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Monday, January 15, 2024

Links - 15th January 2024 (General Wokeness)

Richard Hanania on X - "Ketanji Brown Jackson argued that blacks need black doctors or they will *die*. Presumably this applies to other areas of life. Blacks need black teachers, taxi drivers, etc. These people make more extreme claims in favor of segregation than any Jim Crow supporter ever did."
Missing Fixed Effects Don't Justify Segregation - "'For high-risk Black newborns, having a Black physician more than doubles the likelihood that the baby will live, and not die.'...
Justice Jackson has made several statements like those, suggesting, in effect, that we need to racially segregate America. Blacks need Black doctors, Blacks need separate services provided by Blacks, and without racial discrimination in the college and university admissions process, there won’t be enough Blacks in professional roles to satisfy the need to segregate.  But—as one might infer from Justice Jackson’s writings generally—her supposition in favor of segregation was poorly reasoned.  Justice Jackson’s belief that the survival of high-risk Black newborns is doubled with a Black physician is based on a misreading of a 2020 study from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences... The survival rates were >99% for both groups, so it isn’t possible for Black physicians to have doubled survival rates in general, let alone for the “high-risk” Black newborns whom the paper never mentioned. The scale of the effect of Black doctors on the survival of Black newborns was minuscule, amounting to under a dozen lives saved each year. Regardless, if the effect were real, it would have been correct for Justice Jackson to have said “having a Black physician halves the odds that a Black newborn dies.”  Even though the paper did appear to support that conclusion, it wasn’t strongly justified... failure to include the right fixed effects either precluded causal inference or completely nullified—and potentially reversed—results... Some people hold the reasonable view that when teachers partake in professional development programs, they become better teachers, resulting in benefits to their students. In line with this view, cursory investigation suggests that is the case. But when student fixed effects are thrown in, that conclusion suffers an about face and the effect is either nullified or teacher professional development becomes harmful to students’ achievement test scores."
Poor logical reasoning that makes one not question the Woke result doesn't disqualify one from being a Supreme Court Justice

Crémieux on X - "Ketanji Jackson's opinions involve wildly implausible, speculative claims made with absolute certainty. Antonin Scalia's opinions involve saying 'I could just concur, but I want it to be noted that I'm concurring in ignorance.' The difference in humility is stunning."

Meme - BIPOC Doing Racism: "Seriously try it, they don't understand per capita. They see that one number is bigger than the other, and that's all they can process..." fae is a stranger @sunmieoww: "white ppl represent the highest % of ppl who commits crime overall, and in all categories, in US."

Michael Dylan Rogers (aka GeneralRelative on Wikipedia) masquerades as an expert in genetics and intelligence. On Wikipedia, he removes all research suggesting disparities in intelligence between ethnic groups are genetic. In real life, he is an antifa activist and part-time liberal arts assistant professor at Williamette University in Portland, Oregon. "TRUST THE SCIENCE""

Rapper Subhas Nair 'twisting facts' to suit own narrative, says prosecutor in racially charged trial - "Singaporean rapper Subhas Nair was accused by the prosecution of "twisting the facts" to suit his own narrative, in a racially charged trial on Wednesday (Mar 22).  Nair, whose full name is Subhas Govin Prabhakar Nair, was cross-examined by Deputy Public Prosecutor Suhas Malhotra over four charges of attempting to promote ill will between races or religions.  Mr Malhotra took Nair, 31, through each of the four incidents, comparing what he said in court with statements he gave to the police as well as an apology jointly released with his sister, the social media personality known as Preetipls...   He said he had several other intentions, including “calling out” racism, making a statement on media bias and admonishing hate speech... Mr Malhotra put it to Nair that what he claimed to be intended messages were contrary to what an "objective" reader would think upon viewing the content.   One example cited was an Instagram post Nair made in response to a viral video by two Christians who linked the gay pride movement to Satan.  He wrote: "If two Malay Muslims made a video promoting Islam and saying the kinds of hateful things these Chinese Christians said, ISD would have been at the door before they even hit 'upload'."... Mr Malhotra put it to Nair that to any reasonable person, the implication of the post was that the ISD is efficient when it comes to responding to hate speech by Malay Muslims, but not so much when it comes to Chinese Christians.  Nair disagreed.   He said the terms "Malay Muslim" were "purely descriptive terms"...   Mr Malhotra pointed out that Nair had said in his police statement that his Instagram post was an observation and personal opinion on the speed and efficiency of ISD's response to such cases, with the hope that the Chinese Christians would be quickly dealt with.  Nair responded that he hoped authorities would swiftly take action against anyone.  Mr Malhotra put it to Nair that he was trying to present a narrative where Malay Muslims were targeted by the authorities while Chinese Christians received preferential treatment.  Nair disagreed, and said he believed in the impartiality of authorities. In another set of questioning, Mr Malhotra asked about an Instagram post Nair made in response to the case of Chan Jia Xing, who was given a conditional warning for a reduced charge of consorting with a person who had a weapon. Chan was one of seven people originally charged with murdering a man at Orchard Towers.  In his post, Nair wrote that "calling out racism and Chinese privilege" equalled a two-year conditional warning and "smear campaign in the media".  On the other hand, "actually conspiring to murder an Indian man" equalled half the sentence and questions from the media on whether Chan was having a baby soon, said Nair.  "Do you actually think a brown person would get asked these type of questions? This place is just not for us," he wrote...   Mr Malhotra said Nair's Instagram post was inviting the reader to compare the consequences that he, an Indian man, received for a lesser offence compared with what Chan, a Chinese man, received...   Mr Malhotra charged that Nair was trying to paint a narrative: That in Singapore, an Indian man receives a harsher sentence for calling out Chinese privilege; than a Chinese man receives for murdering an Indian man...   Mr Malhotra then asked if Nair felt the media had to report that the victim was a good man and a father.   "In your post you didn't write 'actually conspiring to murder a good man' did you?" asked Mr Malhotra, to which Nair said "no".  "You didn't write 'actually conspiring to murder a father'? You didn't write 'actually conspiring to murder a human being'?"  Nair responded in the negative.  "Of all the aspects of the victim's story that you felt are important to cover in order to show his humanity, the one characteristic that you highlighted in your post was his race," said Mr Malhotra.  "Yes, being an Indian includes being a good man, a father and a human being," replied Nair.  "It's important to include his race because I believe media reports minorities differently from how they report stories about non-minorities."  Mr Malhotra broke into a smile and said: "Mr Nair, I can tell you for a fact that not all Indians I personally know are good men, and not all Indians I know are fathers." Nair later clarified this portion in re-examination by his lawyer, and said he believed that the victim's role of being a father, husband and good person was not highlighted in the media because he was Indian. That was why he highlighted the victim's race, said Nair.  Mr Malhotra then brought Nair through the news article on Chan Jia Xing that Nair was responding to on Instagram. He got Nair to read the article, and asked if it was clear that Chan's conditional warning was not for murder.  The murder charge had been withdrawn and the conditional warning was for consorting with a person with an offensive weapon.  Nair argued that from a layperson's perspective, Chan was still involved in the murder and that ideas of consorting and conspiring were similar.  He added: "I still believe he was involved in the murder of an Indian man.""
When the left claim they are calling out racism, they mean they are trying to inflame racial tensions

Rapper Subhas Nair found guilty of attempting to promote ill will between races and religions - "District Judge Shaiffuddin Saruwan on Tuesday rejected Nair's explanations as to his "actual intention and knowledge" behind his posts.  "I find that they are not consistent with the words used in the posts. In one or two instances, they are also not supported or corroborated by what he stated in his police statement. Some are even plainly in direct contradiction with the words he used in the posts," said the judge.  He said Nair's words in his posts should be given their "natural and ordinary meaning".  He also found Nair's testimony "not cogent", and did not find that he was a credible witness.  The judge said it was clear that Nair's words suggested that some communities are targeted unfairly while others get preferential treatment.  As for the YouTube video, the lyrics were "clearly offensive and insulting" and the video was targeted at the Chinese community in general, a fact that Nair himself admitted.  Nair also acknowledged that he knew the Chinese community would find it offensive.  The judge said the "irresistible inference to be drawn" was that Nair knowingly attempted to promote feelings of ill will among racial and religious groups."

Rapper Subhas Nair sentenced to jail for attempting to promote ill will between races and religions : singapore - "The court transcript of his trial can be sold as play script or for stand-up comedy. He is a graduate, represented by a lawyer with 1st class honours and his conduct on the stand was something else. He had his supporters in the gallery and he was showboating to them.  The DPP quickly realised what was happening began trolling him and he fell for it till the very end. He repeatedly lied and the judge had to tell him to refer back to comments he himself wrote or made.  After he was convicted and before sentencing he asked that he allowed to travel to Bali for a wedding and for leisure. Again sending a message that it is a small matter.  Gave me the impression that he wanted to be a matyr aka score street cred similar to CSJ and Gilbet Goh, both whom refused pay their fines with the intention to go to jail. Hoping for Nelson Mandela halo.  When you are young and have the World in front of you, make sure you are in the right circle with sensible people. Never be an organ grinder’s monkey.  ps. Judge a Malay and DPP Indian. And he was claiming protecting the minorities. Clearly he did not realise what was going on."
"Of course, his sister is Preetipls. What is it with these fucking SJWs like this idiot, Preetipls and Raeesah Khan who think it's OK to make shit up for the sake of matyrdom and "for the narrative". I endured 4 years in the the Great Awokening of the American college campus, and these fucking idiots want to import that same cancer."
Rapper Subhas Nair sentenced to jail for attempting to promote ill will between races and religions : singapore - "Ironic because he was represented by a Chinese lawyer.  Claims Chinese fuck everything up but sought representation from a Chinese lawyer"
"So his followers can now say his Chinese lawyer got him into prison, thus validating his claims? 4D chess move yo /s"
"And the judge and dpp being minorities? Spin it, please!"
"lol if he want to...there are Indian lawyer...quite a lot too! can recommend him M.Ravi if he wants....."

Hiring based on merits and end up with more Chinese simply because 70% of the population is Chinese vs Having a quota for minorities & hiring someone over another equal candidate just because they are a minority race
If Chinese people say another race is "always f*cking it up" vs When Subhas says "Chinese people always f*cking it up"
If anyone says that "being Chinese includes being a good man, a father and a human being" vs When Subhas says that "being an Indian includes being a good man, a father and a human being"
Calling out someone of minority race for being racist vs Calling out Chinese people for being racist
**Disclaimer: We do not agree with this view. Please don't kaopeh us."

Manitoba medical student expelled over 'pro-gun and pro-life' Facebook posts wins court ruling - "A Manitoba medical student who was expelled after failing to satisfactorily apologize for his controversial views on guns and abortion has been granted a new adjudication of his expulsion.  Rafael Zaki, a Coptic Orthodox student at the University of Manitoba who was supposed to graduate in 2022, posted three items on his Facebook page in February 2019. He was expelled in August 2019... Carol Crosson, Zaki’s lawyer, said the family had emigrated from Egypt because of concerns over freedom of religion."
Too bad he wasn't Muslim

Daily Wire on X - "The new CoComelon Lane show for toddlers on Netflix features a boy in a dress dancing for his 2 gay dads"

Libs of TikTok on X - "Episode of “Ada Twist, Scientist” on Netflix showcases young students coming together to set up and celebrate their teacher’s gay wedding.  This is aimed at preschoolers.  Barack and Michelle Obama are the executive producers.  Received this from a parent who let her kids watch it as it’s a popular show and she says she was shocked and horrified to see this and wouldn’t let her children watch it anymore.  This is supposed to be a show about science!"
If you criticise this, it means you are anti-science

End Wokeness on X - "Gecko's Garage (Netflix Jr 2+) features a big parade filled with rainbow flags and floats   A kid is encouraged to put on a costume and perform on a rainbow float to show he is "proud of who he is"  Subliminal messaging aimed at toddlers"

"She should be deplatformed": Influencer Tommie Lee assaults Jewish man at LAX airport in viral video, sparks outrage
Luckily she's not white, so most of the media don't care

Wilfred Reilly on X - "For anyone arguing that they should not be expected to compete at normal par, because their Black/ethnic white/Native/whatever group had a hard time historically, this is a picture of Nagasaki (Japan)."
Proof that Asian privilege is real

Peter Boghossian on X - "When you veer from valuing truth, over time you will only be capable of having relationships with those who are in lockstep with your views. Ultimately, you will consign yourself to having friendships based upon adherence to dogma and the chronic mutual need to convince yourselves that holding certain beliefs is a virtue."

Nina Turner on X - "“America was founded on the principle of equal justice under the law”  No, it wasn’t.  This country must live up to its promise, but we cannot erase history.  This country was founded on the genocide of Indigenous peoples and the enslavement of Africans."
Wilfred Reilly on X - "America wasn't "founded on" - say - slavery, an institution that existed almost entirely in the poorer Southern third of the country for 89 years, any more than we were "founded on" the global fur trade.  The country was founded on the principles written down in the national constitution."

AlphaFo𝕏 on X - "Kid rats out his mother for pushing LGBT themes on them"
Munchausen by proxy syndrome and parents grooming kids for street cred are myths, of course

The Rabbit Hole on X - "The worst thing about DEI is that it normalized discrimination against Whites and Asians."
Shibetoshi Nakamoto on X - "it’s cool to be punished for working hard and having success"
The Rabbit Hole on X - "Incentivizes negative cultures since being part of a high performing group is held against you."

shmulik 🇵🇸 on X - "if you can’t notice a difference between Roman slavery and French slavery in Haiti idk what to tell you you’re just either naive or dumb"
Wilfred Reilly on X - "The difference is that Roman slavery was...way worse. The Romans could legally make slaves arm up (if they were lucky) and fight tigers and elephants in the arena. The idea that modern Western oppression of Black people was the worst thing in history is insane. #genghis_khan #Great_Wall #Bantu_migration"

Beiseker church fire was caused by arson, investigators say - "The incident is the latest in a series of arsons at churches across Alberta.  Two churches in Barrhead, a town northwest of Edmonton, were lit on fire less than two hours apart on Dec. 7.  And on Dec. 17, a fire destroyed a church in Janvier, about 400 kilometres northeast of Edmonton. RCMP are also investigating that fire"
People only get excited when it's mosques

Thread by @Hebro_Steele on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "For the last 40 years, I've watched my father counsel countless of Americans to have the courage to stand up to the Left's merciless assault on the American principles and its institutions.  Hardly nobody listened. Lately, I've thought about what this courage looks like. I think it comes down to two essential things: 1) shedding white guilt and 2) embracing colorblindness. Most people mistake white guilt for actual guilt. White guilt, defined by my father, is the fear of being seen as racist. Because of America's past racism, many whites feel they lack moral authority when it comes to blacks and will do whatever to avoid the racist charge. The Left has exploited this fear since the 1960s, silencing whites with cries of racism as it advanced its racist and collectivist policies in the name of "The Good." Without white guilt, the Left would not have been able to remake the America institutions on the principles of marxism and socialism. White guilt is the grease in the Left's machinery. And as my father says, white guilt is black power. Black leaders who exploit white guilt say give us this, give us that, and we will not call you racist. In return, deferential whites gain the badge of innocence. This powerful symbiosis between leftist blacks and whites has driven everything from the Great Society programs to the great post-George Floyd remaking of our society. And even the recent Claudine Gay/Harvard debacle. But the most damaging aspect of white guilt is that it forced so many good people to betray the American principles they knew to be true in order to avoid the racist stigma. This fear is not to be mocked or ridiculed for many whites who stood up have paid the price. Look no further than the example of Jodi Shaw: Jodi Shaw (@Smith_Surge) had the rare courage to stand up to her employer, Smith College, and she lost everything but her principles. She somehow knew that the pain that came with not being true to herself, not being true to the American principles, was not worth it. If Jodi Shaw had given into the racial essentialism of her employer, we would never have heard of her. After all, what individuality is there to be had in wokeism? It is precisely because of her courage and unbreakable backbone that we know of her and her fight to take Smith College to court in the hopes of setting a legal precedent against discrimination. The courage and sacrifice of the Jodi Shaws as well as the Andrew Gutmanns (@AndrewGutmann) and Paul Rossis (@pauldrossi) of America is how we stop the Left's long march through our institutions. Failure to do so means the loss of law, freedom, and America.  
This brings me to the second point: colorblindness. The Left has attacked colorblindness without mercy in favor of racial essentialism. Too many of us have doubted and betrayed what we know to be true: that the individual matters more than skin color. One of the foundational principles from the Age of Enlightenment was its discipline of looking past our differences to our common humanity. That is why it was during this Age that the Jews were finally let out of the ghettos and allowed into society. It was this Age that eventually led directly to the creation of the individual, the very heart of the American experiment. However, by making racial essentialism the guiding light of our society, we have made the barbarism of our skins and other immutable characteristics, not our individual humanity, the standard by which we live by. We have regressed and it was our failure of courage and lack of faith in the American principles that led to this betrayal of the enlightenment principles. Having the courage to return to the discipline of colorblindness is the way back to that enlightened path. The discipline of color blindness does not mean that one does not see race. Rather, color blindness does not give power to race, does not use racial stereotypes against an individual, and does not exploit race for power. Color blindness is the discipline of seeing the individual. The damage of the last 70 years has been profound and is only worsening as schools across America lower standards in the name of equality. But principles never die and courage can always be summoned and must be. After all, what are we without America? Last post should have "equity," not "equality.""

Meme - "Percent of All Words
New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal
*runwaway growth from 2012*"
Meme - "Percent of All Words
'Systemic/Structural/Institutional racism', 'Racial inequality(ies)/disparity(ies)/inequity(ies)/gap(s)'
New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal
*runwaway growth from 2012*"

Meme - "Percent of All Words
'Racial inequality(ies)/disparity(ies)/inequity(ies)/gap(s)', 'Systemic/Structural/Institutional racism'
New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal
*word frequencies in unison*"
Meme - "'White people', 'Racism/Racist(s)'
New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal
*word frequencies in unison*"
Meme - "'Marginalized'/Vulnerable community(ies),group(s)', 'People/Communities/Women of color'
New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal
*runwaway growth from 2012*"
Meme - "Percent of All Words
'White privilege/Racial privilege(s)', 'Whiteness', 'Racial hierarchy(ies)', 'White supremacy(ism/ist/s)'
New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal
*runwaway growth from 2012*"
Meme - "New York Times Latent Association Between...
'Racial disparity(ies)/equality(ies)/inequity(ies)/gap(s)'... AND 'Systemic/Structural/Institutional Racism'
*super high in 2015-2019, lower for previous periods up to 1970*"
Meme - "New York Times Latent Association Between...
'Racism/Racist(s)' AND 'White'
*super high in 2015-2019, lower for previous periods up to 1970*"
Meme - "New York Times Latent Association Between...
'White/Race/Racial/Skin/Color' AND 'Privilege'"
*super high in 2015-2019, lower for previous periods up to 1970*"
Meme - "Latent Associations in the New York Times
'Oppressed'/'Oppression' AND 'Color', 'Marginalized'/'Marginalization' AND 'Color'. 'Vulnerable' AND 'Color'
*super high in 2015-2019, lower for previous periods up to 1970*"
Meme - "Do you know anyone who you would consider a racist or not? December 2006 vs June 2015
White Democrat: increase
Black Democrat: decrease
Hispanic Democrat:
White Republican: stable"
Charts from Woke Terms & Media Racism Statistics - Tablet Magazine
Clearly only White Democrats are aware of increased racism, and Black and Hispanic Democrats have internalised white supremacy

SaintGemain on X - "Coming from Eastern Europe, I was very frustrated in the recent years when trying to explain these things to people born and raised in the West. DEI and all those woke ideologies are Communism personalized for the West, and we all see the results."

Meme - Authoritarian Left: "SECRETLY RACIST"
Authoritarian Right: "OPENLY RACIST"

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