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Sunday, October 01, 2023

Links - 1st October 2023 (1)

Green Party peer calls for 6pm CURFEW for ALL MEN in wake of Sarah Everard murder - "Men should be banned from being outdoors after 6pm to 'make women a lot safer' after the abduction and suspected murder of Sarah Everard in London, a Green Party peer has suggested.  Baroness Jones made the comment in a discussion in the House of Lords during a debate on domestic violence."
We're still told that feminism is about equality

Meme - Stella Valentine: "Sarah Voorhees we all know he beats you if you're not conservative enough. If you don't like being abused, you can always leave. Otherwise keep your dumb right wing opinions to yourself, and keep getting hit and used."
Being a conservative woman means you have no mind of your own and you deserve to be abused

Meme - Husband: "schat, make me a coffee"
Feminist: "make your own coffee!"
Boss: "make me a coffee."
Feminist: "yes boss, do you want sugar and milk in it?"

Male victims are being left out of the domestic violence conversation - "Statistics Canada continues to report that around 80 per cent of the intimate partner violence (IVP) victims in police-reported incidents are women.   However, according to their own report “Family Violence in Canada: A statistical profile” men self-reported to have been abused by their partners at a higher rate than women- with 4.2 per cent of men and 3.5 per cent of women being victims. These two reports raise interesting questions about how and when to use them... male victims have not been believed by police, and in some cases even face accusations of being the perpetrator...   “Men know from experiences of other men and maybe from some previous contact with the criminal justice system or any help agencies that they will not be trusted. They will not be believed. They will be laughed at,” she says.  Dan McKinnon, the clinical adviser of programs, services and counselling at the Calgary location of the Centre For Men and Families (CCMF) agrees.   “I’ve certainly heard that a lot in men’s peer support groups, even when the violence is bilateral, [men are seen as the perpetrators],” McKinnon says. CCMF part of the large organization the Canadian Association for Equality (CAFE).  Mackinnon points to what is called the Duluth Model which has become well known around the world. However, this model has also received criticism for the way it differentiates between male and female abusers, making it seem as if women are never the aggressor. This model states that a man’s use of violence is based on “many social, cultural and institutional avenues.” As for women it says “Their violence is primarily used to respond to and resist the controlling violence being used against them. On the societal level, women’s violence against men has a trivial effect on men compared to the devastating effect of men’s violence against women.”...   A study conducted by Denise Hines of Clark University and Emily Douglas of Bridgewater State University looked at the experiences of American men who had been abused by their partners. The  study asked 389 men about what happened when they tried navigating the justice system.  The majority of the men in the study reported not being believed by police, with one man saying “When my ex-wife tried to kill me, I went to the police. Instead of helping, they said that I must have done something to provoke her.”  Beyond not being believed by law enforcement several of these men were the ones taken into custody, even if they have evidence that they were the victim...   Lysova explains the over-emphasis on female victims is systemic and goes beyond researchers.  “Unfortunately, it’s still the focus of the larger organizations like the World Health Organization. In their research hey still focus on violence against women and girls.”  The media also plays a big role in shaping the belief the general public has about domestic abuse, Lysova explains...   The Calgary Journal examined articles in an ongoing series produced by the CBC entitled “Stopping Domestic Violence”. Of the nearly 50 articles in this series, only one mentioned a male victim, and that was in the context of how the woman rehabilitated herself after being the perpetrator. It is unclear if CBC interviewed the person she abused. The only supports for men mentioned in the series were ones centered around rehabilitation and education to prevent men from becoming abusers. The articles which mainly focused on supports and shelters failed to mention CAFE, CCMF or the men’s shelter in Winnipeg.  “It’s hard to change a system that is working with a certain worldview,” says McKinnon."
"Victim blaming" is only bad when women are the "victims". Because men are evil

Feminism is not an inclusive human rights movement but a partisan exercise in exclusion - "While radical feminists battle intersectional feminists for the right to female only places, it was radical feminists who, decades ago, began campaigns to make same sex clubs illegal, and they are still doing it. The Garrick Club, one of the oldest "gentlemen's clubs" (no not that kind!) in London is being sued by a female lingerie tycoon because she cannot become a member, but is welcome everywhere in the club as a guest, as are other women. And this is happening while exclusive women's only clubs, such as The Wing, are popping up all over the shop! What's good for the goose is clearly not good for the gander.  What the archives of Spare Rib show, is that orthodox radical feminism was bludgeoned to death in the 80s and then reanimated with intersectionality. Via the fraud of equality, as Greer admitted in 2014, intersectional feminism has weaponized a benign sounding "liberal feminism" and used it as a vector to mainline itself into, and undermine, every one of our institutions, as Trump noted. Orthodox radical feminists don't like it, but they laid the foundations for it. And they should not be trusted as egalitarians because of it.  I shared my thoughts with prominent liberal feminist Christina Hoff Sommers, and asked her why, in light of the growing preposterousness of feminist claims on sex and gender, a stance both radical and intersectional feminism have equally wrong, she still called herself a feminist?  She replied, "I think I agree with you. The term 'feminism' was hijacked by male-averse hardliners long ago. I always assumed that moderate, equal-opportunity feminists could get it back. Now I'm not so sure."  She proposed a new term, "equalist." But for me, this would just establish a new front for ideologues to build on. Women's rights suffices and lays the ground for the acceptance of non-ideological men's rights. At the moment, men's rights activists are using the feminist playbook, weaponizing suffering as means to a political end, and doing very little to ameliorate suffering.  It's also worth remembering that most people, male or female, do not identify as feminist even while they agree with egalitarian principles like equality under the law. Many feminists complain that this consistent finding is because women don't actually understand what feminism is. I beg to differ. They know exactly what it is and what stops them from identifying as feminist is the ideological bag of bricks that feminism comes with; social constructionism, patriarchy theory, gender theory (which both intersectional and radical feminism have wrong), critical race theory. How can denying the laws of biology possibly be in anyone's best interests? What's next, decolonizing gravity?  These battling dogmatic demographics are vanishingly small yet have complete executive control of the debate. Trans activists and intersectional feminists need to understand, it's not TERFs they are fighting, it's just normal women who do not identify as feminist. Radical feminists need to understand that their theory does not represent what women want either. It has been clear for many years that feminism and women's rights are not one and the same thing and all creeds of feminisms, which necessarily sign up to ludicrous post modern, neo-Marxist, critical theories of the world and human nature, are fundamentally intellectually compromised in their supposed goal of social and moral amelioration.  Feminism does not support women, it supports other feminists. It's not an inclusive human rights movement, it's an exclusive partisan movement. The turf war for control of the feminist brand, a brand which has direct and privileged access to our political infrastructure, is being fought by people who do not represent the commons. It is an ideological, undemocratic power grab. The answer to the dilemma is not to take sides with one creed of feminism or the other, but to disavow both."

Why are the Canadian women of ISIS coming home without being charged? - "Nine women have returned to Canada from Syria with the help of the federal government, most recently in July. All were captured during the war against ISIS. But just one has been charged, Montreal resident Oumaima Chouay. Four other women have been charged with terrorism since it became a crime under Canadian law more than two decades ago, but their cases ended without convictions. By contrast, 63 men have been charged, and about half convicted so far. The only woman ever convicted of terrorism in Canada is Toronto-based ISIS supporter Rehab Dughmosh, who was found guilty in 2019 and has already served her prison sentence. Not a single Canadian woman who lived under ISIS has yet been convicted... National security researchers have taken note of the prosecution statistics, and they are puzzled. Leaving the country to participate in a terrorist group is a crime in Canada. The maximum sentence is 10 years. But the charge is not being levied against women returning from Syria...  While Germany, the United States and the United Kingdom have prosecuted dozens of women returning from overseas, Canada has little to show... women may also be benefiting from gender stereotypes that diminish their roles in global terrorism, making them less likely to be charged and more likely to receive lighter sentences. "The colloquial term often used is 'chick discount,' that women are presumed to be not capable of engaging in terrorist activities. And if they do, it's because they've been duped, they've been manipulated, they're somehow naive or they were young and didn't know what they were doing," West said. "There's a lot of narratives to reduce their individual culpability for their actions that we don't apply to men, even at the same age."...  Women were not only integral to ISIS, they were complicit in its genocide of Yazidis, said Canadian Yazidi Association president Jamileh Naso... A Toronto judge focused on Dughmosh's mental health and awarded what she acknowledged was a significantly discounted sentence of four years and 160 days — about half the average sentence handed to men. The judge also expressed "optimism with respect to her rehabilitation and reintegration." But Dughmosh went on to threaten to kill prison staff, while demanding to be sent to Syria, and vowed to attack again, according to Parole Board of Canada records. “If you release me from jail I will do another terrorist attack,” she wrote in a note to her parole officer. Six years after her attack, Dughmosh has already completed her sentence. Tourabi told Global News she was surprised to hear the only woman ever convicted of terrorism was already being freed from prison. “It’s kind of scary that she’s out because she might do it again.”"
Damn patriarchy!

Digit ratio (2D:4D) and gender inequalities across nations - PubMed - "Gender inequality varies across nations, where such inequality is defined as the disproportionate representation of one sex over the other in desirable social, economic, and biological roles (typically male over female). Thus in Norway, 40% of parliamentarians are women, in the USA 17%, and in Saudi Arabia 0%. Some of this variation is associated with economic prosperity but there is evidence that this cause and effect can go in either direction. Here we show that within a population the average ratio of index (2D) to ring (4D) finger lengths (2D:4D)-a proxy measure of the relative degree to which offspring is exposed in utero to testosterone versus estrogen-is correlated with measures of gender inequality between nations. We compared male and female 2D:4D ratios to female parliamentary representation, labor force participation, female education level, maternal mortality rates, and juvenile pregnancy rates per nation in a sample of 29 countries. We found those nations who showed higher than expected female fetal exposure to testosterone (low 2D:4D) and lower than expected male exposure to fetal testosterone (high 2D:4D) had higher rates of female parliamentary representation, and higher female labor force participation. In short, the more similar the two sexes were in 2D:4D, the more equal were the two sexes in parliamentary and labor force participation. The other variables were not as strongly correlated. We suggest that higher than expected fetal testosterone in females and lower fetal testosterone in males may lead to high female representation in the national labor force and in parliament."

Meme - Daily women & thems of DC @BestDcWomen: "Barbara Gordon in Batgirls and Nightwing cover by @Danmora_c"
Mia K. @miakhalifa: "If you look closely, you can see the misogyny"
Knight @KnightReacts: "If you look closely, you can see a washed up *black**orange* star looking for every way possible to stay relevant"

Meme - "Feminists on their way to choose jobs in lower paying sectors, work fewer hours, take extended periods of unpaid leave and then blame the patriarchy when they earn less"
They just demand equal pay for unequal work

Meme - Shrek's daughter (Felicia): "Its so fxcked up that 1 in 5 women experience SA or something"
Shrek: "Hmmm. Maybe women should avoid leavig their house unless they are accompanied by male family member?"
Felicia: "Wtf!? No! Dad! We arent living in the dark ages, and thats victim blaming! Men just need to be better!"
Shrek: "Felicia, the world is a dangerous place. The men who do these things, they don't care if some authority figure they hate anyways tells them it's wrong. In fact, it might even encourage them. It is by their nature."
Felicia: "You' re so freaking misogynistic dad! Go to hell! *leaves*"
4 to 6 weeks later
Felicia: "Wtf... I freaking got taken advantage of noooo. Men are so evil"
Shrek: "Thats terrible to hear sweatie but know that I am always here for you even if we have our disagreements. Where did this occur?"
Felicia: "While I was drunk and coked up at a frat party with bad people"

BCTF delegates reject call to respond to drop in male teachers - "B.C. Teachers’ Federation leaders are showing scant interest in responding to the way the proportion of male teachers has declined to one in four.  Last month, delegates to the BCTF convention rejected a motion to “take steps to redress the increase in gender disparity in the teaching profession, such as engaging members through a task force.” The BCTF is not alone in showing little concern for the fall in male teachers. That’s despite a band of North American advocates maintaining male teachers could provide positive role models for boys, who are doing increasingly poorly in kindergarten to Grade 12. Young men, in addition, now account for less than 40 per cent of those in higher education. “There is a trend, and it’s not a good one for boys. Having a male teacher can help improve a boy’s well-being and confidence,” said retired B.C. public school teacher and counsellor Phil Gardner, who has noticed how boys are becoming less engaged in school.  B.C. education ministry figures show there are only 9,972 male public-school teachers in B.C., compared to 38,285 females. Other data suggest the number of male teachers under age 35 is only 15 per cent.  The shortage of male teachers is part of a larger vocational problem in society, where, despite women’s advances in many fields, some sectors are becoming increasingly segregated by gender.  While women have responded to encouragement to move into STEM (science, technology, engineering and medicine), fewer men than decades ago are entering the so-called HEAL fields: Health, education, administration and literacy.  In the crucial realm of education, boys are now twice as likely as girls to say “school is a waste of time,” according to a survey by the OECD, a club of 38 mostly well-off countries. And in the U.S., boys are three times more likely than girls to be expelled from school."
Don't hold your breath for feminists to care, even as they pretend feminism helps men too

Meme - Chris Keating Seguir @Ceekay77: "We've actively tried to be gender neutral toy wise with our kids (1 of each) and it's such a losing battle. Sadness."
Meme - Jennifer Wright @JenAshleyWright: "Why are you feminists always complaining? We treat boys and girls exactly the same."
Shannon Proudfoot @sproudfoot: "This is so depressing, and it starts from toddler toys.
Yeah, I can already see my daughter preferring pink and I have no idea why because we've worked so hard to avoid that."
Joel Wood @JoelWWood: "pink & Disney princesses....we tried to discourage them, but our daughter has gravitated towards both."
When feminists talk about "gender neutrality" they don't mean gender neutrality but pushing the opposite of "stereotypes"

Florida mom encourages her son to wear dresses to school to 'break stereotypes' - "A mother has revealed that she is raising her four-year-old son to use gender-neutral words and encouraging him to wear dresses to school in a bid to teach him about inclusivity - despite admitting that he gets picked on by his peers because of his clothing and long hair.       Educational worker Lorenza Bruno, 30, from Florida, gave birth to her son LJ, now four, in 2016 with her partner Louis, 29. Lorenza's number one goal as a mum was to raise a good human who would be open, loving, and accepting of everyone.  From a young age, she encouraged LJ to express himself freely whilst ensuring she would raise a son who was kind and gentle, as well as someone who could recognize their role to create a safe and equal society for women, all cultures, and himself... 'I won't entertain or allow this conversation with friends and family who don't agree with our choices.'"
Looks like the mother is pushing it, since she doesn't allow friends and family to ask what's happening. Poor kid

Reversing the Descent of Man - "As David Gilmore’s cross-cultural study of men shows (1990), in the small handful of cultures without patriarchy, men live a narcissistic Peter Pan existence, putting very little into the community and leaving most of the labor to women. Such societies have not developed beyond a rudimentary level, and cannot compete with their more highly organized and structured neighbors. This is why there are so few of them. They are not a suitable model for modern industrial nations to copy. Copying them, however, is what we have been doing in recent decades as attacks have mounted on the sexual division of labour. Since the Enlightenment, the philosophical doctrines of individualism have come into repeated conflict with ideas about sexual differences... Policies of strict gender equality are no longer what most women want—if they ever did. Many women, especially older women with experience of managing families, recognize that emphasizing men’s provider role is essential if they’re to be caring and productive members of the community... Heavy rates of unemployment are widely seen as related to the collapse of male morale and motivation. But it is a mistake to regard joblessness in itself as the cause of men’s problems. Male unemployment is no novelty, and reached high levels in the ’30s without weakening male resolve and family commitment or readiness to retrain for new types of work. Arguably it even sharpened these.  What is new is the loss of morale and sense of purpose among men, and this is a cultural rather than an economic change, arising out of the libertarian assault on sex roles. Men are bombarded with the message that modern women value the opportunity for self-realization through work. So the chivalrous thing to do these days is for men not strive too hard to hold down a job or seek promotion, but stand aside and let women go for it themselves. This is the root of contemporary male economic and educational failure, and the reason why there are increasing numbers of unemployed men even though the total number of jobs remains stable... At the moment, the tax systems in most Western countries create perverse incentives for women to have children outside of marriage and provide men and women with little reason to remain married... Male breadwinning need not be the enemy of women. Once they have children, 37 percent of British women, and 48 percent of 18–39-year-old women, would actually prefer a male partner to carry the main economic burden while they perform the main family management and caring role, according to the Social Attitudes Survey... Throughout history, communities have found that the most effective way to lock men into useful membership is to link their status and rewards in the wider group to their acceptance and performance of gender-defined family roles. When this connection is weakened—as it was after the French and Russian revolutions, for instance—then men’s morale and behavior deteriorates and families suffer"

Feminism is on trial – never forget that | Anti-feminist Praxis - "To say that feminism is on trial means it is under the evaluative gaze of an “other”, an outside intelligence which is specifically not feminist and views feminism in highly objective terms. We contend that feminism lacks complete understanding of itself, and that only non-feminist alterity can supply the needed information to remedy this lack.  We further contend that such understanding, if it should arrive, would spell the end of feminism altogether because lack of self-awareness is a critical feminist feature. Therefore, it is not in the feminist interest to gain such understanding – because this would render feminism non-viable...   The worst of it is that they parade themselves under a banner of moral supremacy, acting like they own the world or like they ARE the world. We have a name for such behavior: feminist triumphalism, the narrative-based notion that feminism is right because it’s right because it’s right, that the case is settled for all time and no further discussion need be tolerated... We have spoken of feminist triumphalism, but we should also mention feminist subjectivism, a state of mind closely entangled with it. Feminist subjectivism (which resembles solipsism) may be summed up as the idea that no correct understanding of feminism can originate outside the realm of feminist discourse. In other words, that feminism can be nothing other than what a feminist says it is. Feminist subjectivism occurs not only when they insist upon the dictionary meaning of feminism, but when they impose feminist terms and categories upon the living reality of the non-feminist sector."

Hawaii Proposes ‘Feminist Economic Recovery Plan’ Filled With Sex Discrimination - "What’s a “feminist economic recovery plan”? Exactly what you would expect: A document full of policies aimed to help women at the expense of men that will ultimately end up hurting women as well.  Such a proposal has been developed by the Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women, part of the state’s Department of Human Services. The plan is ostensibly called “Building Bridges, Not Walking on Backs,” even though it does exactly what it claims it won’t... The outlet spoke with Khara Jabola-Carolus, the executive director of the Commission on the Status of Women, who helped develop the plan. Jabola-Carolus revived the ridiculous claim that the coronavirus hurts women more than men, saying that men are more likely to die from the disease because of sexism against women. Seriously"
Feminism is sex discrimination after all

'For years, I've been in a very suffocating environment': Former teacher becomes OnlyFans creator, netizens divided - "Leaving a stable job to pursue a passion can be difficult for anyone.  Content creator Chanel Yui left her role as a secondary school teacher last year to pursue cosplaying, streaming and even OnlyFans — and found the "stripping", in her own words, to be "cathartic".   She told Esther Lai-Joseph of That Mom Chat on TikTok: "For years I've been in a very, very suffocating environment. And I told you right, I kena a few times. I kena called down to the office and told, 'This one not very appropriate', 'Can you take this down?', 'A lot of complaints about you', blah blah blah.  "And I'm like, why can't I be myself?'  It is unclear if Chanel meant that she received complaints about her conduct in school or online.  When asked if her mother's passing gave her the push to start her OnlyFans career, Chanel agreed. She added that it felt like it was "one huge responsibility completed" and she could "open up her options"."
Double standards on what constitutes distribution of pornographic material? : SingaporeRaw - "Section 29 of the Films Act states that you can get up to 2 years jail and/or a fine when local talents make p0rn. The news has given pretty much a good coverage on OF creators, with the latest being the secondary school teacher. So it's like free advertisement by the local news and they somehow do not get charged. Titus Low got jailed 3 weeks after the big hoo-ha on the news. I've known acquaintances who got sentenced to a quarter year jail term for possessing such materials. Does the law somehow not apply to female OF creators? Does the law just come down really harshly on normal citizens who are not OF creators? Such double standards show the erosion of moral standards here. What do you think?"
Naturally, AWARE is silent
When laws are gender neutral but enforcement isn't...

Women who "train" their husbands. : MensRights - "I see this referred to in social media fairly often. Women who boast that after years of "training" their husbands, they finally know how to talk or eat or groom themselves, etc. "correctly". Often the other women responding laugh about how they've had to "train theirs" as well, and how it took a long time but eventually they started behaving right.  It's so normalized that even men will chime in about their own inadequacies and how grateful they are that their wives have "fixed" them or some such idea. Obviously if genders were reversed this would be called out as controlling and demeaning would it not?"
Power relations means never having to say you're sorry

Meme - "Ghosted after sex for the first time and sad about it 29F here. I have plenty of dating experience under my belt, and usually am pretty good at spotting red flags. I spent a few weeks talking to a guy from Hinge and thought we were really hitting things off. We had a ton in common, and he is one of the super feminist-y types, so I felt safe around him. After a few dates, we finally do the deed and it’s nothing short of amazing. I can’t think of a better sexual experience I’ve ever had. He says the experience is amazing for him as well, he tells me I’m special. We make plans to see one another again and have another great time in bed, followed by a cute dinner date. We talk about meeting up again and then... He ghosts me :/  I’m feeling super super crushed and hurt by the whole situation. I’ve had hookups and relationships alike before and am generally a very good judge of character… I haven’t been ghosted or rejected before because I’m usually pretty careful about not getting entangled with people who are unavailable. My emotional attraction to people only comes after I feel that they’ve indicated a certain level of emotional interest too. I suppose the passionate sex and him cooking for me at every date gave me a false sense of emotional intimacy?  Compounding the hurt is the fact that we’re both graduate students at the same school. We’re in different programs but our buildings share a parking lot where we keep running into each other and making eye contact but not speaking. I have no idea why he would suddenly ghost me :/ Any ladies that have dealt with this before? Is this just what modern dating is today?"
Male feminists strike again

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