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Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Links - 12th December 2023 (1 - Japanese Media vs Wokeness)

Perma Banned - Posts | Facebook - "Oh wow, a GOOD END to something in a sea of BAD ENDs - its a good story, I promise so just read it. In case some of you forgot a bit of recap, the President of Kadokawa Takeshi Natsuno few weeks ago said publicly that to "appeal to the western markets" more, they needed to proactively "censor and revise more content".  The president guy's remarks didn't go well....with just about anyone but the most Evangelical Christi....I mean the most progressive and tolerant 白左. It seems now as a result of his statement, he very successfully pissed off the global anime/manga audience....and especially the locals in Japan. It was so bad that Kadokawa as a Company actually roasted their own President with the "yeaaah, that's your own opinion we want none of that shit", he was pressured so bad that he made a public apology and even took a pay cut for essentially saying "manga must be censored in the future"... Man, I didn't realise that Kadokawa actually took it this seriously, and ngl it really creates some serious respect. Then again, any risk averse and profit-minded Company SHOULD take losing money and alienating customers very seriously….funny how Murican companies seem to lose their most basic of self-preservation instincts I guess it goes further to show that the insane woke 白左 culture really is quarantined almost near exclusively in the West and Murica.  The moment it leaves its nest, the rest of the world sees how corrosive it actually is to anything and everything."

Perma Banned - Posts | Facebook - "-Be Digimon Tamers writers
-Calls out Western (Primarily American at this point) cancel-culture in their read-out, saying it is a morally bankrupt global problem and causes societal decay
-白左 Cancel-culture lunatics accuse Digimon Tamers of being altright, the only 'evidence'  being....the fact they criticised the mob.
Proving their point.
As the saying goes, the more accurate the criticism - the harder the subjects lash out in retaliation, trying so hard to silence and demonise others for exposing the truth about them.
You know what so-called "Western (American) Digimon Fans" and 白左, I'm glad that the rest of the world is smelling your bullshit, calling you out and do not mind angering you. Because you deserve it.
The world doesn't revolve around YOUR Country
Can't take it when other countries resist your cultural imperialism?"

Perma Banned - Posts | Facebook - "-Be "Video Gaming site" Polygon
-For some reason so majorly salty that Ghost of Tsushima is performing so well
-Writes an article that:
1. Attacks Sucker Punch for "cultural appropriation" again
2. Attacks them even further for "glamorising/romanticising samurai" even though this was never problem in the past. (Samurai Warriors, Kessen, Sengoku Basara, For Honor, Shogun 1 and 2, Last Samurai etc)
3.Low-key calls the entire country of Japan and its people racist and classist and fell only slight short of calling them "scum".
4. Practically nothing at all about reviewing the game itself despite it being a "review".
Here's the thing, no fucking history is perfect - NOT A SINGLE ONE.
Classism is every-fucking-where especially during the Yuan Dynasty in the 1300s. You want to shit on Japan about classism in the 12th century, might as well shit on the entire human race. If the future generation are willing to improve themselves and be better why not allow a more forgive and move-on- Oh wait.....this ain't Time Magazine or a politics panel. Its. fucking. "video". "games". journos Reminder, Polygon is MEANT to be a Video Game news and review website - and this entire fucking article seems more inclined to come from a chapter off some manifesto. Once again, these 白左 are being quite the major shits. Yelling about how "colonialism" or "cultural imperialism" is wrong - but then go insult and try and forcefully destroy, whilst imposing their own culture on an entire country and people for "wrongthink" All because a game centred on an Asian country, got made by Westerners...and the game got received very well. 白左 aren't even trying to hide the fact that they are being racists and hypocrites."

Meme - "Yeah, you're just upset that Asians outside the US aren't major babies like you."
"I really *love* it when Asian Americans raise serious concerns on an issue and white people go behind our backs to Asia to ask Asians in Asia what they think instead of actually asking us."
Kotaku: "Ghost Of Tsushima is being praised by Japanese critics"

Japanese Viewers Don't Want Anime and Hollywood to Mix - "Users cited feelings like “animation should be as it is” and “the fantasy is likely to be ruined” in live-action adaptations. A sentiment which has been echoed after Hollywood blunders like the live-action Dragon Ball Evolution movie and the seemingly forgotten Ghost in the Shell film."
Cultural appropriation is good

A_Simple_Bun on Twitter - "I made a redesign for uzaki chan :) she is now normal"
"@allukahhh Hey I like your art, but you really shouldn’t say Uzakis Actual design is not normal. My body looks a lot like Uzaki- I’m 19 and 5,3 btw"

karkats girlfriend (COMMS OPEN) on Twitter - "i redrew that gross anime design and actually made her 20 years old... the anatomy on the og hurt me so much guys also gave her a froggy cause her fit was boring"
Cultural imperialism is good

yuna on Twitter: "She's not THAT unrealistic "
The calls for "realistic" depictions of women are basically glorifying obesity

Shibuya Kaho as Uzaki-Chan : UzakiChanNSFW
So "unrealistic"

More cosplay :) : UzakiChan
Comments: "Too cute to be realistic, needs to looks more like an ugly overweight SJW."
"and black/muslim for some reason
and disabled
and trans"

Shibuya Kaho 澁谷果歩 on Twitter - "先輩に付き合ってあげるッス! Let’s hang out, Senpai♡"

Anti-Weebs - Posts | Facebook - "Western social justice warriors and feminazis cancelling Uzaki from the anime Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! because she looks like a child and everyone who likes her are pedophiles"
""dark forces took hold of me and would not let me rest until i made her more bearable *redrawn as ugly chunky woman with no figure*"
In Japanese: "Western twitter ruins everything it touches.""
Yet they defend Cuties so much

Facebook - "Again the creator of Power Girl tried to come for Japanese Manga and Anime and got Ratio’d to HELL. Shit was Beautiful!!!"
Gerry Conway Got the Shots and Lived on Twitter - "American comic book artists are taken deservedly to task regularly for outrageously sexist treatment of women. But rarely do I see any commentary on the rampant sexism and misogyny of manga. And manga is incredibly popular with younger readers."
*Pictures of Japanese female manga artists*
MerryGoRound (MGR) on Twitter - "@gerryconway #1 manga last year Demon Slayer. Made by a woman. #1 rated anime Full Metal Alchemist, also made by a woman. Maybe get some talent."Hiro之助 💉Moderna 1st vaccinated on Twitter - "It's not our fault that your works are boring. The cause is your lack of effort. Well, that's a very American way. Instead of making an effort to win, and claim, "We are being oppressed, and they are cowardly and cunning. When I was young, I used to admire U.S, but I was wrong.""
Oliver Jia (オリバー・ジア) on Twitter - "Utter nonsense. There are more famous female writers and artists in the Japanese manga industry than in Western comics, which is a pathetic shell of its former self. Accusing manga of "rampant sexism and misogyny" is an insult to hundreds of creators and borderline racist."
Smug Asuka on Twitter - "Mangaka too have been "taken to task" by the outrage mob, the difference is they don't bend the knee and give the actual paying customers what they want. Good story, good art, good characters, and sexy women."
Ian ~ Okayu 🍙 on Twitter - "Your strawman aside, you should focus on the declining quality of American mainstream comics and it caving in to the most miserable "male gaze" spergers of the internet."
トラック泊地のコマ ⋈ 甲乙甲丙乙丙丁 on Twitter - "The difference between the loser who was compliant with political correctness and the winner who confronted it"
UpG ᗜˬᗜ🥕👯🔥🥟🐙🐉🇹🇼 on Twitter - "This is exactly why western comics are dying fast"
Meme - "@SSJGuard- Keep your American opinions to yourself, stay away from damaging Japan and Japanese products."
Since black people can be white supremacists, liberals will just say all the Japanese female artists are sexist servants of the patriarchy

Japanese People Have No Say in Whether GitS Casting is Acceptable - "One of the most infuriating reactions to the live-action Ghost in the Shell adaptation debacle, was this reliance on Japanese - specifically ethnically Japanese - voices to validate the casting choices as being acceptable. Let's get one thing straight - Japanese people from Japan have no more of a right to act as moral arbiters in this issue than Caucasians do.There have been many stories pointing out that the reaction to the casting from Japan has been mostly positive, from the members of the public, to even the publisher of GitS.Internet commentators have taken these stories and ran with them, using them to justify and calm fears of whitewashing by saying that, 'well, the Japanese themselves have no problem with the film; case closed'... As a majority group, it simply isn't the place of ethnically Japanese people to comment, or be taken seriously on this matter. It'd be just as ridiculous to defer to an article titled 'White People Have No Problem With GiTS Casting' and say, "See! What's everyone whining about, white people said it's ok!"It's ignorant, and harmful, to conflate the opinions of Asian Americans with that of ethnically Japanese people. We should be listening to the voices of the Asian diaspora that live as minorities in Western countries, and not what people are saying on the internet in Japan."
Wokeness means cultural appropriation and cultural imperialism are good
Since wokeness is only for Western countries, liberals should be against exporting it to the rest of the world

Perma Banned - Posts | Facebook - "白左: "We stand against asian hate"
Also 白左: "Let's attack asian art and culture and tell them how it is problematic"
Western Twitter give fuck all about racism
Well, at least JP and perhaps the rest of Asia Twitter is smelling your bullshit Western Twitter and completely loathe your death-threat-sending, artist-harassing, cancel-culture disease.
And inb4 the same 白左 try and contest this and gaslight by saying "this ain't real", VtuberENTBA is a thing, Nessagate was a thing, Uzakigate was a thing, MHA puritanmobs is STILL a thing...I can list more."

Meme - "I don't want to see Japanese artists get attacked anymore. They call it freedom of expression when they blackwash non-black characters, but if a brown character looks just a little bit white they immediately call it whitewashing and abuse you by labeling you a racist... forcing this on even the Japanese who don't know about it just makes you a bunch of thugs"
"Okay, so I kinda see what this is trying to say, but the reason whhy blackwashing is less problematic than whitewashing is because black people have less rep in media. There are tons of light skinned characters you can draw instead"
"So guess Asian representation doesn't matter as much as African representation?"

Perma Banned - Posts | Facebook - "Western “Game Journos”: “Americans making a Japanese game is cultural appropriation and problematic”
Japan Reviewers: “Really nice game, love it.”
Locals living in Tsushima: “we’re so excited that a game dev from overseas is making a game about our history! Lets welcome them!”
Reps of Samurai Families in Japan: “Its nice that foreigners are interested in our way of life and we’re happy to let them consult with us.”
Japanese Netizens: “Why are you westerners getting offended on our behalf just because Americans made a game about Japan? Its dumb.”
Being a western leftist narcissist with a hero complex is peak sad when the people you are “defending” don’t even give a shit about you"

Hiro之助 on Twitter - "American comic book artists are taken deservedly to task regularly for outrageously sexist treatment of women. But rarely do I see any commentary on the rampant sexism and misogyny of manga. And manga is incredibly popular with younger readers."
"It's not our fault that your works are boring. The cause is your lack of effort. Well, that's a very American way. Instead of making an effort to win, and claim, "We are being oppressed, and they are cowardly and cunning. When I was young, I used to admire U.S, but I was wrong."

Perma Banned - Posts | Facebook - "TLDR: 白左 getting upset, and calling Asian devs who offer players for a JP game an option for Faithful or Localised translations...N@zis.
Full story:
This is a funny story I promise~
- A JP game "River City Girls Zero" gets a Western release
- Game offers Literal and "Localised" translation options, for whoever fancies one over the other.
- Done to give the player legit choice, if those want their nonsense "insert irl politics/social commentary" into their game, they can do so. Those who hate it, can elect for the more faithful translations.
Best of both worlds right??? No way there's any complaints from anybody? Actually no. And you know why? Because those narcissitic 白左 are upset, that people even have a CHOICE to choose a translation style they PERSONALLY like. They are unhappy that people aren't force-fed their "correct and appropriate" localised translations. Start attacking the game for the gall of giving this choice, and some even calling these Asian devs N@zis. And the punchline to me is that a "professional localiser" is further upset at the player choice...because for some reason its "disrespectful and distrustful" to the localisers' profession to offer gamers the choice of a faithful translation. Ohhh geeee, I wonder why? Can't possibly have anything to do with the simple fact that its the localisers who SPIT on consumers, anime and game studios...butchering their work to push their own little pet agendas, narratives or statements, right?"

Facebook - "The people who pay the most lip service to “inclusion” literally spend the most time in the most exclusionary spaces:  Davos, the Ivy League, TED, Hollywood, the Met Gala, etc.  This is by design. The entire thing is a racket."

Perma Banned - Posts | Facebook - "Cross-Dressing 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim Character Re-Written as Non-Binary in English Localization"
"American“localisers” have zero respect for the IPs they are “localising”. They can and will butcher and destroy other people’s works just so they can shove their politics down your throats"

Meme - Western Media: "Why don't you consume western media? We offer so much!" We have diversity, political talking points, recycled franchises, reimagined childhood characters, PoC, LGBT, all woman teams, an overweight representation!"
Eastern Media: "l write good stories and I don't hate you"
*Me chooses Eastern Media*

'Cowboy Bebop' Creator Shinichirō Watanabe Says He Was Only Able To Stomach One Scene Of Netflix's Live-Action Adaptation - "The veteran anime director shared his opinion on the widely-panned, cancelled-three-weeks-after-its-premiere adaptation during a recent career retrospective interview given to Forbes’ Ollie Barder... “It was clearly not Cowboy Bebop and I realized at that point that if I wasn’t involved, it would not be Cowboy Bebop,” he added. “I felt that maybe I should have done this. Although the value of the original anime is somehow far higher now.” Not only did Watanabe share his distaste for Netflix’s adaptation, be he also opened up about his general opposition to the Hollywood machine.  “Back on The Animatrix, I first got to work with people in Hollywood,” said the director, reflecting on his short for the animated The Matrix anthology, Kid’s Story. “Working with those kinds of people is always difficult. This is because at the beginning they promised me that I could do whatever I want, but that’s just lip service.”   “Actually, I had a big altercation with a Hollywood producer on The Animatrix,” Watanabe recounted.  “He would always come with these stupid requests, just so he could identify his own contribution,” he continued. “As the requests were stupid and made no sense, I rejected all of them. Unfortunately, I couldn’t win in this situation, so I had to concede on some of these things” “I learned from this bitter experience though,” the director affirmed. “For subsequent projects, I became smarter at handling people who wanted to interfere. In that, I would send back very small corrections or adjustments just before the deadline. That tended to work.” “In Japan, you sometimes get producers that are similar to American ones,” Watanabe said. “You also sometimes find good producers in America.”  “The original producer on The Animatrix was a really good guy,” he noted. “He understood my work and didn’t give me stupid requests. However, he had to leave due to family issues, but his successor, called Spencer Lamm, was awful.” “So many requests,” he frustratingly stated. “Change this, change that. It was very frustrating and if these requests were coming from the Wachowskis, I would at least respect that as they came up with The Matrix. So who was the new producer compared to that? He explained that he was the gatekeeper to the Wachowskis and unless he could be convinced, he wouldn’t bring my work to them.”  In handling this situation, Watanabe said that, “when I went to Los Angeles for the recording sessions, I told the team that if I saw that producer I would just punch him in the face. The producer ended up not coming to the recordings, which is unheard of.” Of course, Watanabe is far from the first Japanese creator to express massive disappointment at the West’s handling of their creations.  Most notable among such creators is original Dragon Ball mangaka Akira Toriyama, who after witnessing the James Wong disaster that was Dragonball: Evolution felt the need to produce Dragon Ball Super in order to undo the damage the live-action outing did to his legacy."

Meme - Aini @ainiwaffles: "I'm honestly curious, so you are transforming the translation because you don't like the material given to you? On an officially published project? Why not take on another project instead?"
Katrina Leonoudakis @katrinaltrnsl8r: "1) this may surprise you, but I love the material
2) the translation is not for you (translation: you are not the intended audience)
a core tenet of translation theory: identify the target audience and translate with them in mind. the target audience is "people who will be watching this short about a high school girl sexually attracted to her dog, who is weirded out by it, uncensored on HIDIVE"
if you're not part of that audience, then this translation isn't for you! (there's another audience that's unironically enjoying the idea of a high school girl being sexually attracted to her dog, and they're watching the illegal uncensored rip with MTL subs)"
Many translators distort their material because of their agenda

Facebook - "Imagine a vegan willingly applying for a job as a steakhouse cook, and stealthily serves the customers ONLY impossible meat, and then insults the customers for complaining after they find out, saying that “this steakhous is not for you”.  That’s how it feels to be a Western “localiser”"

Lunar Archivist on Twitter - "Unless the client explicitly instructs you to translate it a certain way, what about you just do your damn job and translate text as directly/faithfully as possible without filtering it through any kind of personal lens?Let the fates decide what kind of audience you end up with."
Ted Cyberzinsky🌐 on Twitter - ""Identify the target audience and translate with them in mind" isn't even a bad ethos if we're talking about the artists intended audience instead of the translators."

Disastrous subtitles on streaming platforms: who's to blame ? - "The localization industry says that poor subtitle quality is due to a shortage of translators, which forces companies to hire less qualified ones. According to the CEO of the infamous company Iyuno-SDI, which has been blacklisted by professional associations in several countries because of its rate-slashing practices, platforms will simply have to settle for below-par subtitles"
Activist translators are paid by letting them push their agenda rather than money

Questionable Translator Selected as Persona Xbox & PC Port Localization Coordinator - "A localizer with a less than favorable reputation has been selected to be the localization coordinator for various Persona games slated to come to Xbox and PC, prompting many to be concerned as the individual supports altering the source material for the sake of a political agenda... Katrina Leonoudakis, a localizer with a history of sketchy decisions, drew attention to the fact she was selected to act as localization coordinator for these ports... Leonoudakis has supported another manga localizer’s decision to rewrite a character to identify as a transgender female when they refer to themselves as a male, despite all of the evidence.  They were also responsible for Funimation’s English-subtitled version of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou, where they translated Satoko’s classic “nii-nii” (a pet name for her older brother) as “big brudder”, only to go on a rant defending their decision before eventually reverting it.  The individual also often brushes off criticism as “hate” and blocks those who disagree with her.   It is likely that Atlus won’t care about the localizer’s track record, as they have actively censored things to appease feminists and Twitter addicts offended by everything, such as when they changed an interaction with gay men in Persona 5 Royal."

Meme - Katrina Leonoudakis: "So excited to announce that I'm the Localization Coordinator for the release of and on Xbox and Windows!"
"Pirate this game. Don't be surprised if this translation fucking sucks and misses the point of characters. This is the person that changed a gay crossdressing relationship to a trans one, that's erasure. I wonder what they'll do with Naoto."
Meme - "Let's make this simple @Atlus West. Get Katrina Leonoudakis off the localization team, or I am not buying the Windows versions of these games. Believe me when I say I'm far from the only one who will pass on these games if you put this psychopath on to ruin them. #Persona"
Meme Re:Buche @rembuchelover: "Pronouns in bio, obvious leftist politics, ugly cartoon avi, Oh no no no no no nooooooo"
Meme - Razorevski @DarkyLordtt: "Well FUCK... better prepare for trans Naoto, unquestionably gay Kanji, and retroactive censorship of anything even mildly "offensive" to the perpetually offended... this pretty much murders my hype for the re-releases..."
Liberals celebrate distortion to fit their agenda. So much for the sanctimony over Squid Game subtitles

The Tojo Dojo-Yakuza News on Twitter - "NEWS: Yakuza Creator Nagoshi Gives His Thoughts On Ghosts of Tsushima: “It’s the kind of work made by non-Japanese people that makes you feel they’re even more Japanese than us. I think it’s amazing.”"
Facebook - "While the 白左 and the Western “game journos” are yelling “cultural appropriation” and being offended on behalf of the “victims”..."

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