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Saturday, December 23, 2023

Links - 23rd December 2023 (2 - Palestine/Middle East Peace)

Alberta NDP MLA says Israelis are ‘barbarians,’ guilty of genocide : Canada_sub - "The interesting thing is Palestine has repeatedly called for the genocide of the Jews throughout it’s history as it is part of their national religion as Sunni Muslims. They follow Mohammed’s teaching’s from the boom of Hadith which requires the extermination of the Jews to bring on the end times.  "The last hour won't come before the Muslims would fight the Jews and the Muslims will kill them so Jews would hide behind rocks and trees. Then the rocks and tree would call: oh Muslim, oh servant of God! There is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. - Hadith narrated by Abi Hurira  This started long before Israel ever even existed. Their leader wasn’t helping the Nazis and hangin out with Hitler in concentration camps because Israel existed.  Palestinians killing Jews happened plenty before WWII as well. Why do you think the Jews fled their homeland? There were other reasons but the Islamic conquest of the region was one of the many. This is why the Palestinians built a mosque overtop of the holiest Jewish site the temples mount and have never let Jews near it since. In fact the Jews trying to see it led to a slaughter of Jews not unlike what we just witnessed in 1929 and resulted in the eviction of a Jewish community that had inhabited the area for thousands of years, long before Palestine ever came into being. “The riots took the form, for the most part, of attacks by Arabs on Jews accompanied by destruction of Jewish property. During the week of riots, from 23 to 29 August, 133 Jews were killed by Arabs, and 339 Jews were injured, most of whom were unarmed”... That’s why you see people at the pro-Palestinian protests/celebrations waving swastikas at the counter protesters. Most people may not know the history but Palestinians remember it because it was the closest they ever came to fullfilling the “duty” of exterminating the jews.  This is why despite is seeming to make no sense Palestine never accepts peace and continues to break every peace on what seems like suicide missions. Dying for the good fight and holy war is not a bad thing under Islam and they’ve shown they aren’t going to give up any time soon.  They just called for muslims around the world to murder Jews and fulfill this dream of genocide again yesterday in fact.  Israel has never called for genocide. It has never called in Jews in the US or Canada to kill muslims around them.  Israel’s problem is that Palestine is obsessed with their annihilation  Palestine’s problem is Israel is too good at defending itself."
"Thanks. I wish everyone was forced to read this at least once. It seems ridiculous that almost no one knows this. The Palestinians have flat out refused to allow Israelis to exist and have said, in very clear terms, that there will be no peace and that the only solution is the complete extinction of the Israeli Jews. They've said it publicly, repeatedly, for half a century now.  It's like trying to be a Hitler apologist and pretend he never said the things he said in Mein Kampf. Like, fuck, how many times does a dude need to say or write something before you accept that he means it?"
"It’s because people are SO subconsciously racist and yet afraid of being racist and Islamophobic that itms easier for their brain to go Dark skin = not colonizer thus erasing the actual history and achievements of many people and cultures and the think Strong = bad, weak = good So because Israel can defend itself and Palestine goes on suicide Missin ma obviously Palestine must be good /s And then they can pay themselves in the back justified in their antisemitism while they support a regime that literally calls for Jewish genocide from a people whims leader worked with Hitler to exterminate the Jews and kid themselves about it.  But these people are anti Nazi….. well only if they have the right skin colour…. But totally not racist…  The cognitive dissonance is wild."
"Hamas is supported by the majority of Palestinians, by a far greater margin than Netanyahu is in Israel actually..  Why do we make a distinction that Hamas is not Palestine and not all Palestinians are Hamas to the point of excusing atrocities as being totally divorced from Palestine but make no distinction or separation between Israel; israelis and their leader who has far weaker support than Hamas does from Palestinians?  Why do we turn a blind eye while Palestinians around the globe in western nations gather en mass and chant to “gas the Jews” something their leadership literally took part in during the holocaust yet clutch our pearls if an angry Israeli even suggests Palestines actions might make them deserving of retribution.  There’s some interesting biases and double standards here for sure."

Richard Hanania on X - "The thing about Israel helping to create a Palestinian state is that the kind of experiment you might do is just leave some territory to the Palestinians and see what they do with it. That was exactly what they did in Gaza in 2006. Yes, people will say the experiment wasn’t perfect, which I guess means they should’ve let Hamas smuggle in more weapons, but there’s no reason I can see why that would have worked better."

Palestinian insurgency in South Lebanon - Wikipedia - "From 1968 onwards, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) began conducting raids from Lebanon into Israel, while Israel began making retaliatory raids into Lebanon... The unarmed citizenry could not expel the armed foreigners, while the Lebanese army was too weak militarily and politically. The Palestinian camps came under Palestinian control after a series of clashes in 1968 and 1969 between the Lebanese military and the emerging Palestinian guerrilla forces... In 1970, the PLO attempted to overthrow a reigning monarch, King Hussein of Jordan, and following his quashing of the rebellion in what Arab historians call Black September, the PLO leadership and their troops fled from Jordan to Syria and finally Lebanon, where cross-border violence increased."
Clearly, the fact that no Arab nation wants the Palestinians is Israel's fault

Black September - Wikipedia - "After Jordan annexed the West Bank in 1950, it conferred its citizenship on the West Bank Palestinians. The combined population of the West Bank and Jordan consisted of two-thirds Palestinians (one-third in the West Bank and one-third in the East Bank) and one-third Jordanians. Jordan provided Palestinians with seats amounting to half the parliament, and Palestinians enjoyed equal opportunities in all sectors of the state. This demographic change influenced Jordanian politics. King Hussein considered that the Palestinian problem would remain the country's overriding national security issue; he feared an independent West Bank under PLO administration would threaten the autonomy of his Hashemite kingdom. The Palestinian factions were supported vicariously by many Arab governments, most notably Egypt's President Gamal Abdel Nasser, who gave them political support. The Palestinian nationalist organization Fatah started organizing cross-border attacks against Israel in January 1965, often drawing severe Israeli reprisals upon Jordan... By 1970, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) led by George Habash and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) led by Nayef Hawatmeh, began to openly question the legitimacy of the Hashemite monarchy, and called for its overthrow and replacement with a revolutionary regime. Other radical groups included the Syrian Ba'ath's As-Sa'iqa, and the Iraqi Ba'ath's Arab Liberation Front: these saw Hussein as "a puppet of Western imperialism", " a reactionary", and "a Zionist tool". They claimed that the road to Tel Aviv passed through Amman, which they sought to transform into the Hanoi of Arabia. They also stirred up conservative and religious feelings with provocative anti-religious statements and actions, such as putting up Marxist and Leninist slogans on mosque walls... He quotes an observer describing the PLO in Jordan, 'They drove noisily around Amman in jeeps with loaded weapons, like an army of occupation; they extorted financial contributions from individuals, sometimes foreigners, in their homes and in public places; they disregarded routine traffic regulations, failed to register and license their vehicles, and refused to stop at army checkpoints; they boasted about their role of destiny against Israel and belittled the worth of the army. Their very presence in Amman, far from the battlefield, seemed like a challenge to the regime.'... There were frequent kidnappings and acts of violence against civilians: Chief of the Jordanian Royal Court (and subsequently Prime Minister) Zaid al-Rifai claimed that in one extreme instance "the fedayeen killed a soldier, beheaded him, and played football with his head in the area where he used to live""
Comment: "amazing, the Palestinians actually had citizenship and de facto statehood, and political enfranchisement given to them on a platter"

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "Israel’s intelligence minister Gila Gamliel has written an essay in the Jerusalem Post arguing that the residents of Gaza be settled abroad so that Israel can have more peace. Western countries have settled many Palestinians over the years already, often to devastating effect (terror attacks, increase in domestic antisemitism, petty crime, religious and political extremism, etc.). Arab nations also experienced destabilization and have expelled Palestinians or sent them to permanent refugee camps."

- "Palestinian refugees who arrived in Denmark in the early 1990s. According to the post by Visegrad 24, which has more than one and a half million views, 64% of these refugees were convicted of crimes.  According to data from the Danish Ministry of Immigration and Integration, Denmark received 321 Palestinian refugees in 1992. By 2019, 64% had been convicted of a crime, and 34% of their children also received a conviction."

The Myth of Arab Innocence - "The myth of Arab innocence throughout history --particularly concerning Jews-- has long haunted British and American writing about the Arab-Israeli conflict...  This article seeks to disprove that false claim and demonstrate instead the systemic, juridical oppression, exploitation, and humiliation of non-Muslims --including Jews--in Islamic society. Further, whereas it used to be commonly believed that Islam was benign toward Jews, the article shows that Jews were at the bottom of the social barrel in the Islamic domain generally--although conditions varied with time and place. Moreover, this was true in Jerusalem specifically. Indeed, the famous Jewish philosopher Maimonides believed that Jews were worse treated under Islam than in Christendom. He was in a position to compare conditions in both zones because he conducted correspondence with Jews in far flung places... In the empires resulting from the Arab and Muslim conquests, Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians--and later, Hindus and others-- were subjects far inferior in law to Muslims as a class. Tolerated non-Muslims, called dhimmis, were required to pay annual tribute, jizya, for the privilege of living another year. This is grounded in Qur'an 9:29 and remains part of Islamic law to this day, although formally abolished in the Ottoman Empire in 1855. Islamic law still views dhimmis as an occupied population to be "brought low" (9:29 & 2:61). The rules of dhimmi status, dhimma, also provide that dhimmis should not bear arms, that their garments must differ from Muslim garments, that they show deference to Muslims, such as dismounting when encountering a Muslim on the road. Since a horse is a noble animal, a dhimmi must not ride one. Further, a dhimmi's testimony in court is worth half of a Muslim's, etc.  The Danish traveler, Karsten Niebuhr, visiting Egypt in 1761-1762, described dhimmis dismounting in humiliation from donkeys when encountering horse-mounted Muslims on the street. Niebuhr visited Egypt four decades before Napoleon, which is significant because Edward Said argued that similar reports made after Napoleon's Egyptian expedition were invalid since tainted with imperialism. Moshe Gil found in the Cairo Genizah, a medieval archive of Jewish writings, accounts of impoverishment and suffering caused to Jews in Israel by collection of the jizya and other taxes... Jacob Barna'i examined ledgers of the Jerusalem Jewish community in the late eighteenth century. He found a situation strikingly similar to that found by Gil for the pre-Crusades period. Besides jizya, Jews paid unofficial taxes, fees, exactions, mandatory bribes, etc. The rapacious were not only Ottoman officials but local Muslim notables and strong men. Of course, Christian dhimmis too could be oppressed this way. Jews differed by being low man on the Islamic totem pole. Israeli historian Moshe Sharon argues:      ...the fact that the Qur'an singled them [Jews] out as the enemies of the Muslims... institutionalized their inferior status in comparison to the Christians.   The Arab writer Al-Jahiz explained this by the political resistance of the Jews in Medina to Muhammad. The Hamas takes inspiration for its Judeophobia from early Islam, citing the hadith fable about Judgment Day in its charter (Article 7)...  Francesco Gabrieli, the Italian historian of Islam, wrote:      ...the name "Yahudi" [=Jew] acquired on Muslim lips the same odor of hostile scorn for the Jews that the term "Jew" had in the Western world, more hostile and scornful than that of the epithet "Nasrani" [=Christian].  This judgment is supported by a British envoy sent to the Levant in the 1830s. John Bowring reported Muslim resentment of improved treatment for dhimmis there by their ruler Muhammad Ali of Egypt...  This pecking order was confirmed by a nineteenth century Turk objecting to equalizing measures in the Ottoman Empire (quoted by Bernard Lewis):      ... whereas in former times... the communities were ranked... the Muslims first, then the Greeks, then the Armenians, then the Jews, now all... were... on the same level. Some Greeks objected... saying: "The government has put us together with the Jews. We were content with the supremacy of Islam."  The above quotes demonstrate that the Jews were generally at the bottom of Arab-Muslim society...  In the late Mamluk period (ca. 1500), the chief Roman Catholic official in Jerusalem, Francesco Suriano, hated Muslims, but appreciated how they treated Jews:      I wish you to know how these dogs of Jews are trampled upon, beaten, and ill-treated, as they deserve... They live in this country in such subjection that words cannot describe it... in Jerusalem where they committed the sin for which they are dispersed throughout the world [the crucifixion-EAG], they are by God more punished and afflicted than in any other part of the world. And over a long time I have witnessed that... Next comes a surprise witness, none other than Karl Marx:      Nothing equals the misery and suffering of the Jews at Jerusalem... the constant objects of Mussulman oppression and intolerance, insulted by the Greeks, persecuted by the Latins." [New York Tribune, 15 April 1854]...   The Walt-Mearsheimer view of Arabs generally and Palestinian Arabs specifically as "largely innocent" is blatantly false. Further, there is no longer an excuse for ignorance on the matters covered above. There are document collections covering Jews under Islam by Norman Stillman, Bat Ye'or, and Andrew Bostom, plus abundant books and articles. Moreover, there are works on Arab nationalist Nazi collaboration, Husseini's particularly, by Hirszowicz, Schechtman, Carpi, El-Peleg, etc. Yet the myth seems so deeply rooted among the press, academics, and State Department circles, that it is unlikely to dissipate any time soon if ever."

How Watermelon Became a Symbol of Palestinian Solidarity - "when cut open, the fruit bears the national colors of the Palestinian flag—red, black, white, and green... Israel lifted the ban on the Palestinian flag in 1993, as part of the Oslo Accords, which entailed mutual recognition by Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization and were the first formal agreements to try to resolve the decades-long Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The flag was accepted as representing the Palestinian Authority, which would administer Gaza and the West Bank"

Meme - Rashida Tlaib @RashidaTlaib: "I'd like to wish my Jewish neighbors a Happy Hanukkah. Hanukkah inspires me, especially during this difficult time. I hope we can all remember that even in the most unexpected moments, miracles can happen."
Jenny Aharon @jenny_aharon: "Hanukkah's story is about the Israelites recovering their land: Jerusalem and Judea. How does that inspire you exactly?"

Meme - Rep. IIhan Omar @Ilhan: "Happy first night of Hanukkah to all those in Minnesota and beyond! May you be reminded of the power of miracles and enduring hope that exists all around us. Chag Sameach!"
Jenny Aharon @jenny_aharon: "Hannukah's story is about the Israelites recovering their land: Jerusalem and Judea. Are you sure you want us to be reminded of it?"

Meme - "Israeli Combat Vest *normal combat vest*
Hamas Combat Vest *baby strapped to front*"

Meme - Ben Shapiro: "Here's a fact you won't ever hear in the media or from the Left: If you were an Arab and you stayed in Israel proper after the 1948 war between 1948 and 1967, you automatically became a citizen of the state of Israel."
Damn apartheid!

Ian Hest 🟦 on X - "Billions of people around the globe are about to celebrate the birthday of a Jewish man where he was born 2000+ years ago but don’t think Jews lived there before 1948."

Toronto Teacher on X - "There’s a real problem happening that needs to be addressed. There is a @Facebook page, “Toronto Teachers” removing people bc they R Jews and/or support #israel. The moderator? Derik Chika (under investigation from TDSB). Admin? Elizabeth So (Ett Executive), Pia Carolina 😳"
Jonathan Kay on X - "Derik Chika is a @tdsb teacher who (by his own public admission) has been investigated *four* times for making hateful comments about Jews/Israel. He makes $109K per year, every penny of which is paid for by Ontario taxpayers. Your tax dollars at work."

Meme - "When you're mean to Israel this is who you're being mean to: *cute girl in fatigues*"

Thomas Sowell: Israel should take back the land it traded - "NO PHRASE represents more of a triumph of hope over experience than the phrase “Middle East peace process.” A close second might be the once-fashionable notion that Israel should “trade land for peace.”  Since everybody seems to be criticizing Israel for its military response to the rockets being fired into their country from the Gaza strip, let me add my criticisms as well. The Israelis traded land for peace, but they have never gotten the peace, so they should take back the land. Maybe a couple of generations of Palestinians in Gaza living in peace under Israeli occupation and a couple of generations of the occupation troops squelching the terrorists — “militants” for those of you who are squeamish — would set up conditions where the Palestinians would be free to vote on whether they would like to remain occupied or to have their own state, minus terrorists and their rockets...   Why don’t the Palestinians vote for some representatives who would make a lasting peace with Israel? Because any such candidates would be killed by the terrorists long before election day, so nobody volunteers for that dangerous role...   So-called “world opinion” has been a largely negative factor in this situation. Nothing is easier than for people living in peace and safety in Paris or Rome to call for a “cease-fire” after the Israelis retaliate against people who are firing rockets into their country.  The time to cease fire was before the rockets were fired.  What do calls for “cease-fire” and “negotiations” do? They lower the price of launching attacks. This is true not only in the Middle East but in other parts of the world as well.   During the Vietnam war, when American clergymen were crying out “Stop the bombing!” they paid little attention to the fact that bombing pauses made it easier for North Vietnam to move more ammunition into South Vietnam to kill both South Vietnamese and Americans.  After Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands, if British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had heeded calls for a “cease-fire,” that would have simply lowered the price to be paid by the Argentine government for their invasion...   Today, so-called “world opinion” not only limits the price to be paid for aggression or terrorism, it has even led to the self-indulgence of third parties talking pretty talk about limiting the response of those who are attacked to what is “proportionate.”  By this reasoning, we should not have declared war on Japan for bombing Pearl Harbor. We should have gone over to Japan, bombed one of their harbors and let it go at that.  Does anyone imagine that this would have led to Japan’s becoming as peaceful today as it has become after Hiroshima and Nagasaki?  Or is the real agenda to engage in moral preening from a safe distance and at somebody else’s expense?  Those who think “negotiations” are a magic answer seem not to understand that when A wants to annihilate B, this is not an “issue” that can be resolved amicably around a conference table."
From 2016

New York pro-Palestinian activist pleads guilty to hate crimes for 3 attacks on Jews - "A pro-Palestinian activist on Tuesday pleaded guilty to federal hate crimes charges for a series of attacks on Jews in New York City in 2021 and 2022.  Saadah Masoud, 29, pleaded guilty to one count of participating in a conspiracy to commit hate crime acts. The charge carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison.   “Masoud deliberately targeted three victims because of their religion and nation of origin,” said US Attorney Damian Williams. “There is no place in this country for this offensive and hateful conduct.”...   Video filmed by the protesters showed Masoud following Greenman down a street and shouting at him, along with another protester, who called him “Jew” in Arabic and said he had a “dirty fucking flag.”...   Masoud threatened the activists online in a series of messages, including, “I feel bad for you zionist people when judgment day comes and we slaughter all of them like sheep.”... Jews are targeted in hate crimes in New York more than any other group.  “A lot of these attacks are not one-offs by crazy people on the streets, these are part of an orchestrated attempt to attack and silence Jews,” Fillitti said. “We know that Masoud has been connected to WOL Palestine and he’s been connected to other individuals, and especially considering that this attack happened at a protest that was being held by WOL Palestine, the conspiracy charge is very important.”...   Around 100 demonstrators carried Palestinian flags and chanted, “Globalize the intifada,” “We don’t want no two states, we want all of it,” “Israel, go to hell,” and “From the river to the sea.”"
Weird how it's never the Jews/Israel-supporters attacking Muslims/Palestinians/Palestine-supporters. The very most people come up with is some Jews in Israel spitting on Arabs

Students riot at Hillcrest High School in Queens as terrified Jewish teacher hides in office - "An investigation is underway in Queens where students at Hillcrest High School stormed the hallways in protest after learning a Jewish teacher attended a pro-Israel rally. The chaos last Monday was all caught on camera. It lasted for hours as the terrified teacher hid in a locked office... 400 students in Jamaica, Queens, rioted inside the school... The raucous protest happened last Monday morning as kids flooded the hallways, waving Palestinian flags and chanting "Free Palestine." Students say a water fountain was allegedly ripped out and the boys bathroom was vandalized. Dozens of cops rushed to the school to restore order."
Plus, students had attacked a school safety officer the week before the riot

Meme - "When they call you an 'occupier' and their mosque is literally on top of your temple"

Disgraced 'anti-racism' trainer returns to threaten Trudeau - "The Canadian federal government has failed to recover any of the more than $100,000 that it paid to Laith Marouf, the federal “anti-racism” contractor whose virulently antisemitic social media posts became the centrepiece of a national scandal. But after months of apparent silence, Marouf is back online to assail his critics — and his former benefactors — with a stream of taunts and violent threats.  “Go drink the sea of Gaza you little Zionist b—h,” Marouf wrote in a Nov. 5 post directed at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.  He added, “as soon as we liberate Palestine, we will be aiding our Indigenous relatives to liberate theirs. We will bring you to trial for your crimes.” To Michael Geist — a University of Ottawa law professor and frequent critic of the Trudeau government’s media policy — Marouf wrote “shut up little Jewish White Supremacist turd. We will crush your Jewsader Colony … after, we will be hunting down all Zionists and bring them to stand trial in liberated Palestine.”  And to Norm Spector, a former chief of staff to Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, Marouf said he would form “Zionist-Hunter squads” to “capture Genocide abettors like you and bring them to stand trial in liberated Jerusalem.”  Another post advocated the creation of armed self-defence units of Canadian Muslims to fight the police. In the summer of 2022, Marouf became the centre of a national scandal after it emerged that the Trudeau government had handed six-figure “anti-racism” contracts to Marouf’s Community Media Advocacy Centre – despite Marouf’s lengthy history of extremist cheerleading. Across social media, he had repeatedly called for the annihilation of Israel. He said “Jewish White Supremacists” deserved only a “bullet to the head” and referred to Jews generally as “loud mouthed bags of human feces.” The Trudeau government’s initial defence was that they didn’t know who Marouf was — a claim that fell apart as the scandal progressed. Diversity and Inclusion Minister Ahmed Hussen would later tell a House of Commons committee that he’d been aware of Marouf’s extremism for more than a month before the story hit the press.  Ottawa ultimately severed ties with Marouf shortly after they’d granted his most recent contract; $133,000 to head up an “anti-racism strategy for Canadian broadcasting.”  Although the contract was revoked, the feds haven’t been able to recover any of the cash — something that Marouf seemed to mention in a post. “Clutch your purses Jewsaders!… Your Crime Minister can’t get the money back with all the might of Apartheid Canada,” he wrote... As the Marouf scandal progressed in 2022, one of the most telling things it revealed was that a government anti-racism coordinator was able to espouse extremist views for years on end without anyone batting an eye.  It wasn’t just on social media; Marouf routinely opened anti-racism training sessions with calls for the destruction of the Jewish state. At a May 14 session in Vancouver, Marouf began by thanking Heritage Canada for funding, before launching into a full-throated condemnation of Israeli “genocide” and “apartheid.” In just the last five years, the Trudeau government has leaned hard into the doctrine of “anti-racism.” This has included the creation of a Federal Anti-Racism Secretariat and a $20 million Anti-Racism Action Program – the fund which paid Marouf.  Anti-racism is an ideology imported from the United States which holds that Western institutions are irredeemably white supremacist, and thus can only be countered with “deliberate systems and supports” to favour the “equity-seeking.” Anti-racism is very different than the “racial sensitivity training” that was previously the norm in Canadian government quarters in that it frames all human inequality through the prism of an oppressed/oppressor dynamic.  “Racism is not merely the product of individual bias or prejudice, but also something embedded in legal systems and structures,” reads an official “anti-racism lexicon” published by the Department of National Defence.  The lexicon is very specific that mere equal treatment is itself racist, and the only remedy is an overhaul of “systems” and “organizational structures” so that “power is redistributed.” One of Marouf’s most incendiary claims in recent days is actually an argument frequently included in Canadian anti-racism training. “Zionism is Nazism, and Apartheid Canada was a model for both of them,” wrote Marouf on Nov. 5.  In a package of B.C. government “decolonization” materials leaked in 2022, a meme is included claiming that the “Canadian Constitution” inspired “Nazis and white South Africans creating the Holocaust and Apartheid.” Perhaps unsurprisingly, Canadian professors and coordinators specializing in “anti-racism,” “diversity, equity and inclusion” and “critical race theory” have been among those signing petitions cheering or excusing the Oct. 7 massacres.  Among the more than 700 that signed a recent petition saying that the attacks should be “contextualized” rather than condemned, was York University “equality and anti-discrimination” expert Faisal Bhabha, and Joshua Sealy-Harrington, a Toronto Metropolitan University “critical race theory” specialist."
The reality of "anti-racism" and support for Palestinian "resistance"

The Mandalorian's Pedro Pascal Draws Flak for 'Supporting' Gal Gadot Following Controversial Post
Advocating for peace and for both sides "to live as a free and safe nation" gets Gadot and anyone associated with her condemned. What does that tell us about Palestinian supporters?

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