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Saturday, January 20, 2024

Links - 20th January 2024 (2 - Diversity)

Harvard Medical School ashamed of white male department heads - "The Harvard University Medical School has removed portraits of former department chairs from a lecture hall because the individuals pictured are not sufficiently diverse... Dr. Betsy Nabel, the hospital’s president, told The Boston Globe last week that the portraits do not reflect the diversity of students at the medical school, and suggested that so many portraits of white males may make medical students uncomfortable."
Diversity means rewriting history
Good luck to white males who feel uncomfortable seeing different demographics

Tasha Kheiriddin: Canada, the land of imported ethnic conflicts - "Fifty-six per cent of Canadians believe that while some elements of diversity can provide strength, some elements of diversity can cause problems and conflict. In addition, 21 per cent say diversity is definitely causing problems and conflict. And lest you think that this is just the view of old white men with a high school education in rural Canada, the research found that an equal number of white (55 per cent) and BIPOC (56 per cent) respondents believe diversity is both a strength and a problem. An equal number of Quebecers (55 per cent) and people in the “rest of Canada” (56 per cent) share that view.  More women (60 per cent) than men (51 per cent), and more university graduates (61 per cent) than high school or college-educated Canadians (52 per cent) also agree. This shouldn’t be surprising. A multitude of communities have been directly impacted by the importation of internecine conflicts from abroad. The Khalistan separatist movement pits Sikhs against Hindus and has left thousands in Canada feeling unsafe . Jewish students have been targeted with swastikas in school bathrooms in Toronto and   ”I (Heart) Hamas” stickers at the University of British of Columbia.   Sudanese students at the University of Toronto complained the school’s limited response to the current genocide in Sudan was inadequate and anti-Black.  In other words, when the world’s problems come to Canada’s doorstep, we fail to respond in a coherent, consistent way. And the way we manage diversity directly impacts this. Instead of grounding our actions in a common set of values and principles, such as freedom of speech, respect for democracy, and the equality of gender, race, and religion, we fall into racism, tribalism, and intolerance. This is exacerbated by the twin scourges of identity politics, which deems personal characteristics more important than universal concepts, and decades of state-funded multiculturalism, which have encouraged newcomers to retain their cultural identity, to the profit of vote-seeking politicians."

Britain’s immigration is out of control, and could spell the end of the Tories - "Amidst the wall-to-wall coverage of Eurovision, one fact was curiously overlooked in all the reviews. To borrow Bridgerton star Adjoa Andoh’s infamous comment about the British Royal family on the Palace balcony, Eurovision was “terribly white”.  Of the 26 acts on Saturday night, only a handful featured a black person at all. Ukraine’s lead singer was originally from Nigeria, and Belgium’s entry – the oldest man ever to think it was a good idea to wear pink culottes – had three black female backing singers, as did the Lithuania song. The eventual winner, Sweden’s Loreen, has Moroccan parents. Apart from a few dancers, though, that was it for ethnic minority representation in the whole of Europe.   I must have missed the uproar. Where was the Channel 4 News item bemoaning Eurovision’s appalling lack of diversity? Remember former anchor Jon Snow gazing with north-London horror at a pro-Brexit march and complaining, “I’ve never seen so many white people in one place.”  Did The Guardian splash on “institutional whiteness” in Europe?  Not a peep. When it came to the overwhelmingly pale stage at Liverpool, there were no cries of “racism” from Labour MPs, no allegations of “white privilege” from the identity politics agitators. Why the silence?   I think we know. To criticise the overwhelmingly homogenous contestants from Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Finland, Lithuania, Poland, France, Austria, Czechia (six porcelain-skinned damsels) et al would be to acknowledge that, by comparison, the UK is really not the ghastly racist country the left wants and needs to claim we are.  On the contrary, according to the recent World Values Survey, Britain is one of the least racist nations in the world. Meanwhile, the supposedly enlightened, brotherhood-of-man, caring-sharing EU, worshipped by the Remainer elites, is riddled with the kind of bigotry and discrimination that has long been on the decline here... Don’t get me wrong. It’s refreshing that other European countries have not yet been guilted into featuring non-white people in every band, advert and drama, in wholly disproportionate numbers to their presence in the population. The non-Anglophone world has largely been spared the toxic import of identity politics from the US that views everything through the poisoned prism of race. Lucky them.  Unlike us, they are still allowed to be unashamedly proud of their heritage and culture... Suella Braverman made a barnstorming speech about immigration, which struck a chord on a related theme. “It’s not xenophobic to say that mass and rapid migration is unsustainable in terms of housing supply, public services and community relations,” insisted the Home Secretary. The “unexamined drive towards multiculturalism as an end in itself, combined with identity politics, is a recipe for communal disaster”. In addition, she told the National Conservatism Conference in London: “White people do not exist in a special state of sin or collective guilt. Nobody should be blamed for things that happened before they were born.”  That this should even need saying by a British government minister is grim proof of how successfully leftists have assumed ownership of immigration, shutting down debate by saying anyone who frets about the likely effect on our national quality of life is “racist” while turning “white” into a dirty word. So, all credit to Braverman for marching into the treacherous ground where timorous Tories fear to tread... The pressure of numbers on housing and the health service, unmatched by enhanced infrastructure, will soon turn us into the kind of failed state asylum seekers come here to escape.     This is not what the millions who voted for Brexit had in mind... Instead of governing with the people’s interests and values in mind, the Conservatives have sold out to hyper-liberal globalists who owe their loyalty to no place and no one. The rootless elite are at odds with the deep rootedness of a good society."
No wonder Braverman got fired

Nihal Arthanayake says working at the overwhelmingly white BBC is bad for his mental health - "BBC Radio 5 Live presenter Nihal Arthanayake has said an 'overwhelmingly white' working environment is affecting his mental health.  The presenter told a journalism diversity conference on Wednesday: 'It's really affecting me that I walk in and all I see is white people.'  His colleagues' response when he told them this was to reply defensively that they were not being racist, he claimed as he said that was missing the point. Speaking at the Journalism Diversity Fund (JDF) conference at BBC Media City in Salford, he said: 'I've seen a lot of people leave this building because they couldn't deal with the culture.'...  'The hardest thing is to walk into a room, look around and nobody looks like you.'"
WATCH: Nihal Arthanayake's BBC diversity comments are 'driving a wedge between communities' says Shaun Bailey - "Conservative Peer Shaun Bailey commented on Arthanayake’s comment, saying: “He said that going to work with white people gave him mental health problems and and I go back to my point, most people in this country are white. So he's either campaigning for unemployment or campaigning for apartheid.“He needs to make his mind up. But the most important thing is a divisive statement is driving a wedge between communities. People of colour have faced racism in this country and we've fought it for years. But there's a point if you keep accusing white people of being racist for absolutely no reason, then they'll just be racist.”Amy Nickell-Turner replied: “We don't want to discourage these type of discussions because surely discussions about diversity and inclusion and how it's making you feel really important to progress.”Shaun disagreed: “But we really want to discourage this kind of provocative, useless statement because it's just driving people into opposing corners. There's nothing in this that will help us work something out. It'll just cause a fight.”"
The UK is over 80% white, so it looks like segregation is the way to go, to "protect" minorities
These are the same people who go on about "white fragility"


Doctor Who fans defend Wild Blue Yonder's casting of Nathaniel Curtis as Isaac Newton - "the casting of Curtis received some backlash from a vocal minority, who criticised a British-Indian actor portraying the scientist when the real man was white, a factor that has also been defended by viewers who remarked on how the show has always broken boundaries. Commenting on the BBC show's long history putting famous figures in unexpected situations, one viewer wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter: "Isaac Newton wasn't Asian, you're right. But Charles Dickens didn't blow up ghosts. Agatha Christie didn't fight off a Giant Wasp. Mary Seacole didn't treat Sontarans. Van Gogh didn't stab an invisible chicken.  "It's #DoctorWho. Get a grip. And they say *we're* the snowflakes...""
I love the hypocrisy. Recently, the cope has been that it's okay if fictional figures are race-swapped, since they're not historical figures (even though in the past the left kept bitching about "white washing" even with fictional figures, and there's been lots of race swapping going on with historical figures like Anne Boleyn). Of course, the real reason is that white people are evil

Netflix Accused Of “Race Swapping” After Replacing Investigators Who Took Down Purdue Pharma During Opioid Crisis With A Fictional Black Woman - "Netflix is under fire once again for “race swapping” following the release of their new series Painkilller, a dramatized retelling of massive lawsuit filed against Purdue Pharma over opioid manufacturing. In the series, the investigators who took down the company are erased and instead depicted by a fictional Black woman...   “Saw a preview for the [Netflix] show Painkiller about Purdue Pharma and noticed the story’s intrepid, wily hero Edie Flowers is a black girlboss Fed prosecutor who single-handedly takes down the Sackler family, and thought it was weird that I’d never heard of this person and that she’s not a more prominent public figure since she perfectly ticks every lib fantasy box–strutting, cunning, courageous, sassy, and who outsmarts her evil Big Pharma antagonists–but of course, when I looked up, it turns out Edie Flowers isn’t real. They just made her up.” Another user writes, “It’s contrived, predictable and boring at this stage. Almost every new American TV series or movie with a character that is a judge, mayor, chief of police, head of the FBI will have a black women in that role. It’s doesn’t reflect the diversity of real life in any way.” Others describe Edie Flowers’ character as, “The most unlikable character that I’ve seen on a TV show in a while. She’s unpleasant to every person she interacts with.”...   Audiences have become increasingly frustrated with entertainment companies and outlets that continue to race-swap and gender-swap characters, with many lamenting these characters are empty, vapid, and lack proper character development making them completely unrelatable.  In 2022, the streaming service lost almost one million subscribers, the largest decline since 2011. They’ve since gained back subscribers following a crackdown on password sharing, but they reported an $18 billion loss in value last July."

Standing on the Shoulders of Diversocrats - "Why not appreciate seeing the best-trained scholar in front of your classroom?  Any female who thinks that she needs a female in front of her in order to learn as much as she can, or to envision a career in a particular field, has declared herself a follower rather than a pioneer—and a follower based on a characteristic irrelevant to intellectual achievement. If it were really the case that a role model of the same gender is important to moving ahead, it would be impossible to alter the gender balance of a field, assuming such a mission to be worthwhile, which—absent a finding of actual discrimination—it is not. Marie Curie did not need female role models to investigate radioactivity; she was motivated by a passion to understand the world. That should be reason enough to plunge headlong into the search for knowledge. The Columbia University Medical Center has just pledged $50 million to diversify its faculty and student body, reports the Wall Street Journal, part of a new $100 million diversity drive across the entire university. Never mind that Columbia University has already fruitlessly spent $85 million since 2005 toward the same end. Never mind that there is a huge gap between the MCAT scores of blacks and whites, which will affect the quality of subsequent hiring pools. Columbia’s vice provost for faculty diversity and inclusion regurgitates another classic of diversity boilerplate to justify this enormous waste of funds. “The reality is that you can’t really achieve excellence without diversity. It requires diverse thought to solve complex problems,” says vice provost Dennis Mitchell.   Mitchell’s statement is ludicrous on multiple fronts. Aside from the fact that the one thing never sought in the academic diversity hustle is “diverse thought,” do Mitchell and his compatriots in the diversity industry believe that females and underrepresented minorities solve analytical problems differently from males, whites, and Asians? A core plank of left-wing academic thought is that gender and race are “socially constructed.” Why then would females and underrepresented minorities think differently if their alleged differences are simply a result of oppressive social categories?   Columbia’s science departments do not have 50/50 parity between males and females, which, according to Mitchell, keeps them from achieving “excellence.” Since 1903, Columbia faculty members have won 78 Nobel Prizes in the sciences and economics. The recipients were overwhelmingly male (and white and Asian); somehow, they managed to do groundbreaking work in science despite the relatively non-diverse composition of their departments.   The only thing that the academic diversity racket achieves is to bid up the salaries of plausibly qualified candidates, and redistribute those candidates to universities that can muster the most resources for diversity poaching...  If the goal (a dubious one) is to increase the number of female engineers overall, then it doesn’t matter where they graduate from. But every college wants its own set of “diverse” students and faculty, though one institution’s gain is another’s presumed loss... Reaves will engage the company’s “leaders” in “candid conversations about the role of gender and diversity in the workplace,” said Dell chief customer officer Karen Quintos in a press statement. “Candid” means:  you are free to confess your white cis-male privilege. “Candid” does not mean questioning Dell’s diversity assumptions, as this summer’s firing of computer engineer James Damore from Google made terrifyingly clear to any other potential heretics... Official scientific organizations have all turned obsessively to the diversity agenda. Any academic scientist who wants to move up in administration—or apply for grants, leave, or access to the conference circuit—must be on a crusade against his fellow scientists’ microaggressions and implicit bias. This is good news for the diversity industry, but bad news for America’s scientific competitiveness."
From 2017

Former Facebook diversity leader pleads guilty to fraud - "Barbara Furlow-Smiles, who led various Facebook Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs from 2017 through mid-2021, stole the money “through an elaborate scheme,” the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Atlanta said."
Damn racism!
Diversity hurts in more ways than one

Meme - The Rabbit Hole @TheRabbitHoles4: "DEl is is a way for people to obsess over demographics while pretending they are fighting discrimination.
"Amanda Blanc, the chief executive of Aviva, has said all senior white male recruits must get final sign-off from her as part of a diversity drive to stamp out sexism..."
'Non-diverse' candidates are not hired without my sign off, says Aviva boss Amanda Blanc
Diversity efforts aim to stamp out sexism in financial services industry"
Weird. We are told that diversity just means correcting discrimination to give everyone an equal chance. Of course there're liberals who will still bite the bullet and claim that, even though white men are discriminated against in so many ways (while pretending that wokeness is about "empathy")

‘Diversity’ just means discrimination - "both racism and sexism are actually encouraged by the DEI agenda. After all, it effectively legitimises discrimination on the basis of sex and skin colour.   Furthermore, because the imperatives of DEI encourage recruitment on the basis of racial or sex categories rather than individual merit, this can lead public, civic and private organisations to undermine their core purpose. Aviva’s aim is – ostensibly – to provide insurance services to the public. Its recruitment policies should be informed by the need to perform that function well. Yet, on Blanc’s watch, Aviva’s recruitment seems to be informed by identity politics instead.  Of course, those defending the DEI agenda will claim that it helps people from minority backgrounds. But more often than not, it actually undermines ethnic-minority recruits. Those recruited on the basis of their ethnicity or sex, rather than on merit, will likely struggle to work alongside those who have been selected on merit alone. This leads to a divided and resentful workplace."

Wanting to hire ‘fewer white men’ for a job is not discrimination - "Wanting to hire “fewer white men” for a job is not discrimination, a tribunal has ruled.  Chris Palmer was turned down from an £80,000 post at a financial services company, who instead opted to hire a woman, after he was told at his job interview the company wanted to hire fewer white men."
Some animals are more equal than others

Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ on X - "After I tweeted a picture of Princeton's DEI website, university officials deleted the page and mobilized psychological support resources "to protect DEI practitioners." They're scared of their own reflection—and want to impose their dismal ideology on everyone else."
Colin Wright on X - "It's a shockingly common occurrence that simply posting screenshots of official websites that woke ideologues made public about their views results in those websites being taken down and swept under the rug.   This happens frequently when people post screenshots of websites from children's hospitals and gender clinics outlining their "life-saving" "gender-affirming" surgeries for minors. If these procedures were truly evidence-based and life-saving, why take down the website? If people started posting screenshots of children's cancer center websites complaining that they were treating some kids with radiation, the cancer centers would simply explain the evidence supporting radiation therapy for treating some forms of cancer. They wouldn't try to cover anything up, because there's nothing to cover up.   Posting screenshots of DEI websites is now eliciting this same response. But if DEI is truly good and moral, what's to hide?   It's clear that woke ideologues know, at some level, that their ideas do not hold up under scrutiny and that they shouldn't be doing what they're doing. That's why their immediate response to their actual ideas getting exposed and criticized is to conceal them and demonize their critics.   We have the better ideas. In a free Marketplace of Ideas, woke ideology loses badly. That's why they are so focused on censoring their ideological opponents rather than engaging with them. We must keep exposing them."
Clearly, they need to be protected from scrutiny

James Lindsay, America's top op on X - "In light of revelations by @JamesOKeefeIII about IBM and Sanofi and their DEI-baaed illegal quotas in hiring, here's a throwback. There's a reason this is happening."
James Lindsay, America's top op on X - "Christine Lagarde, president of the European Central Bank, tells The Economist diversity quotas for identity-based equity are necessary, and "the more forceful, the better," regarding the strength of policy behind them."

Meme - AltAzn @ALt_Azn: "Two Japanese guys get a billion dollars
Major League Baseball has a diversity problem, experts say. This year's World Series is proof"
i/o on X - "The most population-representative major sport in America has a "diversity problem." Sports lacking a diversity problem: NFL and NBA."
Craig Murphy on X - "This report awards the NFL an A+ for "diversity" among players. The grade should be an F. But apparently "diversity" in practice doesn't mean what they say it means in theory."
Diversity means no white people, so

American-owned US bar gets flak for using 'Barkada' in their name - "Filipinos all over the world are seemingly divided over a recent cultural appropriation issue on social media. In Washington DC, USA four Americans named their newly opened bar as Barkada Wine Bar, in reference to the Tagalog term for a group of friends.  A Filipina based in Washington DC recently posted on Facebook a photo of the bar owners and had this to say: “This is problematic on so many levels. Completely ignorant and of course, a PRIVILEGED thought-process. What makes you think it’s okay to take a word from another culture when you pay no respect or homage to the culture itself? No Filipino items on your menu, no Filipino flavors incorporated, no Filipino winemakers included, not even in your decor? No support going towards a non-profit benefiting Filipino Americans or back in Philippines?”...   “Is it cultural appropriation that we as Filipinos have taken Chinese food (lumpia and pancit canton), Lechon, and even “American” food like burgers, fried chicken, and fries and created Jollibee?  “I don’t see them disrespecting our culture in anyway. If anything, they think the word is so cool that they are willing to adopt it and share it with their clientele. This means more Americans will know what the word Barkada means. It may very well be the only time they get to hear such a word.  “To be clear, I have no interest in visiting this place (I don’t like bars of any kind) but there seems to be more cultural appreciation here as opposed to appropriation. If we want our culture to spread we cannot be so sensitive and easily offended by something as simple as a word being embraced by non-Filipinos,” says one person in the comments."
Original Post
Never use words from non-white cultures, because grievance mongers will get upset. Of course, if you don't use words from non-white cultures, they will get upset too (because they are always upset) but at least you'll save yourself a bit of trouble

Thomas Sowell - "The next time some academics tell you how important diversity is, ask how many Republicans there are in their sociology department."

NHS chiefs told to cut woke roles as diversity tsars still cost £13m a year - "The Health Secretary has told NHS chiefs to stop “promoting woke ideology” as £13 million is still being spent on diversity tsars despite his clamp down on such jobs.  Steve Barclay’s team has condemned new revelations that equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) roles at trusts across the country are still costing the taxpayer vast sums.  He wrote to the chairmen of England’s integrated care boards in October demanding that they stop “actively recruiting” into EDI roles and “move resources from the back office to the front line”, the latest in a series of warnings to health bosses.  But The Telegraph can reveal that at least £13,586,636 is being spent on 336 diversity roles at 111 trusts, raising questions about how the burden on taxpayers can be further reduced without mass redundancies or job moves."
This is just the roles. The true cost is going to be much more

Thomas Price on X - ""White men never have to worry about people thinking they're a diversity hire" because white men have zero chance of BEING a diversity hire. If you don't want to be thought a diversity hire, preach against the practice rather than against the awareness."

If Black People Don't Speak Out Against Blackwashing, It's Going To Have Dire Consequence On Their Mind, Image & Legacy! - "What is actually the end goal here? What do we take from this method of inclusion? We’ve even begun to Blackwash historical figures, I mean where do we draw the line? Do they not have historical figures of their own? Worthy of having their stories told? What kind of a message are we sending here? Look, I know their end goal is to just pretend that by Blackwashing characters long enough, those who’ll come after us long into the future won’t even realize that they were once white characters, heck it happened to me! Characters that I thought were original and unique turned out to be Blackwashed versions of White characters. Once I learned that truth, I couldn’t see the characters as the original anymore. He/she felt like a fraud, an alternate version of the original character!n It made me become more aware of the deceit. When I tried to point this out, I was called all sorts of names, hurtful ones. I didn’t get it, and it angered me even more! It goes beyond being accurate to the source material, it felt like they’re being hypocrites to the very method they once scorned and condemned. I mean, just try and whitewash a Black character in a fanart and see the hell you’ll unleash. There’s a psychological effect at play here. There’s also integrity and pride at stake. Black people who want to be respected by everyone, are doing things that will ultimately be used to make fun of them. Have you ever wondered why Black people are more active and adamant to see characters Blackwashed, instead of being more vocal to support new stories that involve new characters? How vocal they are to be included in fiction that honestly never planned on having a Black character in it? How they celebrate a Blackwashed character in a way to gloat and mock others? Heck, even fanart has this trend where they do it to be “seen”. Yet, they never felt like by advocating for original characters, that they’d be seen. I’ve noticed it and it’s quite unhealthy in my own opinion. And to add fuel to the fire, when said Blackwashed character has actually been accepted by the majority gets criticized as many other fictional characters has before, they turn incredibly defensive and assume the criticism stems from their race. I mean look no further than Amber from Invincible! I actually don’t even believe Black people are ready to be seen if this is how they react! I’ve heard every argument for Blackwashing, and not a single one has made any logical sense to me. Every argument, all of them, revolve around an emotional plea, devoid of all reasons! It’s very clear that Blackwashing in Hollywood is a ploy to pander to an emotionally unstable community while waving the “virtue savior” flag! A ploy to strengthen their hold and cement this idea that everything on “that side” is what you want to be."

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