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Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Links - 15th November 2023 (2 - Hamas Attack Oct 2023)

Steven Vago on X - "Pro-Palestine demonstators in Columbus Circle confront an Israel supporter who starts sobbing. “Cry, bitch! Cry!” a Palestine supporter yells at her."

Thread by @visegrad24 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - " There have been calls by some Muslim leaders to boycott Jewish products in solidarity with Palestine!  We would like to help the Muslim world in their boycott, and as such, here is a list of things that need to be avoided... Any Muslim who has syphilis should not be cured by the Wasserman test which was discovered by a Jew Dr. Ehrlich. Muslims who have gonorrhea should not seek the diagnosis because he will be using the method of a Jew named Neissner.  A Muslim who has a heart disease should not use Digitalis, discovered by a Jew, Ludwig Traube. Muslim doctors should discard all discoveries and improvements made by the dermatologist Judas Sehn Bento, or the lung specialist, Frawnkel, and many other world-renowned Jewish scientists and medical experts. If he suffers from a toothache, he should not use novocaine, a discovery of the Jews, Widal and Weil.  If a Muslim has diabetes, he should not use insulin, the result of research by Minkowsky, a Jew. If anyone has a headache, he should avoid Pyramidon and Antypyrin, due to the Jews Spiro and Ellege.  Muslims with seizures must be like this, because it was a Jew, Oscar Leibreich, who proposed the use of chloral hydrate. Muslims must do the same with their psychic illnesses, because Freud, father of psychoanalysis, was a Jew.  If a Muslim child catches Diphtheria, he should refrain from the "Schick" reaction, which was invented by the Jew, Bella Schick. Muslims must not allow the treatment of ear and brain damage, the work of Nobel Prize-winning Jews, coordinated by Robert Baram.  They must continue to die or be crippled by infantile paralysis, because the discoverer of the polio vaccine is a Jew, Jonas Salk. Muslims must refuse to use streptomycin and continue to die from tuberculosis, because a Jew, Zalman Waxman, invented the miracle drug against this deadly disease."

Children heard saying ‘from river to sea, Palestine will be free’ as they miss school to protest - "China went on to say that the children are ‘very well informed’, that they are taught about the Middle East and their opinions are their own.  Pip and Christopher gave their final thoughts on the story, with Pip saying, “No matter what the subject matter, protesting on a school day, it just feels wrong”  Christopher agreed: “I mean, it started with the Greta Thunberg protests, and then it seemed that was OK because of the green future. But I think for that person there to say that's going to happen again every Friday, there's a lot of school time being missed!”"
Indoctrinating children is good when the left approves

Shayan Sardarizadeh on X - "This video, viewed 1.4 million times, claims to show children in Gaza. But it's a compliation of clips showing children who lost their parents or family members during the war in Syria."
Francis Harris on X - "Propaganda Exhibit 1: Display pictures of weeping orphaned kids whose parents were murdered by deranged Arab regime Pretend the Jews did it Express hatred for the Jews Express support for the Arab regime"

Mark Dubowitz on X - "Takeaways: Jews represent 2% of the US population but are subject to 60% of religious hate crimes and that was before October 7. Now those incidents are up 400%. Allowed to fester for too long on the hard left and not just on the hard left but on the left in general."
Time to blame far right white supremacists

Insight into viral footage claiming Israel Air Force Attacking the Re'im music festival and killing Israelis! - "A video circulating on social media claims to show the Israeli Air Force attacking the Re’im music festival and killing Israelis.   The video caption read, “Footage from Israeli Occupation Airforce show it was the IDF that took out its own citizens with Apache Helicopter on October 7 at the music festival.”... the video depicts the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) attacking Hamas militants."
Wilfred Reilly on X - "The Apache Helicopter lie joins the Bombed Hospital and Ambulance Over Dead Horse and No Hamas Atrocities lies, in Elysium next to the ghost of Kiev.   I expect both sides to lie during a war, and Israel's told 1-2 whoppers. But, good God: you'd be batting almost 1.00 had you just assumed from jump that everything Hamas says is false."

Video reports to show Hamas firing on civilians fleeing children's hospital - "Harrowing video shows Palestinian civilians being shot at — apparently by Hamas snipers — while trying to flee a pediatric cancer hospital where terrorists have barricaded themselves against the ongoing ground assault by Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip."
Naturally, people were blaming Israel

Raylan Givens on X - "Now: the IDF is in a massive firefight at the entrance to Shifa Hospital in Gaza City"
Kaya on X - "Weird why is the hospital firing back. If this was really a genocide Israel would have just razed the hospital from the air weeks ago."
David Chase 🐊 DeSantis2024 on X - "In Gaza, Hospital Patients are given a I.D. bracelet, blood test, and an AK47 with lots of ammo."

Washington Post deletes editorial cartoon criticized as racist - The Washington Post - "The Washington Post took down an editorial cartoon Wednesday that depicted a Hamas leader using civilians as human shields, after the drawing was criticized as racist and dehumanizing toward Palestinians."
Weird how criticising Hamas for their actions is racist, but shouting at Jews and burning down synagogues outside Israel is political protest

Meme - Heath Mayo: "Wow. The Washington Post apparently pulled this cartoon, which does a great job capturing the evil and hypocrisy of Hamas. Share it far and wide. Shame on the Post."
Hamas: "HOW DARE ISRAEL ATTACK CIVILIANS..." *babies, kids and woman tied to body with rope*

Konstantin Kisin on X - "What "far right" means:
- racism and intolerance towards other religious groups
- prejudice against sexual minorities
- subjugation of women
- use of and incitement to violence
The far right have been on our streets for weeks. It's just a far right the media approves of."

NYC's Grand Central Station is shut down as hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters kick in doors and police rush to place barricades during a night of chaotic demonstrations against the Israel-Hamas war - "A mob of masked pro-Palestinian protesters attempted to storm Grand Central station on Friday night, kicking in the door and cracking the glass but failing to make it into the closed station.  While a person with a bull horn chanted 'we are all Palestinians', a handful of men tried to smash down the doors. Angry scenes ensued as the police tried to move them away from the station."
@amuse on X - "NYC police standby as Hamas supporters tear down American flags."
If you say they hate the US, you're racist and Islamophobic

David Bernstein on X - "Dear Jewish donor class. Don't be suckers. Inevitably, some universities will react to bad publicity re antisemitism on campus by asking you to fund a new or expanded Jewish studies program or Israel studies chairs. DON'T. First, Jewish and Israel studies are infected with many of the same anti-Jewish ideological claptrap as other departments. Second, if the universities have an antisemitism problem, let the universities fund the solution out of existing tuition or endowment revenue. If a university discovered it had a huge anti-black racism problem, do you think it would have the chutzpah to ask wealthy black patrons to fund the solution?"

Israel War Room on X - "Sources in the Arab media report the cooperation of thousands of Gazans with the IDF in handing over locations of Hamas forces, locations of tunnels and IDF warehouses and launch sites.  The cooperation began after the IDF distributed leaflets calling for the provision of information about the location of the Israeli abductees while promising financial compensation and safety for informants.  The sources report that, most of the information transmitters do not demand money but safe passage for them and their families.  - Al-Alam Al-Arabi"

Eli Kowaz on X - "The head of a “human rights” group in Toronto returns a drink at a Jewish-owned restaurant, “we don’t want to drink it, it’s like drinking blood.”  We are witnessing the greatest surge of antisemitism since the Holocaust."

Imshin on X - "Only healthy fighting age men in this bombing of the Indonesian Hospital/terror center, north Gaza Strip. The footage was broadcast live on Aljazeera but was removed after Saudi Twitter accounts noticed that some of the men were even in uniform!  #Hamaslies #HamasMonsters #October7massacre https://t.me/englishabuali/15967 https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNyoSU51/"

StopAntisemitism on X - "Harvard - another student has been identified participating in the antisemitic mob caught harassing a Jewish pupil in this now viral clip.  Meet Harvard Divinity School student Elom Tettey-Tamaklo. Tettey-Tamaklo graduated from Haverford College with a concentration in political science and African studies.   He is the recipient of the prestigious Clementine Cope Fellowship, a 124 year old fund that helps support graduate studies for Haverford Alumni."

Rep. Nadler on X - "A note to college adminstrators: while protecting free speech is critical, equally so is preventing & prosecuting criminal behavior and ensuring all students are able to access their education free from discrimination. Make your policies crystal clear to all students and faculty. If necessary, update them for the realities of this moment. Publicize that. And you must enforce them vigorously."
Retsef Levi on X - "This is the reality that MIT President wants to hide. A letter from Israeli & Jewish MIT students:  To all students at MIT,  Today, Jewish and Israeli MIT students were physically prevented from attending class by a hostile group of pro-Hamas and anti-Israel MIT students that call themselves the CAA.   This is after students from the CAA harassed MIT staff members in their offices for being Jewish and interrupted classes in the past few weeks. All of this has occurred with no clear response from the administration. With each passing day, MIT admin’s silence makes Jewish and Israeli students feel unsafe at MIT.   Many Jewish students fear leaving their dorm rooms and have stated that they feel MIT is not safe for Jews. This message is compounded by the public and private warnings of Hillel and many faculty that Jewish students should not enter MIT’s main lobby today, November 9th, 2023.   Instead of dispersing the mob or de-escalating the situation by rerouting all students from Lobby 7, Jewish students specifically were warned not to enter MIT’s front entrance due to a risk to their physical safety. The onus to protect Jewish students should not be on the students themselves.   MIT administration recently announced guidelines to avoid illegal and unsafe protests on campus. The CAA, which planned the protest, knowingly and proudly violated these requirements, and even invited people from outside of MIT to join them. Their actions inhibit the possibility of safe and peaceful dialogue and endanger Jewish students on campus.   The CAA hosted a blockade that not only disregards MIT guidelines, but also obstructs Jewish students from attending classes.   Some Jewish students who saw the administration’s failure to respond to the targeted harassment of Jews on campus by the CAA came together to support each other and peacefully together stand against this threat to their safety.   Four hours after the blockade started, at 12 pm, the MIT administration passed a letter to all students, threatening their suspension if the crowds did not disperse from Lobby 7. Only the Jewish students left immediately. The CAA protesters did not cooperate. Indeed, the CAA proceeded to invite more students and non-MIT protestors to join them in calling for a violent uprising (“Intifada”) and justifying the terror attacks of Hamas on Israeli civilians.   At 5 pm, all students on campus were warned through MIT’s emergency notification system to “avoid Lobby 7” –– officially recognizing the danger present to students as a result of this violent protest. No Jewish or Israeli students were present at this point.   As of 10:30 tonight MIT has officially decided not to academically suspend CAA students who repeatedly violated the administration's guidelines and threats. They have shown that actions against Jews at MIT do not have consequences. Additionally, in an email to DUSP students, the Department Head indicated that he would protect any DUSP students involved in violating MIT’s rules today by protesting with the CAA. Not only do Jewish students feel unsafe on campus, but now they also feel excluded from and unsafe in DUSP.    Today, on the 9th of November, on the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, which marked the beginning of the Holocaust, Jews at MIT were told to enter campus from back entrances and not to stay in Hillel for fear of their physical safety.   We are seeing history repeating itself and Jews on MIT’s campus are afraid.  Signed,  The MIT Israel Alliance and its supporters"

Moment giggling USC student tears down posters of 240 kidnapped Israeli men, women and children held hostage by terror group Hamas in Gaza - "A giggling coed from the University of Southern California was recorded ripping down posters showing the faces of those who have been kidnapped by Hamas following the terror group's barbaric assault on Israel on October 7.   It's latest incident of blatant antisemitism to occur on the campus of a major American college. Universities have faced mounting criticism over their response to the war and its reverberations at U.S. schools. Protests have sometimes turned violent, including at a recent demonstration at Tulane University, while threats of violence have upended campuses including Cornell University... Israel has so far been vague about its long-term plans for Gaza if it vanquishes Hamas. In some of the first direct comments on the subject, Netanyahu said Israel would seek to have security responsibility for Gaza 'for an indefinite period'.  But officials said Israel is not interested in governing the enclave. Gallant said that after the war was finished, neither Israel nor Hamas would rule Gaza.  Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen told the Wall Street Journal that Israel wants the territory to be under an international coalition, including the U.S., European Union and Muslim-majority countries, or administered by local Gaza political leaders.  Those ideas have been part of diplomatic discussions."

PALLYWOOD: "GAZA MAN" Sings, Cheers, Cries, Nearly Dies, and Recovers Within Hours - Identified as Saleh Aljafarawi, an Actor with Own Instagram Page with Almost 2 Million Followers - "Gaza Man was first discovered when Hamas was lobbing missiles into Israel.  The terrorist group that runs the Gaza Strip with an iron fist, attacked Israel on Oct 7, killed over 1,300 innocent people, and kidnapped over 200 innocents, primarily women and children.  At this time, “Gaza man” was literally singing in the streets of Gaza.  But then Israel retaliated, and he was on cameral crying like a baby... This Hamas actor was then found in critical condition in the hospital one day and the next day, he looks like he had a very rapid, and successful recovery... “This man is a musician and actor who can be seen in many different videos from Gaza. Altogether, these videos are very likely to be staged.”  Upon further investigation, The Gateway Pundit found his Instagram account. The Gaza man seen in the videos is Saleh Aljafarawi, a video creator with almost 2 million Instagram followers.  The made-up scenes by Gaza man are reminiscent of “The Pieta” photos from 2007, where the Islamist extremists took a picture of a man in rubble after an Israeli attack.  Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit outed this fake news event.  The picture was later named International Picture of the Year"

David Vance on X - "A terrible scene and there at the centre is, yes, you guessed, #MrFAFO 👀"
Ohad Gertel on X - "I can't decide what I appreciate most in this video. Is it the dead body readjusting its own shirt? Is it the girl covered in fake blood just standing and screaming while looking at the camera? Is it that there are lots of photographers and influencers but apparently not a single medical or rescue staff?"
Ohad Gertel on X - "Looks like another major news agency had neglected to look up #MrFAFO, whose latest masterpiece starts in their main page story: Note our old friends friends fake-blood-screamer, smiling-medic and ever-present-photographer in this @NBCNews video report. Link to the original… https://t.co/3UJVlypvRn"
Æsahættr on X - "So it's an explosion and somehow those sheets stayed attached to lines in one piece"
This acting is so awful

Meme - "Freedom Fighter. Blood Donor. Foster Father. Resilient Patient. Revived Corpse. War Correspondent. American Idol. Radiology Tech. Tour Guide"

Playboy fires Mia Khalifa after pornstar mocked the slaughter of Jews in sick jokes about Israel 'being brought down by guerrilla fighters in fake Gucci shirts'

Israel isn’t struggling in Gaza. It’s winning a rapid victory - "Before ground operations began, US military advisers urged the Israelis not to launch a large-scale campaign, which they believed would result in an IDF bloodbath – and be less effective than a combination of air strikes and special forces raids. The IDF rejected that advice, and moved into Gaza with a large combined arms force. And it has confounded its critics.  The IDF has exceeded even its own commanders’ expectations with the speed and the extent of Hamas’s destruction. It has encircled Gaza City and is assaulting terrorist strongholds, killing large numbers of fighters including key commanders, smashing command posts and gaining valuable intelligence, while its forces have sustained fewer casualties than anticipated.  This is highly impressive... Cities are the toughest environment to fight in, especially when on the attack, with innumerable rat-runs, covered fire positions, and concealment for booby-traps, command-detonated explosive charges, snipers and ambushes. As the Russians found out last year, tanks and armoured personnel carriers are particularly vulnerable to short-range anti-armour missiles. The vast tunnel network that Hamas has constructed beneath Gaza represents another element of extreme danger. But in a neat metaphor for its operation, the IDF is simply avoiding entering tunnels wherever possible, preferring instead to detonate or collapse them from above ground... Rocket launches from Gaza are at the lowest level since the war began, and Hamas leaders are reportedly pleading with Hezbollah in Lebanon to mount sustained attacks to divert the IDF’s attention.   Another sign that Hamas is in trouble is its willingness to negotiate through Qatar over freeing hostages in exchange for a ceasefire. Israel has rightly resisted this idea, which would have the IDF pull back behind its borders and allow Hamas to regroup and reconstitute.   There is, however, a growing international clamour for a ceasefire, fuelled in part by increasing civilian casualty figures and accusations of war crimes. Casualty figures are supplied only by the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry, which makes no distinction between terrorists and civilians.   The IDF is also operating within the laws of armed conflict, doing its best to minimise civilian casualties, including by warning people to leave areas it is about to attack. Since this war began, it has dropped 1.5 million flyers, sent six million voice messages, 4 million text messages – and made phone calls on top of all that. Despite these efforts, many civilians have died in Gaza. This is tragic, but unavoidable when Hamas hides within civilian populations, often forcing them to remain in areas that are to be attacked.  While political leaders such as Joe Biden and Rishi Sunak have so far consistently resisted calls for Israel to cease fire, they constantly say that Israel must observe the laws of war and minimise civilian casualties. They know that is exactly what the IDF is doing, and their words amount to posturing to appease elements of their electorates that oppose support for Israel. They should know better than to provide cover for Hamas and its supporters in this way."

Hamas attacks show Democrats have an antisemitism problem on the far left - "U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib and others are offering conspiracy theories about the attacks akin to 9/11 trutherism. Tlaib, for example, does not believe U.S., Israeli and news media reports that an Islamic Jihad rocket misfire — not Israel — caused an explosion at a Gaza hospital. Instead, she believes Hamas, the terrorists, and is demanding an independent investigation... On college campuses, many of which are now infamous for “trigger warnings,” banning offensive speech and creating “safe spaces,” professors and students are trafficking in viciously antisemitic comments in support of Palestinians, with one national student group celebrating the massacre as a “historic win for the Palestinian resistance.”... According to Gallup, Democratic voters are also now more sympathetic toward Palestinians than Israelis, for the first time since it began asking the question. This has all led to some soul-searching and exasperation among American Jews who once counted Democrats as supporters. Rabbi Joel Simonds says, “In these last few days, the silence is deafening, and it is hurtful and a betrayal on so many levels. It’s not going to change the way we look at justice. It’s going to change the way we look at our allies.” Playwright David Mamet wrote of “the sick thrill of antisemitism” inside the Democratic Party, that they “repeat and refuse to retract the libel that Israel bombed a hospital, in spite of absolute proof to the contrary, and will not call out the unutterable atrocities of Hamas. The writing is on the wall. In blood.” Jewish celebrities including Amy Schumer, Josh Gad and Debra Messing have all addressed antisemitism they’ve encountered. I know how disorienting, disappointing and distressing this is for my Jewish friends, as many have shared with me how scared and unsafe they suddenly feel in a country they thought would “Never Forget.”... This naked and appalling bigotry and hate is coming from inside my own political party... if you’d told me the Democratic Party of Harry Truman would struggle one day to defend massacred Jews against Islamic terrorists whose stated purpose is the destruction of Israel and the annihilation of the Jews, I wouldn’t have believed this"
Of course, the writer had to bash Republicans and the right

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