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Thursday, December 14, 2023

Links - 14th December 2023 (1)

Chinese man bitten by venomous snake he thought was dead inside a wine bottle he bought for his son - "The man from Heilongjiang Province, China, reportedly bought three jars of snake wine, believing that the drink could help cure his son, who has been suffering from a chronic illness. Instead of opening the jars, the father purportedly left them untouched for a year so that they could have “enough medicinal properties.” After the year-long marination, the man claims he decided to finally open the jars and administer the traditional Chinese medicine, only to find that all three of the venomous snakes “came back to life” before one of them bit him.  After being rushed to the hospital, he was treated immediately and reportedly survived the incident... Some experts said that what happened to the father was not entirely strange since snakes can supposedly live inside a jar of alcohol for 12 months without dying, especially if the lid is left slightly open for air to enter.   However, herpetologist Wolfgang Wüster argued that what happened was “biologically impossible.”"

Meme - "Went to Starbucks b/c Idk how to sleep in. Tons of people in line. Everyone looks like zombies & I'm spacing out myself. All of a sudden this guy stands next to me and goes, "this is crazy!" Then grabs my hand to hold it. We both looked down at & looked up.
Him: you're not my wife.
Me: nope.
(Girl behind us): You're holding the wrong hand, honey.
Him: You sure?
Me: We're sure.
Him: I feel committed to finishing this Starbucks experience w/ you now.
Me: I'm not paying.
Him: oh nvm, let me go back to my wife.
Wife: I'm not paying either!
(Guy in front of us): Come hold my hand, sir. I'll buy you any frappuccino you want.
Husband went & held hands with the strange man & looks at both me & his wife & goes, "at least someone cares about me.""

This is the band name of the year: XAVLEGBMAOFFFASSSSITIMIWOAMNDUTROABCWAPWAEIIPPOHFFFX | Alan Cross - "XAVLEGBMAOFFFASSSSITIMIWOAMNDUTROABCWAPWAEIIPPOHFFFX is actually an abbreviation (sort of) for the band’s full name, Acidic Vaginal Liquid Explosion Generated By Mass Amounts Of Filthy Fecal Fisting And Sadistic Septic Syphilic Sodomy Inside The Infected Maggot Infested Womb Of A Molested Nun Dying Under The Roof Of A Burning Church While A Priest Watches And Ejaculates In Immense Perverse Pleasure Over His First Fresh Fetus. XAVLEGBMAOFFFASSSSITIMIWOAMNDUTROABCWAPWAEIIPPOHFFFX is a real band that plays gigs and releases music."

Regions that expelled the Jews have lower GDP than those that didn't

Cocaine Is Expected to Overtake Oil as Colombia's Main Export This Year - Bloomberg

Meme - *Plane with lots of arrows stuck into it, fired from below*
"The anthropologists decided that this tribe was to remain "uncontacted"."

Meme - Rhaenys: "Men would sooner put the realm to the torch than see a woman ascend the Iron Throne"
"Women on the Iron Throne: *Daenyrys and burning King's Landing*, *Cersei and blown up Sept of Baelor*"

Meme - Riddler: "In school they should have taught us something useful, like how to pay taxed"
Batman: "Even if they did, you'd still fall asleep and ignore everything"

Clothing is inappropriate when it is sleeveless, revealing, or form fitting. Hairstyles should be clean and neat and trimmed above the collar, leaving the ear uncovered. Sideburns should not extend below the earlobe or onto the cheek. Men are expected to be clean-shaven; beards are not acceptable. Earrings and other body piercing are not acceptable. Shoes should be worn in all public campus areas.

My kid is such a picky eater we often end up having doughnuts for dinner - now other parents say it's my fault - "A mum has been slammed online for 'enabling' her picky-eating toddler by letting her have doughnuts for 'breakfast, lunch and dinner'.  Elizabeth Maclay took to TikTok to share a video of her fussy toddler Mila refusing a dinner of Mac and Cheese and vegetables.  The mum appeared exhausted as she pleaded with her toddler to 'just try it' and explained the two-year-old had been excited for the meal while it was cooking."
Clearly, making the kid eat healthy food is abusive and will mean the parent is toxic, and this will be why in 20 years the kid won't talk to her and will abandon her in a nursing home, and it'll be her fault

I slept with 1,400 girls, impregnated 600 in 6 African countries, French tourist recounts - "Forty-year old Jean Michel made the revelation on an online news site “Africa24”.  The six countries included Nigeria, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Togo, Ghana and Guinea... “I began having sex with girls every day. Sometimes, I would sleep with three girls at the same time. It was a marvelous experience.  “I worried less about my health. All I wanted was to have fun. My friends and I were in a night club in the town every day looking for girls.  “One time, I met a girl and gave her money, and she told me to be engaged to her. She was ready to get pregnant for me. I don’t know whether it was the money they liked or the fact that I was from France that attracted them. “I spent three months in Ivory Coast, spent 60, 000 euros and slept with more than 80 girls.  “After leaving Ivory Coast, I went to Togo where I slept with over 100 girls and spent 40, 000 euros... "Nigeria was the place I appreciated the most. Girls were always available and easy to deceive... “In all, I slept with more than 1,400 girls in six different African countries. I have all their pictures in my photo album, including the dates we met, their names and phone numbers. I opened a Facebook account only for them.  “Since I returned to France, I have had more than 600 of them who told me they got pregnant for me. Some committed abortion, and I do not know exactly how many finally gave birth.  “Africa is a marvelous continent. Girls are beautiful and very sexy. All they want is a man who has money, and the worst is when he’s white. “I realised that they love having mixed race babies. I do not know why, but many would do anything to get pregnant for you. 100 euros is plenty of money in Africa... “I know many of you would judge me, but I do not care about your insults. I know that what I did is not good, but I enjoyed my stay in Africa, and I am planning another trip to Senegal, Mali, Gabon, Benin, Niger and Democratic Republic of Congo."
Insolite: Un touriste français enceinte 630 filles dans 6 pays africains
C'est mieux en français : << Les filles étaient toujours disponibles et faciles à tromper >>

Lyft Driver's Hilarious Menu of Rides From 'Bubble' to 'Creepy' Goes Viral - "The Awkward Ride—You ignore this menu completely then we sit in silence for the remainder of the ride.
The Funny Ride—I tell you jokes or embarrassing stories from my life.
The Silent Ride.
The Creepy Ride—I don't say anything but I keep staring at you in the rearview mirror.
The Karaoke Ride—We rock to hits from the 80s, early 2000's or literally whatever you want.
The Bubbles Ride—We blow bubbles the whole time.
The Small Talk Ride—We talk about how crazy the weather's been lately and I ask if you caught the game last night.
The Therapy Ride—You vent to me about your problems and I listen.
The Drunk Ride—You throw up in my car.
The Cliche Ride—You ask me how long I've been driving for Lyft."

Target CEO says shoppers are pulling back, even on groceries

Ozempic For Weight Loss Is Disrupting Companies’ Business Model - Bloomberg - "As sales of appetite-suppressing drugs such as Ozempic and Mounjaro skyrocket, Corporate America is grappling with the question: How does a less-hungry, less-impulse-prone consumer affect my business model?"

If you met your partner on a dating app, there's some bad news for your marriage - "A study from from Arizona State University found that couples who meet on dating apps are unhappier in their marriages than people who meet in the real world."

When Is Daylight Saving Time? - The New York Times - "One of the oldest arguments for daylight saving time is that it can save energy costs. There have been many conflicting studies about whether actually it does. A Department of Energy report from 2008 found that the extended daylight saving time signed by George W. Bush in 2005 saved about 0.5 percent in total electricity use per day. Also that year, a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that the shift in daylight saving time, “contrary to the policy’s intent,” increased residential electricity demand by about 1 percent, raising electricity bills in Indiana by $9 million per year and increasing pollution emissions... in 2020, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine called for the abolition of daylight saving time. In a statement, the academy said the shift, by disrupting the body’s natural clock, could cause an increased risk of stroke and cardiovascular events, and could lead to more traffic accidents."

Who Paid for a Mysterious Spy Tool? The FBI, an FBI Inquiry Found. - The New York Times - "When The New York Times reported in April that a contractor had purchased and deployed a spying tool made by NSO, the contentious Israeli hacking firm, for use by the U.S. government, White House officials said they were unaware of the contract and put the F.B.I. in charge of figuring out who might have been using the technology. After an investigation, the F.B.I. uncovered at least part of the answer: It was the F.B.I... This particular tool, known as Landmark, allowed government officials to track people in Mexico without their knowledge or consent. The F.B.I. now says that it used the tool unwittingly and that Riva Networks misled the bureau. Once the agency discovered in late April that Riva had used the spying tool on its behalf, Christopher A. Wray, the F.B.I. director, terminated the contract, according to U.S. officials."

The Spy Who Called Me - The New York Times - "Juan Carlos fell in love with Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, a German-born Danish national who kept the name of her aristocratic ex-husband, Prince Casimir of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn. She met Juan Carlos on a hunting trip in Spain. The affair was an open secret, and before long, Juan Carlos told members of his circle that he planned to divorce his wife, Queen Sofia, and marry zu Sayn-Wittgenstein. Top officials at C.N.I., Spain’s national intelligence service, were alarmed. A divorce could seriously harm the reputation of the monarchy, Spain’s most traditional institution after the Roman Catholic Church. According to Villarejo, intelligence agents devised a plan to break the couple up, nicknamed Operation Fari, after Farinelli, an Italian singer who, after being castrated, became one of the most celebrated sopranos of the 18th century. The plan was to do something similar to the king: Military bodyguards were recruited to replace pills in his pillbox with female hormones. The idea, Villarejo said, was that the drugs would cause Juan Carlos’ hair to fall out and decrease his libido such that neither the king nor his lover would find each other attractive... she found it odd that so many in the country had all worked with the same dirty spy. “Villarejo shows that they’re stuck in the modus operandi of Franco,” she said. “It’s still a shady world where nothing is what it appears to be. It’s crazy that this could happen in Europe in the 21st century.”"

Opinion: Don’t copy Britain’s nanny-state tobacco ban - "Laws that can’t be enforced won’t work. How will the authorities enforce an age-specific ban with an age that rises every year? Everyone older than the limit will have to show their age card when they smoke in public or make a purchase? Will people get tickets if they cannot produce evidence of age? Or be taken to the local police station for interrogation about where they purchased their smokes? Will society want its police force to harass 20-somethings but not 30-somethings this decade, but 30-somethings but not 40-somethings next? How will the police react to tourist use? Will young tourists puffing away in London incur bobbies’ wrath? Police resources are dreadfully short and also very valuable: research indicates more policing generally means more safety. Will it really make sense for police to crack down on tobacco “crime” when fentanyl is killing thousands of people a year? Such nanny-state policy stands in opposition to the de minimis principle of wise legislation. Today in North America the daily smoking rate among high-school kids is just one per cent — barely visible. A 2022 Yougov survey in the U.K. disclosed a similar rate. Should significant resources be devoted to addressing a problem this small? Mr. Sunak’s generation (high-school kids in the 1990s) had a daily smoking rate 20 times this one per cent. Today’s kids evidently are much smarter. In countries we normally compare ourselves to, 18 is a common minimum age for voting, for being conscripted for war, for being charged in adult rather than juvenile court and for being allowed to buy alcohol, cannabis or weapons. If 18 or so is a reasonable threshold for all these things, why have the threshold for tobacco rise and rise until no one of any age can buy it?... The nicotine sector of the economy is well served by illegal providers who will relish the opportunity to gain a larger market share as a result of prohibition-mentality legislation."

Meme - "Bro my coworker starts crying bc her boyfriend broke up w her (thru text) & my manager gon say "that's why we stay off our phones @ work" LMFAAAAOOOO shordy ain't shit"

Lauren Boebert Theater Video Sparks New Democrat 'Setup' Theory - ""It turns out Lauren Boebert's mystery man is a Democrat bar owner. If I was a wagering enthusiast, I would bet this guy was paid to set her up. She's coming off a divorce, and she's vulnerable. This guy comes into her life, charms her, seduces her and then probably gets her liquored up and takes her out in public. Stage set," journalist Liz Crokin, wrote on X, formerly Twitter.  "He then instigates her by fondling her in a theater that just happens to have night vision cameras right on them. Then the whole incident is released to the public in what looks like high-definition video in an attempt to harm her reputation."

WeWork bankruptcy: One of the biggest startup failures of all time, and venture capitalists haven't learned a thing. - "As for Neumann, while his WeWork holdings suffered greatly in 2023, he has already been redeemed Silicon Valley style. He's back with a new startup that raised $350 million from the VC giant Andreessen Horowitz in August 2022 — its biggest check ever — and is on the tech-speaker circuit. Staggering as it might seem to blow away nearly $47 billion dollars, with those kinds of repercussions, WeWork isn't a warning for most of the venture capital community. It's just a stretch and a yawn."

Use these 2 shortcuts to become the most likeable person in the office: 'You have to be competent but available' - "1. Remember quirky personal details
2. Celebrate your colleagues"

Ford government revokes seniority rule for Ontario teacher hiring - "The policy was created by the then-Liberal government in 2012. When school boards post a new teaching job, the regulation requires them to hire only from among the five applicants with the most seniority as long-term supply teachers, provided they have the necessary academic qualifications... The Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario accused Lecce of "spinning myths" about hiring. Some school boards have suggested the rule makes it harder for younger applicants straight out of their education degree to break into the system and constrains boards from diversifying the teaching workforce. The umbrella group of Ontario's public school boards welcomed the move. "Transparent and equitable hiring practices are essential in order to ensure a highly qualified teacher workforce that reflects the diversity of students and school communities, and meets local needs," said Cathy Abraham, president of the Ontario Public School Boards' Association, in a statement."
Damn Conservatives destroying education by not saying yes to 100% of the teachers' unions' demands!

Florida moviegoer beaten after asking couple to move from his reserved, VIP seats in ‘callous’ attack - "The Broward County Sheriff’s Office released cellphone video of the altercation, which captured 27-year-old Jesse Montez Thorton II violently attacking 63-year-old Marc Cohen at the AMC theater in Pompano Beach"

Metrolinx turfing tenants to make way for Ontario Line - "It’s a situation more renters near the Ontario Line may find themselves in — expropriation without the protection they would have in a more traditional situation such as a building being demolished for a private condo... So-called “transit-oriented communities” with mixed-use buildings have been slated for Ontario Line stations, but there’s a lot of unknowns about what they will look like.  “For the parts where Metrolinx has expropriated, they will be able to make the decision with no community input whatsoever,” Hamel said.  “It’s outside any control of the city, or the people who live in it.”"
Why North America cannot build public transit. But the left wants their cake and to eat it - the taxpayer can shoulder the costs and greedy companies can be blamed

Man arrested for faking heart attack 20 times at restaurants to avoid paying bill, reports say - "A 50-year-old man from Lithuania was recently arrested in Spain after allegedly faking heart attacks at several restaurants in order to avoid paying the bill"

Meme - "I'm gonna tell my kids this was Old Country Buffet.  *Old, presumably nude woman covered in ham, cheese and bread, naked sushi stule*"

Meme - Jasmine('s boobs hurt) @Ranting_Trans: "This dude got the Resident Evil 4 inventory system"
laurel g. @laurel53: "This is mental illness. *man with many guns strapped to thigh, going down to knee*

Meme - "We've come full circle. *landline phone with large screen showing app icons (tablet home screen)*"

$2,300 to be part of a listicle? Sethlui.com responds to flak from netizens - "Local online food publication Sethlui.com seems to have landed in hot water.  On Wednesday (Oct 4), Charlene Yang, founder of Kekito Bakery, shared a post about a recent interaction she had with a staff member of the publication.  Charlene received an email from Sethlui.com about being a part of its upcoming listicle, featuring "the best places to eat in Everton Park".  That's all well and good but, according to the post, this comes at a cost.  The email to Charlene mentioned that securing a random spot on this listicle will set her back $2,300.  Now, this did not sit well with the baker at all.  "Like what happened to actual research, trying then putting in your true recommendations?" she asked.  According to the email, besides a spot on the listicle, the price also includes a 150 to 200 words long review and one to two photos per merchant.   While positions within the listicle is random, a merchant has the option to pick a position, at an extra cost.  The top spot, which has already been taken, is an extra $600 while spot number two costs an extra $500 while spot number three is a $400 top-up.  Charlene described the email as "incredulous" and ended off on a punchy statement, leaving no doubt about her displeasure at the situation.  "I'm totally not clicking or reading any of their articles ever," she wrote."

Meme - *Teddy Roosevelt*
Authoritarian Left: Broke up corporate monopolies
Right Left: Expanded the American Empire
Libertarian Left: Founded the national park system
Libertarian Right: Hunted exotic animals"

Here’s Why I’ll Be Keeping My Shoes on in Your Shoeless Home - WSJ
Ahh... Americans

Revealed: the universities where most students fail to land a graduate job after their degree - "The majority of students fail to get a graduate job or progress to further study after completing their undergraduate degree at 25 British universities, official data shows.  Over 50 per cent of students from a list of institutions – including Bedfordshire University, London Metropolitan University and Suffolk University – are not in professional employment or education 15 months after graduating.  The new experimental data has prompted the higher education watchdog to issue a warning over low-quality courses, saying it is determined to crack down on degrees which give students a “raw deal”... The watchdog found significant differences in the likely job and study outcomes among graduates of different universities and colleges...   The report also found significant differences depending on the subject that graduates studied.  It suggests 95.5 per cent of medicine and dentistry students are projected to find graduate level jobs or further study shortly after leaving university, but the rates are below 55 per cent in six subjects.  Graduates of sociology, social policy and anthropology had the worst prospects, with just 48.1 per cent projected to get a graduate job or remain in education.   This rose slightly to 52 per cent for graduates of agriculture, food and related studies, while business and management graduates were given a score of 53.9 per cent. The data suggests that business and management graduates at Bedfordshire University (14.8 per cent) are the least likely to secure a graduate-level job or further study."
Clearly this says nothing about the value of their degrees, since we all know that university education benefits the whole of society

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