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Thursday, March 14, 2024

Links - 14th March 2024 (1 - General Wokeness)

Tim Urban on X - "Cutting your parents off because they disagree with your politics is classic cult mentality: The cult comes first, everything else comes last. If your parents disagree with the cult’s sacred tenets, excommunicate them. [Excerpt from @annbauerwriter via the Persuasion newsletter]"

Meme - Xi Van Fleet @XVanFleet: "It is a standard feature of the Communist indoctrination system to drive a wedge between parents and children. There are countless stories during the Chinese Cultural Revolution of children sending their parents to jail or even death by reporting on their parents for their “incorrect” views.  This tragedy has been playing out here in America!"
Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok: "This is so sad… student at @LexRich5Schools  slams her Conservative Christian parents at board meeting.  She warns against “book banning” and bashes Trump. She says she was inspired & influenced by her teachers.  Schools are indoctrinating students and turning kids against their parents."
It's a conspiracy theory that teachers are indoctrinating students
Why the left is trying to destroy the family

Xi Van Fleet on X - "Madame Mao once explained what the Chinese Cultural Revolution was about: “It is really about getting rid of your political enemies!” She told the truth. The sole purpose was for Mao to seize power and make it absolute.  The Woke Revolution has exactly the same goal: to seize power by any means necessary including weaponizing our legal system to go after their political enemies.  We have indeed become Mao’s America!"
Xi Van Fleet on X - "Tragic story of how children were turned against their parents in Mao’s China.  Lin Biao was Mao’s hand-picked successor who was among the most devoted followers. Lin singled handedly brought about Mao’s little red book and promoted the cult of Mao. In other words, he was the indoctrinator-in-chief.   Well, he was too close to the sun & eventually aroused Mao’s suspicions. In 1972 Lin attempted a coup. When it failed, he decided to flee. His only daughter Lin Doudou refused to go along. She reported her parents’ plot to Premiere Zhou. Lin had to hastily flee w/ the intent to defect to the USSR. His plane crashed in Mongolia.   His daughter acted as a typical Red Guard who was taught to ALWAYS put their loyalty to the Party above anything else.  One would think that she would be rewarded for her loyalty & the selfless & heroic act. Not so. Instead, she was accused of being her father’s special agent left behind to continue the anti-Mao activities. She underwent endless investigations & was forced to write confessions over & over. She attempted suicide & was later sent to gulag to be reeducated.   Only after 1987 was she allowed to return to Beijing."

Meme - "Gender by marital status 18,571 total respondents. Married men - Republicans 59%. Married women - Republicans 56%. Unmarried men - Republicans 52%. Unmarried women - Democrats 68%."
"Unmarried women largely vote Democrat because they're essentially married to the state. They lack a husband to provide for them so they supplement it with aid from the government."

No one benefits more from the destruction of the American family than the Democratic Party - "Sure, married men break for Republicans by 20 points, but married women also vote Republican by 14 points. Even unmarried men vote Republican, although by a much smaller 7-point margin.  But unmarried women are a Democratic bonanza. Democrats clean up among single women by a whopping 37-point margin.  The good news for the Democrats is that the number of unmarried women is growing every year... The destruction of the nuclear family may be great for Democrats, but it has been a disaster for children, especially boys...   Women understandably want a mate who is at least as educated, or has earning power equal to their own. But the more single-parent households there are, the fewer of these marriageable men there are available for women seeking husbands in the next generation. The result is a never-ending doom cycle of more unmarriageable men and more single parents.   Democrats want everyone to believe that all these missing fathers can be replaced by welfare checks and government-funded pre-K and child care programs. They’re wrong. These programs are not suitable replacements for fathers.  So, until we find a solution for our nation’s marriage crisis, the family will continue to fall apart. Also, the Democratic Party will win more elections."

The father has no place in today’s Democratic Party - "In Biden’s slideshow, we meet a cartoon “Linda” from Peoria, Illinois. Linda, we are told, is pregnant with her son “Leo,” but we are never told where exactly Leo’s father is. We see one slide in which Linda and Leo benefit from Biden’s direct payments to parents. We see another slide that shows the government helping Linda pay to put Leo in daycare. And we see another slide in which Leo is placed in government-run pre-K. But again, at no point do we see Linda or Leo with the father. It is as if he doesn’t exist.   Which is disappointing, because in real life, decades of research have proven what anyone with an ounce of common sense has already known for centuries: Fathers matter...   Democrats often complain that it is the Republicans who push an ideal vision of the American family on an unreceptive public. But the exact opposite is true. The public prefers a family in which the mother and the father are married, the father works full time, and the mother has the option of working full time, part time, or staying home. But the Biden agenda forces a different model on everyone.  First, it punishes all marriages, and then among those couples that are married, it gives far more benefits to the ones that have both spouses working. It gives less to families with a mother who works part time and nothing to families with a mother who chooses to work at home."

ARMS RACE: City removed symbol so offensive no one can explain it - "City staff, including at Toronto Public Health, got to work compiling complaints regarding Etobicoke’s coat of arms following as few as four criticisms from the public. An analysis by the Sun following an access-to-information request suggests there may have been only four separate complaints since 2018, and perhaps none before that point. Notably, while the words “racism” and “offensive” appear multiple times across the emails the city provided to the Sun, not one complaint explains what is racist or offensive about the image... Stephen Holyday has represented central Etobicoke on city council since 2014. He emerged as the coat of arms’ most visible proponent, wanting a symbol of the old borough to get a fair defence at a time when, he said, it feels like Etobicoke is “being erased.” “I’m just not finding a public outcry … I can’t think of a direct complaint in the past” from the public or staff, Holyday said. He couldn’t recall the carving being brought up in the Etobicoke chamber beyond two pleasant acknowledgments in 2017... When he pressed during meetings for specifics about what was wrong with the coat of arms, the responses were imprecise and “academic.” “There’s no specifics … There’s no way to know the problem we were trying to solve, or we’d been tasked to solve,” Holyday said. The coat of arms was created by Etobicoke officials in 1977, “in a community with an Indigenous name, with deep Indigenous history,” Holyday said. “The thing about all of what has happened,” he added, “is it casts a negative light on a group of people that were doing the right thing back in 1977. They were leading by doing this sort of thing. That’s the irony in all of it.”... Holyday said the feedback he did get from constituents was either in favour of keeping the coat of arms, or was from people who “didn’t care, and they were more concerned about what this said about things like the Dundas renaming.” “People feel that city council is out of touch with public sentiment, is out of touch with public priorities, and council is constantly creating examples of poor use of precious resources that ought to have gone towards other things,” he added."

Cost of Yonge-Dundas rename equal to street, community centre revamps - "The amount of money that’s been set aside to change the name of Yonge-Dundas Square to Sankofa Square could remake a stretch of a major Toronto street or transform a downtown community centre... Section 37, also known as the community benefits charge, collects money from developments or redevelopments of at least five-storeys tall that add at least 10 homes, based on the value of the land. That money is then spent to make the city a better place... A recent poll found more than 70% of Torontonians disapprove of the move to rename Yonge-Dundas Square to Sankofa. But Moise said he has “no concerns or reservations.” “There will always be mixed opinions and emotions. It is important to be mindful that polls often do not capture the sentiment of marginalized folks who may see themselves in this renaming,” he wrote, adding respondents may have been unaware that the Section 37 funds earmarked for the rename “are not tax dollars.”"
Democracy is only important when the majority support the left wing agenda
Money spent on left wing priorities is never wasted and there's no such thing as opportunity cost

Opinion: What it says about America when Jackie Robinson’s statue is destroyed - "Wichita police announced the arrest of a 45-year-old man in connection with the crime.  Police, who said there was no evidence of a hate crime, said they believe that the vandalism may have been motivated by financial gain: that the suspect intended to sell the bronze as scrap... Bob Kendrick, the museum’s president, once told me that he believed that damage to the marker symbolized the fact that more work is needed to combat racism. When he heard the Wichita statue was vandalized, Kendrick said he felt hurt to his core saying that the act, whatever the purported motivation, was hateful"
Whatever the left does needs to be judged by its intentions, not its results. And whatever the left hates needs to be judged by what the left imagines its intentions to be, not its real intentions

Jake Shields on X - "In San Francisco in 1973 there was a network of serial killers that killed, raped and tortured people due to racism. They killed a confirmed 15 but are suspected of over 70 and a dozen of injuries. They were called the Zebra Killers. You already know why you have never heard of them. I'm from San Fransisco and was never taught about the Zebra Killers but know all about Emmit Till"

Melissa Chen on X - "As a general rule, be suspect of any organization that alludes to opposing "Hate" in its name.    So often, the function of these smear campaigns is to police discourse and render entire swathes of public opinion unsayable and untouchable, and the individual, persona non grata.   They know that the moral stain would cower everyone else who harbor similar views into fear of submission. They're effectively silenced. So theirs become the only legitimate opinion and the Overton window shifts.  This happened with "StopAAPIHate" in the US. It happened with SPLC's "Flighting Hate" campaign where they generated inventories of "bigots and extremists" (for which they were successfully sued by @MaajidNawaz )."
"Hate" is anything the left hates

Fury after RAF cadets order members to stop using the word 'marksman' as part of 'over-sensitive' woke rebrand - "Instructors and teenage cadets were told not say 'marksmanship' when referring to new shooting badges in a bid to be more inclusive... Chief executive of the Country Alliance, Tim Bonner, said: 'Great women shots like Annie Oakley have always been complimented on their marksmanship. 'In the absence of anyone actually being upset by the description, it looks as though the Air Cadets are being over-sensitive'."

Jamie Sarkonak: Turns out, open hostility to white men isn't great for military recruitment - "The periodicals drenched in leftist theory, and our dear professor’s defence of it, aren’t just silly culture war musings that have no effect. Their impact can be found on the surface, in human resources materials and “anti-racism toolkits” that teach leftist racial ideology as fact. Deeper changes go to the heart of the CAF bureaucracy, which has bloated to include “diversity and inclusion champions,” affirmative action officers among its roles, and evaluations that examine a member’s “inclusive behaviours” as of 2022. Baked-in to all this is an understanding that masculinity, the “warrior ideal” and colonial history are fundamentally toxic to military culture. But if there’s any institution that should be comfortable as a male-dominated space, it’s our military. It’s an institution whose job is to fight and defend, and, like any professional standing army in history, tends to draw from groups most capable of doing that: men. Men are more fight-prone for all sorts of reasons, and it’s an army’s job to channel and discipline these tendencies for the benefit of society as a whole. That doesn’t mean that women in the service should be left to fend for themselves — the opposite: they deserve to be treated with dignity like anyone else, and should expect any perpetrators of sexual harassment and assault to be fully prosecuted — but the institution doesn’t need to be de-masculinized to do that... The sudden urgency to have the Canadian military reflect the nation’s demographics with perfect precision is odd, because this hasn’t been the case in about a century. A 2007 study  observed that the primary recruiting pool consists of men who are: fit, aged 17 to 20, high-school educated, rural or small-city in origin and Caucasian in background. They also tend to come from families with a history of service. One can glean that the military was a good choice for those who wanted a stable career without having to dedicate his 20s to expensive education that doesn’t offer a clear path to a decent income. “It is likely that the only time the Canadian Forces ever truly ‘reflected’ Canada was when conscription was in force during the two great global conflicts of the 20th century,” mused the study. The author of the 2007 study concluded that demographic cherry-picking was probably a futile exercise. Unrealistically high identity targets proportionate to the population were unlikely to ever be met for a variety of reasons, including immigrant families’ tendency to encourage kids to go into professional fields of work with prospects for high income. It appears that while white, working-class rurals saw service as a class-booster, immigrants, especially more recent ones, often don’t. The inevitable falling-short of artificially high diversity targets, the author predicted, would “only entrench further the perception of organizational inertia and systemic racism” in the CAF and deter minority participation. Academics like Mitchell, and his colleague Stephen Saideman, have insisted that a diversity-equity-and-inclusion culture change is key to raising recruitment and bolstering retention, but it’s hard to see how. Despite outreach efforts to newer recruiting pools and the hosting of cultural events that may appeal to them, personnel numbers are still at crisis levels , with the CAF being short 16,000 people. Recruitment hasn’t much improved in the past few years, either, with new members numbering at 10,300 in 2019-20, 4,300 in 2020-21, 8,100 in 2021-22 and 7,200 in 2022-23. Retention is poor, and people are leaving in greater numbers than they are joining... It’s nothing new to reach out to recently-joined demographics to augment one’s forces: the Romans did it, the Brits did it, the French did it; it’s common sense. But importantly, this shouldn’t involve outright rejection of the recruiting base. Canada has foolishly done this: aside from embracing rhetorical attacks on “whiteness” and masculinity, it’s actually de-prioritized the enlisting of white men since at least 2018. In the U.K., a similar philosophy of alienation has been adopted only to see recruitment fall , with one British military leader telling staff to stop choosing “useless white male pilots” in 2021. (China doesn’t seem to have this complaint, having happily hired ex-British air force pilots to train their communist counterparts.)... Want a military that’s attractive to both the increasingly-turned-off traditional recruiting pool and immigrants? Offer prosperity — not the racial propaganda of the left."
Of course, the woke double down and claim this shows even more wokeness is needed to attract diverse candidates

Cambridge University 'discriminating against rich, white privately-educated men', claims vice-chancellor of rival institution which is launching a degree course on the rise of 'woke' culture - "Cambridge University is discriminating against privately educated white men, it has been claimed.  Professor James Tooley, the vice-chancellor of the University of Buckingham, is set to unveil a new course next week on the origins of the 'woke' movement.  The course has already signed up 100 people for an online course and there are plans for a master's degree and a PhD in the subject this Autumn. Professor Tooley, who is a former academic at Newcastle University, highlighted Cambridge University for explicitly saying it would reduce the number of wealthier white males. The professor said that oppression comes from the top as the demands of government mingling with peer pressure has created a groupthink.  He also said regulators setting diversity and inclusion targets meant censorship was infiltrating admissions and research."

Melissa Chen on X - "A feeling of moral superiority is often compensation for the lack of any other kind of superiority, and has the advantage that it can never be decisively disproved"

White parents' racial socialization during a guided discussion predicts declines in white children's pro-white biases
Wait till they discover that white liberals are the only people who hate their own race. But nothing will ever be enough for grievance mongers

Botted ShitLib Account on X - "This episode, of a Black woman assaulted at a holiday party by purportedly pro-Palestine protestors in Michigan, really goes to show just how the tolerance and growth of political intimidation and dehumanization in one domain can't be contained - it metastasizes in society. There are many well-intentioned people who worry almost monomaniacally about right-wing extremism, while passively looking away from its mirror image on the left. I want to discuss why this false dichotomization is analytically misleading and politically dangerous. Regardless of their supposed political orientation, extremist movements can be roughly defined as those that bear a single-minded committment to a rigid ideological position, one which is held by its proponents to be wholly and uniquely correct, and that this uniqueness entitles the movment to pursue its aims without regard to the rights of non-adherents to political self-determination. The extremist rejects deliberative processes with their opponents, and substitutes it with aggressive pursuit of ideological dominance. In a word, this form of political chauvinism can be best described as fundamentally illiberal. In the above example of extremist political agitation, the aggressive "pro-Palestine" party-crash protest, its illiberal character is exposed by two features of their protest tactics: 1) the stifling of opposing viewpoints through illegitimate discursive means (ranging from relatively benign non-productive badgering, to physical intimidation and violence); and 2) asserting the unilateral capacity to grievously disturb the public peace by interjecting themselves into any scenario without regard to the public use rights of other indivduals or groups. This second tactic is designed to frustrate their opponents capacity to freely associate, which demonstrates the movement's capacity to operate unhindered by norms of political decency or legal restraint - that is, as a display of subversive antisocial power. Whether it occurs at the holiday party in Michigan's 13th district, or the steps of the U.S. capitol on January 7th, acts of public intimidation are antithetical to the survival of a free society. Extremist, rejectionist, and authoritarian political movements that dispense with dialogue and instead rely on unyielding demagoguery inevitably disregard and abuse the rights of both individuals and the free society. Thus, the so-called left or rightward orientation of a given illiberal movement is irrelevant, little more than romantic window-dressing covering functionally identical outlets of collective narcissitic fervor. Such movements are inherently expansionistic, both in the domestic sphere and abroad, and they find their ultimate and most corrosive expression in political violence."

End Wokeness on X - "Julius Malema has repeatedly called for the genocide of the 4 million Whites living in South Africa. Malema could very possibly be elected as Prime Minister in a few months. Zero international outrage."

Meme - TaraBull: "What do you notice about this booking info?
Race: WHITE *black woman*
"Why is law enforcement listing hispanic illegals as 'white'?
Race: WHITE"

Meme - ""We can't reveal the names of the Kansas City parade shooters because they are under 18" Oh really? Good to know.
*Kyle Rittenhouse*, *Nicholas Sandmann*, *Holden Armenta*"

Deadspin sued by Holden Armenta's family over blackface accusation - "The family of the 9-year-old Kansas City Chiefs fan accused by Deadspin of wearing “blackface” filed a lawsuit Tuesday against the outlet — claiming it defamed and caused irreversible damage to the young football fan.  Holden Armenta’s parents, Shannon and Raul, alleged that Deadspin intentionally published a defamatory article, exposing “the family to a barrage of hate, including death threats.”  “The Article falsely alleged that [Holden] had ‘found a way to hate Black people and the Native Americans at the same time.’ It alleged that [Holden]’s parents, Shannon and Raul, ‘taught’ [Holden] ‘racism and hate’ at home,” the lawsuit, filed in Delaware, states.  “It intentionally painted a picture of the Armenta Family as anti-Black, anti-Native American bigots who proudly engaged in the worst kind of racist conduct motivated by their family’s hatred for Black and Native Americans.”...   The article included a photo of the boy that was broadcasted on CBS Sports during the Nov. 26 game against the Las Vegas Raiders, showing him standing in profile and appearing to wear blackface and a traditional Native American headdress. The piece did not mention, however, that the other half of the boy’s face was painted bright red, depicting two of the Chief’s team colors.  According to the Armentas, Deadspin and Phillips specifically used the grab to “maliciously and wantonly attack a nine-year-old boy and his parents for Phillips’ own race-drenched political agenda.”   Phillips alleged that the boy had managed to “disrespect two groups of people at once,” in the article, which has since been tagged with a community note on X branding it “purposely deceiving.”...  the boy himself is Native American, with his own grandfather sitting on the board of the Chumash Tribe in Santa Ynez, California... Deadspin quietly amended the story, removing the image of Holden and included an editor’s note saying the publication “regret[s] any suggestion that we were attacking” the 9-year-old boy.  The damage was already done, however, the family claimed — with Holden being called a “p-ssy” and “motherf–ker” online, as well as being threatened with death via “wood chipper.”"

Meme - Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok: "Holy shit. Is this a confession?"
evan @esjesjesj: "If you don't think they're going to use this to eventually target LGBTQ people you are fucking stupid"
Leading Report @LeadingReport: "BREAKING: Idaho House passes bill to give ped*philes the death penalty."
Left wingers keep admitting the truth. But if you notice, you're a bigot

West Virginia GOP Passes Deranged Bill That Could Put Librarians in Jail - "The Republican-controlled West Virginia House of Delegates has passed a bill that could see librarians facing jail time.  House Bill 4654 passed the chamber Friday by a vote of 85–12, along party lines. The bill would remove criminal exemptions for schools, public libraries, and museums that distribute or display “obscene matter” to a minor, even if the minor’s parent or guardian is present. Any employees of those institutions found guilty of giving minors obscene matter can face fines of up to $25,000, up to five years in prison, or both."
When they say the quiet part out loud, once again
Of course, all the hand-wringing pretends that this wasn't motivated by left wingers pushing obscene material on children

Masih Alinejad 🏳️ on X - "American porn star Whitney Wright is in Iran, my birth country, where women are killed for simply showing their hair and being true to themselves.  Whitney has published several photos on herself completely covered up on Instagram. On her post she called me a warmonger and  tells women: “If you respect the law, you will be safe in Iran.”   Iranian women don’t want to obey a discriminatory law. Rosa Parks stood up against racist laws in America and became a symbol of resistance.  We the women of Iran want be like Rosa Parks and not Whitney Wright.  And by the way, the true warmongers are the agents of the Islamic Republic who will execute you if you be true to yourself."

Ian Miles Cheong on X - "So let me get this straight, woke activists can stage endless BLM and Pride marches but the city of Chicago shuts down a Chinese New Year celebration because it’s Black History Month."
Chicago City Worker power tripping during a Lunar New Year Parade : IAmTheMainCharacter

Meme - Robert Sepehr: "Oppression isn't hearing a word that offends you, oppression is being told that you can't say certain words because you'll offend someone else."

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