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Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Links - 15th November 2023 (1 - Get Woke, Go Broke: Bud Light/Velma)

Conscious capitalism is only for the left. If the right doesn't shut up and consume, they're bad people

After the Bud Light backlash, companies should consider being apolitical - The Hub - "Although it’s quite possible that some involved in these campaigns are indeed motivated by objectionable views, the sheer numbers suggest that they cannot be dismissed as a fringe minority. Consider for instance that Bud Light has been supplanted as the top-selling beer in America for the first time in more than two decades. It’s hard to explain such a significant market change as merely the agitation of a small number of hardcore ideologues.  There have been some however who’ve argued that these consumer backlashes to corporate campaigns about identity, sexuality, and trans issues are an improper use of market power. They represent, according to this line of thinking, a “rearguard action…to block corporations from making their own decisions about how to adapt to social change.” The problem with this argument is that it presumes that companies ought to be able to assume political positions free from any consequences. That they have no accountability to their customers, clients, or the market itself. They ought to be able to reap the upside of entering the political arena but ultimately be protected from the downside. Put more bluntly: these companies assumed that they could increasingly nod to left-wing political preferences on culture and identity and their more right-wing customers would simply acquiesce.  That’s of course not how business or politics or markets work."
Consumers are wrong if they oppose the liberal agenda. Everyone who opposes the liberal agenda is evil
Of course, I still see liberals pretending Bud Light was not a disaster

Bud Light maker Anheuser-Busch announces layoffs

Meme - End Wokeness @EndWokeness: "Haven't seen so few corporate Pride logos in years. Bud Lite effect?
T-Mobile Verizon T-Mobile IBM NBA
Uber Walmart Oracle Lyft Amazon AmericanAir
NHL Coca-Cola Hulu eBay
Target Apple"

Collin Rugg on Twitter - "NEW: Glass bottling plants for Bud Light are closing down as the boycotts against the beer brand continue.  The Ardagh Group is closing down their two plants “due to slow sales with Anheuser-InBev,” putting over 600 people out of work.  “Because of Budweiser no longer selling the bottle, they no longer needed our product,” said machine repair mechanic David Williams.  Weekly sales for Bud Light remain brutal, down 25%."

Bud Light set to lose shelf space at major retailers, intensifying boycott woes - "A boycott against Bud Light has hammered sales for months, dethroning the brand as the nation's most popular beer and demonstrating the longevity of an anti-trans consumer movement that erupted in April.  Even more, a reset of shelf space that takes hold every fall at major retailers could solidify the sales declines and make it much more difficult for Bud Light to return to its performance before the boycott, according to ABC News' interviews with a former Anheuser-Busch executive, a local Bud Light wholesaler and beer industry analysts.  Bud Light is set to lose refrigerator space at a vast network of stores belonging to key beer sellers like Walmart and 7-Eleven, since the retailers typically reapportion shelf space based on recent sales performance, taking space away from struggling brands and giving it to hot-selling ones, the industry sources told ABC News... Sales of Bud Light have recorded declines for five consecutive months... Over a four-week period ending in early September, sales of Bud Light slid 27% compared to the same period a year prior, according to data from Bump Williams Consulting and Nielsen NIQ reviewed by ABC News.  Meanwhile, sales of rival brands have surged. During that same four-week period, Coors Light sales climbed 20% compared to a year ago; while sales of Yuengling's light lager jumped a staggering 80%, the data showed."

Meme - "The people telling us not to be offended by a beer can
Are the same people who are offended by syrup *Aunt Jemima*"

Anheuser Busch marketing boss says Dylan Mulvaney Bud Light fiasco was 'wake-up call' - "Anheuser-Busch's chief marketing officer said while accepting an award at an advertising awards ceremony on Monday that the Bud Light partnership with Dylan Mulvaney was a humbling reminder it needs to understand its consumers better.  Marcel Marcondes ironically made the comments while accepting an award for 'Creative Marketer of the Year' at Cannes Lions - a lavish industry conference in the south of France dubbed the 'Oscars for the adverting industry.'... Marketing firm founder Leila Fataar who attended the event this year suggested to the Washington Post that AB should have considered not accepting the award.  'In the spirit of fairness and credibility, I think it would be a big and the right gesture for AB InBev to give the 2023 award back, make the changes necessary and come back even stronger,' she said."

Budweiser gives beer away for free in stores with new promotions after Dylan Mulvaney backlash - "the bank expects a 12 to 13 percent volume decline over the course of a year in the US... In another attempt to deal with the backlash, Anheuser-Busch told wholesalers it will buy back unsold cases of Bud Light that are past their expiration date... Experts are also warning that there is a risk of competitor beers running into a shortage, because of the high demand...  'Even Bud's competitors aren't really dancing on the grave because they know it could have happened to them.  'You can't just flip a switch and make beer. You know, beer is brewed. It takes, you know, at least a couple of weeks to make."
Why aren't the woke buying it to make up for the boycott? I thought going woke was good for business?

How Modelo Especial became America's No. 1 beer amid Bud Light's rapid decline

After Weeks of Losses, Bud Light CEO Finally Responds Following Brand's Epic Collapse - "It’s a marketing blood bath that finally spurred a response from its CEO, who said he “heard” the customer feedback but stopped short of apologizing for the disastrous marketing move to partner with Dylan Mulvaney"

Dylan Mulvaney leaves the US ‘to feel safe’ amid Bud Light backlash - "Transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney has revealed she is currently in Peru after leaving the US because she no longer “feels safe” amid the transphobic backlash over her partnership with Bud Light."

Bud Light Fright: Fallout For Beer Brand Continues, Sales Drop $390M In Q2 - "Anheuser-Busch took a Mike Tyson punch to the gut in the second quarter, losing a staggering $390 million in U.S. sales after its ill-fated partnership with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney.  Figures revealed a staggering 10.5% drop in total U.S. revenue during the April-to-June period compared to the previous year. The company attributed the grim financials to the dwindling popularity of its Bud Light brand, admitting a “volume decline” in the brew’s second-quarter profits. VP of Marketing Alissa Heinerscheid, 39, and VP for Mainstream Brands Daniel Blake, 34, both took a voluntary leave of absence following the backlash.  Anheuser-Busch tried to extinguish the flames shortly after the debacle began in April, sending a letter directed toward customers and distributors.  “This was one single can given to one social media influencer,” the letter said in May. “It was not made for production or sale to the general public. This can is not a formal campaign or advertisement.”  “Anheuser-Busch did not intend to create controversy or make a political statement,” the letter read. “In reality, the Bud Light can posted by a social media influencer that sparked all the conversation was provided by an outside agency without Anheuser-Busch management awareness or approval.”"
Somehow the outside agency managed to get some Bud Light and put it in a can without management knowing

Bud Light distributors no longer expect sales to recover from Dylan Mulvaney disaster - "Many Anheuser-Busch distributors say they are resigned to their painful Bud Light losses — and that they have given up on luring back disaffected customers following the Dylan Mulvaney fiasco, The Post has learned.  After four months of hiring freezes and layoffs — with some beer truck drivers getting heckled and harassed even as Bud Light sales have dropped by more than 25% — Anheuser-Busch wholesalers have accepted that they have lost a chunk of their customers for good — and need to focus on a new crop of drinkers... Sales of other Anheuser-Busch beers including Budweiser, Michelob Ultra and Busch Light also have been in decline... “There is an increasing feeling that this [Bud Light] decline rate could last for a while and the distributors are worried about losing those drinkers to other similar brands,” David Steinmann, executive editor of Beer Marketer’s Insights, told The Post...   One silver lining for beleaguered Anheuser-Busch distributors is the rise of Modelo Especial — the No. 2 beer brand, which Anheuser-Busch owns outside of the US."
Liberals like to crow that Modelo is also owned by them. Too bad they're spreading fake news

Dylan Mulvaney Now Blackmailing Corporations By Threatening To Endorse Their Products | Babylon Bee

Anheuser-Busch Now Being Forced To Sell Off Several Beer Brands - "Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB-InBev) will be selling eight craft beer brands to Tilray Brands, according to a Monday announcement from the anti-American beer giant. The move will cut AB-InBev’s craft beer portfolio significantly."

Meme - "The Left boycotted a song and made it a #1 hit
The Right boycotted a beer and inflicted a $30B hit to the company"

Velma: how Mindy Kaling's Scooby-Doo update became the most hated show on TV - "Scooby-Doo was hilarious to begin with and has a vast and loyal following – many the same generation as 43-year-old Kaling. Plus, Kaling’s animated series, Velma, would celebrate original nerd-girl Velma Dinkley – the dork with over-sized spectacles and the not-so-secret brains of the operation. Nerds have never been cooler. Kaling is one of the most respected comedians on American television. What could go wrong?   Lots, it turns out. The backlash against Velma has essentially united all of humanity – and every side of the culture wars. Its diverse casting and racial revisionism have angered extremists. Viewers at the other end of the spectrum are appalled at the sexualising of teens (see below) and its juvenile humour. From puerile anti-cancel culture websites such as 4Chan, to “woke” Twitter, seldom has a series raised hackles so emphatically. We live in an age when nobody can agree about anything. But now we can all come together to share our dislike of Velma... “It looks like Velma is shaping up to be a massive disaster,” said another viewer. “Note how it says she’s 15…The first pic of the show was of a naked Daphne, so they’re sexualising minors AND the writer is transphobic.”  The transphobic claim comes from the fact that Kaling “liked” a tweet by JK Rowling. The Harry Potter author’s views on gender have turned her into a bête noire among certain sections of the internet. Rowling had been asked “How do you sleep at night knowing you've lost a whole audience from buying your books?” To which she replied: “I read my most recent royalty cheques and find the pain goes away pretty quickly.” Kaling clicked “like” and the hell-hounds descended... Velma will build towards the reveal that its heroine is lesbian across its 10-episode first season. Even here, though, Kaling seems unaware of wider Scooby-Doo “lore”. Velma already came out as gay last year. She did so in the straight-to-streaming animated film Trick Or Treat Scooby-Doo! (a Scooby sequel that has nothing at all to do with Kaling or HBO). Kaling has been congratulating herself for having the courage to explore a question that has already been answered... It’s difficult to pin the failure of Velma on any one misstep. Instead, the series is an accumulation of bad decisions. The teenage shower scene in the pilot is queasy. Evil white Fred lands oddly. The constant stream of puerile gags speak to a misunderstanding of the original Scooby charm – and would be more at home on a scatalogical cartoon such as Family Guy. Kaling’s Velma has nothing in common with the character beyond her iconic glasses and sweater.   Put it all together and what results is a Scooby-Doo spin-off by people who seemingly loathe Scooby-Doo. There’s a twist ending, too. Despite the backlash, Velma was the most watched HBO Max animation ever – and has already been renewed for a second series. It’s almost as if it was calculated to trigger the audience and generate lashings of free publicity (YouTube is already littered with furious Velma “reaction” videos). If that is the case, then the dastardly plan has paid off in spades."

Meme - emblasteon: "Daphne is not a mean girl. Fred is not an insecure man baby. Shaggy is not worried about being a beta. Scooby exists. One of the best parts of SD is the gang's sense of family and friendship. They love each other. The new Velma show is appalling to change that core relationship"

Velma becomes worst-rated animated TV series in IMDb history - "Currently, Velma sits at a shockingly low 1.3/10 stars, making it lower than the previous worst-rated animated TV series in 2021's Santa Inc at 1.6/10 stars. Overall, Velma is currently the third worst TV series of all time, according to IMDb's ratings - behind only musical romance Iste Bu Benim Masalim and the documentary about footballer Paul Pogba, The Pogmentary... One person said: "Can we stop letting people that don't respect the original media get a hold of it and ruin it?"... "Every character is insufferable. Whether it is the god awful quips which never land or the ridiculous backstory they gave to Velma, the show constantly falls flat on its a**.""

Amid 'Velma' pushback, Mindy Kaling is a 'lightning rod' held to an impossible standard, some critics say - "there’s a resounding voice of critics saying the negative commentary might be misguided because Mindy Kaling, the voice of Velma and executive producer on the series, is being held to unfair standards as one of the only representations of South Asian women in the industry... The new reboot of “Scooby-Doo” serves as the origin story of Velma — who is now a South Asian bisexual teenage girl — trying to solve the mystery of her mother’s disappearance.   The series received underwhelming reviews from reviewers and viewers. Critics gave the series a 50% positive rating and audience members gave it 6% on Rotten Tomatoes. Many users said they were disappointed that the show excluded Scooby, and that the story line didn't hold up to the original series... One of the main points some South Asians take issue with in “Velma” aligns with a long history of what some say is Kaling cherry-picking the most negative stereotypes about South Asians while not properly exploring racial dynamics. The jokes on the show and her characterization are similar to most of Kaling’s characters in the past.   Velma’s body hair, “masculine” features and weight were quickly the dominating subject of jokes... From Mindy Lahiri in “The Mindy Project” to Devi in “Never Have I Ever” to Bela in “The Sex Lives of College Girls,” some have pointed out that Kaling’s lead South Asian characters share similar qualities: self-deprecating humor, a disconnect from their culture, an obsession with sex, making inappropriate comments and a romantic affinity toward white men... In 2021, South Asian women made up 0.3% of onscreen representation in television and film, according to a study by the Nielsen company. South Asian men made up 2.3% of onscreen representation."
If you're a "minority" you don't need to make good stuff
I like how they managed to calculate percentages for South Asian men and South Asian women alone

White House honors star and executive producer of the controversial 'Scooby-Doo' spinoff 'Velma' - "Actress Mindy Kaling plays Velma, the lead character in the controversial "Scooby-Doo" spinoff she also executive produces. The show has been criticized by many for featuring excessive nudity, gore and violence as well as woke themes and the sexualization of minors. Velma herself is a lesbian.  Since its release, the HBO Max show has been panned by audiences and claims the title of one of the worst TV ratings in IMDB history as well as the worst animated show rating ever. Reviews have been so bad that some have wondered whether the show was a conspiracy to annoy right-wingers.. The Biden administration has long enlisted celebrities to help advance its agenda. In 2021 they asked eighteen-year-old singer Olivia Rodrigo to help promote the COVID-19 vaccines, last year they invited actor Matthew McConaughey to talk about gun control, and Monday they had on actors from "Ted Lasso" to speak about mental health during the White House Press Briefing."

Conspiracy theories surround Scooby-Doo spinoff ‘Velma’: ‘Leftists are claiming it was a right wing psyop' - "Popular Twitter account "Bad Writing Takes" went viral after it wrote that Velma "reads like a right-wing YouTuber's clumsy understanding of what a 'diverse' show is." One YouTuber with over 600,000 subscribers agreed with that assessment, arguing that "Velma" was intentionally designed to anger "previous fans," "men," "white people," and "stoner culture" so that it would go viral.   YouTuber Upper Echelon called the phenomenon "hate-watching""

Meme - "Fred's a rich white guy with a tiny dong.
Those are all white people, Daphne
[coughing] White girl with too much money white girl with too much money.
*White blonde guy doing a Hitler salute*
the state of animation.jpg
It's all they think about."
"Do even the wokest of idiots find this funny?"

Meme - "One of the biggest copes is women like Mindy Kaling making shows about empowered snarky brown lesbians who "can't even" when it comes to white men. Yet she'd give up her whole career just for one of the 6 foot white guys who pump and dumped her to text her back once."

Meme - Angry Crow (Open comms) @Angry_Crow24: "reminder that in this self-insert the whole gang is in love with Velma. well deserved that 6% on rotten"

Meme - "retro Scooby-Doo
We will show our audience the real monsters are everyday people, and diverse backgrounds make us stronger.
white boy have small ding dong"

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