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Friday, January 19, 2024

Links - 19th January 2024 (1 - Trans Mania)

Addendum: Google deleted this post for "hate speech", but it's been reinstated on appeal

HEARTBREAKING: Another California Father Loses Custody of His Son for Refusing to Affirm His 'Transgender' Identity - "Yet another story of a father who has lost custody of his son after objecting to his child being subjected to gender transition has come to light.  Adam Vena, the father of 5-year-old Aidan, lost custody of his young son after disagreeing with his girlfriend about his alleged “transgender” identity. Currently facing a restraining order, Vena is fighting to gain access to his son before his mother has the ability to supply him with puberty and hormone blockers.   Vena, who lost custody of his now 5-year-old son, Aidan, shared that his girlfriend began clothing Aidan in girl’s dresses at the young age of two. Due to Adam’s objection to this, a custody battle ensued which resulted in California courts blocking Adam from having access to Aidan’s medical files, the issuance of a 5-year restraining order, and the revocation of Adam’s custody of his son... The Pasadena judge who was initially overseeing the custody case, Harvey Silberman, had previously made a name for himself within the LGBTQ community after working as the first staff attorney for the AIDS Project Los Angeles. During the initial custody battle, Silberman ordered Aidan to undergo a gender assessment that Aidan’s mother was allowed to attend, but Vena himself was barred from.   “I was denied the ability to attend the gender assessment, was denied the ability to ask my own questions as the father of Aidan,” Vena shared. “Not one time was I ever sat down and asked about what I thought was going on with my son.”  According to Vena, even his doctors initially said that Aidan did not have gender dysphoria, but rather gender curiosity. Despite this, Aidan’s mother continued to dress him in girl’s clothing and ultimately changed Aidan’s pronouns to “she/her” — a crucial part of the grooming process that Vena said Aidan’s mother has been subjecting their son to since he was just two years old.  Aidan’s mother also emailed the private school Adam was paying for his son to attend, to inform the school that Aidan was now “transgender.” Vena only found out about this when another concerned parent of the school reached out to him and shared the email sent by Aidan’s mother...   As a result of being opposed to his son being groomed by his mother, Vena is now facing a five-year restraining order."

Meme - "Transbians Only
Private group 11k members
About: Welcomes Transgender Lesbians. No Men Allowed."

Understanding the Rise of Transgender Identities - "Susceptibility to popular delusions appears to be a human universal, although some people are more susceptible than others... though they are sometimes innocuous, they are also potentially dangerous. In Europe from 1500–1700, for example, tens of thousands of women and men were killed for being witches.  Debates and ideas about the number of sexes or genders and associated identities have all the makings of a popular delusion. A Google search for “gender identity” yields more than 800,000,000 entries; the same search under news yields more than 12,500,000 entries. Public discussion is clearly fixated on the topic, despite the indisputable evidence that there are only two sexes in complex organisms and that issues with gender identity have been historically uncommon... the startling recent increase in the numbers of individuals who identify as transgender (or some related identity) and the risk of false positives, that is, individuals who for whatever reason believe they are transgender but are not. If the belief stayed in the individual’s mind and immediate social circles, there is no harm done. However, irreversible medical interventions are increasing as well, along with attendant risk of mistaken interventions that are later regretted. Lisa Littman exposed this five years ago, writing that the current expression of gender dysphoria “is distinctively different than what is described in previous research … because of the distribution of cases occurring in friendship groups with multiple individuals identifying as transgender, the preponderance of adolescent (natal) females, the absence of childhood gender dysphoria, and the perceived suddenness of onset.” In other words, a large group of adolescent girls’ (and some adolescent boys’) understanding of their sexual identity has been influenced by their peer groups. These children do not show typical patterns (e.g., cross-sex play) associated with gender dysphoria and a transgender identity. The pushback against Littman’s argument was immediate and severe and continues to this day in the medical literature and more broadly.  It’s a good time to revisit this issue and to explore and try to explain the recent increase in the number of adolescent girls and young women who have a transgender or related identity. The argument is not that gender dysphoria and transgender identities are unreal, but that the almost obsessive fixation on transgender issues is increasing the risk of false positives (e.g., misattributing emotional distress to gender identity when the underlying cause is something else) among adolescents and young adults. I focus here on girls and women because of the changes in the demographics associated with gender dysphoria and gender identity issues. As Mackay illustrated, men are also prone to social contagion effects, but these occur more often with status-related beliefs, such as get-rich-quick schemes and collective violence. Adolescent girls and young women, in contrast, may be more attracted to inclusion in a socially supportive community, with benefits, such as increased social attention and popularity... In past eras, twice or three times as many natal males as females sought such treatment. One meta-analysis (a respected method for combining results across studies) published in 2015 indicated that one in every 14,705 individuals were transwomen (i.e., natal males who identified as women), and one in every 38,461 individuals were transmen (i.e., natal women who identified as men)... The ratio of men to women seeking hormone therapy is now close to 1:1. Similarly, Aitken and colleagues found that the number of adolescents seeking treatment for gender dysphoria increased substantively after about 2006 and that the sex ratio flipped from more natal males (1.5 to two times more) before 2005 to more natal females after this (1.7 to 1.8 times more)... women have, on average, more communal traits as “manifested by selflessness, concern with others, and a desire to be at one with others,” whereas men have, on average, more agentic traits as manifested by “self-assertion, self-expansion, and the urge to master.” These differences are reflected in how the sexes form and maintain social relationships. Boys’ and men’s groups are larger, more integrated, more open to new recruits, and often focused on a specific outcome, such as competing against another group of males. Larger groups provide a competitive advantage, but at the cost of less social and emotional support for individual relationships. In contrast, girls’ and women’s communal motivations include the cultivation of a network of relationships that provides them with social and emotional support and a sense of safety. These relationships are more intimate, time-intensive, and exclusive than those of boys and men. Girls’ and women’s social behavior (e.g., language expressiveness, social smiles) fosters the initiation of friendships and helps to maintain them. Girls are more engaged with, and know more about, their best friend than boys. Girls also are more sensitive to the social-emotional cues of their partner and work harder to minimize perceived inequalities in the relationship... young women are more likely than men to agree with the clearly false statements of a group of strangers... there’s now evidence of media-driven social contagion, such as through YouTube videos. Müller-Vahl and colleagues documented an uptick in referrals to specialty clinics to evaluate Tourette-like symptoms that mimicked the symptoms of a popular YouTuber with mild Tourette’s syndrome. Related videos soon appeared, with just as many boys as girls mimicking a popular male YouTuber with symptoms, but with nine girls for every boy mimicking a popular female YouTuber. The differing ratios suggest that girls are especially influenced by their same-sex peers... The Roberts study, a direct assessment with a four-year follow-up, not only found more natal females than males seeking treatment to transition, but also that natal females were 2.4 times more likely to detransition (i.e., stop hormone treatment) than their male peers... About 20 percent reported social popularity increases after transitioning... Many of the social support networks that have emerged for people with transgender issues have features that overlap those of adolescent girls’ and young women’s naturally occurring support networks. This overlap, in turn, makes girls more susceptible to transgender messaging."

Prevalence of Gender-Diverse Youth in an Urban School District - "Nearly 10% of high school students surveyed reported a gender-diverse identity"
Clearly grooming and social contagion are not things and even if 100% of the population identifies as trans or non binary, we're bigots if we question this

Detransition Among Transgender and Gender-Diverse People—An Increasing and Increasingly Complex Phenomenon - "With the increase in numbers of persons presenting for gender-affirming care, shift to informed consent, likely reduced proportion of TGD people receiving an adequate mental health evaluation, and a change in the distribution of TGD people to more assigned female at birth and nonbinary individuals, there is reason to believe that the numbers of detransitioners may increase. It is quite possible that low reported rates of detransition and regret in previous populations will no longer apply to current populations. More research is needed to compare care and outcomes between the less restrictive informed consent model and the stricter interdisciplinary model pioneered in the Netherlands."
Damn transphobia!

Meme - Megyn Kelly @megynkelly: "We ran out of women?"
End Wokeness @EndWokeness: "This is Dani Laidley, a biological male. Dani was just added to the "Hottest 100 Women" list by Maxim Magazine *ugly MTF*"

LILLEY: Trudeau takes fringe position on gender, schools and parents - "The Trudeau government is doubling down on its position that parents have no right to know if children are changing their name, gender or pronouns at school.  Cabinet minister Marci Ien told Canadian Press this week that the feds are keeping an eye on provinces bringing in policies to require schools to inform parents of changes.  It shouldn’t be controversial that parents are informed about what is going on in schools, but we are in a strange era.  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his government have taken the view that all parents are a danger to their children rather than a force of love and support. In June as this issue began to be discussed publicly, Trudeau lashed out at the idea parents should be informed... She said that the government has not ruled out taking action, though what that action could be isn’t clear.  Schools are provincial jurisdiction, most family policy is provincial jurisdiction.   “This is a life-or-death situation and it’s not about what do I think — it’s looking to the numbers,” Ien said.  That reference to the issue not being about what she thinks is an allusion to a poll, released earlier this week, showing 78% of Canadians believe parents should be informed before schools make changes. That support, according to the Angus Reid Institute, goes up to 82% in households with children under the age of 18.   Even 69% of those who voted Liberal in the last federal election believe parents should be informed. So much for Trudeau’s claim that this is all about the “far-right.”  To support the claim that this is a “life-or-death situation,” Ien and others have pointed to a 2018 study. Published in the Journal of Adolescent Health , the study found that using the proper pronouns or names reduced suicidal thoughts among transgender youth.  There are a couple of problems with using this study to end the debate on parents being informed or kept in the dark.  First off, this is one small study of 129 young people in three American cities and can hardly be considered definitive. Secondly, using this as proof of why parents shouldn’t be informed goes back to the main problem, that being the assumption that all parents are abusers, unsupportive and a danger to their children.  What is to say that the majority of parents wouldn’t be loving and supportive?  Surely there will be parents who are not supportive of their children’s wishes, an even smaller number who would be abusive. The school policies in New Brunswick and Saskatchewan take this matter into consideration and have measures in place for times that teachers believe the student may be at risk of abuse.  Assuming all parents are abusive and dangerous to their children is an insulting and fringe position, but it is one the Trudeau government has adopted wholeheartedly. In the Angus Reid poll, just 14% of the population agreed with this position, putting Trudeau on a collision course with families.   The Trudeau Liberals have decided to insert themselves into this issue using fiery, divisive and over-the-top language instead of engaging on this with kindness and compassion.  That’s what happens when your main consideration is your own political gain rather than what is best for students and the families who love and support them."

JennyAnyDots on X - "Weird, isn't it, how the things that males can acquire - clothing, hair, makeup, mannerisms, cosmetic surgery, hormones - make someone a woman, but the things males can't acquire - menstruation, pregnancy, reproductive organs - do not."

nominal.naomi on X - "Hey at least shout me out before you steal my content. It is a fact that you can change many aspects of your biological sex. Facts don't care about your feelings. Also I'm not Jewish, but y'all's antisemitism is really showing😬"

Gays Against Groomers on X - "If detransitioning is a rare occurrence, as the MSM and Trans Lobby suggest, then why are clinics having such a hard time getting malpractice insurance for sterilizing and mutilating minors?  Read between the lines: We are WINNING this war on children and in 2024 we will help ban gender affirming care for minors nationwide.  #GaysAgainstGroomers"
Malpractice Premiums Are Blocking Gender-Affirming Care for Minors - "In New Mexico, a state that, like Illinois, has protected access to gender-affirming care, family medicine physician Anjali Taneja said the clinic where she works is running into the same trouble getting coverage."
Clearly this is proof of rampant "transphobia"
Ironically, the left usually love medical malpractice suits since they're about suing "bastards". But when they threaten their ideology, they somehow become frivolous and malicious. The cope that it's because of transphobic state laws is hollow, given that insurance is pricey even in states that allow this child abuse

Wesley Yang on X - "There is no mystery about what drives confused teen girls into the ongoing transgender social contagion that has resulted in exploding numbers of them identifying as boys and seeking irreversible medical treatments for the ordinary vicissitudes of adolescence.    More people are tweeting it out every day."
Wesley Yang on X - "It's extraordinarily dark and disturbing that troubled teen girls are being led down the garden path to irreversibly harming themselves because doctors, teachers, social workers, and the Democratic Party, led by the President of the United States are making facially absurd, brazenly false promises to them about how chemically castrating themselves and cutting off healthy body parts will help them become their authentic selves and silencing anyone who objects with accusations of hate, bigotry, and fascism.   It's all going to come out over time in lawsuit after lawsuit -- the process has already begun -- but I fear that the apparatus of suppression of this reality self-evident to anyone who looks impartially will succeed."

Jerry Coyne on X - "Yes, the most respected journal in anthropology has denied that there are two sexes in humans, on ideological grounds of course!"
Timur Kuran on X - "It’s not only universities that DEI has corrupted. DEI has turned many professional societies and academic journals into instruments of anti-scientific ideology. Universities, libraries, and individual scholars should start cutting ties with such outfits that have lost their way."

spiked on X - ""Trans ideology is the biggest threat to gay rights in my lifetime. As I gay kid in the 80s I was at risk of getting beaten up. Gay kids today are told they're trans and need to be medically 'corrected'. This has to stop." Andrew Doyle on the spiked podcast:"

Courage Is A Habit on X - "Saint Mary’s College @stmarysca  is an all-girls college established in 1843.   In November 2023, they listened to the Transgender Cult and changed their admission policy to allow mentally ill men into their all-girls campus.   By December 2023, they lost so many donors they released this long winded statement to walk back their decision.   We released a version, which curated the key points, for those who are short on time this Christmas season.    The takeaway here is this:  Saint Mary’s College existed for 180 successful years without once thinking about mentally ill men. They listened to the Transgender Cult for one month and had to grovel.   Moral of the story: Everything DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, Equity) touches dies.    Whether you’re a 41-year-old American beer company (Budlight), a 360-year-old university (Harvard), or a 180-year-old all girls college, DIE is simply Critical Race Theory in disguise.   Reject it. Mock it.  Never, ever, apologize.  Always stay on offense and run these lunatics out of your businesses, schools, and community."

REDUXX on X - "🚨BREAKING🚨 A trans-identified male has been sentenced to 11 years in prison after attempting to meet a child for sexual abuse. Scarlet Moon Shadows was also found to have a "high sexual interest" in infant girls during a court-ordered assessment."
Vt. resident sentenced for attempted enticement, coercion of a child - "Shadows, aka “Dragongurl69” and formerly known as Randy Emillion Goodreau, admitted that she had attempted to entice and coerce what she believed was an 11-year-old girl from Warren County into having a sexual encounter with her in January 2022. Over the course of several weeks, Shadows sent sexually explicit text messages to the "girl" as well as to someone she believed was the girl's guardian, in an attempt to arrange the encounter. In fact, she had been texting undercover law enforcement agents."

Zachary Elliott on X - "I wrote an entire book (The Gender Paradox) about the complex variation and diversity within males and within females.  I just correctly understand that humans cannot change sex. You view this as denying diversity. I call it acknowledging reality.  It is gender ideology that does not accept the variation within males and within females, claiming that a person who is atypical is actually the opposite sex or between sexes."

Arielle Scarcella on X - "Again, why do so many of these “trans people” act like kids? *Dylan Mulvaney*"
Beat Rev on X - "Because its a fetish. Trans isn't a real identity."
Reader + on X - "The rainbows, the pride flags, the child-like outfits, the push into elementary school curriculum. It's always been about the kids for the Trans community."
David Libre on X - "Cuz a lot of them were abused as children and are stuck there, continually regressing in an unconscious attempt to recover their lost innocence. Being “trans” is at least in part a dissociative defense against the childhood trauma. The rates of childhood abuse is much higher in the LGBTQ community than the rest of the population."

Meme - "Women & girls have lost the right to female- only spaces, sports, even our own words to describe ourselves. To ask for those back has nothing to do with hate." MOIRA DEEMING. AUSTRALIAN POLITICIAN. WOMENS FORUM Australia"

Ian Miles Cheong on X - "This is what modern religion looks like. Completely woke, and parents who identify their children as the opposite gender at the urging of preachers."

Meme - "sul goodman @svlgood...: "believing biological sex is immutable is 100% transphobic"
audrey @cyberg1rlfrn: "biologically speaking hormones change your entire body down to your immune system and where your cells go. once a trans woman gets a vagina she goes to the gynecologist. once a trans man goes on T he develops a fucking prostate. so it's demonstrably false that sex is immutable"

Study shows sex could be a better predictor of sports performance than gender identity - "Published in BMJ Open Sports and Exercise Medicine, the authors believe their findings suggest it is valuable to include both sex and gender identity in data collection.  Dr John Armstrong, King's, Dr Alice Sullivan, University College London and George M Perry, an independent researcher from the USA, conducted a study analysing data on the performance of people who competed in the non-binary category of 21 races in the New York Road Runners database.  Outside of purely biological outcomes and criminology, little empirical work has been done to test the theory that gender identity is more important than biological sex as a cause of gender disparities in outcomes. The data set of 166 race times achieved by non-binary athletes within a data set of 85,173 race times was selected as it was the largest available consistently formatted data on non-binary athletes...   The researchers found a sex gap in race times between athletes who identify as non-binary, and that there is no evidence that the gap between biological males and biological females is less for athletes who identify as non-binary. The results also indicate that non-binary athletes may have slower race times than other athletes once sex and age are controlled for.   Dr John Armstrong, Reader in Financial Mathematics at King's, said: “Gender identity is clearly important to many people, but nevertheless sex matters.  “Given the lack of empirical evidence supporting gender-identity theory, one should not assume by default that gender-identity is a more powerful explanatory variable than sex. Being an objectively measurable binary variable, sex has considerable explanatory advantages over gender identity.  “Our results illustrate that if we want to understand the needs of gender non-conforming individuals, it is vital to control for biological sex as it is likely to play a significant role in any analysis. Both sex and gender identity should therefore both be considered useful explanatory variables in data collection.”"
Wow! Groundbreaking!

Hazel Appleyard on X - "Changing sex on a legal document like a passport should not be allowed. Think of the trouble it could actually cause when someone's passport says female but they are quite clearly male?"
Weird how we keep being told that sex and gender are different and only ignorant people don't know that, but at the same time that if you don't allow sex to be changed on official documents, that's a violation of basic human rights

Philadelphia family of trans activist's alleged victims speaks out about 'grooming' of young boys - "The aunt of two young boys who were allegedly raped by prominent Philadelphia transgender activist Kendall Stephens spoke out about the disturbing allegations and said, "I feel like she was grooming my nephews."  Stephens, 37, was arrested on Monday on rape-related charges of two minor boys ages 9 and 13... Stephens was part of many events where Stephens was celebrated for being a survivor of a transphobic attack and has been praised by Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro and Democrat District Attorney Larry Krasner."

Meme - Biblical and Reformed @GomesHasti: "Absolute insane *world*  = two grown MEN dressed in women's clothing discussing what it really means to be a woman."

Trans kids in Missouri can find gender-affirming care in other states through new project
Two Genders One Truth on X - "Imagine creating an “Underground Railroad” to smuggle children across state lines so that you may sterilize them."
Two Genders One Truth on X - "Do these parents ever remember that these clinics didn’t exist until very recently because no one was transing their kids? Now they need grants and front page news stories about their trek to harm their child."

Jane, Empress of the Known Universe (not GP)🏳️‍🌈 on X - "Male trans-activist, Munroe Bergdorf, has just been named as UN Women's 'UK Champion'."

Chronic and Untreatable Pain Groyper on X - "Nerd communities devastated by HRT like black neighborhoods and crack in the 80s. Sad to watch."

Wesley Yang on X - "The NYT did a piece about a guy who spent decades in prison for killing two women, "identified" as a woman while in prison, was released in at the age 83, spent time in a women's only shelter for women over the objections of its staff and the other women, beheaded another women weeks later, and is now in a women's prison in NY because he "identifies" as a woman.  “Apparently his feelings and identity were far more important than all the other women that were terrified of him,” she said.  According to the rule that holds that a "woman" is "anyone who says they are a woman," this serial murderer of women whose "feelings and identity" were more important than "all the other women that were terrified of him," who went on to behead yet another woman weeks later, this "woman" is just a much a woman as anyone born female.   This is what today's transgender movement stands for, pushes for, has obtained with the blessings of the state in a growing number of governing entities, and intends to impose everywhere on the planet."

Collin Rugg on X - "World champion female boxer Claressa Shields gets knocked out by little-known boxer Arturs Ahmetovs during training.  Great example of why biological men shouldn't be competing in women's sports.  Just how good of a boxer is Shields? Shields is one of 3 boxers in *history* to hold all 4 major boxing world titles in two weight classes (WBA, WBC, IBF and WBO).  She got knocked out by a no-name male.  Keep men out of women's sports."

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "Canadian trans activist Jessica Yaniv, now legally named Jessica Simpson, has recently begun posting new images of her likeness aided by AI generation after being relatively silent for a few years."

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