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Friday, January 19, 2024

Links - 19th January 2024 (2 - Feminism)

Anti-Suffrage: Why Were Some Women Opposed To Gaining The Vote? - "women had neither the inclination nor ability to handle the responsibility of voting. Too sensitive and impulsive, they would form an ill-equipped electorate, which, as one anti-suffrage pamphlet put it, would “lower the quality of our legislation” and increase “capricious, emotional, meddlesome laws”. Concerns for society ran so deep that anti-suffragists were able to propagate other fears, including the threat posed to family life. Extending suffrage would inevitably lead to husbands and wives quarrelling over political allegiance and, if women became less focused on the health and happiness of their homes, it would be detrimental to their children... Many anti-suffragists – or simply, ‘antis’ – vociferously believed that women’s place in society should change. Upper or middle class and educated, they had been part of debates in the Victorian era about changing notions of citizenship and gender expectations, and concluded that women had essential roles in social reform and community-orientated projects, which did not need the vote. “We believe that men and women are different, not similar, beings with talents that are complementary, not identical,” said Violet Markham, a campaigner to alleviate poverty and unemployment for women, and an anti. The ‘Forward Policy’ promoted a woman’s place in the ‘domestic sphere’, where they could best utilise their natural qualities of caregiving and nurturing, and not in politics. That said, local government should be open to women so as to improve their work in the localities. While they were to be key players in the running of the country, parliamentary elections did not play to feminine strengths and, if anything, would be a distraction. As early as 1889, the antis asserted that, “Women will be more valuable citizens, will contribute more precious elements to the national life without the vote than with it.” Besides, a silent majority of British women were “notoriously indifferent” to having the vote anyway. This more positive approach had good intentions – although it is hard to see it as anything but misguided by today's standards – and drew public support or at least private agreement from several high-profile women. Among them was Gertrude Bell and Elizabeth Wandsworth, founding principal of Lady Margaret Hall, the first women's college at Oxford University... Suffrage was, as Ward declared, “now in a process of defeat and extinction – and that not at the hands of men, but at the hands of women themselves”. There may have been justification for her optimistic outlook, as the League picked up members quickly among women disgusted at the direct action of the suffragettes. Ward saw them as no better than terrorists, and the antis printed a selection of postcards attacking them."
Women only have agency when they are feminists, of course

Female Danish Athletes Diminish Their Own Championship Victory By Taking Nude Photos - "A female sports team has celebrated winning the Women’s European Handball Federation Cup by posing naked with their trophy. In a photograph that shows both the attention-seeking narcissism and self-objectification rampant amongst Western women today, members of the winning Danish squad, Tvis Holstebro, use different angles, their teammates’ bodies, their hands or even the trophy itself to conceal their breasts and genitals.  Once more, the self-objectification of female athletes raises important questions about the relative value of women’s sports. Men are routinely denigrated, attacked and witch-hunted for judging female athletes on their bodies, yet those in female sports, provided they have semi-decent figures (or even only scary ones), seem to take every opportunity to try to exploit and then commercialize their sexuality.  People like British “psychologist” Priscilla Choi have in the past complained that female athletes are evaluated more on their looks than their athletic ability. There are nonetheless at least two glaring holes in this kind of argument: 1) women are generally and markedly inferior to men in sports and 2) female athletes themselves directly participate and even want objectification if it is profitable for them... Tvis Holstebro’s European finals victory occurred in the early part of May against a Russian side. Provided the women in the photograph are from Tvis Holstebro, it appears likely that they were jealous of the greater attention men’s handball or men’s sports in general get in Denmark. Surprisingly to those not familiar with the differences between the Nordic countries, Denmark has a reputation for being the most conservative of the five culturally Scandinavian societies. It may not be saying much to describe Denmark in this way, but it is the least socially insane of the group"

One in Four? Rape myths do injustice, too. - "The one-in-four statistic, she found, was derived from a survey of 3,000 college women in 1982. Researchers used three questions to determine if respondents had been raped: Have you had sexual intercourse when you didn’t want to because a man gave you alcohol or drugs? Have you had sexual intercourse when you didn’t want to because a man threatened or used some degree of physical force… to make you? And, have you had sexual acts…when you didn’t want to because a man threatened to use some degree of physical force… to make you?  Based on women’s responses, researchers concluded that 15 percent of women surveyed had been raped and 12 percent had experienced an attempted rape. Therefore, 27 percent of women– more than one in four– were either the victims of rape or attempted rape. This is the origin of the one-in-four statistic.  Yet other data from that same survey undercut its conclusion. While alcohol surely plays a part in many rape cases, the survey’s wording invites the label of rape victim to be applied to anyone who has ever drank too much, had a sexual encounter, and then regretted it later. In addition, only 25 percent of the women whom researchers counted as being raped described the incident as rape themselves. The survey found that four in ten of the survey’s rape victims, and one in three victims of attempted rape, chose to have intercourse with their so-called attacker again. The survey researchers scratched their heads as to why these women would return to their attackers, but Sommers asks the obvious question: “Since most women the survey counted as victims didn’t think they had been raped, and since so many went back to their partners, isn’t it reasonable to conclude that many had not been raped to begin with?”  Correcting for the biases in the original survey yields a radically different picture of the prevalence of rape in America. Subtract the women identified by the alcohol and drug question and those who didn’t think they had been raped, and total victims fall to between 3 and 5 percent of the women surveyed."

“To our horror”: Widely reported study suggesting divorce is more likely when wives fall ill gets axed - "A widely reported finding that the risk of divorce increases when wives fall ill — but not when men do — is invalid, thanks to a short string of mistaken coding that negates the original conclusions, published in the March issue of the Journal of Health and Social Behavior.  The paper, “In Sickness and in Health? Physical Illness as a Risk Factor for Marital Dissolution in Later Life,” garnered coverage in many news outlets, including The Washington Post, New York magazine’s The Science of Us blog, The Huffington Post, and the UK’s Daily Mail .   But an error in a single line of the coding that analyzed the data means the conclusions in the paper — and all the news stories about those conclusions — are “more nuanced,” according to first author Amelia Karraker... Using the corrected code, Karraker and her co-author did the analysis again, and found the results stand only when wives develop heart problems, not other illnesses"
From 2015. Yet, even many years later, I still saw feminists citing this study as evidence of misogyny. The fact that it only shows up for heart problems suggests the effect isn't real

Meme - "The left: conservatives have an oppression complex
Also the left: *dressed as Handmaids (ketchup bottles)*

Meme - "still waiting for the "misandry affects men irl" mfs to show proof of something as gruesome as this incident happening"
"I was beaten and raped by one of my ex girlfriends, I was groomed by 20 year old women when I was 12, I was silent about it because people like you think men can't be beaten, abused, and raped"
"note: they didn't do that to you because you're man, so it's not misandry"

Meme - Ricky Martinez: "Wait a minute. The end of the movie. All of the "Barbies" team up and subvert all of the "Kens" by pretending to be normal, then twisting and turning all of the "Kens" against one another, causing them to fight amongst themselves while all the "Barbies" seize control of the world. This movie is a subtext masterpiece."

Wilfred Reilly on X - "At root, perhaps the core liberal/leftist idea is that the naturally occurring patterns which arise in the universe are "unjust" and must be fixed by humans. Human nature and ill-luck are not simply "what they are," but immoral.  For example, female executives do make quite a bit less than male executives. The main reason for this turns out not to be "sexism," but the fact that only women can have babies and most women want them - and pregnancy requires months off work every three years or so for birth and childcare.   The conservative solution to this 'problem' is basically to support traditional families: Mom can girl-boss hard, but there will be times when it makes more sense for Dad to work while she raises kids. The primary liberal solution seems to be to "fix nature (E. Warren, 2020):" setting up some kind of vast national child-care bureaucracy, or at very least paying women as much as men for different amounts of work.  You can support and vote for either, but which of two very different visions of the world you hold likely determines the path you prefer."
Jennifer Leigh on X - "The “gender wars” so to speak would be a lot less toxic if the story we told about women’s rights and history was along the lines of “only women can have babies, that takes a lot of time and energy” as opposed to “no one let women do anything but be moms” or “men did everything because women suck”.   Obviously the truth is more complex but it seems one side leans heavily on the oppression narrative and the other leans heavily on the incompetence narrative. In reality the majority of it is explained by “only women can have babies”"
Psikey on X - "At bottom, the leftist project is eliminating difference. But differences define reality. In the limit, this necessarily results in death worship. And what do we see? Degrowth. Antinatalism. Deceleration of technology. Death worship."

Meme - "Feminists when a man makes a slighty offensive joke about woman *crying*
Femisists when a woman says she wants men to go extinct *laughing*"

Meme - *Megan Rapinoe and other women's football players kneel as they let in a goal*
*Swedish women's football players cheer*
Megan Rapinoe: "I deserve more money."

Megan Rapinoe says playing for USWNT is 'worst job in the world' as she takes aim at critics
The woke destroy what they're involved with - because they really hate it

Young Men Embrace Gender Equality, but They Still Don’t Vacuum - The New York Times - "Norms about what men are supposed to do also have an effect, researchers say — starting in childhood, when boys do fewer chores than girls do. Masculinity is strongly tied to earning an income and avoiding things that are considered feminine. Studies have shown that men can feel threatened if their wives earn more than them, and that to compensate, men who feel this way might do even less housework... The Gallup survey did not ask how people wanted to divide chores — perhaps they were content with the arrangement. It’s not realistic or efficient to equally divide all tasks. And it’s not always based on gender: Research on same-sex couples has shown that one person tends to do more at home and less at work once they have children."
Clearly, men need to be forced to do more housework to satisfy female neuroses, women cannot want to do more housework, and women cannot think men are emasculated if they do more housework than them because women have no agency

Crying woman wants kids at 38 and feels 'betrayed by feminism' - "A 38-year-old woman has been left in tears after realising that she wants to have kids, despite previously swearing off all the ‘trappings’ of a traditional life.  Melissa Persling never thought she’d want to get married again after going through a divorce at 30, and she certainly didn’t want to start a family.   Instead, she planned to ‘chart [her] own course’, dating without any expectations for the future and focusing on her career.   However, as she approaches 40, Melissa, a writer from Idaho, says she has come to realise how ‘wrong’ she was and has changed her mind about it all... she continued to claim she’d spent her entire life being ‘fed’ the idea that women can do anything and they don’t need men and she has since come to believe this isn’t the case."

Naked feminists stage screaming protest for violence against women - "More than 100 women stripped naked and performed a screaming protest about violence against women in Argentina.  They gathered outside the president’s palace, Casa Rosada, in Buenos Aires. The women performing the Femicide is Genocide protest stood in a group and undressed in front of onlookers before screaming en masse.  They were members of the Artistic Force of Communicative Shock (FACC) performing a dramatisation as a prelude to the next march of the feminist collective NiUnaMenos (Not One Fewer) to be held on Saturday, 3rd June in Argentina. In all, 120 women undressed completely in the Plaza de Mayo and in front of the Palace of Courts."
Clown World ™ 🤡 on X - "BRING BACK INSANE ASYLUMS"

Girl Scouts spark backlash from left after congratulating Justice Amy Coney Barrett - "The Girl Scouts deleted a tweet late Wednesday congratulating Justice Amy Coney Barrett for being the fifth woman named to the Supreme Court after social media backlash primarily from the left, with the decision to delete the post also sparking outrage... “We are neither red nor blue, but Girl Scout GREEN. We are here to lift up girls and women,” it continued. “If you would like to debate partisan politics—keep scrolling.”  Backlash from progressives, including from Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), quickly ensued, prompting the deletion"
So much for feminism being about supporting and promoting women

Does divorce risk depend on spouses´ relative income? A register-based study of first marriages in Sweden in 1981–1998 - "The relationship between increasing women’s earnings and rising divorce rates frequently has been explained by the so-called independence effect: If a wife enjoys a higher earning than her husband does, she gains less from marriage. It has also been argued that in a society with egalitarian gender attitudes this effect is less important. In this paper, we test if the independence effect applies to Sweden, a country in which egalitarian gender views dominate and female labor-force participation and divorce rates are high. Our analysis is based on a large register data set and intensity regression models. We found support for the ‘independence effect’: The linear relationship between the share of a wife’s income and the divorce risk is positive. We also found that the higher the total income of the couple, the lower their divorce risk, but this relationship appears to be less strong."
Clearly, since in the most feminist country in the world, the more a woman earns relative to a man, the more likely they are to get divorced, the solution is even more feminism

Fortunate Families? The Effects of Wealth on Marriage and Fertility - "We estimate the effects of large, positive wealth shocks on marriage and fertility in a sample of Swedish lottery players. For male winners, wealth increases marriage formation and reduces divorce risk, suggesting wealth increases men’s attractiveness as prospective and current partners. Wealth also increases male fertility. The only discernible effect on female winners is that wealth increases their short-run (but not long-run) divorce risk. Our results for divorce are consistent with a model where the wealthier spouse retains most of his/her wealth in divorce. In support of this assumption, we show divorce settlements in Sweden often favor the richer spouse"

Gender Asymmetry in Educational and Income Assortative Marriage - "The reversal of the gender gap in education has reshaped the U.S. marriage market. Drawing on data from the 1980 U.S. Census and the 2008–2012 American Community Surveys, the author used log-linear models to examine gender asymmetry in educational and income assortative mating among newlyweds. Between 1980 and 2008–2012, educational assortative mating reversed from a tendency for women to marry up to a tendency for women to marry down in education, whereas the tendency for women to marry men with higher incomes than themselves persisted. Moreover, in both time periods, the tendency for women to marry up in income was generally greater among couples in which the wife's education level equaled or surpassed that of the husband than among couples in which the wife was less educated than the husband. The author discusses the implications of the rising female advantage in education for gender change in heterosexual marriages."
Even educated women want richer men. The implications of young, single women earning more than similar men are interesting

Money, Work, and Marital Stability: Assessing Change in the Gendered Determinants of Divorce - "Despite a large literature investigating how spouses’ earnings and division of labor relate to their risk of divorce, findings remain mixed and conclusions elusive. Core unresolved questions are (1) whether marital stability is primarily associated with the economic gains to marriage or with the gendered lens through which spouses’ earnings and employment are interpreted and (2) whether the determinants of marital stability have changed over time. Using data from the 1968 to 2013 waves of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, I consider how spouses’ division of labor, their overall financial resources, and a wife’s ability to support herself in the event of divorce are associated with the risk of divorce, and how these associations have changed between couples married before and after 1975. Financial considerations—wives’ economic independence and total household income—are not predictive of divorce in either cohort. Time use, however, is associated with divorce risk in both cohorts. For marriages formed after 1975, husbands’ lack of full-time employment is associated with higher risk of divorce, but neither wives’ full-time employment nor wives’ share of household labor is associated with divorce risk. Expectations of wives’ homemaking may have eroded, but the husband breadwinner norm persists."
This suggests that the narrative of women divorcing lazy men who refuse to do housework is false

David Fox on X - "Name a TV show in the past 15 years that shows:
• Married Couple (With/without kids)
• The man is painted as the provider, leader, and well respected by the family and peers.
• The man is intelligent, has his house in order and cares about his health.
I’ll wait."

Attractive Women Were More Likely To Be "Right-Wing" While "Left-Wing" Women Showed More Contempt, According To Study - "They found that masculinity and attractiveness weren't linked to ideology in men, but happy faces (both men and women) were likely to be representatives of right-wing parties. Meanwhile, politicians who had a neutral expression or showed contempt were more likely to represent left-wing ideologies. How interesting, but we're not surprised.  Three years ago, we reported on a study that revealed over half of white, liberal women under 30 have a mental health disorder. These findings were backed by more recent data that showed that liberal women are statistically the unhappiest and most mentally ill demographic in America. As we all know, most U.S. media leans to the left. So could the harmful narratives and advice be the reason for liberal women's unhappiness? Believe it or not, this is not the first study to come out on attractiveness and political beliefs. In 2018, a study published in the Journal of Public Economics echoed these findings by stating that attractive people were likelier to be right-wing. Authors Rolfe Dause Pterson and Carl Palmer wrote, “Controlling for socioeconomic status, we found that more attractive individuals are more likely to report higher levels of political efficacy, identify as conservative and identify as Republican.”"
More evidence that feminists are angry and ugly, and that the left is angry

Girl math vs. Boy math: an insight into the internet's tit-for-tat battle of the sexes - "The fun in the memes was snatched like a rug from right under women's feet. As one would expect, something silly, light and for women to bond over on the internet has been converted into a larger insight into the internet's battle of the sexes and a peek into how easy it is to wield misogyny against women on the internet. The internet is no stranger to being a breeding ground for this kind of perpetuation of violent rhetoric against women."
Feminism is about double standards, after all

Quebec party loses longtime member after deciding men can't run in byelections - "Self-described feminist Olivier Bolduc has stood three times for election with leftist Québec solidaire, but now that the party has banned men from running in byelections, he gave up his membership in protest. At its weekend convention, Quebec's second-largest opposition party adopted a resolution to accept only women and non-binary people as candidates if any byelections are triggered over the next year."
Of course, we will still be told that feminism benefits men too. But if you don't support marginalising men, you are not a real feminist, because power relations means never having to say you're sorry


Half of misogynistic tweets sent by women, study finds - "Half the aggressive tweets using the words slut and whore analysed by social thinktank Demos came from women and girls, research indicates... “The algorithm suggested 50% were women, and a cursory look at who they were following – Beyoncé, One Direction and Justin Bieber – indicated they were ordinary women and girls, not a cabal of angry white men following rightwing activists... Britain’s biggest teaching union the NASUWT, in its latest study of teachers’ experience of abuse online, has found anecdotal evidence that girls are involved in abuse towards teachers and other pupils often using misogynistic language.  Their research found cases in which girls of 15 were calling each other “skinny slut” and “fat slag” and engaging in body shaming.  Dr Fiona Vera-Gray, from the centre for gender equality in the media at Durham University, said it was not surprising that young girls were using misogynistic language that had become normalised in society.  “There is very little space where these representations of women are being challenged,” she said. “We know that young girls are being exposed to more and more pornography where these descriptions are used, and it makes sense to me that they are starting to believe that what it means to be a girl or woman is to be judged in this kind of way.”"
Given that almost two thirds of Twitter users are men, this means women send more "misogynistic tweets" than men so the "safety gap" is the fault of women. Of course, they'll just blame "internalised misogyny" and "patriarchy", because feminists always beg the question

Nobel economics prize awarded to Claudia Goldin for work on women's pay - "Prof Goldin's research uncovered key drivers behind the gender pay gap, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said.  She is only the third woman to receive the prize, and the first to not share the award with male colleagues... Her research found that married women started to work less after the arrival of industrialisation in the 1800s, but their employment picked up again in the 1900s as the service economy grew.  Higher educational levels for women and the contraceptive pill accelerated change, but the gender pay gap remained.  While historically that earnings difference between men and women could be blamed on educational choices made at a young age and career choices, Prof Goldin found that the current earnings gap was now largely due to the impact of having children."
I still see feminists go on about the gender wage gap and discrimination, and how the researchers who have found that it's a myth are men so their findings can't be trusted

I'm a Non-White White Feminist - "I’m not white. Applied to me, non-white is a meaningless descriptor, but it’s also a very obvious one. My complexion makes it difficult for this fact to go unnoticed, especially in my home country of Sweden, where I stand out quite a bit. So, I was a bit shocked when I was called a white feminist—by a white feminist.   The term white feminism is used to describe feminism that focuses on the struggles of white women and ignores other forms of oppression faced by non-white women. It is the opposite of intersectional feminism, which, at its best, is an acknowledgment that different women have different struggles, and, at its worst, a form of victim Olympics. But, since I was the only non-white person in the room, the irony of calling me a white feminist soon dawned on my accuser and she tried to explain: you know, you’re a liberal feminist.   I sport the term liberal feminist with pride and, for me, it has nothing to do with white feminism. My liberal perspective on gender equality is intersectional: i.e. I acknowledge that women in different cultures face different challenges in the struggle for female liberation. My work against honour culture, religious oppression and patriarchal rhetoric is the opposite of white feminism. The exchange with my accuser reveals how badly many western university students understand both international women’s struggles and the western world’s role in them.  Feminism is important to me because I grew up in a patriarchal Arab environment...  I live in one of the most egalitarian countries on Earth. I can therefore see how much better the situation of western women is than that of eastern woman—thanks to liberalism... To me, arranged marriages are wrong, no matter what culture they are part of. Female genital mutilation is wrong, no matter where it occurs. Strict gender roles are wrong, no matter what culture they are part of. But, to many, this mind-set makes me a white feminist. My strict interpretation of equality strikes many as Eurocentric. They forget that women from many different places and many ethnic groups are fighting for their freedoms... I, as a non-white woman, am still much more privileged than many white women in the same continent as me. The pejorative term white feminist destroys any real conversation about diversity in feminism.   My issue is not that a white woman said this to me. Anyone of any skin colour who lives in the west—including me—has access to a degree of equality of which many other women cannot even dream. The issue is that the term implies that feminism is about race and that liberalism is a western invention that shouldn’t be adopted by other cultures.  Those who use the term white feminist demonstrate that they are not intersectional, since the differences in women’s experiences are due not to race, but to their economic and social situations"
They just hate white people

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