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Monday, October 02, 2023

Links - 2nd October 2023 (2 - Women)

Council accused of ‘mansplaining’ menstruation after appointing man as ‘period dignity officer’ - "A Scottish council has been accused of  “mansplaining menstruation” after appointing a man as its first-ever “period dignity officer”.  SNP-led Dundee City Council was criticised by party leader Ian Blackford, who said it would be “far better” if women occupied such roles, while Baroness Fox also accused the Scottish Government of “peak gender idiocy”.  Former world number one tennis player Martina Navratilova hit out at the “ridiculous” appointment, with others describing it as “institutionalised mansplaining”.  The backlash came on the same day the country’s flagship law offering free period products was launched.  The newly appointed period dignity officer, Jason Grant, said he was eager to make sure people “of any gender” were aware of the availability of period products... Since Monday, when the Period Products Act came into force, councils and education providers in Scotland will be legally required to ensure free sanitary products are available to anyone who needs them."


Meme - "I broke up with my then bf 3 months ago because I thought he had stolen 846 dollars from me.
I just found the money. I can't say this on my main account and I need to write this out but oh my God, I fucked up. I fucked up badly. I just found the money. It was in the chest of drawers i put it in but the drawer I put it in had a small opening in the back(I didn't know it was there) and the envelope of money fell down there. I would never have discovered it but the drawers broke so I was taking the chest apart and there was the envelope. It's the same envelope because it has my handwriting on it and the receipt from the bank. I have to apologize but this is going to be so bad. I told my friends and family about this, about how I suspected that he had stolen from me since he was the only one in my house that day. No one else had a key and I haven't left that room or my house with the money. God, he lost mutual friends because of me. I ended a 2 year relationship over this. I just didn't believe him when he said he didn't take it. I hurt him for no reason and then I blocked him. A apology won't be enough. I'm going to contact him tomorrow and then I'll tell everyone else. Wow, I fucked up."

Meme - "My cat when I'm about to give her a treat *Woman on all fours looking up*"

*strips to pee*"

Emile Vernon: Spring (1913)"

Meme - "Hill: Elon musk the incel who has like 20 kids with 4 or 5 different women... *facepalm* ok... Wink wink honk honk you clowns
@eschadiol: i was trying to explain incel design earlier and this is it
@turtlekiosk: DUDE WIPES
X Twitter
Valkyrie Valkyrie: Very true"

Meme - "Me finding out that A horse actually has 15 horsepower"

Scarlett Johansson recalls being 'hyper-sexualized' early in her film career - ""Because I think everybody thought I was older and I'd been [acting] for a long time and then I got kind of pigeonholed into this weird hyper-sexualized thing," she said. "It was like, that's the kind of career you have. These are the roles you've played and I was like, 'This is it I guess.'""
Weird how they're always happy to profit when they're younger, then pull up the ladder behind them for clout later. Clearly the age of consent for sex, drinking and work needs to be raised for women to protect them
Some feminists claim the alternative was to not get her roles so that's coercion. Apparently everyone has the right to be a famous movie star

Meme - "Polish > English
Our first client!!! Effective transformation. We made a total facelift-25 PLN 000 and Permanent eyebrow makeup-900 z zl."

Meme - "Always remember the tiny details of your outfit before making an announcement via social media. *Woman showing off engagement ring with "cumslut" bracelet*"

Meme - "I think Andrew gave you the wrong number"
"Alright, sorry! Have a good day."
"Thanks you too... dick move Andrew! Lol"
"It's a shitty feeling being ignored, used, and to have a guy you hit it off with just vanish... Guess I was just a one night stand for him. Guys are dicks. You're grossly unattractive btw"

Meme - Kalea Kiesser @KaleaKiesser: "I love this because my 300 some pound ass was sitting on this 150 pound man's lap and he loved it. *man looking traumatised*"

Strong, Independent Woman Needs Man To Leave Toilet Seat Down Or She Will Literally Fall In | Babylon Bee

Gender Equality as a Development Goal - "The best way to reduce violence against women, lift them out of poverty, and empower them to be full and equal members of society is to break the cycle of early marriage and childbirth... spending one dollar on improving women's access to economic opportunities yields about $7 in health, education, and poverty-alleviation benefits. Other studies show that spending a dollar on improving girls' education is also a sound investment, producing $5 of benefits for each dollar spent."

To Catch a Cheater sees woman hire porn star to see if boyfriend would cheat... and it ended pretty badly - "The suspicious girlfriend sent stunning Valerie White to chat up her boyfriend of a year, and the honey-trap backfired in the worst way... He initially ignores her, walking into a book store after dismissing her questions.  When he comes out again, Valerie says she is “lost” and asks for his number, but he replies: “What do you want my number for?”  He does give her his number but admits he has a girlfriend and suggests: “We could hang out … the three of us or four of us.”...   The poor man eventually escaped and his girlfriend, watching the exchange, admitted  to "feeling crazy" and having "mixed feelings" about her boyfriend giving the porn star his number. She finally decided: "OK, OK. I'm not going to break up with him but I don't like that he got her number and said he would hang out."  But the video shows her confessing her trap to her man – and that’s when it all goes horribly wrong.  Furious at her for testing him publicly, he dumped her immediately, telling her: “I'm done.” As she begs him to be understanding, and tells him “I did this for us”, he hangs up."
Woman Sent Porn Star To Test Boyfriend's Loyalty It Backfired - "'She just made me so mad. She was really going for it.'
Well, maybe because you asked her to do it?
'I wanted him to say 'Get the F away from me you dumb b****.'
Seems legit, wanting your boyfriend to be aggressive and rude to a stranger."

Meme - "Cheating on My Husband Made Me Better Mother
My affair made me happier and, by consequence, also my kids.
Elle Silver
Aug 14,2020"
"I Feel Inferior to My Son's Friends' Parents Because They're Rich and Married and I'm Poor and Divorced
My sense of worth can't be derived from outside traits.
Elle Silver
Dec 1, 2022"

My Ex Ended Up Financially Better Off Than Me. Divorce Isn’t Fair. | by Elle Silver | Medium
I Divorced My Husband Because I Couldn’t Trust Him With My Money | by Elle Silver | Heart Affairs | Medium
My Husband Told Me We’d Be Rich. He Ended Up Ruining Me Financially. | by Elle Silver | Medium
"I'm upset I can't sponge off my ex anymore"
She's a gold mine.

Meme - "Abbi, 21
Server at IHOP
32 miles away
I'm pretty shy until I get to know you
Cheesy pick up lines will work 97% of the time
I'm bi so hit me up!
I'm really into shitting.
Like 2 girls 1 cup kinda thing. I cant help it. It's a weird mental thing.
Sometimes I play in the bathroom by myself.
I've been with a lot of people so roll the dice on this pussy bro"

I Date Men I'll Never See Again When I Travel — And It's My Secret To A Great Trip - "Unlike dating at home in Los Angeles, dating on vacation lacks the promise of longevity. Which raises the question — why do I do it? Yes, it adds a certain flavor to my solo trips, and I get to meet the locals in a much more intimate way. But, beyond that, when I meet someone knowing our time together is limited, I am choosing to live in and enjoy the current moment.  On vacation, I don’t ask, Do we have a future? Will he text me? Do I call? Are we going on a second date? Is he “the one”? Our time together is brilliant and short, like a shooting star. And with all the traditional rules thrown out the window, I am able to focus on the most beautiful part of spending time with another human — the connection we form with one another."
Short term dating isn't exactly a new thing. But neither are holiday romances or long distance relationships

Meme - "Choose Your American
- Twitch tradwife streamer
- curates a cottagecore Pinterest page
- never saw a cow irl
- ideal date is the gun range
- would only mate with a man able to kill a bear with his bare hands
-nepo baby
- has her own PR firm, works an hour a day
- lives between the Hamtpons & Montana
- $150k of student debt for a queer theatric performance.
- is a Starbucks barista
- lives in a trailer park
- shoplifts to pay for her tattoos
- meth with coffee
- deadlifts so heavy she pees on floor
- records her workouts with a tripod
- "of course I'm full natty"
- climbed the corporate ladder one murder at a time
- wants everything for yesterday
- doesn't know your name, doesn't want to know
- has a podcast that explains everything is a red flag
- "he puts his car blinkers? It gives me the ick""

Woman says men carrying water bottles give her the 'ick', sparking Twitter debate - " one Twitter user (named only as Chloe) has sparked an impassioned debate after publicly announcing: “Men who carry water bottles out in public give me the ick. Especially at the airport.”  She then added, by way of explanation: “You can’t go a few hours without having your little sips of water? Carrying around anything is a feminine trait. “The only things men should be carrying around are his wallet and a pocketknife.”"
Why do women keep trying to define masculinity?

Meme - Natalie Alvarez: "My son is the only thing that is my future & my life ."
Natalie Alvarez: "Who got xanies"
This is Xanax (an anti-depressant)

Meme - "This is really awesome and romantic until he asks... "Who is Andrew ?" *man holding woman as she leans off ledge, with her falling off if he lets go*"

Meme - Thomas @iucipur: ""Chivalry is dead" explain this then."
"May 19
92 miles away
This account is run by mays current boyfriend. I want to find her a replacement before I break up with her"

Meme - Rubi Rose @RubixxRose: "I pull up to deliver ur pizza wyd?"
Diya: "I'll fuck you Rubi. Is that what you wanna hear? I'll fuck you and forget about the pizza? You fucking Idiot"

Every Woman Is A Doll Now Whether It Is Barbie Annabelle Or Voodoo Is A Roll Of The Dice T Shirts, Hoodies, Sweatshirts & Merch

OnlyFans model gets revenge as childhood bully’s dad subscribes to her content - "Popular OnlyFans model and mother Lucy Banks revealed how she got sweet revenge on a childhood bully after learning her dad subscribes to her videos."

Meme - Doctrix Snow @MistressSnowPhD: "what's a sex work opinion that'll have you like this (yes I did yassify flynn)"
"i regret ever having an only fans and ever allowing myself to expose my body on the internet. i think it's completely insane how comfortable we are with it including myself. i wish it never became normal. a lot of young girls are selling their body's as an easy way out. guilty"

Meme - "Femoids *coffee cups*
girl with Sugar Daddy
flirting with boss/teacher
Pole Dancer
Dating for free food
High value woman
Open Relationship
Porn Actress
Fashionable Girl
"Born again virgins"
Single Mums
Cosplayer +18
streamer with simps
"sexually knowledgable"
having dozens of male "friends" (they want to bone)
Normal Person:

Meme - ">walking to convenience store to buy snacks
>see random girl, about my age with a nirvana shirt on
>me: "hey whats your favorite nirvana song?"
>her: "i dont know"
>me: "but youre wearing the shirt"
her: "please stop"
>me: "what?"
>her "youre being creepy"
>me: "define creepy"
>her: "no... just leave me alone please""
Anything that makes a woman uncomfortable is "creepy"

Meme - Marie @p8stie: "Was trying to flirt with my coworker so I said "I'm on birth control now btw" but he replied asking if that's why I'm retaining so much water lately"

Meme - Marie @p8stie: "My Boyfriend acted distant & kept talking about boring tech stuff so I mentioned my ex & told him he looks like he's been neglecting the gym lately. Then I moved to the back seat to "stretch my legs" really I'm just letting him sit quietly & think of better ways to keep me around"
Maybe this is a parody account, given the history

Meme - "Ashley
Single mom of 2 huh?
Yes. :) but it only makes me stronger.
Wanna make it single mother of 3? Imagine the gainz"

Meme - "I See That You've Already Met The Twins *Busty Woman*"

Meme - "You're so beautiful
marry me?"
"Never mind I just jerked off you mean nothing to me"
Post-nut clarity is real

Meme - PantenePapi @PapiPantene: "Congratulations to #ChrisEvans marrying his child bride #albabaptista"
The Chris Evans and Alba Baptista Age-Gap Discourse Is Out of Control
Alba Baptista is 26. At this stage, the haters can't even pretend that it's about "protecting" "vulnerable" young women from being "exploited", since that oft-repeated claim that the brain only fully develops at 25 can't be used anymore

Meme - @iTOXLK: "Cheating is not normal you can't love someone and cheat on them"
kitten samuels @sadgyalbae: "Women cheat bc of our hard wired biology. When a woman is near ovulation her horniness levels increases exponentially. This peak in horniness causes a loss of judgment therefore causing her to cheat. Maintaining our bodies homeostasis has nothing to with not loving our man.
I said nothing wrong. All facts. Stay mad."

Meme - "first date
so what do you do?
Me remembering that women like bad boys: I, uh... sell drugs
... are you serious?
me remembering women also like sensitive men: yeah, to children in need"

Meme - "When u see her *Margot Robbie*
When u get to know her *Harley Quinn*"

Meme - "There is no h0e "phase". U can't be a serial killer for 5 years and say I'm not a murderer anymore."
Keywords: hoe phase

Meme - "Him "Why the hell did you buy $20 worth of sprinkles at the store?!"
ME: "I wanted to try out a fun dessert recipe I saw on Pinterest."
*breasts covered in sprinkles*

In Search of Romance? Try Moving Abroad. - The New York Times - "Ms. Margo is living a dream of many American women who are seeking relationships abroad, some of whom cite the toxic dating scene in the United States. Tinder Passport, a subscription service that allows users to match with people in a destination of their choice, is one of the app’s most popular features, with a majority of members using it up to nine times a month... “Paris is, for a lot of people, the epitome of romance,” said Susan House, the executive producer of the show. “American women love Paris.” Romanticized images of an American woman in a beret roaming through the streets of Paris, kissing a French partner by the Eiffel Tower — they are enchanting for many. (Think: “Emily in Paris.”)... “They felt like by going to a different country, suitors are more serious, or there’s more intention behind their actions,” Ms. House said. It’s a sentiment that is shared by many American women who have had disappointing dating experiences in the states and feel that moving to a different country might help them open up to the idea of love again. Alexis Brown, for example, noticed a lack of “effort and intention” from the men she was dating in Atlanta, where she attended Spelman College.  “The dating culture in the U.S. is that it’s cool and normalized to be indifferent to someone and not really express how you genuinely feel,” Ms. Brown, 23, said.  When she traveled across Europe for vacation from October 2022 to January 2023, however, the people she dated made it clear that they wanted to spend time with her."
When the novelty wears off...
Wait till they discover the French attitude to infidelity, or how French men declare their love easily

Meme - "FUN FACT: a majority of archeologists are women due to their natural ability to dig up the past"

Meme - "If she starts drawing shapes around your nips after sex, just get up and leave because a stupid ass question is coming."

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