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Sunday, December 17, 2023

Links - 17th December 2023 (2 - General Wokeness)

Only One Thing Can Stop White Supremacy: Solidarity Between Muslims And Jews – The Forward
Too bad Muslims hate Jews more than White people

Meme - "Why does she look exactly like the kind of chick who'd be a racist white girl. I'll never get why there's people who prefer white women over black women, like this chick looks so basic *busty, pretty white girl*"
When you can't compete, get woke

Meme - Thing Bad @Merman....: "i think it's very funny that the house of the dragon guys are like "we want to reflect the misogyny of the time period" the time period is the twelfth of makebelieve. it's the 149th year of sir gooby the dragonfoot. it's the eighth age of targabargabor. it's literally made up"
"If you're writing a fantasy with dragons and misogyny, then you enjoy dragons and misogyny. "Realism" is an excuse."
If you don't stuff the woke agenda into everything you do, you're a bad person. Artistic freedom doesn't exist, and in-universe consistency is a bad thing

Even kids aren’t safe from the thoughtpolice (2021) - "Police are recording ‘non-crime hate incidents’ (NCHIs) committed by children...   College of Policing (CoP) guidance published last year advised that even something as innocent as name-calling in classrooms can amount to an NCHI... nobody ever voted for these Orwellian instruments to be brought in – NCHIs are not the product of legislation by our elected parliament, but of guidance from the CoP, an unelected quango. Yet they can ruin lives, as they can appear on enhanced DBS checks. In truth, they are just another tool allowing the state to police people’s speech and thought.  NCHIs are ridiculous enough when applied to adults. When even kids aren’t safe from the thoughtpolice, we know we have reached another level of authoritarianism."
New Code and guidance for non-crime hate incidents - "The Code introduces an additional threshold test. This clarifies that personal data should only be included in an NCHI record if the event presents a real risk of either: significant harm to individuals or groups with a particular characteristic or characteristics
a future criminal offence being committed against individuals or groups with a particular characteristic or characteristics"

The Prophet Mohammed had British values - so the only way to combat extremism is to teach more Islam in schools - "the way to combat Islamic extremism is to invest in teaching Islamic theology in British schools: teaching that proves the Prophet Mohammed would never have condoned their actions. Many reading this will find it difficult to stomach, but the Prophet Mohammed had what we also call "British values". Those values of social responsibility, respect for the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs that schools are now required to promote are not exclusively British, and are inherently Islamic. The teachings of the Qur’an are unambiguous on being inclusive, and treating others with justice and equality. There needn’t be a discrepancy between what is British and what is Muslim."
I'm sure teaching state-approved Islam will have no problems at all. Good luck to the Baháʼís and other religions that came after Islam

Of Course ‘The Last Of Us Part 2’ Won Game Of The Year Whether Or Not It Deserved It - "  There’s so much heft and gravitas and industry-wide groupthink with this sort of game. People say it’s super deep and so it is. People say it’s a masterpiece and so it becomes the critical darling, swept up in a wave of praise. It ticks off all the right boxes with all the right people, to the point where saying it’s not the best game of the year is almost verboten.  It makes you one of them. You know the type. Those neckbeard basement dwelling types who rail against SJWs and think women have no place in video games. If you don’t get into line and act like The Last Of Us Part II isn’t basically Schindler’s List or something, you must be one of them. If you do like it, on the other hand, you’re probably a Social Justice Warrior of the very worst stripe, or so the endless, tired internet outrage warriors tell us. With us or against us, amirite?... Yeah, The Last Of Us Part II looks good, but it is neither fun nor compelling, and most of its characters are awful. The narrative—about which I have spilled a great deal of ink—is a complete mess, a juvenile revenge fantasy that absolutely ruins the first game’s best character, Ellie, and writes out its second best, Joel, spending far too much time instead on Abby, who is a completely unsympathetic character...   The biggest problem with fandom right now is caring too much about what other people think or say about the things we’re fans of instead of just learning how to stop worrying and love the bomb."

Meme - The Love Life Of An Asian Guy: "How many of you have MALE family members who've recently become alarmingly Conservative over the past 5+ years? What happened?"
Steven Daniels: "I grew up going to Pride. I used to go to a roller rink as a kid EVERY Monday night. The roller rink held an event called "Monday Night Skating", and there were always something like 30 gay guys, skating to Disco music. It was a BLAST. They were always respectful and kind, understood boundaries, kept my brother and I safe from perversion. This was during the early 2000's. Zoom to something like 20 years later and Pride is NOTHING like it was back then. Liberal advances have taken the form of toxic pollutant, and it pushed me and MANY others away from the Left, in many cases, nearly ENTIRELY. People are becoming more Conservative because they are tired of the ABSOLUTE, LUNACY. Of the Left. Near total occultism has taken over the Left, and they've been purposely feeding into mental and societal ills in the name of Vanity. I've had about enough, and so have many, many others, The Gays of the Todays are NOT the Gays of the Yesterdays. I bring you unbridled truth because you deserve it. The Left needs TOTAL AND ABSOLUTE revision, or it needs to go. You cannot claim group are good people when most people fear and pity what you have become."
I like how being conservative is "alarming". These people just hate those they disagree with

*Height Distributions by Race* "OH."

Female athletes sue the University of Oregon alleging Title IX violations by the school - "The lawsuit, which sprang from an investigation published in July by The Oregonian newspaper, cites Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act statistics which show that 49% of the student-athletes at Oregon are women, but only 25% of athletics dollars and 15% of its recruiting dollars are spent on them."
Of course, we don't know what proportion of the results they account for

Why Do 1 in 6 Gen-Z Adults Identify as LGBT? - "One of the early gay activist talking points was that 1 in 10 people were gay, even though the activists knew this was not true. That’s why it was significant when, in 2011, demographer Gary Gates, himself gay, “released a review of population-based surveys on the topic, estimating that 3.5% of adults in the United States identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual, with bisexuals making up a slight majority of that figure.”... it would appear that, outside of 18-23 year-olds, there is no major change in the overall population that identifies as LGBT. Why, then, such a dramatic shift among these young adults?...   It is certainly possible that more young people are feeling free to self-identify as LGBT. But it is hard to explain why there is such a dramatic spike in a private, anonymous poll.  Not only so, but in different communities in America and around the world where there has been tremendous acceptance of LGBT identity, the percentages of those who have identified as such over the years has remained fairly steady.  That’s why this explanation, namely, that society is more open, does not seem adequate in explaining the significant jump in LGBT identification among 18 to 23-year-olds.  Instead, this spike should be seen as the result of the constant, pro-LGBT bombardment of children, beginning with the school system literally brainwashing children from their earliest days regarding LGBT identity. Put another way, do you really think that kids who were exposed to drag queens when they were toddlers might not be more inclined to wonder if they themselves might want to be drag queens too?   As for the impact of gay-themed propaganda on America, classically articulated by two gay sociologists in After the Ball (published in 1990), already in 2002, Gallup found that “Americans estimated that 21% of men were gay and that 22% of women were lesbian.” By 2011, “U.S. adults, on average, estimate that 25% of Americans are gay or lesbian.”  Among those 18-29, the estimate was put at 29.9%, meaning, that this age group thought that almost 1 in 3 Americans were gay or lesbian. And where, pray tell, did they get such an idea?  Perhaps the disproportionate representation of (and celebration of) LGBT characters on TV and Hollywood and comic books, not to mention the talking points in children’s schools, contributed to this misperception?... Back in 2001 — yes, 2001 — Michael Medved rightly noted, “A Martian gathering evidence about American society, simply by monitoring our television, would certainly assume that there were more gay people in America than there are evangelical Christians” (whereas evangelical Christians numbered, at that time, at least 20-30% of the population)."

Yes, Childhood Sexual Abuse Often Does Contribute to Homosexuality - "What do Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, George Takei and Milo Yiannopoulos have in common? They are all out and proud gay men, and they were all sexually abused as underage minors"

Bi Health Summit Exposes Critical Health Needs - Max the Communist - Open Salon - "Research presented by Cheryl Dobinson, MA, and Stewart Landers, JD, MCP, from their two separate studies was remarkably similar.  Bisexuals reported suffering from depression and anxiety in higher rates than heterosexuals or lesbians and gay men.  In terms of attempting or thinking of attempting suicide, bisexual men were 7 times higher, while gay men were 4 times higher, than straight men; bisexual women were 6 times higher, while lesbian women were 4 times higher, than straight women.  An Australian study revealed that middle-aged bi women were 24 times more likely to engage in self harm, like cutting, than straight women, as a coping mechanism.     Dobinson's research revealed that only 26% of bisexuals did not experience child sexual abuse...   Landers' study showed a surprising finding that people 18-24 were the largest group identifying as bisexual."
From 2009

they shout "genocide!" as they parachute out of the sky to slaughter citizens
they shout "colonizer!" as they protest to invade your countries and steal your land
they shout "occupier!" as they sneak into every western country to invade
they shout "tolerance!" as they demand to kill the "infidels""

Why do bisexual women experience such high rates of poor health?
Damn discrimination and stigma! Oops, it comes from the lesbians too

As a Queer Jew, Learning Anne Frank Was Bisexual Is a Game-changer
When you're a narcissist and can't emphathise unless someone is like you. Ironically, the woke always go on about "empathy"

How Meltdowns Brought Progressive Groups to a Standstill - "Twitter, Slack, Zoom, and the office space, according to interviews with more than a dozen current and former executive directors of advocacy organizations, are now mixing in a way that is no longer able to be ignored by a progressive movement that wants organizations to be able to function. The executive directors largely spoke on the condition of anonymity, for fear of angering staff or donors.  “To be honest with you, this is the biggest problem on the left over the last six years,” one concluded. “This is so big. And it’s like abuse in the family — it’s the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about. And you have to be super sensitive about who the messengers are.”...   “So much energy has been devoted to the internal strife and internal bullshit that it’s had a real impact on the ability for groups to deliver,” said one organization leader who departed his position. “It’s been huge, particularly over the last year and a half or so, the ability for groups to focus on their mission, whether it’s reproductive justice, or jobs, or fighting climate change.” This is, of course, a caricature of the left: that socialists and communists spend more time in meetings and fighting with each other than changing the world. But in the wake of Donald Trump’s presidential election, and then Joe Biden’s, it has become nearly all-consuming for some organizations, spreading beyond subcultures of the left and into major liberal institutions. “My last nine months, I was spending 90 to 95 percent of my time on internal strife. Whereas [before] that would have been 25-30 percent tops,” the former executive director said. He added that the same portion of his deputies’ time was similarly spent on internal reckonings.   “Most people thought that their worst critics were their competitors, and they’re finding out that their worst critics are on their own payroll,” said Loretta Ross, an author and activist who has been prominent in the movement for decades, having founded the reproductive justice collective SisterSong. “We’re dealing with a workforce that’s becoming younger, more female, more people of color, more politically woke"...   For years, recruiting young people into the movement felt like a win-win, he said: new energy for the movement and the chance to give a person a lease on a newly liberated life, dedicated to the pursuit of justice. But that’s no longer the case. “I got to a point like three years ago where I had a crisis of faith, like, I don’t even know, most of these spaces on the left are just not — they’re not healthy. Like all these people are just not — they’re not doing well,” he said. “The dynamic, the toxic dynamic of whatever you want to call it — callout culture, cancel culture, whatever — is creating this really intense thing, and no one is able to acknowledge it, no one’s able to talk about it, no one’s able to say how bad it is.”   The environment has pushed expectations far beyond what workplaces previously offered to employees. “A lot of staff that work for me, they expect the organization to be all the things: a movement, OK, get out the vote, OK, healing, OK, take care of you when you’re sick, OK. It’s all the things,” said one executive director. “Can you get your love and healing at home, please? But I can’t say that, they would crucify me.”...   In the long term, the organizations may become better versions of themselves while finally living the values they’ve long fought for. In the short term, the battles between staff and organizational leadership have effectively sidelined major progressive institutions at a critical moment in U.S. and world history. “We used to want to make the world a better place,” said one leader of a progressive organization. “Now we just make our organizations more miserable to work at.”... "I was thrown out of an organization that I founded because of my ‘racism,’” he said. “What was my racism? When I tell people things that they didn’t want to hear,” he added, saying the disputes were over things like criticism he leveled at a young, nonwhite activist around the organizing of a demonstration...   Executive directors across the space said they too have tried to organize their hiring process to filter out the most disruptive potential staff. “I’m now at a point where the first thing I wonder about a job applicant is, ‘How likely is this person to blow up my organization from the inside?’” said one, echoing a refrain heard repeatedly during interviews for this story. (One executive director noted that their group’s high-profile association with a figure considered in social justice spaces to be problematic had gone from a burden to a boon, as the man now serves as an accidental screen, filtering out activists who’d be most likely to focus their energy on internal fights rather than the organization’s mission.)... "you couldn’t conceive of a better right-wing plot to paralyze progressive leaders by catalyzing the existing culture where internal turmoil and microcampaigns are mistaken for strategic advancement of social impact for the millions of people depending on these organizations to stave off the crushing injustices coming our way"... During the 2020 presidential campaign, as entry-level staffers for Sanders repeatedly agitated over internal dynamics, despite having already formed a staff union, the senator issued a directive to his campaign leadership: “Stop hiring activists.” Instead, Sanders implored, according to multiple campaign sources, the campaign should focus on bringing on people interested first and foremost in doing the job they’re hired to do...   Being Black has by no means shielded executive directors or their deputies from charges of facilitating white supremacy culture. “It’s hard to have a conversation about performance,” said the manager. “I’m as woke as they come, but they’ll say, ‘He’s Black, but he’s anti-Black because he fired these Black people.’” The solution, he said: “I buy them to leave, I just pay them to leave.”  Inner turmoil can often begin, the managers said, with performance-based disputes that spiral into moral questions. “I also see a pattern of … people who are not competent in their orgs getting ahead of the game by declaring that others have engaged in some kind of -ism, thereby triggering a process that protects them in that job while there’s an investigation or turmoil over it”... “Unlike labor unions, church groups, membership organizations, or even business lobbies, large foundations and grant-funded nonprofits aren’t accountable to the people whose interests they claim to represent and have no concrete incentive to win elections or secure policy gains,” they said. “The fundamental disconnect of organizations to the communities they purport to serve has led to endless ‘strategic refreshes’ and ‘organizational resets’ that have even further disconnected movements from the actual goals”"

Left-wing climate group Sunrise Movement torn by internal division - "The creative director at the left-wing Sunrise Movement claimed Tuesday that he was fired after accusing leadership of ignoring Black members' demands, generating internal conflict within the group dedicated to youth activism against climate change.  Alex O'Keefe said he was terminated after sending a letter with demands from the "Sunrise Black Caucus" calling on Sunrise Movement to "publicly reckon with the movement-wide crisis we are in [and] dismantle our white, owning-class culture"... "The letter revealed that Sunrise was losing many Black and working class members. Our Black members made a list of demands, Sunrise leadership failed to honor a single demand and tried to cover up the existence of the demands. Black members' demands were a ‘threat to our DNA,’" O'Keefe continued. O'Keefe said the conflict drove him to "suicidal thoughts."  "It's hard to say this, but top leadership's hostility and legal threats drove me to suicidal thoughts. These were friends I built a movement with, who turned against me for sharing truths they didn't even deny," he wrote on Twitter.  "I was the first Black leader of Sunrise org. I was the longest tenured Black person in a white-majority org. That alone suggests the hostility that met me. It was a hellish battle to transform white-savior, socialism-averse messaging to the radical vision we sometimes achieved," O'Keefe wrote... Sunrise Movement co-founder Varshini Prakash took issue with O'Keefe's account.  "Alex, I love you and you’ve done incredible work for our movement, but this isn't what happened. You haven’t shown up for work in months. Multiple friends and colleagues reached out repeatedly to figure out when you were coming back, and you didn’t engage""

NDP policy convention in Hamilton devolves into SJW gong show - "The third party, which relegated itself to a pathetic fate as the socialist caucus of the federal Liberal Party of Canada, met last weekend in the Hammer to decide their vision for Canada's future.  Chaos ensued.  Attempts to introduce an onerous policy demanding an end to funding schools that respect parents' rights were derailed by the socialist party's hyper-focus on sexual intersectionality and pronoun announcements.  A pro-Gaza demonstration also hijacked the conference resulting in the anti-police NDP calling police to bust up the protest.  The convention boasted a quiet room with a HEPA air purifier, special speaking priority for gender equity, and gender-inclusive washrooms. And next to no actual work getting done because of constant infighting about which oppressed group would use a "yellow card" to take the mic next. Thank goodness.   If the NDP could get down to business, they'd have passed a resolution which would spell an end to publicly-funded education that respects parents"

NDP direct White men to back of line at convention - "“Please remember to give space to those who face systemic barriers and discrimination including women, black, indigenous, and racialized folk in particular, people living with disability, and 2SLGBTQIA+ folk.” The NDP even assigned yellow cards to everyone who wasn’t White or male so that they could hold them up while in line and gain access to the front of the line.   “Our convention has special speaker priority for gender equity. If you identify with a gender other than men for the purpose of equity seeking rule, you will have received a piece of yellow card stock during the registration process.”   In August, the NDP’s Matthew Green issued his full support for discrediting White or light skinned individuals on account of their skin tone through “anti-racism” training sessions — something he claims is necessary to fight anti-black racism."
This doesn't stop people from insisting that the NDP is for the workers and works for their interests rather than being obsessed about identity politics

Rachel Zegler Hints That Her Own Wisdom Will Resonate Through Her Snow White Character - "many can’t get past Zegler’s seemingly immature takes and pride in adapting the classic Disney princess to model her own behavior and thoughts. Citing no need for a Prince Charming, Zelger’s character, according to the actress, will be much more independent, moving away from the story of a girl who needs saving, and focusing more on the leadership qualities of Snow White.  In a recent interview with Collider, Zegler went as far as to suggest that much like herself, Snow White is a character who is “like someone who’s been alive for much longer than she has.”  “Marc Webb and I kind of called it her third eye-opening. There are a couple of scenes in there where she’s speaking like someone who’s been alive for much longer than she has, and that’s something that I relate to, something that I’ve been told all my life. So, getting to bring that to a character that I love so deeply and that I’ve spent so much time with now is a really amazing thing as an actor and as a performer, and I can’t wait for people to get to see it.”  As Rachel Zegler is currently 22 years old, the self-gratifying observation regarding her wisdom may be considered misplaced by many who recall comments she’s made in the past that have rubbed some the wrong way."

Tens of thousands of troops are ordered to spend a DAY 'reflecting on inclusivity' - "General Sir Mark Carleton-Smith told soldiers across the UK to stop training next Tuesday for six hours of lectures and group talks in their own units... ex-colonel Richard Kemp criticised the plan, describing it as a 'navel-gazing and virtue-signalling exercise'... Attendance will be mandatory for all troops, unless they are deployed on missions or carrying out essential tasks."
This won't stop liberals mocking the idea of woke armed forces

Do we need a gender-neutral army? - "British soldiers have been ordered not to use the word ‘lads’ because it isn’t inclusive enough...   The army has paraded its woke credentials before. The Ministry of Defence’s Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, published in 2018, sets out its plan to create ‘an environment where people feel able to be authentic’ and have a ‘positive lived experience’. Apparently, ‘diversity and inclusion contribute directly to operational effectiveness’.  And senior general Nick Carter said last year that the army must tackle its ‘laddish culture’, which he claims has been driving away women and ethnic minorities.  It’s bizarre that the military – an organisation where literally killing people is often part of the job – is so concerned with appearing to be inclusive and gender-neutral. It is even more ridiculous to think that anyone who might be offended by the word ‘lads’ could have what it takes to serve in the military.   But in 2018, the army actually targeted the easily offended for recruitment. It ran adverts appealing to ‘snowflakes’, essentially giving the message that being soft is no barrier to joining the armed forces.  No doubt, all this has Britain’s rivals quaking in their boots. They won’t want to have to deal with a military as formidable as this."

Meme - Gifted Entrop @ChaosDea: "When you tell me not to buy, call me names for liking certain things, and basically use entirely too heavy handed political messages IN PLACE of good stories and action... Yes, you absolutely lost people that wanted fun but got preached at instead."
Heidi MacDonald @Comixa: "So go read what YOU want. Isn't choice a good thing?"
Gifted Entrog @ChaosDea: "Making a choice is what started people like you calling me names and talking down to me like I haven't read and collected comics since the 70's Because I CHOSE to take my money elsewhere, you think it's ok to shit on me Choice IS good, I can avoid the shitshow the big 2 are now"

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