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Sunday, November 12, 2023

Links - 12th November 2023 (2)

HowlingMutant on X - "Getting cornered by a group of aggressive black teens on the train and almost getting my ass kicked but holding my phone high above my head and playing a recording of a low battery smoke alarm chirp and explaining to the passenger next to me that "The sound, it... soothes them..""

Dear Black People, Change the Batteries in Your Smoke Detectors : AdamCarolla - "I’ve noticed something. If I’m gaming on Xbox Live and an African American joins the chat, there is a guarantee you’ll hear the chirp of laziness. It’s easier to ignore the low battery warning than to address it. Sure enough they grow accustom to it like one living by a railroad, even to the extent that when someone calls it out they say they can’t hear it. And it’s not exclusive to America as evidently Lennox Lewis has recently shown. It’s the new black guy stereotype.  So telling how a Latina can call in and be berated by Ace for having a chirp in the background while Lennox Lewis’s chirp goes ignored."
"Just found this thread because I googled 'black people smoke detector battery.' As a pizza delivery driver, I am uniquely privy to a wide variety of households, and as someone with a bachelor's in biology and minor in sociology, I am uniquely suited to be a pizza delivery driver (LOL!!!) but seriously, I am keen to notice patterns and make at least educated guesses on the reasoning behind those patterns, without personal bias. There is ABSOLUTELY a racial correlation to this chirping detector thing. I hear them on a regular basis when on deliveries in my highly-diverse section of Mobile, Alabama, and I am not exaggerating when I say I cannot recall a single instance where the chirp was at a non-black household. Believe me, I would notice, because I can't help but notice the sound (I have misophonia) and if it was at a white household I would be tickled to finally observe an outlier to the data... What finally prompted me to google this phenomenon tonight was to see Newark, NJ's black Mayor talking on MSNBC about why his city has relatively little police violence against citizens. Here he was talking all about safety, on Zoom from his house, where 2 smoke detectors kept chirping... When I taught high school for 4 years, I had a lot of black students say they couldn't concentrate without music on. Whenever I observe someone in a store with music playing from their phone, it is always a black shopper. Whenever I've lived in a neighborhood with dogs that bark for hours on end, their owners were almost always black (I can recall one white exception).  This will undoubtedly be a gross overgeneralization and maybe I shouldn't even say it, but the gist I get is that black people are just more likely to tolerate (if not embrace) noise"
Higher black fire deaths are due to stigma, structural racism and white supremacy!

The Sound of Urban Poverty - "Over the years I have visited many Baltimore inner city homes to interview the residents about their life and work, their hopes and dreams. They are members of the urban poor: the un- and underemployed, as well as those who – despite the fact that they work full time and then some – do not make a living wage and struggle to make ends meet. It doesn’t matter what time of the month or year I visit, whether it’s the East side or West side, public or private housing, upon entering each residence, I am always greeted by the same persistent sound: the plaintive chirp of a smoke detector whose batteries need replacing...   When I suggest that it’s a matter of safety, they respond with a half-hearted, ” Yeah, we should fix that.” That ‘s pretty much the beginning and end of the discussion"

Black People Can’t Hear Smoke Detectors - It’s Time To Take Action - YouTube - "The scientific community should be ashamed of themselves for not exploring this and I hope that in some way this video encourages the black population to take action... please let your elected officials know that you want something done. Black lives are at stake here. Demand regulation for inclusive smoke detectors"
When smoke detector prices go up, poor people will just not buy them

Cole on X - "The smoke alarm chirp is one of the greatest anthropological discoveries of the 21st century."
Meme - KD$ign @KnoxEndemic: "White peoples obsession with smoke alarms really encapsulates their knack for neuroticism, as well as their tendency to get extremely distracted by minor issues"
Battle Beagle: "PUBLIC SAFETY
Data shows that fatality rate from residential fires nearly twice national average among black communities"
- When black people die in fires to own white people

Meme - cam @harleybaghdad: "One of the most disturbing revelations of TikTok and instagram reels for me is that millions of people live their lives with a smoke detecter in their home that beeps every 30 seconds due to low battery. And these people think this is normal, it doesn't bother them whatsoever"
SEASONING POLICE WILL NOW BE KNOWN AS BEEPING AMERICANS (Because it's literally only black people who do pic related)
Seriously, if you find yourself on the black side of TikTok or Reels, you will find many black families are just fine with keeping their smoke detectors just going off every few seconds."

Meme - "Let's make "chirp" the new nigger. Anytime you encounter a black online, just say chirp. Or just simply post a picture of a small bird of any kind. It will enrage them but it's impossible to censor"

Marie CCS on X - "My toddler’s daycare apparently uses the “clean up” song. My husband and I discovered this yesterday when we started singing it and it activated our kid like she was a sleeper agent and she immediately started putting her toys away."
Diane Duane - "If you are referring to “clean up clean up everybody everywhere clean up clean up everybody do their share” then I’ll have you know that remembering the song and having it play in my head made me clean up a section of my workspace and I am 27, so the sleeper agent codes go in deep."

Meme - "Client is inside the office watching some nasty nasty while I'm working on his truck"
"BANGBROS - Young Black St"

This Tiny Store Hangs From A Large Cliff in China, Sells Snacks To Rock Climbers - "the store opened in Shiniuzhai National Geological Park in Pingjiang County, Hunan Province in 2018. The small wooden box that hangs on the side of a mountain provides refreshments to climbers who need a quick break in the middle of their climb.  X user 'Science Girl' shared a few pics of the store and explained, ''In the Hunan province in China, 120 metres393 feet) up the side of a cliff, There is a shop It supplies climbers with essential snacks, refreshments, and sustenance during their ascent. Workers replenish the store using ziplines, to offer a unique shopping experience with this fusion of sustenance and scenery.''... Listen to the latest songs, only on JioSaavn.com  Notably, the shop employees are professional rock climbers as well and the commodities they sell are transported to the shop via a special rope conveyer. According to China's CCTV media outlet, only one worker is stationed inside the box at any time."

How to Manipulate a Beaver - "In the 1960s, a biologist called Lars Wilsson took an interest in beavers. He studied some in the wild, but his most famous research involved capturing a few beavers and raising them, in successive generations, in all kinds of different habitats. At first he just did things like putting them in large plexiglass terrariums which allowed him to watch their behavior inside their shelters.  Then he started raising the young separately from their parents to see if their dam-making skills were innate or learned. When he set the young beavers loose in running water, he saw that they built dams using the same techniques as their parents. Dam-building, then, is a natural behavior. But not all beavers build dams. When Wilsson set up animals in still-water habitats or places where the water moved slowly enough to be silent, they burrowed into mud and never displayed any interest in building anything. But if he put a speaker nearby, and played the sound of water running over rocks, the beaver would start making things, even though those things typically weren’t dams. Whatever they made, they would always build over the speaker. If Wilsson buried the speaker in a concrete wall, the beavers stacked mud and sticks against it. If he put it on a flat plain, they covered the thing. If he put a clear but silent outflow pipe through their burrows, allowing them to see where the water was leaking, and then played the sound of running water somewhere else, the beavers would cover the speaker, but be unable to figure out how to plug the plainly visible leak... When beaver dams cause problems for people by making rivers overflow their banks and damage property, it’s not necessary to knock down the dam or kill the beavers. A special outflow pipe can be put right through the dam, fitted with special filters to damp down on noise and prevent the beaver from damming it, and the beavers will leave it alone."

Jail for male teacher who impersonated female ex-colleague, discussed sexual fantasies with students - "Secretly attracted to his former colleague, a married male teacher created a social media account in her name and impersonated her for two years.  He used the account to chat with current and former students of the school about sex, including what sexual activities the students wanted to do with the female teacher.  The matter came to light only when the police found photos of the female teacher on a student’s phone while investigating a complaint he had lodged about a different case... the 38-year-old man was jailed for 16 weeks after pleading guilty earlier to a charge under the Protection from Harassment Act...   Between December 2018 and February 2021, the man used the account to hold 589 conversations with different people, most of whom were current or former students of the school.  Of these conversations, 49 were sexual in nature.  He acted as a sexually active older woman, and imagined himself as a student receiving sexual advances from this woman... Court documents described two students whom the accused contacted through the account.  The boys believed it was the female teacher who was communicating with them, and one sent sexually explicit photos."

Pritam revealed detail of sexual assault against Raeesah’s wishes, say former WP members - "Workers’ Party (WP) chief Pritam Singh had gone against the wishes of former Sengkang GRC MP Raeesah Khan when he revealed in public details of her sexual assault, said two former members of the party.  Ms Khan, who resigned from the party in 2021 after lying in Parliament, had repeatedly asked the party’s leaders not to use the “r-word”, and constantly maintained that she preferred her traumatic experiences to be described generically as sexual assault, added Ms Loh Peiying and Mr Yudhishthra Nathan... “The revelation by Pritam Singh to the public about what happened to her in detail, was without her consent, and against her repeated, explicit request for her privacy to be respected.”"
The liberal dilemma - be anti-PAP or pro-victim? The cope is to claim the 2 ex-members were lying

Meme - "VAGINA HAM $42.00"

Meme - "Me reading the funny moustache man's Wikipedia page after I went back in time to get him rejected from art school so I didn't have to study his boring paintings in art class"
On Adolf Hitler

Meme - "When you get to see your friends faces again #justgirlythings
*heads of Gondorian soldiers flung over parapets by trebuchets*"

Ford government chooses more spending over tax reductions and debt relief - "Throughout his political career, Premier Doug Ford has spoken of the need to keep taxes low and to reduce Ontario’s provincial debt while keeping spending low. However, this rhetoric hasn’t been matched with action as the Ford government has consistently outspent its predecessor government led by Kathleen Wynne."
This doesn't stop liberals bashing him for not spending enough

Comedian Jimmy Carr's most controversial six jokes. Acceptable or not? - "Comedian Jimmy Carr has sparked controversy with a joke about the holocaust. He said on his Netflix special, "When people talk about the Holocaust, they talk about the tragedy and horror of 6 million Jewish lives being lost to the Nazi war machine. But they never mention the thousands of Gypsies that were killed by the Nazis. No one ever wants to talk about the positives."...
1) “If only Africa had more mosquito nets, then every year we could save millions of mosquitoes from dying needlessly of AIDS.”
2) In 2009, on the number of amputee servicemen from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan: “We are going to have a f***ing good Paralympic team in 2012.”
3) “People say dolphins are really intelligent. I think, ‘Yeah, but only compared to the retarded kids we’ve got them swimming with.’”
4) "They say there is safety in numbers, Tell that to six million Jews".
5) In June 2019, Jimmy was reported to have said: "Is a dwarf an abortion that made it?"
6) In 2006, on Radio 4's Loose Ends, he said: "The male gypsy moth can smell the female gyspy moth up to seven miles away – and that fact also works if you remove the word 'moth'.""

C on X - "Spider-Man was really selling pics of himself to newspapers to survive he started onlyfans before it was even a concept"

Meme - "1927: Dumbledore as middle-aged
1943: Dumbledore as wizened
What happened to Dumbledore in these 16 years?
Teaching, Teaching happened to Dumbledore."

Man who raped friend to help her ‘get rid of ghosts’ gets nearly 19 years’ jail - "A 20-year-old man who had unreciprocated feelings for a female friend told her that there were ghosts following her, while assuring her that he was a temple medium who could get rid of the spirits for her.  Over several days in 2019, under the pretext of performing consecration rituals, the man sexually exploited the 22-year-old woman, escalating from molesting her to eventually raping her."
Religions are not allowed to have sexual components. But monetary components are good

Meme - "Your $225 per night AirBnB
No entry after 10 PMI!!!
Why didn't you put the sheets in the wash!!!!
Who left the back gate open?
That's why we have a $600 cleaning deposit!!!
Your $225 per night hotel:
One boring room please
Right this way"


Auditor general blasts Kathleen Wynne's 'Fair Hydro Plan' - "The Wynne government created a "needlessly complex" scheme to pay for its hydro rate cuts without showing the costs on its own bottom line, Ontario's auditor general said in a critical report released Tuesday.   Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk investigated the financing of what the Ontario Liberals call the "Fair Hydro Plan." The plan has reduced the average household electricity bill in the province by 25 per cent from the peak in the summer of 2016.  Lysyk said the government is "improperly" accounting for the $26 billion in debt the province is taking on to cut hydro bills in the short term.   The $26 billion is being borrowed through Ontario Power Generation, so will not appear on the province's books. Electricity customers will pay off that debt through rate increases spread out over the next 30 years... "The government created a needlessly complex accounting / financing structure for the electricity rate reduction in order to avoid showing a deficit or an increase in net debt," writes Lysyk .   The auditor says the plan could also result in Ontarians paying "up to $4 billion more than necessary" in interest. That's because OPG will be required to pay higher interest rates than the province would if the government took on the debt directly... The Wynne government is already trying to dismiss all of the auditor's findings."
Dodgy accounting is only bad when conservatives do it

Why Bad Guys Win at Work - "In a recent study on representative German businesses, narcissism was positively linked to salary, while Machiavellianism was positively linked to leadership level and career satisfaction. These associations were still significant even after controlling for the effects of demographics, job tenure, organization size, and hours worked.  Previously, an impressive 15-year longitudinal study found that individuals with psychopathic and narcissistic characteristics gravitated towards the top of the organizational hierarchy and had higher levels of financial attainment. In line with those findings, according to some estimates, the base rate for clinical levels of psychopathy is three times higher among corporate boards than in the overall population. This is also consistent with earlier conceptualizations of psychopathy among businessmen... extraversion, openness to new experience, curiosity, and self-esteem are generally higher among dark triad personalities. In addition, dark triad traits tend to enhance competitiveness, if only by inhibiting cooperation and altruistic behaviors at work. In addition, studies have shown that psychopathic and Machiavellian tendencies facilitate both the seduction and intimidation tactics that frighten potential competitors and captivate bosses. This explains why individuals with these personality characteristics are often great actors, as well as succeeding in (short-term) sexual relationships.   Yet it is important to understand that all these individual gains come at the expense of the group... Not surprisingly, a number of studies have linked the dark triad to higher incidents of bullying. Moreover, meta-analytic studies have shown significant associations between the dark triad and counterproductive work behaviors (theft, absenteeism, turnover, sabotage, etc.). In an impressive analysis of all the scientific studies published between 1951 and 2011, Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy were all positively linked with counterproductive work behaviors and poor organizational citizenship, and Machiavellianism and psychopathy were also negatively linked to actual job performance (as opposed to career success). As reviews have highlighted, “Ponzi schemes, internet fraud, embezzlement, insider trading, corruption, and malfeasance” can all be attributed to dark triad personality traits.  But as the saying goes, everything is better in moderation (except of course moderation)."

Pathological Altruism: The Road to Hell Really Is Often Paved With Good Intentions Argues New Study - "In a remarkably interesting new paper, "Concepts and implications of altruism bias and pathological altruism," in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Oakland University systems engineer Barbara Oakley argues that intentions to help people all too often hurt them. Unintended harm is the outcome of she what calls pathological altruism.  She defines pathological altruism "as behavior in which attempts to promote the welfare of another, or others, results instead in harm that an external observer would conclude was reasonably foreseeable." In her study Oakley explores the psychological and evolutionary underpinnings of empathy and altruism and how they can go wrong. It turns out that pathological altruism is a pervasive problem affecting public policy... the modern welfare state can be conceived of as being largely a collection of enterprises conjured into existence by pathological altruism. Social security – discourages citizens from saving and is going bankrupt. Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP, ObamaCare, employer based health insurance—a dysfunctional system of third party payments that boosts overall health care costs without fostering improved care or services. AFDC (now defunct but replaced by lots of other programs) – encouraged single motherhood and near-permanent unemployment. Subsidized student loans—enable university bureaucracies to enlarge without improving educational outcomes. Obviously some people have benefited from these programs, but it is at least arguable that the unanticipated consequences, e.g., bankruptcy, dysfunctional families, higher unemployment, worse medical care, and so forth, are likely to overwhelm the good intentions behind them...
I recently had a disheartening, but not surprising, discussion with a niece who has just begun graduate work in archaeology at a leading university. Her program is located in the anthropology department. We were talking about some recent studies that are trying to apply insights from evolutionary psychology to various issues in anthropology. She informed me that her professors so loathed evolutionary psychology that mentioning it could destroy her career... Oakley concludes by reminding us… … it is important to note that during the twentieth century, tens of millions individuals were killed under despotic regimes that rose to power through appeals to altruism"

Pathological Altruism - "Over a trillion dollars have been sunk into black Africa since 1960, with not much to show for it. Why do people keep giving? As this chapter explains, people get a huge psychological boost from administering aid: “While charity has a mixed record helping others, it has an almost perfect record of helping ourselves.” The authors note that “staring at pictures of starving children can, in some sense, hijack the analytical portions of the brain,” resulting in “altruism” that is nothing short of crazy. After the 2004 tsunami did so much damage in South Asia, “altruists” sent Viagra, Santa suits, high-heeled shoes, evening gowns, and loads of other junk. After an earthquake in Pakistan, Westerners sent so much completely inappropriate clothing that people burned it to stay warm.  Journalist Linda Polman has pointed out that foreign aid can even provoke atrocities. Warring gangs in Africa or elsewhere know that bounty follows headlines, so they do something especially horrible and wait for truckloads of relief to show up — which they steal. The leaders of the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) in Sierra Leone made a name for themselves in the late 1990s by cutting off the arms of women and children. The RUF’s leaders knew this would bring caravans of booty.  The authors of this chapter note that poorly thought out foreign aid has repeatedly had disastrous effects. They suggest that if aid is to continue, it should be run by engineers, not the current glory seekers.   Some of the authors in this book argue that there is no such thing as genuinely disinterested altruism, and that even the most seemingly generous acts are self serving. Mother Theresa may have been a “saint,” but she was just doing what she wanted to do. In the case of government foreign aid and non-profits, the people who ladle out uplift and bask in praise are not even spending their own money.   Some of the chapters in this book touch on group differences. Dr. Brin notes that glorifying altruism is both recent and Western. He believes that a society must have a certain level of material wealth before it can value certain kinds of altruism. Only when people have enough to eat do they shift “from predation to inclusion” and think about animal rights rather than the next rabbit dinner. He points out that only Europeans have decided “to elevate altruism above other culturally promoted ideals, such as tribal patriotism and glory-at-arms, which our ancestors considered paramount.” They have gone even further, extending tribal altruism to the entire world, though “some other cultures consider this Western quality to border on madness.” Of course, it is madness, but Europeans who point this out are punished.  Some preliminary research suggests that people of different ethnicities and religions have different levels of guilt and show different levels of altruism. No doubt what is considered normal social behavior in one culture may be seen as extreme self-sacrifice in another. When Koreans and Americans act altruistically different parts of the brain appear to be involved. Could this also be true for Koreans adopted as children and reared in America?"

How to stop those annoying website notification prompts - "No, I don’t want your website to notify me — and I don’t want you to ever ask again"

to propose marriage : therewasanattempt

People shock themselves to avoid thinking? New research suggests otherwise - "Is being alone with your thoughts so unpleasant that most people would rather self-administer a painful electric shock? While a previous study suggested that was the case, new research published in Scientific Reports indicates that there might be another explanation for the observed behavior.  A provocative piece of research published in the journal Science in 2014 concluded that people would rather administer a mild electric shock to themselves than be left alone with their thoughts for 15 minutes. The findings were taken as evidence that self-administering an unpleasant shock was less discomforting than engaging in self-directed thought, but the authors of the new study argued there were likely other reasons for why participants opted to shock themselves...  the researchers found that the majority of participants shocked themselves during the thinking period. Rather than utilizing mild shocks to distract themselves, however, most participants self-administered all four of the different types of shocks, suggesting that avoiding discomfort was not their primary motivation. Participants administered the familiar shock least often.  The researchers also found that shock administrations tended to happen most frequently at the beginning of the waiting period and then declined over time. Even when the participants were given the option to distract themselves with a button that produced no shock, the majority still opted to administer unpleasant shocks to themselves. “A major implication of our research is that people appear to seek out novel experiences even if they are not intrinsically pleasant,” Eder told PsyPost. “This drive for curiosity does not fit to the simple idea of hedonism that behavior is (exclusively) motivated by pleasure/reward seeking and avoidance of discomfort/punishment. The data also contradict effort minimization as a general law of motivation, because a substantial proportion of our participants pressed buttons for self-administration of shocks although they could just sit without doing anything.”  “Another insight that can be gained from our study is that pleasant/unpleasant affect is inherently relative; this means, whether an experience is pleasant or entertaining depends on the reference standard that is psychologically active for the person (a phenomenon described in psychology as ‘hedonic contrast’); consequently, one should refrain from categorization of events (e.g., engagement in thinking) as if they were pleasant or unpleasant in the absolute sense.”  The findings cast doubt on the hypothesis that being subjected to electric shocks is less discomforting than engaging in thoughts. But it is still unclear whether curiosity, thrill-seeking, or some other motivation (or combination of motivations) is responsible for this behavior."

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