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Thursday, January 18, 2024

Links - 18th January 2024 (2 - Women)

Meme - "Women: "He must be (blah blah blah blah)."
Men: "She mustn't be a child, a matron, a wife, a dwarf, a giantess, a sluggard, a leper, barren, or black."
My ideal man
not married
at least 5'11" tall
not obese
earning at least $155,000 per year
According to statistical data, the probability a guy of the U.S. male population ages 22 to 50 meets your standards is 0.14% that is 0.25% of all white men in that age range
no children
asian, hispanic and white women
not married
between 4'11" and 6'4"
not obese
earning at least $30,000 per year
According to statistical data, the probability a woman of the U.S. female population ages 18 to 37 meets your standards is 7.85%"

wine dogs food
looking for the jim to my pam
no hookups
"don't write if you're not 6'+" is 5'2
looking for some new friends
love to travel
just wanna be treated like a princess
my friend told me to make this
random guy in picture
education: hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry
just here because im bored lol
"haha yeah"
idk ask me
fluent in sarcasm
no fuckboys
dog mom
whites only
professionally shot model pictures
random emojis in bio
rarely here, write me on insta
spotify song: drake fake love
proud single mommy
please be tall
actually 16 lol
group photo (hint: she is the fattest)
only in town this weekend

Meme - "Girls get friend zoned too. Only difference is the guy will still sleep with you"
Randy Valerio @RandyTValerio: "Seems like men are more generous with their friends"

Twitter Is Just Running Ads for Stealing Semen Now - "A company that makes a DIY artificial insemination kit pivoted to advertising its usefulness for sperm theft: “You don’t need his permission to get pregnant,” one ad says, in a fairly obvious attempt at using Twitter’s outrage economy to try to go viral.   Make a Mom is a company that sells syringes and collection kits for inseminating yourself at home... the company’s official Twitter account has begun posting videos and posts about stealing sperm. One video features instructions for impregnating a woman with semen from a used condom taken out of a trash can. Captions for the videos say, “Making him a dad without his permission 😋” “Should I tell him it’s his kid?” and “Woman quietly sneaks condom from trash to perform home insemination while her partner sleeps in the other room. What do you think about this ? Is this legal ? Will he still owe child support ?”... it’s not illegal to use someone’s sperm non-consensually to get yourself pregnant, and in past cases of secretive sperm use, courts have ruled that a left-behind load could be considered a “gift.”... Semen “theft” has long been part of pop culture sex lore; years ago, a rumor began that rapper Drake put hot sauce in his used condoms before tossing them in the trash to keep sexual partners from doing what Make a Mom is endorsing on Twitter."

Yay on X - "Women complaining about the pay gap in sports is kinda like men complaining about the pay gap in onlyfans🤔"

About 2% of young women are selling themselves on OnlyFans. Way more men are buying - "Just 30% of teenagers surveyed by the CDC in 2021 said that they had ever had sex, down from 54% two decades prior. This could be a good thing, as evidenced by our decimated teen pregnancy rate, if it didn't reverberate against other positive social development. Barely half of Gen Z teenagers studied by the Survey Center on American Life reported ever having a boyfriend or girlfriend, and more than a third of poll respondents in indigo-blue California aged 18 through 30 reported having zero sexual partners in the past year. While part of the problem is pornography, which the overwhelming majority of American adults of both genders reported watching in a Journal of Sexual Research study in 2018, a newer and more pervasive substitute for both virtual sex and artificial intimacy is OnlyFans, a content subscription service dominated by sex work... Crucially, OnlyFans encourages a sort of parasocial relation that regular pornography does not. Whereas subscribers can become deeply invested, even emotionally invested, in the lives of the content creators to whom they directly pay and surveil, those content creators do not even know the individual identities of these invested subscribers. The emotional tragedy and travesty write themselves... Of the 3 million "creators" on OnlyFans, the site reports that 67% of revenue goes to Americans. While the overwhelming majority of revenue goes to a minority of high-performing content creators, let's assume, on average, that this revenue share can be extrapolated to mean that roughly 2 million Americans are OnlyFans creators. According to the site, 70% of creators are women, and 30% are men, translating to approximately 1.4 million American women and 600,000 American men.  Adults aged 18 to 45 — nearly all of the users of OnlyFans — comprise little more than a third of the U.S. population, or just shy of 119 million in total. This means that we can (again, very, very roughly) deduce that about 2% of American women aged 18 to 45 are selling themselves on OnlyFans, and about 1% of men are doing the same. The problem is way more bleak on the demand side of the equation. According to OnlyFans, nearly half of its 220 million users are Americans, or more than 94 million. Considering that 87% of users overall are male, we can assume that's about 82 million American men, three-quarters of whom are reportedly in that 18-45 age bracket.  Let us hope that OnlyFans is inflating some of these numbers because the back-of-the-envelope math would indicate that those 62 million OnlyFans users are nearly half of all American men aged 18-45. If these numbers are indeed correct, OnlyFans is a crisis of consumption, not supply."

Meme - *Smithers scared of strippers* "Me trying not to be misogynist"
"Women's actions"
"Women's opinions"


Rivelino on X - "TAYLOR SWIFT
Age: 34
Husband: zero
Children: zero
Ex boyfriends: 14
Body count: ??
Cats: 3
Now do you see why so many American women identify with her"

Christina Revels-Glick death: Woman arrested for using vibrator on a Georgia beach committed suicide eight months later after downward spiral of drink and drugs - "The woman whose arrest for pleasuring herself on a Georgia beach went viral following the release of bodycam footage last week, took her own life just eight months after the humiliating incident in a tragic end to a once promising life... Video of police cuffing Christina Revels-Glick after she was reported by a beachgoer who witnessed her using her vibrator by the shore July 1, 2021, was viewed by 2.5million people within the first three days of its posting.  Many took to the internet to express sympathy for the mother-of-two and unconfirmed internet rumors suggested she had killed herself across the weekend because of the public shaming...  family members have confirmed that Revels-Glick did die by suicide but that her death came more than a year and a half ago and had nothing to do with the Tybee Island Beach incident or its recent resurfacing. Instead, Revels-Glick's story, told here for the first time, is a sorry tale of a downward spiral caused by drink and drug abuse, that saw her cut off from those who once loved her the most and led to the university graduate and one-time realtor ending her own life in abject squalor... Records show that Revels-Glick had numerous brushes with the law in Georgia and Florida, where she was deemed a fugitive from justice having been accused of stealing a car in 2018. And she was arrested on more than one occasion as well as cited for public drunkenness that same year.  Court records in Chatham County, Georgia, also show several civil filings against her including suits pursuing her for unpaid rent, damage to property and stolen property."

Sarah Beattie on X - "my mom asked me if I was a lesbian and I was like no way I love big fat cocks in my mouth and she still got upset"

One giant slip for womankind! Nasa astronauts on a rare all-female space walk drop their toolbox (and experts say it's visible from Earth) - "Forget meteors and the Northern Lights. For sky-watchers, the real spectacle is a toolbox lost in space.  The satchel-sized bag was dropped by astronauts as they carried out external maintenance work on the International Space Station (ISS) earlier this month.  It floated away before they noticed it and it is now orbiting Earth several minutes ahead of the ISS, at around 17,000mph... The toolbag was being used by Nasa’s Jasmin Moghbeli and Loral O’Hara during a rare all-female space walk to fix a solar panel... If it is similar to a bag lost in 2008 by astronaut Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper, the cost of replacing it could top £82,000.  She mislaid hers as she cleaned a leaking grease gun while working on one of space shuttle Endeavour’s solar panels. Some amateur astronomers even held ‘tool-watching parties’ to keep up with the bag as it circled the Earth for months"

Meme - khushi @lemonademelk: "why is it that whenever i meet a good guy, we only vibe as friends and whenever i meet a toxic guy, the butterflies in my coochie start acting up"

Meme - "When my meme has more upvotes than the girl who posted her nudes for upvotes
Signature look of superiority"

Meme - TheeMan(TM) @TiisetxoSetso: "Just because the wrapper is wrinkled doesn't mean the candy ain't sweet *AI [?] busty old women*"

Jokes UK 🔞 on X - "Boobs are like the sun... It's ok to look quickly and dangerous to stare... But that's what sunglasses are for!"

Bier Marionette - YouTube

Meme - "This is a nice date. Please tell me about yourself."
"Oh haha, nothing out of the ordinary. I've had a pretty normal life."
CarFox: "Whoa my friend, first you're gonna need the CarFax!"
"Car Fax
2 Only Fans accounts
1 "Premium Snapchat"
Misses her ex
Eats hot chip"

Meme - SELENA (off meds) @milky_selena: "cheating on men is unironically one of the most loving things you can do as a woman.  it provides an environmental stress and pressure for him to elevate himself.  darwinian, actually.  the anguish from being cheated on as a man is what helps to grow his spirit.  I have cheated in 3 or 4 of my previous relationships.  I did so with a gleeful smile on my face because I knew I was responsible for turning weak and boring men into titans.  this is why we cheat more when men go off to fight wars - to strengthen them.  women should never be shamed for this.  read the stories of every great man and you will find a story of a woman who broke his heart.  if you are a masculine man, you need the scar tissue.  you should ask for it"

Meme - Emily @Feminemily: "Bunnies have lots of sex and we still think they're cute and pure. let's treat women the same way"
Nick S. Jimenez: "Rabbits also mate for life you vapid communal fleshlight"

Bruce Wayne 🇵🇷 on X - "Ex-Pornstars like Mia Khalifa are now giving young women advice on how to be better women. We live in very funny times"

Meme - WAVEY WAYNE @youngrubberba...: "The girl we ran a 7 man train on is getting married. How's your Tuesday going?"
Uncle TreY @UncleTreY_: "She getting married while you reminiscing about being in a room with 6 dicks"

ZUBY: on X - "I don't know exactly how this trend started but we've reached the point where many women are basically going to public gyms in lingerie. 😂 I've been training for 20 years and it wasn't always like this."
Rob Henderson on X - "Even 10 years ago it wasn't like this. Intrasexual competition, maybe fueled by social media, has reached a point where many women at the gym are opting to display as much anatomy as possible without technically being naked according to local ordinances."
There's a TikTok video where a girl in Japan complains that she gets stared at in the gym and treated like a whore if she dresses sexily, and complains with Japanese gym clothing she doesn't feel cute and hot. Which is a pretty naked admission

Alexander on X - "Early results from a recent survey: the more jacked the man, the more satisfied the woman.  We asked women to tell us how tall their committed romantic partner was and how muscular their partner was relative to other men.  Male height did not have a significant relationship with female relationship satisfaction, but male muscularity did (r = .38).

Meme - "Mary 22
Looking for Long-term partner
About Me: I'm tried of being played with I'm a good strong woman who is learning her worth and if you don't play games and are looking for loyalty and a future with someone we're on the same page
*exposing butt in bikini on paddleboard*"

Man Took $1 From Fiancée's Valentine's Gift Fund Each Time She Yelled - "In a viral TikTok video, one user says he took away $1 from his fiancée’s Valentine’s Day gift fund every time she yelled at him. This took his initial budget of $360 down to $40.   “Last year I put $360 dollars away for my fiancée’s Valentine gift. But I took away $1 every day she yelled at me. Now her gift limit is $40 and I saved myself $320,” user @iisaac.ramirezz wrote in the text overlay on the video...  A few folks expressed concern for the TikToker’s wellbeing.  “Y’all are more upset about him taking money from her gift than potential emotional abuse,” one user said.  “Bet you if it was the other way round it be yassss queen,” another said.  “People justifying her yelling that’s what y’all would call abuse,” said a third...   “Yall are ignoring the fact that it’s a dollar per yell. Yelling at someone 320 days of the year aint normal,” a third user noted."

Meme - "Women on dating apps are like...
Jabba the Hutt with lipstick: "How tall are you?""

Poor men love big breasts, the rich prefer them smaller -Study - "the hungry males preferred the bigger breasted women more than the satiated men."
Resource Security Impacts Men’s Female Breast Size Preferences - "It has been suggested human female breast size may act as signal of fat reserves, which in turn indicates access to resources. Based on this perspective, two studies were conducted to test the hypothesis that men experiencing relative resource insecurity should perceive larger breast size as more physically attractive than men experiencing resource security. In Study 1, 266 men from three sites in Malaysia varying in relative socioeconomic status (high to low) rated a series of animated figures varying in breast size for physical attractiveness. Results showed that men from the low socioeconomic context rated larger breasts as more attractive than did men from the medium socioeconomic context, who in turn perceived larger breasts as attractive than men from a high socioeconomic context. Study 2 compared the breast size judgements of 66 hungry versus 58 satiated men within the same environmental context in Britain. Results showed that hungry men rated larger breasts as significantly more attractive than satiated men. Taken together, these studies provide evidence that resource security impacts upon men’s attractiveness ratings based on women’s breast size."

Meme - Anime man: "You six are the most important things to me."
3 anime women with exposed breasts: "But there are only three of us."
Anime man: "I know what I said."

Large breasts and narrow waists indicate high reproductive potential in women. - "Physical characteristics, such as breast size and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), function as important features used by human males to assess female attractiveness. Males supposedly pay attention to these features because they serve as cues to fecundity and health. Here, we document that women with higher breast-to-underbreast ratio (large breasts) and women with relatively low WHR (narrow waists) have higher fecundity as assessed by precise measurements of daily levels of 17-beta-oestradiol (E2) and progesterone. Furthermore, women who are characterized by both narrow waists and large breasts have 26% higher mean E2 and 37% higher mean mid-cycle E2 levels than women from three groups with other combinations of body-shape variables, i.e. low WHR with small breasts and high WHR with either large or small breasts. Such gains in hormone levels among the preferred mates may lead to a substantial rise in the probability of conception, thus providing a significant fitness benefit."

Meme - *Old man and young woman, both happy*
Old blue-haired woman shouting: "Date somebody your own age you fucking CREEP!"
Old man *unhappy*: "This is a prostitute*
Old blue-haired woman: "Thank God. I was worried you were both involved in a loving and monogamous relationship"

Meme - Jonathan "Boo and Vote" Cohn @JonathanCohn: "If you are in your 30s, you should not be seeking relationships with college students, and that should not be controversial."
Fund CUNY Now @navjotpkaur: "Men in their 40s too. I've seen a ton trying to groom young women in their 20s. It's really gross."
NotNotLaz @CaspersGhost3: "Says a lot about you that you don't think that women in their 20s are competent enough to make decisions for themselves..."
Vanessa @irishlovemonkey: "Women in their twenties lack the ability to consent to sexual activity with men in their thirties. It can't be genuinely consensual because men in their thirties, and especially their forties, have all the power. It is therefore a highly dubious almost pedophilic relationship."
HERF Destroyer @TomoVagooo: "What about sex workers in their twenties? Can they consent?"
Vanessa @irishiovemonkey: "They're different."

Meme - Meg @_meganmayhem: "Every. Time."
Little Miss 49-0 @thekelssimone: "This is why I'm glad Black women are finally getting hip and dating white men. Carry on."
WBA Youngboy @kingt613: "*Two guys on a bus meme* Black men in interracial relationships
Black women swirling "
Little Miss 49-0 @thekelssimone: "For you to go from Kayla Nicole to Taylor swift, you never liked Black women to begin with. You were just satisfying some kind of weird fetish. Now you are done and back on your actual type..."

Meme - "Tip of the day: Eat tacos. *Young Salma Hayek eating tacos* *Busty Salma Hayek*"

Meme - The Notorious J.O.V. @ @whotfisjo...: "I wanna be friends with boys the way boys are friends with boys"
Titanic The Mage @AlphaMageSos: "I once had my mate weld shut my mini fridge on my birthday and I couldn't get to any of my booze. Woman can't handle this type of friendship"

Meghan Murphy on X - "Why is it that I have never in my life met a man claiming to have "chronic fatigue," "long covid," or "fibromyalgia"? My working theory is that being a victim of something they can't help/have no control over is something women are more comfortable with than men. It isn't typically a masculine quality to enjoy being pitied or identifying as a victim (though this has changed for the trans-delusional class). I wish that women would stop reinforcing these stereotypes and take empowerment into their own hands a little more. You can do a lot more for your health than any of these diagnoses can, imo."
Wesley Yang on X - "At a certain point of enfeeblement, men will just kill themselves"
The New Girl on X - "Because women are always dieting and eating high-carb/low-protein diets and surviving on very little sleep and no exercise. Once my children left home and I began eating high-protein/low-carb, and restarted daily exercise, all my chronic pain/inflammation/fibromyalgia symptoms disappeared. They were very real, but also very fixable."

Meme - "MasterClass
Melinda French Gates Teaches Impactful Giving
Andy Gamisou When you divorce your husband but keep his name cuz otherwise no one will know who you are and you'll lose what little clout you had"

Susan Sarandon's son Miles Robbins has unusual request - "Susan Sarandon’s son isn’t messing around — he’s warning fans to stop posting his mom’s “honkers” all over social media.  Miles Robbins, the second-eldest of Sarandon’s three kids, took to X on Wednesday to thank fans for supporting his mother, after her top Hollywood talent agency dropped her for making an anti-Jewish speech during a rally in New York City... Sarandon was let go from the UTA agency after saying frightened Jews are “getting a taste of how it feels to be Muslim in America” during a speech at a pro-Palestine rally held in NYC’s Union Square"
Clearly anti-Zionism again

The True Story 32 Men Fighting Over a Single Woman on a Remote Island - "At the end of World War II, a young woman found herself stranded with 32 young men, full of testosterone, on a remote island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.  As you can imagine, there were numerous fights among the men, all vying for her attention. Periodically, the woman would shift her affection to a different man, after which that man would end up murdered. After six killings and countless conflicts, the surviving men eventually realized that the woman was not worth all the strife and decided to kill her in order to put an end to the bloodshed between them. The woman managed to escape the island, granting interviews about her miraculous survival amidst the tumultuous group of sailors on that remote island, and even achieving minor celebrity status. Her name was Kazuko Higa."
Only 1 Woman and 31 Men Lived In A Deserted Japanese Island, Here's what happened - "During the Second World War, a Japanese naval ship was attacked by American combat planes and sunk near an island. A total of 31 men survived and made it to Anatahan Island in the Pacific Ocean, where one Japanese couple was living... The Japanese “couple” weren’t actually together, and when the soldiers found out, they began fighting over her... After she left, there were reportedly no more incidents of violence and the island was peaceful."

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