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Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Links - 14th November 2023 (2 - Women)

Meme - "*Chinese woman and black guy*
"With the guy I love! @hiddenhelper"
"despite being a few years older than me, you still didn't have it easy since you came to China by your-self"
"I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with you"
"i blame myself for being too naive"
"single mother owes thousands of CNY in medical bills and doesn't know how to pay it back""


Meme - Gauri @GAUREHHH: "Once a guy dmed me on Instagram and I looked at his profile and saw that he had just posted pics of his engagement a week ago... so I dmed the girl in the pics to say her fiance was dming me. She told me the guy that dmed me was their photographer and that's why I hate myself"

Meme - "Brain: Starfish have mouths in the middle of their bodies
Girl trying to sleep: Yeah so what
Brain: Mermaids use them as bras
*Girl unable to sleep*"

Meme - Fat Barbie: "Ken, I'm ready to settle down now"
Ken: "Then go settle down." *disappears*

. on X - "a lot of men interpret politeness from women as flirting because they themselves would never show even the barest courtesy to a woman they found unfuckable."
This is stupid. Rather, it's that people are mean to men so a polite woman is assumed to be flirting

Physical Attractiveness and the “Nice Guy Paradox”: Do Nice Guys Really Finish Last? - "The nice guy stereotype asserts that, although women often say that they wish to date kind, sensitive men, when actually given a choice, women will reject nice men in favor of men with other salient characteristics, such as physical attractiveness. To explore this stereotype, two studies were conducted. In Study 1, 48 college women were randomly assigned into experimental conditions in which they read a script that depicted 2 men competing for a date with a woman. The niceness of 1 target man's responses was manipulated across conditions. In Study 2, 194 college women were randomly assigned to conditions in which both the target man's responses and his physical attractiveness were manipulated. Overall results indicated that both niceness and physical attractiveness were positive factors in women's choices and desirability ratings of the target men. Niceness appeared to be the most salient factor when it came to desirability for more serious relationships, whereas physical attractiveness appeared more important in terms of desirability for more casual, sexual relationships."

Meme - "Women: men will fuck anything
also women: *cucumber, shower head, vibrator, Pete Davidson*"

Finger Taints on X - "When I was 9 months pregnant with my son, my mom & I were on the side of the road, struggling with a flat. A car with 4 men stopped, not to help, but to ask for directions to a local golf course. My mom sent them 15 miles in the wrong direction. She is the legend who shaped me."
Weird. I thought mansplaining was a bad thing
Female entitlement and lack of communication skills strike again. Sexism is good when it benefits women

Meme - "you sure? we are kinda related *busty woman*"

Meme - "How does it feel when you open the fridge at midnight but the only snack is you?"
"Pickup lines are only for men who are hot. Hope you know that"
"Damn. I really have no comeback for that. Guess we can call it quits and go our separate ways then"
"Just because you took it well...I will give you a second shot. Try again"
"Second shots are only for women who are hot. Hope you know that"

$3,950 earrings that are practically free: How ‘girl math’ is used to justify spending - "Ms Chloe Liem feels that her $3,950 Cartier Trinity earrings are “practically free”.  The 20-year old rationalises her purchase like this: She initially wanted a pair that costs $5,250, so getting a cheaper set makes it feel like she is saving $1,300 from the get-go.  She also has $1,000 in mall vouchers, meaning she has to fork out only $2,950. Whipping out a calculator on her TikTok video, the content creator deadpans that if she wears the earrings daily for the next four years, it will cost about $1 apiece each time she wears them.  Justifying big-ticket spending like this is known as “girl math”, said Ms Liem, referring to a new viral TikTok trend, which began in New Zealand but has since gained popularity around the world... Experts said girl math taps into emotions to justify financial choices.  Dr Seshan Ramaswami, associate professor of marketing education at Singapore Management University, said consumers are driven to buy things because of the emotional high they get from making purchases."

Meme - "Au Shay: Finally found a good man & this ngga boring af
I need some conflict in my life"

Meme - classicallyabby: "Feeling beyond grateful today 🙏💗   Today I'm making my first breastmilk donation to families in need. It's such a huge blessing that I was able to produce enough for my son and for others, too. I am so happy that I can help those babies who need it!"
"I'm something of a family in need myself"

Meme - Lucas Lynch: "You are enough. <3"
"When you want to help people; you tell them the truth When you want to help your: you tell them what they want to hear." - Thomas Sowell

Meme - Sophia Loren: *Me*
Jayne Mansfield: *Tiddies, seriously just tiddies.*

Sydney Sweeney and Maude Apatow Recreates Iconic Sophia Loren and Jayne Mansfield Photo!
Meme - "Julie Bowen and Sofia Vergara re-enact the iconic Sophia Loren and Jayne Mansfield photograph taken by Delmar Watson in 1957"

Meme - "Teresa. 34
Alcoholic, unemployed, activist, bisexual, mom to 2 kids, 0 pets, vegan, mentally unstable, divorced, dead inside, chicken nuggets addict, lifter of heavy things, hotdogs give me the best gains, and I'll do anal on the first date"

Meme - "Chris Evans can't marry a 26-year-old! That makes him a pdf file!"
"Sounds like you are just washed up in your 30s and jealous that he doesnt want YOU."

Meme - "How Chris Evans sleeps at night knowing people are calling him a pdf file for marrying a 26-year-old"
Since marrying a 26 year old makes a man a pedophile, the age of consent, drinking, driving, working etc for women needs to be raised to protect them. Maybe to 30

Meme - Women Hold Up Half The Sky: "Bunny Knox: "Honestly the best piece of advice I can give to younger girls trying to figure life out is to completely ignore men. I'm not being quirky or cute when I say that, I mean it seriously. Ignore men's judgments of you, ignore their insincere compliments, ignore their half-assed romance. Focus on developing yourself. Practice your art, play sports, do theater, volunteer, spend time with your friends, but do not put substantial effort into pleasing men. They'll be there for you to pursue when the time comes and if you want to. But nothing will waste your youth more than fighting for male acceptance.""
Of course, if you tell men to avoid women, you're a misogynist incel

Meme - "What you thought you was getting  *Schoolgirl Britney Spears*
What you got a month later *Britney with knives*"

Meme - "Wedding dress - never worn!
*Woman wearing wedding dress*"
So apparently in womanland, trying on a dress is different from wearing it


Meme - "Linkedin
Tinder *Woman in all 4*"

Meme - JACINDA @brokebackboys: "if you told me they were sextuplets id believe you
*Jaime King, Margot Robbie, Faith Ford, Samara Weaving, Emma Mackey, Jaime Presley*"

Meme - "Arlington, Virginia
*Confederate Flag*
Tracee, 27  *black woman*
Just joined
Hey I'm Tracee. I ONLY date WHITE GUYS! I prefer Country Guys w rucks:)Im looking for a relationship. I love to ride Dirtbikes and Motorcycles and have a good time in life:) So let's hang and see where things go and if u just wanna texting buddy DONT BOTHER!"

Meme - Big Chi @It_Chioma: "Dear men, if you ask a woman out and she says no please for the love of God, don't go for her friend."
IRUNNIA @Irunnia_: "You rejected him and you still want to control who he should be with? Witch behavior"
Big Chi @It_Chioma: "Not control, he should move to someone different not close to her. Simple"

Meme - "This is the correct way to start cpr. *Woman with crotch over face*"

Meme - "*sigh* Nobody wants to date me"
"I Want to date you"
"Go away"

Sheffield woman who seduced schoolboy jailed for more than two years - "A woman who seduced a schoolboy after giving him a sedative pill at a party has been jailed for more than two years.  Jamie Garrett, 22, gave the 14-year-old boy the party drug Xanax before engaging in a 'variety of sexual acts' with him."
Some feminists are still saying we shouldn't jail women

Meme - "Lee, 33
Alright listen, I'm gonna make this short and sweet. If you're a white boy, 6' and above, stocky with tattoos, rides a motorcycle, wears hats but doesn't have a bald head and preferably did about 3-5 years in the pen, I'm your girl."

Meme - "Girls after rejecting 86 guys
Nobody loves me."

Meme - "looking for early costume ideas? You can't go wrong with "Boo"bies. *ghost with eyes being breasts*"

Woman who was slammed for refusing to go on Cheesecake Factory date admits that she was 'self-centered' as she reunites with the man she rejected - but STILL insists she deserves to be 'treated like royalty' by her suitors - "The woman who was previously slammed after refusing to go on a first date to The Cheesecake Factory has admitted that she was 'self-centered' in the now viral clip - but still insisted that a man should treat her like 'royalty.' Alicia and Jay, who first met at a bar in Midtown Atlanta, made headlines last week when she refused to get out of the car and branded the chain restaurant as 'embarrassing.'.. she explained that as a 'queen' she should not be expected to go into a chain dinner spot... Alicia told the host that she refused to get out of the car because 'a queen doesn't do that,' adding that she cannot be seen going into The Cheesecake Factory... Alicia said that if any of her pals discovered she went to The Cheesecake Factory, she would 'never live it down.' She explained that her attitude came from her upbringing because she had been raised to expect a man to 'court' her... Alicia explained that her race was a factor in the conversation because she was 'tired of having to settle.' She noted that as a black woman, she no longer wants to stay in relationships where her needs aren't being met, adding that she wants a 'soft life.' Jay spoke about how the clip has impacted his dating life, adding that he has found it difficult to find someone who is genuinely interested in him because Alicia took their date to the next level by recording it... 'Her recording me did feel like that's where she was trying to take advantage. It felt at the time that [she was] trying to get a free meal from a fancy restaurant and then get content from me too to post on YouTube or Facebook.'.. Jay insisted that it wasn't his intention to take her to the chain restaurant but their plans were disrupted when she made him wait an hour outside of her house when he arrive to pick her up."
Morton's is a chain restaurant too

I Quit My Job To Plan Our Wedding & My Fiancé Won't Get a Second Job To Pay for It All - "They’re paying $80,000 for this wedding and the only input her fiancé can offer is to tell her to spend less. The audacity! “UH, HELLO, NO. This is MY WEDDING I have been dreaming of since I was little and I REFUSE to have anything but my dream wedding,” she exclaimed. “How can I convince him to work a second job to pay for this? What happened to ‘happy wife, happy life’????”...   "Used to be in the wedding industry… brides like this build up their wedding as this mind blowing, life changing event, when really it’s just a cool party," one person explained. "They all end up crying or throwing a fit at some point because it didn’t live up to their unrealistic expectations.""

The Deep Divide Over the "Cleavage Controversy" - "When news of a yearbook "cleavage controversy" at a Florida high school broke last month, I was intrigued—but I can’t say I was surprised. In fact, I'd just remarked to my husband a few days earlier that I’d noticed many of the senior portraits proudly displayed on front lawns in my neighborhood resembled adult magazine centerfolds more than school pictures... It struck me as odd though that these school pictures of girls in their teens—taken during the fall semester of their senior year, so when they're 17, technically still children—were, in my view, trying to look sexy. With or without cleavage showing, I found the poses and facial expressions to be unnerving.  The "cleavage controversy" at Bartram Trail High School in Florida was that when seniors received their yearbooks in the spring, 80 students noticed their pictures had been photoshopped, primarily to cover up cleavage. The yearbook editor had taken it upon herself to edit the photos without consent from the students or their parents.   According to Romper, the dress code reads as follows: “Personal attire may be in the style of the day, but clothing that is immodest, revealing, or distracting in character is unacceptable.” So, do photos with students' cleavage showing violate this dress code? Many people consider cleavage to be, by definition, revealing; whether it’s immodest or not is a matter of debate. I would also argue that the fact that it was "distracting" is proven by the huge controversy it caused. Clearly, the yearbook editor thought she was doing her job in editing these photos, but it is odd in today’s legalistic world that she doctored them without either asking for consent from the parents who paid for the photos or inviting students to re-do the photos in more “acceptable” attire.   How did the parents react? One mom, Rachel D’aquin, said the following according to the Daily News: “If parents aren’t teaching at home how daughters should dress and dress decently, then the school has to parent.” This reaction is understandable and sounds exactly like something my own mom would have said. Speaking of which, I went back to my freshmen yearbook (1988) and looked at every senior photo and didn’t find any cleavage. Most girls were wearing turtlenecks or sweaters over collared shirts with the collars pulled up (so 80s!). In contrast to this one mom, however, it seemed that most parents were angry that the school pictures had been doctored and defended their daughters’ right to express themselves (and their cleavage).  What I’m wondering is this: Why were parents defending their children’s right to look sexy in school pictures? There’s something weird about that. According to Upworthy, one 9th grader named Zoe Iannone said that she felt “sexualized” when she saw they’d added a black band to cover her cleavage. I had to read that twice. She felt "sexualized" when the yearbook editor, a woman, edited out a 14-year-old's cleavage because it violated the school dress code. In Zoe's defense, her mom said she wears that outfit all the time.   On CNN.com I found the following quotation: “No one who looks at that yearbook now or in the future can get around the idea that women's bodies […] are […] something to hide.” But the overlooked fact is that we’re not talking about women’s bodies; we're talking about girls sometimes as young as 14. Why does age matter? Pictures of adult women with cleavage in Playboy are completely appropriate; that’s what the magazine, in large part, is about! But pictures of girls as young as 14 with cleavage in school pictures? Is that really something we want to get behind in this society that, so the accusation goes, sexualizes women and objectifies their bodies?   I teach freshmen exclusively at CU Boulder and frequently read essays written by female students about how damaging the influence of social media pressure can be on their psyche, self-esteem, and body image. They write about the pressure to look good, to be skinny, to wear just the right clothes, to look cute, to be fun, etc. They write about how these pressures are exhausting and depressing and give them anxiety. On the one hand, it’s sometimes hard to muster up empathy for their fabricated crises: to the middle-aged woman who grew up without social media and has no daughter going through that mess right now, the solution, to me at least, is clear: put the phone down. Disable your online accounts if they're making you miserable. Do something else with your time."
"Don't sexualise me. If you notice when I'm sexualising myself, you're sexualising me"

*WOMEN" *sleeping*
*WOMEN" *sleeping*
*Women* *awake and upset*

Meme - Dr. Megan Simon @myspacemegan: "Someone on Instagram asked to buy nudes from me, and I was so offended. I'll say it loud, and I'll say it proud: I only send nudes for FREE to men who have TRICKED ME into thinking we have an emotional CONNECTION"

Meme - "Her: I'm not that type of girl
15 minutes later: Wanna try the other hole"
Kyler Quinn

Meme - "Grandma, what happened to the money you got from selling grandpa's boat?? *smiling old woman with big, perky breasts*"

Meme - "IF YOU'RE WONDERING WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A MAN ACTUALLY WINS THE ARGUMENT... *woman with open legs and sign: 'Sorry we're closed'*"

Meme - "Date a woman that says things like
- Let me know when you made it home safe
- Did you eat
- I'm proud of you
- I can't wait to see you
- Do you need some head
- I bought you boxers and socks
- Wreck my insides
- I fixed a plate of food for you, babe"


Meme - "Moata, 26
Every single time a man sleeps with a lot of women, he's called a stud. But if a woman sleeps with a lot of men, she's called a slut, and people think this is unfair... Nah. It's completely fair, and I'll tell you why, alright? 'Cause it's fuckin' easy to be a slut. It's fuckin' hard to be a stud. To be a stud you have to be witty, charming, be well-dressed, have nice shoes, and a fake job. To be a slut you just have to be there There are fat ugly sluts out there, there are no fat ugly studs."

Meme - "Are you actually fucking implying the slightest hint that a woman might be at fault for something? Guess I found the INCEL."

Need time to relax?
Need time to yourself?
Want to go shopping?
Leave your husband with us! We look after him for you! You only pay for his drinks *woman at billards bar*"

Meme - "Slavic women *elegant, holding proper flag*
ASIAN women *elegant, holding proper flag*
HISPANIC WOMEN *elegant, holding proper flag*
Arab WOMEN *elegant, holding proper flag*
Western women *smelly, blue-haired and tattered, holding tattered Pride flag and wearing 'check your privilege' t-shirt, with penis*

Debunking The Hot Crazy Matrix.
This is not "debunking", just disagreeing with hand waves

arietwinter: Four Seasons Resort In...
arielwinter: your favorite wives in paradise
*exposing bikini-clad butts and feet to camera*"

Meme - "Girls that report memes *bad doggy position*
Girls that that make memes *good doggy position*
Then there's me, I fucking steal them *super flexible position with legs wide open*"

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