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Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Links - 20th December 2023 (Trans Mania)

Critically-acclaimed transgender horror author hails Osama bin Laden's 'principled' destruction of Twin Towers - months after sharing her desire to slit JK Rowling's throat - "A transgender horror author who sparked outrage earlier this year by threatening to slit JK Rowling's throat has hailed Osama bin Laden's destruction of the Twin Towers.  Gretchen Felker-Martin on Thursday joined in the chorus of admiration for the al-Qaeda leader, sparked by TikTokers suddenly 'discovering' his rational for 9/11... She previously shared her desire to cut JK Rowling's throat over the Harry Potter author's stance on transgender issues... 'The other day in a moment of distress I talked out my ass to play devil's advocate in a tasteless, needless way,' she tweeted.   'I sincerely regret it, and I apologize to anyone hurt or offended by my thoughtless words.'  But one X user pointed out that she had praised bin Laden in the past.  He cited Felker-Martin's August 2020 tweet, justifying the September 11 attacks.  'The huge crime of 9/11 is that the s*** we do every day overseas gets done to us exactly once,' she said... Another writer she railed against, journalist Jesse Singal, condemned Felker-Martin for making the death threat, and said she has a long history of making threats of violence. In Felker-Martin's debut novel, Manhunt, published in February 2022, Rowling is murdered by being burned alive."

Lia Thomas' UPenn teammate says trans swimmer doesn't always cover up genitals in locker room - "Sharing a locker room with transgender swimmer Lia Thomas has become a point of contention for some of her University of Pennsylvania teammates, who feel uncomfortable changing in the private space with someone undergoing gender transition... 'It's definitely awkward because Lia still has male body parts and is still attracted to women,' one swimmer on the team told DailyMail.com in an exclusive interview.   Lia has told her teammates that she dates women. While Lia covers herself with a towel sometimes, there’s a decent amount of nudity,  the swimmer said. She and others have had a glimpse at her private parts.  She stated that team members have raised their concern with the coach, trying to get Thomas ousted from the female locker room, but got nowhere.  'Multiple swimmers have raised it, multiple different times,' the UPenn swimmer said. 'But we were basically told that we could not ostracize Lia by not having her in the locker room and that there's nothing we can do about it, that we basically have to roll over and accept it, or we cannot use our own locker room.' 'It's really upsetting because Lia doesn't seem to care how it makes anyone else feel,' the swimmer continued. 'The 35 of us are just supposed to accept being uncomfortable in our own space and locker room for, like, the feelings of one.' She said UPenn's handling of the locker room issue is emblematic of the school's overall approach to the Lia Thomas controversy, with school bending over backwards to make Thomas feel welcome without seeming to care how it affects her teammates... 'Lia doesn't really seem to be bothered by all the attention, not at all. Actually she seems like she enjoys it. It's affected all of us way more than it's affected her.'... Thomas was accused of purposefully holding back when she narrowly won two races and lost during a 100-yard freestyle race to Yale transgender swimmer Iszac Henig.   A UPenn swimmer, in an interview with Outkick.com, accused her teammate of plotting to lose to the Yale swimmer in a relay heat to 'prove that a woman can beat her.'  'Looking at (Lia's) time, I don't think she was trying,' she told Outkick. 'I know they're friends and I know they were talking before the meet. I think she (Thomas) let her win to prove the point that, ''Oh see, a female-to-male beat me.''"

The fall of Scientific American - "The magazine’s ethos now includes the express aim of ‘sharing trustworthy knowledge, enhancing our understanding of the world, and advancing social justice’ (my emphasis). It has also started to intervene in electoral politics, too. In 2020, Scientific American broke with a 175-year history of non-partisanship to endorse Joe Biden in the US presidential election...   In 2019, an article by Simón(e) D Sun, who identifies as a ‘transgender nonbinary woman’, tells us to ‘Stop using phoney science to justify transphobia’. The piece is, as you might expect, filled with ideologically driven language and easily disprovable claims. For instance, it asserts that sex is ‘assigned’ at birth when it is not – it is observed and recorded. It also suggests that ‘scientific endeavour is quantifiably better when it is more inclusive’. But what if ‘being inclusive’ requires us to deny the reality of biological sex? That would surely put inclusivity at odds with science.  A patronising, finger-wagging tone runs throughout, too. At one point, readers are told to ‘hold onto your parts, whatever they may be. It’s time for “the talk”.’   Ironically, the article undermines its own premise within the first few paragraphs, as it walks readers through the clear biological differences between males and females, ranging from chromosomes to sexual characteristics to brain development. And at the end of the article, having done nothing to challenge the status quo of human biology, we are told: ‘The science is clear and conclusive: sex is not binary, transgender people are real.’  Of course, nobody has ever claimed ‘transgender people’ are a figment of our imaginations. What gender-critical feminists have argued, however, is that sex is both binary and immutable – and that feeling uneasy about one’s sex is a symptom of mental distress, rather than proof of an innate gender identity that is at odds with one’s body... Scientific American has published another piece denying biological reality. Again, this article is peppered with ideological claims that purport to be scientific facts.   ‘Before getting into the evidence’, write Cara Ocobock and Sarah Lacy, ‘We need to first talk about sex and gender… “Gender” refers to how an individual identifies – woman, man, nonbinary and so forth.’ This statement alone renders the rest of the article completely meaningless, as any time the authors discuss the physiology of a ‘woman’, they could actually be talking about a man who identifies as a woman, and vice versa.   Most egregious are the article’s attempts to disprove the known fact that males have inherent physiological advantages over females when it comes to sports and athletics. The trouble is, the examples it chooses do nothing of the sort.  For instance, we are told that oestrogen can help with certain types of physical activity (although that was never in doubt). Ocobock and Lacy give the example of Sophie Power who, in 2018, ran the 105-mile Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc while breastfeeding her baby at rest stations. This was undoubtedly an impressive feat. But it does nothing to refute the fact that males have certain inherent advantages when it comes to elite athletics.   Readers are then told that the ‘inequity between male and female athletes is a result not of inherent biological differences between the sexes, but of biases in how they are treated in sport’. Yet the only example provided to support this wild claim is a completely misleading one. The article points out that male pacesetters are not permitted in many women’s running events, which apparently ends up holding women back. But in truth, male pacesetters are banned for precisely the same reason that men and women tend to compete in separate competitions – it is an acknowledgement of the observable performance differences between males and females... The greatest irony of all is that by downplaying the physiological differences between men and women, Scientific American is actively hampering the pursuit of equality. For all its claims to strive for social justice, it is paving the way for the destruction of women’s sports by mediocre men.  This denial of biological reality is bad news for science – and for social justice, too."
In the mid-00s I parodied liberal orthodoxy by saying that men were stronger than women not because of biology, but socialisation. Turns out the slippery slope has slipped

Eric July on X - "Weirdos put their gender pronoun and mental deficiencies in their bios because they have absolutely nothing interesting about them and no sense of accomplishment.   Again, this is why they often assume everybody else is as miserable as them."

Meme - Titania McGrath @TitaniaMcGrath: "I wish western countries were as progressive as Iran. By subsidising transitional surgery they're not only supporting the trans community, they're also helping gay people to avoid that whole "death penalty" thing. Take THAT, Islamophobes!"
Charlotte Clymer @cmelymer: "iran literally pays for trans-affirming medical care with state funds. Soooo... not exactly a great way to make your point there, Sweetie."
jc @enigmaticrhythm: "Go live in Iran and see how you're treated."
This is probably the most vivid example of how trans mania is the true conversion therapy

Drop the woke nonsense, Innocent - "Innocent’s latest stunt in its quest to prove that it lives up to its name is particularly ridiculous. It has announced on Twitter that it is ‘unfollowing’ veteran feminist campaigner Maggie Nelson. This was at the behest of a non-entity transgender activist with 10 followers... online lending platform Kiva, which had also ‘followed’ dangerous wrongthinker Nelson, also opted to ‘unfollow’ her and make a public spectacle of doing so. Unsurprisingly, there was nothing hateful or egregious on Maggie’s timeline...   The social-justice causes favoured by brands are seldom actually controversial or brave; it costs nothing to tweet a hashtag or castigate an alleged ‘transphobe’. If Yorkshire Tea were to take a stance against lockdown, or Tesco collected tokens to support women imprisoned in Iran for removing their hijabs, they might deserve some additional custom.  To be honest, I don’t care if my bank ‘is proud to support the LGBTQIA+++ community’ and I couldn’t give an organic crap if they take a stance on BLM. I would prefer them to stop investing in the manufacture of armaments and strip-mining. I guess those issues garner fewer social-media woke points than a cheap win against a feminist wrongthinker."

Laurence Philomene Is Photographing the Beauty of Second Puberty - "Puberty: Exploring Hormone Replacement Therapy in a Non-Binary Trans Person, out now from Yoffy Press, is considerably more intimate than its somewhat clinical title might suggest."

Meme - Liberals: "A 30-year-old guy dating a 21-year-old girl is wrong. Yeah she's an adult but she could still be manipulated. She doesn't have the maturity to deal with the situation."
Liberals: "Of course an impressionable 6-year-old who still believes in Santa can choose their gender. Yeah, the drugs and surgeries can have major life-long effects on their brain, body, and emotional health, but making them wait till they're older would be bigoted."

B.C. Nursing College cites Jordan Peterson tweets against expert psychologist during Amy Hamm's hearing - "Should a medical professional lose their license over stating mere biological fact? Amy Hamm doesn't think so.   The B.C. nurse and mother of two faces potential censure from her professional regulatory body for stating "there are only 2 genders" while co-sponsoring an 'I heart J.K. Rowling' billboard in 2020.  Rowling, an outspoken advocate of women’s rights, has frequently supported 'safe spaces' for women, including female-only bathrooms, changerooms and other places where biological males may not enter. The world-renowned author also faced professional ridicule on social media, making headlines around the globe.  Hamm told Rebel News at the time that two members of the public filed a complaint about her advocacy. Soon after, she received tens of thousands of messages that threatened her with hate and abuse.  "I think that has the effect of showing people how toxic this debate actually is," she said...   The BCCNM initially claimed Hamm disseminated "medically inaccurate information," but they dropped that charge in June 2022.  In the most recent charge issued by the BCCNM against the accused, the college claimed the nurse made "discriminatory and derogatory statements regarding transgender people [between approximately July 2018 and March 2021] as a nurse or nurse educator."  "Funny how I’m allowed to work despite their accusations that my off-duty conduct makes me unsafe," she posted on her X feed October 4.  "This is a show trial. A witch trial," wrote Hamm. On October 25, day 14 for her disciplinary hearing, the British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM) pulled out all the stops to try and disqualify a sexual behavior expert from defending her position on biological sex.  Karen Bastow, Hamm's legal counsel, spent hours trying to qualify Dr. James Cantor, a neuroscientist and clinical psychologist who has conducted extensive research on atypical sexuality. She contends the expert would "dispel the myth that Ms. Hamm's opinions could lead to harm for transgender people" and increase their suicidal ideation... "This is an important case for the freedom of expression of regulated professionals across the country," contends Lisa Bildy, also Hamm’s legal counsel.   "Professional regulators are created by statute and are essentially an arm of the state, to which the Charter of Rights and Freedoms applies," she added. "Nonetheless, many regulators are increasingly attempting to control what professionals are permitted to say or believe on the social and political issues of our time.""
If you can't out-debate non-liberals, silence them

I don't agree with Amy Hamm. But I was wrong about free speech fight - "The evidence I reviewed spanned 160 pages, including tweets, articles and podcasts, supposedly representing her most controversial statements in the three years leading up to her citation. This body of work, unlike her more recent output, constituted the legal case against Hamm, on which her professional standing hinges.  Delving into these pages, I didn’t encounter anything particularly alarming. While I judged some statements to contribute negatively to our public discourse, the Hamm on display was markedly less provocative than her more recent writings embody. Her self-professed “offensiveness” appeared less frequently and was strictly confined to matters of policy. In my thorough review, I couldn’t find a single instance of a personal attack against any individual or identity group...  It’s conceivable that the prolonged legal struggle she’s faced may have influenced her to embrace more strident views.  If that is accurate, it proves that the college’s relentless pursuit to find fault in Hamm’s earlier mild discourse has had the opposite effect from what they sought to achieve. It’s proven what our democracy used to know implicitly — that assaults on freedom of speech do not result in better speech, they foment further derision and division. This shift, if true, suggests that the college’s persistent efforts to scrutinize Hamm’s initially more moderate discourse may have backfired. Instead of fostering improved dialogue, their actions seem to have intensified division and resentment. Reflecting on the contents of the college’s complaint against Hamm, I was struck by a sense of lost potential. The Hamm portrayed in these documents — someone I could possibly have envisaged as a friend — seems to have been altered, perhaps irrevocably, by the ongoing legal entanglements. This evolution, or perhaps devolution, of her persona underscores a poignant reality of our current societal discourse: that impinging on free speech often exacerbates, rather than mitigates, divisive discord."
Biological facts are transphobic, so

Pack of dog-identifying people gather outside Berlin train station, draw social media jeers - "A post showing individuals barking at a bagpiper earned more than 5 million views earlier this month. Another showed people barking at and harassing a man with a Bible while at a LGBTQ+ Pride rally."

Artist of 'Trans People Are Sacred' billboard in Detroit looks to open minds
We're still told that gender ideology is not a cult

44% of trans-women inmates convicted of sex crimes: CSC Study - "A shocking new Correctional Service of Canada study has revealed that 44% of male-to-female transgender inmates are behind bars for sexual offences. The study — entitled Gender Diverse Offenders with a History of Sexual Offending — reveals a troubling pattern of violence among the convicted... “We’ve known this all along,” former federal inmate and advocate Heather Mason told The Toronto Sun. “But I’m really surprised they did this study. It’s pretty damning.”... The vast majority, 85%, were convicted of violent crimes that caused death “or serious harm” to their victims (58% of whom were children or women). “It’s quite shocking. The study also shows that 41% of trans-women are in for homicide-related crimes while with male inmates it’s only 21%,” Mason said, adding that the study also revealed that in just four years, the number of trans inmates almost doubled.  The study also found that 70% of the trans offenders with sex crime jackets were themselves the victims of childhood abuse... The study also found that of the 99 gender-diverse offenders, 47% of whom were Indigenous."
Some TRA kept claiming the study showing transwomen were disproportionately sexual offenders (presumably the UK prisons one) was wrong, but never explained how

The Statistic No One's Allowed To Study - "Another day, another new report showing that half of trans prisoners are sex offenders.  The report, obtained via a 2022 public records request to Wisconsin’s Department of Corrections, shows that of the 161 men in Wisconsin jails who self-reported as transender, 81 (50.3%) were sex offenders.  This figure is borne out scross the English-speaking world. In 2017, the UK feminist group Fair Play for Women showed via Freedom of Information requests that roughly half of the trans-identified male prisoners in the United Kingdom were sex offenders. Was this a blip? Was it a misleading statistic, based on too small a sample? The BBC’s “fact check” team did their best to make this seem plausible. In the intervening years, though, figures dragged from other prison services around the Anglosphere show data that are startlingly consistent with the 2017 British report... Data from the US Bureau of Prisons, via the US feminist campaign group Keep Prisons Single Sex, show that across the USA, 47% of male trans-identified inmates are sex offenders... The 50% figure argues forcefully against the trans activist claim that trans women are women in every meaningful way. The 2022 UK Census reported that 262,000 people in Britain identify as trans: around 0.5% of the population. Meanwhile, fewer than 150 women in total are in prison in Britain for sex offences, despite representing half the overall population. If trans women really were indistinguishable from women, they’d barely show up in Britain’s sex offender statistics. In fact, if this were the case you’d expect most of the trans prison population to be there for theft or TV licence evasion, as is the case with, y’know, women women... The figure looks more proportional if you accept the blasphemous premise that trans women are men. Overall, sex offenders almost always are men: figures vary, but usually suggest around 90 percent... Sex offenders make up 18% of the UK prison population, as already noted, but consistently around 50% of trans-identified prisoners. Even accepting the blasphemous-but-true premise that trans women are men, if trans identity had no bearing on the offender profile you’d expect a larger proportion to be in for theft (29% of the prison population) or drug offences (21%). But that’s not what we’re seeing. Why is this? Why are so many of the transgender prisoners currently in jail there for sexual offences? Of all the reasons a man might break the law and end up in prison, why does so large a proportion of that subset of law-breaking men that identifies as the opposite sex turn out to be rapists, child-molesters, and the like?  I can think of a number of hypotheses, most of which are even more blasphemous than stating that trans women are men. It could be, for example, that "becoming" the opposite sex is, for some, the ultimate challenge to sexual norms. And if you enjoy challenging sexual norms there might be others (such as consent, or age ranges) you also enjoy challenging. Or it might be that autogynephilia is not in fact “debunked” but a real paraphilia - in other words, that for at least some trans-identified males, their identity is a sexual fetish. Paraphilias tend to cluster, meaning that if an individual has one fetish, they may have others. And, much as with challenging sexual norms, some fetishes can’t be realised without breaking the law.  Perhaps the explanation is something altogether more innocent. Is this just transphobic oppression of sex workers? A report last year on MoJ data suggests not. Of the 97 trans prisoners in UK jails in 2022, 44 were jailed for rape and a further 14 for sexual offences related to children. Not exactly the multiply-oppressed street martyrs of activist mythology. Or perhaps the 50% statistic is somehow a quirk of the data. It could be, for example, that the subset of sexual predators who are transgender is just unusually bad at evading detection for some reason. I can’t imagine what might excite suspicion about someone who looks like (say) “Lisa” Hauxwell, but maybe that’s transphobia for you. Whatever that explanation is, discovering the truth would take proper sociological, criminological and psychological research. If academic freedom were still a thing (if it ever was), criminologists and other social studies academics would be doing this research. But unfortunately the vast majority of this apparatus has long been tacitly focused on rubber-stamping progressive ideology; increasingly, too, such institutions explicitly exclude anyone unwilling to make a formal commitment to this worldview. And for this worldview, transgender people are a sacred caste. So we’ll probably never know why sex offenders are so well-represented, across the Anglosphere, in the transgender prison population. And we mustn’t ask."

Are sex offenders exploiting trans rights? | The Spectator - "If it is the case that predatory males are exploiting trans-inclusive policies for their own ends, those who champion those policies should be deeply concerned, since this could not just undermine those policies but also adversely shape wider public debate. Anyone seeking a more tolerant climate of opinion for trans people should have a very clear interest in identifying – and condemning – cases where predatory males proclaim a trans identity for malign purposes."
The trans agenda involves accepting that everyone who claims to be trans is really trans, so they cannot accept the possibility that predatory males might proclaim a trans identity for malign purposes. They can only savage those who bring up statistics

What did we learn from the census? - "The ONS released data showing that 96,000 (0.2%) are people it describes as “trans men” or “trans women” (equally split, so 48,000 of each) and 30,000 (0.06%) as “non-binary”.  The headline finding is that 262,000 (0.5%) of the population answered “No” to the question about whether their gender matches their sex at birth. Stonewall has interpreted this as saying that 0.5% of the population “are trans”... “The geographical concentrations of some of the categories of gender identity are not plausible, especially when compared to sexual orientation. The most likely explanation is that the question on gender was misinterpreted by a non-trivial number of immigrants whose main language was not English.”... the areas with the highest apparent proportion of trans people, and of “trans men” and “trans women”, were the London boroughs of Newham and Brent. In contrast, Brighton and Hove – the “queer capital” of Britain – ranks only 21st. You would expect a strong correlation between LGB and T populations by area, but this is a weak one: Luton, for example, ranked 11th in the proportion of transgender people, but 243rd in the proportion of non-heterosexuals.   What Brent, Newham, and Luton have in common is a high proportion of immigrants who are not native speakers of English... Taking into account the number of GRCs that have been issued to date (around 6,000 for the UK as a whole), this means that some 63% of those whom the ONS identified as “trans men” or “trans women” must have given the wrong answer to the sex question – or else be people who do not identify as trans and misunderstood the gender question altogether...   The lack of clarity of the results show why the ONS’s insouciant insistence that sex is an “umbrella concept” was a dereliction of its duty.   Nancy Kelley dismissed the idea of social contagion affecting young women, saying the census data shows there are “exactly the same number of trans men and trans women”. However, the age and sex breakdown tells a different story. Taking the data at face value, “trans women” are slightly more common in every age group apart from ages 16 to 24, where there are significantly more “trans men” and people identifying as “non-binary” in the the younger age group... Young women identify as trans at more than double the rate of the general population. Mar Vickers and Wings over Scotland have published comparisons of the census data with figures on men and women in prison for sex offences... That suggests that men who identify as “trans women” are five times more likely than other men, and 566 times more likely than women, to commit sexual offences.   If the numbers of “trans women” goes down further through recalculation, this proportion will rise.   Professor Alice Sullivan compares the census figures on people who identify as LGB or T with the numbers working at the BBC. Eight percent of people at the BBC say they are LGB, compared with three percent in the census. Two percent of BBC staff are trans, a share eight times higher than the total of “trans men”, “trans women” and non-binary people in the census.   This suggests there is little need for diversity efforts at the BBC to focus on increasing the number of LGB or trans staff.   Sullivan also compares the identified trans population with murder rates. During the ten-year period between 2013 and 2022, only four homicides were recorded in this group. During the same period 7,118 homicides were recorded in the UK, combining data for England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. This suggests that murders of trans people were 0.056 percent of all murders.  This is ten times less than the general population murder rate if we take the high-end census estimate for the number of trans people (including all those who did not give a gender identity) or five times less if we only look at those who specified a gender identity."

Did Stonewall invent 300,000 non-existent trans people? | The Spectator - "Stonewall, Britain’s leading trans rights campaign group, has spent several years telling politicians and the public that the trans population is growing rapidly, meaning more attention and resources must be devoted to their needs.  According to Stonewall, ‘the best estimate at the moment is that around 1 per cent of the population might identify as trans, including people who identify as non-binary. That would mean about 600,000 trans and non-binary people in Britain, out of a population of over 60 million.’...   That estimate of 600,000 trans people comes from a Stonewall document amusingly entitled ‘The Truth About Trans’.  Now that the census has shown that the truth is that Stonewall has been overstating the number of trans people in the UK by at least 100 per cent, will the campaigners correct the record?  Not if the Stonewall twitter feed is anything to go by.  Stonewall has tweeted approvingly about the census numbers, citing that figure of 262,000 trans people – but making no mention of how badly wrong its own estimates were. Stonewall is a lobbying charity that makes its money by telling big companies and public bodies they need to pay for training to make sure they’re accommodating Britain’s large and growing trans population.   Surely it didn’t just invent 300,000 non-existent trans people to support its own lobbying and sales pitch?"

Gender-Inclusion Policies and Sexual Violence : A Longitudinal Analysis of Media Reports at Target Stores - "While media-loss remains a limitation in the analysis, the present study supports the theory that sex predators may take opportunities afforded by gender-inclusion policies to perpetrate sexual violence against women in public spaces. No other theory seems to account for the significant and precisely-timed increase seen in the Target reports. Further study would be helpful to compare police reports to media-reported crime and to geographically match Target with similar stores to investigate whether sexual offenses have increased elsewhere"
We keep being told that there is no proof that gender-neutral toilets leads to more sex crimes. This TRA claimed gender-neutral bathrooms resulted in safer restrooms (without ever providing evidence for this claim), and dismissed the UK study as being about changing rooms and so irrelevant

Parent finds urinal in girls bathroom at public middle school - "The National Desk reached out to the principal of Upper Perkiomen Middle School, who confirmed the existence of a urinal in the girls bathroom."
This left winger kept insisting this story was fake even when presented with the news story. Typical. He then mocked me when I recalled that we were told that only fascists denounced the media as fake news.

ASU Puts Urinals Into Women’s Restroom - "Arizona State University (ASU) has placed men’s urinals in women’s restrooms."

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