and call him immature
>'message not delivered'
>this asshole fucking blocked me
why are men like this"
"You sound fat"

Meme - Ellie-Mae Green @elliemae_green: "Makes me cringe how 15 & 16 year old girls are going out, getting into nightclubs, but it’s always the guys fault if he takes one home? You're in a club for 18+ don't ruin someone else life because you think you're big and clever. When you're not. Go home."

'Sidelined' fathers face unmet emotional, sexual needs after baby arrives, study finds - "Singaporean fathers want to be actively involved in parenting their newborn babies, but they face roadblocks in doing so, a new study has found.  In the first longitudinal study observing paternal involvement and the challenges Singaporean fathers face, researchers found that new dads here had inadequate information and training by healthcare professionals, who still tend to focus on mothers.  Many fathers are also “sidelined” owing to social norms — as mothers and older members of the extended family such as the couple’s in-laws believe that they are better equipped to take care of the newborn child.  This was particularly “unique” to Singaporean and Asian fathers, said the study’s principal investigator Dr Shefaly Shorey from the Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies... There is a shortage of documentation on paternal involvement during infancy in the Asian context, she added.  “There has been a lot of studies and literature done on mothers, but people forget that with changing society norms, fathers are also increasingly involved in taking care of their new-borns.”... Issues such as the lack of emotional support and unmet sexual needs of fathers surfaced later on, researchers found.  At the six-month mark, at least one father was reported to be at risk of depression, the study found.  Fathers were also found to have unmet sexual needs, with several dads having questions about when they could start having sex with their spouses again.  TODAY spoke to several fathers who did not participate in the study. Some said they found it difficult to express their emotional needs due to societal norms which expect men to be strong.  In addition, these fathers said that they were often tasked with “back-end” duties such as buying diapers, milk powder and groceries — another common experience among dads that researchers identified in their study... Recounting his experience as a new father, Mr Chong said: “In the first few months after (my wife gave) birth, sometimes… I felt quite alone. Because (all the) focus is on my wife and baby.”"

Meme - "Hill: filters can only hide so much. Stop using them
Girllll if he blacked your eye before Christmas just say dat *heart over eye*"

Janel Comeau on X - "instagram: look at my new boyfriend
twitter: I can't get a boyfriend
reddit: my [21F] boyfriend [53M] boyfriend forbids me from going into the basement and has a sock drawer full of missing women's driver's licenses, AITA for being uncomfortable? the wedding is in three hours"

Meme - "i'm not arguing with a straight man. go play with your light-up keyboard or piss all over a toilet seat or go to war or something."
"i trust the universe and i know that everyone's paths are different but seeing people my age with marriages and kids and the house with white picket fence type shit ruins my day every. single. time."

Meme - "For our 5 year anniversary, We took a re-enactment photo. *man with woman* *man with hoe*"

Meme - "Good men stopped being good men to women, when they saw women treating thugs better than they treated good men"

Meme - "Even though it cost him $2,500 it was still the best prank Steve ever pulled on his twin brother. *man proposing to woman*"

Meme - "do you play the guitar"
"yeah i do. why (:"
"this guy i wanna fuck plays and i wanna act like i know what i'm talking about"
"yeah sure i can help"
"it's not you btw. just to be clear"
"thank you for specifying"

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